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Gain experience from catching Pokémon
This tutorial is for how to make it so that your party Pokémon get experience points from capturing wild Pokémon, as in generation VI onward. As you'll soon see, it's a pretty easy addition.
Luckily for us, the UpdateBattleStateAndExperienceAfterEnemyFaint
function in engine/battle/core.asm already does what we want, specifically the final part of it. This routine is called when your Pokémon knocks out an opposing Pokémon (either wild or a Trainer's). So we'll make use of it!
Edit engine/battle/core.asm:
call UpdateBattleMonInParty
ld a, [wBattleResult]
ld [wBattleResult], a ; WIN
+ ; fallthrough
call IsAnyMonHoldingExpShare
jr z, .skip_exp
ld hl, wEnemyMonBaseStats
ld b, wEnemyMonEnd - wEnemyMonBaseStats
srl [hl]
inc hl
dec b
jr nz, .loop
Here we added a new label called ApplyExperienceAfterEnemyCaught
, positioned just when the code starts dealing with battle experience and Stat Experience distribution among those who participated in battle (and those who have an Exp. Share equipped).
We have a new function but we need to call it at the appropriate place. This is done in the file that dictates how a ball operates. Since these are in different banks, a farcall
needs to be made instead of a regular call. But is that enough? Not really, we need to be a bit more careful with it.
Edit engine/items/item_effects.asm:
ld a, [wBattleMode]
dec a
jp nz, UseBallInTrainerBattle
ld a, [wEnemyMonSpecies]
ld hl, Text_GotchaMonWasCaught
call PrintText
call ClearSprites
+ ld a, [wTempSpecies]
+ ld l, a
+ ld a, [wCurPartyLevel]
+ ld h, a
+ push hl
+ farcall ApplyExperienceAfterEnemyCaught
+ pop hl
+ ld a, l
+ ld [wCurPartySpecies], a
+ ld [wTempSpecies], a
+ ld a, h
+ ld [wCurPartyLevel], a
ld a, [wTempSpecies]
dec a
call CheckCaughtMon
Here we placed the code right after the game determines that the wild Pokémon has been caught, and is about to switch to the Pokédex/naming screen. Turns out just doing the farcall
isn't enough. Indeed, if your Pokémon happens to level up, wCurPartyLevel
gets overwritten. Even worse, wCurPartySpecies
also gets overwritten which would cause you to capture the wrong species at a wrong level! To get the intended result, we need to store the values the game needs to add the proper Pokémon to your collection, and then retrieve them after the experience routine is over with.
And just like that, you're ready to catch 'em all and raise your Pokémon in one fell swoop.