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Releases: prey/prey-node-client


19 Dec 16:03
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v1.13.7 (2024-12-19)

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  • Feat: Add new WinSVC version v2.0.21. It includes a way to change wifi permission on Windows. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Feat: Add new MacSVC (prey-user binary) version v1.0.7. It resolves an error when a new version of prey get downloaded and doesn't get configurated correctly, leaving the software unable to continue working. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Fix an error related to network reconnections when getting device information leaving it unable to keep processing that data. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Fix an error when replacing older MacSVC (prey-user binary) version with new one on MacOS bellow version 13.0. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Chore: Remove code in software related to geofencing, since now that data is processed by backend. (Javo) (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)


22 Nov 15:20
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v1.13.6 (2024-11-22)

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21 Nov 16:11
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v1.13.5 (2024-11-21)

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  • Feat: Adds new skip permissions command to instalation by command on MacOS. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji) (Javo)

  • Fix: Fixes MacOS instalation by command which didn't let device get recognized when there are not slot available. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji) (Javo)

  • Fix: Fixes a known issue on setting device key. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Fixes on missing automation handling to be able to set device's status. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Improvements on weboscket comunnication with our servers. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Feat: New wpxsvc version 2.0.20. Adds funcionality to change database's location. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Feat: New prey-user binary version 1.0.6. Fixes wdutil command error on MacOS 15+ with SSID information and map location. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)


30 Oct 13:45
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v1.13.4 (2024-10-29)

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  • Feat: Change location triggered by websocket connections to be an option select by the user. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: better handling for websocket reconnection after a close event. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)


15 Oct 14:10
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v1.13.3 (2024-10-15)

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  • Feat: PDC now informs if OS Query is running on the device or not. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Fix to get location properly after getting location permission from requested for MacOS. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Fix for "device not connected" trigger. It was not working properly. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Remove difference between some triggers' actions being stored in DB or not. Now everything is persisted. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Fix a bug when two actions runs too quickly one after another and being marked as running with the same id (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)


13 Sep 16:59
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v1.13.2 (2024-09-12)

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11 Sep 17:09
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Merge branch 'fix/remove-vrbose-from-untar' into 'master'

fix: Removes verbose from tar command

See merge request prey/js/prey-node-client!1051


26 Aug 17:42
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v1.13.0 (2024-08-26)

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  • Feat: New version of Fenix added. Now fenix.log's history remains intact so it can provide more information (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Feat: New version of Updater added. It solves an issue when Prey services couldn't get restarted (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Log retrieval action now adds fenix.log in Windows to the information gather by the action. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Modify action of request native permission for MacOS. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)

  • Feat: Updates the version of NodeJS to 20.16.0. (Beregcamlost) (SoraKenji)


20 Aug 16:20
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v1.12.18 (2024-08-20)

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  • Fix: Since MacOS v14 getting wifi information for wifi location strategy was removed so a new and improved way to get native location is added. New's version is introduced in this fix and a new version of prey-user binary. #1006


13 Aug 14:53
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v1.12.17 (2024-08-12)

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  • Fix: Fixes issues with device key duplication on PDC start. #1037 (SoraKenji)

  • Fix: Fixes issues with H key on prey lock. #1036 (SoraKenji)