Repository for various digital ocean functions related to trading & Indian stock market
This function can be deployed on the Digital Ocean platform to refresh stock market holiday data from the NSE API.
The Stock Market Holiday Refresher is a simple tool designed to update stock market holiday data using the National Stock Exchange (NSE) API. It can be deployed on the Digital Ocean platform to automate the process of refreshing this data, ensuring that your application always has the latest information about trading holidays.
- NSE API Integration: The function interacts with the NSE API to fetch the latest stock market holiday data.
- Automated Refresh: Deploy this function on Digital Ocean to automatically update holiday data at regular intervals.
- Customization: Easily modify the code to suit your specific requirements or integrate it into existing projects.
To use the Stock Market Holiday Refresher, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Install any necessary dependencies.
- Deploy the function to your Digital Ocean account using doctl.
Once deployed, the function can be invoked using doctl. Read more about digital ocean functions here.