document status: very first, wild guess; in work (0.1) work funded by: FEDERTATE
This is a first try to describe a software component (building block) to be implemented in the SDVoF initiative. can2canxl is an imaginary SW service to convert from a CAN to a CAN-XL message structures and vice versa
/req-txt requirement specification (english text) (mandatory)
/req-formal requirement specification as formal descriptiion, e.g. sdl (optional)
/mdl model of the inteded function, e.g. UML (optional)
/interface interface description, e.g. IDL (optional)
/testdata input-data and extpeced result-data, can be use dto test this future BB (optional)
Get in contact with project FEDERATE via (mailto:[email protected])
initially created by Peter Priller, AVL, as an example and something to play with Show your appreciation to those who have contributed to the project.