6431 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Fix: #12906 - MultiSelect - maxSelectionLimit not refreshed after cle… by @gucal in #12930
- Fixed #12915 - p-inputNumber | ngModelOptions is not taken into account by @cetincakiroglu in #12917
- Closes #12936: Wrong Documentation for Defer by @Anupam96786 in #12938
- Update inputnumber.ts by @Pierre-The-Rock-Bernier in #12779
- fix(primeng/pFrozenColumn): update condition for a dynamic row by @volvachev in #12752
- Fixed #12744 - Adding change detection in TabMenu by @NickTsitlakidis in #12745
- Add removeChip event for custom selectedItems template by @gitsbwebdeveloper in #12699
- Fix: 12932 - MultiSelect | Alignment is broken if showClear is enabled by @gucal in #12940
- Fix Issue 12493: Last slot of reorderable table breaks when page is scrolled by @hugoaboud in #12853
- fix(primeng/p-inputNumber): reactive form updateOn
by @volvachev in #12681 - Fix clear function not resetting all filters by @Kisters-BS in #12904
- fix: focus does not work on nested dialog by @mselerin in #12039
- Autocomplete: Issue with Virtual Scroll #12568 by @hamzajazyri in #12619
- Update changelog.md by @gucal in #12953
- Add Changelog Archive by @gucal in #12966
- Types misc by @cetincakiroglu in #12984
- Issue 12990 by @cetincakiroglu in #12991
- Issue 12990 by @cetincakiroglu in #12994
- fix(autocomplete): #13026 clear working properly in single mode by @denny99 in #13028
- Type improvements by @cetincakiroglu in #13069
- Update changelog & set new version by @cetincakiroglu in #13070
- Fixed #13013 - ContextMenu | Multiple contextmenu components showing … by @cetincakiroglu in #13075
- disabled pointer events for disabled button by @shreyashrajiokalaskar in #13047
- Update slider eventsdoc for onSlideEnd event.values by @yannickberk in #13059
- docs:fix typo by @213edu in #13036
- fix(primeng/p-table): the scroller is on initial load undefined when filters are set by @alexandergu in #13014
- Fix #13079 - Wrong type definition of ToastCloseEvent by @Menecats in #13080
- Apidoc by @cetincakiroglu in #13172
- Fix 13159 - PrimeNG Website - Documentation for Toast missing positio… by @gucal in #13179
- fix type by @VCourdy in #13153
- Fix #13088 - Broken Stackblitz demos by @gucal in #13102
- Fixed #13083 - FileUpload checkFileLimit() empties messages by @hohmanng in #13084
- Fix #13122 - Imported PlusIcon module to Tree component by @kkovac1 in #13127
- fix(primeng/p-tabview): typo in p-tabview template by @vishal-s-patel in #13107
- Fix #13177 - Icons: clipPath improvements by @gucal in #13178
- Fix for confirmPopup setTimeout issues by @jacks-bush in #13035
New Contributors
- @Pierre-The-Rock-Bernier made their first contribution in #12779
- @NickTsitlakidis made their first contribution in #12745
- @gitsbwebdeveloper made their first contribution in #12699
- @hugoaboud made their first contribution in #12853
- @hamzajazyri made their first contribution in #12619
- @denny99 made their first contribution in #13028
- @shreyashrajiokalaskar made their first contribution in #13047
- @yannickberk made their first contribution in #13059
- @213edu made their first contribution in #13036
- @alexandergu made their first contribution in #13014
- @VCourdy made their first contribution in #13153
- @hohmanng made their first contribution in #13084
- @kkovac1 made their first contribution in #13127
- @vishal-s-patel made their first contribution in #13107
- @jacks-bush made their first contribution in #13035
Full Changelog: 15.4.1...16.0.0