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Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650

gglas opened this issue Apr 23, 2021 · 36 comments · Fixed by #6966

Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650

gglas opened this issue Apr 23, 2021 · 36 comments · Fixed by #6966


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gglas commented Apr 23, 2021

In conjunction with #6466 , there will be an expectation going forward that adapters at least have a method to pass meta.advertiserDomains in their bid responses. This is because in the future we expect publishers and vendors to use the adomain(s) in service of any number of business cases.

This is not a hard requirement to pass adomain, however, adapters at least need to have a stub to pass adomain in the appropriate field (the meta.advertiserDomains field). The following adapters have no mention of adomain or advertiserDomains, and while some adapters may be modified with the appropriate stub by other prebid members, any adapters on this list should ensure that they support the relevant field in their adapter or risk not being ported to 5.0.

a4gBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Junus
aardvarkBidAdapter | [email protected] | @aleksatr
ablidaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @bokos
adbutlerBidAdapter | [email protected] | @dharton
adfinityBidAdapter | [email protected] | @adfinity-prebid
adformBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Pupis
adgenerationBidAdapter | [email protected] | @banakemi
adglareBidAdapter | [email protected] | @adglare
adkernelAdnBidAdapter | [email protected] | @ckbo3hrk
adliveBidAdapter | [email protected] | @mifanich
admanBidAdapter | [email protected] | @SmartyAdman
admaticBidAdapter | [email protected] | @hakanarik
admediaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Elardzhi
adnowBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vingood
adnuntiusBidAdapter | [email protected] | @mikael-lundin
adoceanBidAdapter | [email protected] | @mmuras
adpartnerBidAdapter | [email protected] | @preved-medved
adprimeBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Adprime
adspendBidAdapter | [email protected] | @loorke
adtargetBidAdapter | [email protected] | @GeneGenie
adtelligentBidAdapter | [email protected] | @GeneGenie
adtrueBidAdapter | [email protected] | @haibau
advenueBidAdapter | [email protected] | @devadvenue
advertlyBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Advertly
ajaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @naoto0822
aniviewBidAdapter | [email protected] | @itaynave
appierBidAdapter | [email protected] | @justinkuo-appier
apstreamBidAdapter | [email protected] | @frstua
astraoneBidAdapter | [email protected] | @lizakobrazova
atomxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @erikdubbelboer
avocetBidAdapter | [email protected] | @scritchley
bidfluenceBidAdapter | [email protected] | @francescocristallo
bidglassBidAdapter | [email protected] | @dliebner
bidlabBidAdapter | [email protected] | @bidlab
boldwinBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Wls-demo
brightcomBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vyatsun
buzzoolaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @VanCyric
byplayBidAdapter | [email protected] | @daisato-tsumiki
c1xBidAdapter | [email protected] | @CathyHuangtw
clicktripzBidAdapter | [email protected] | @apmitchell
cointrafficBidAdapter | [email protected] | @stsepelin
coinzillaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @arkan303
collectcentBidAdapter | [email protected] | @devcollectcent
colombiaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @ColombiaOnline
colossussspBidAdapter | [email protected] | @HuddledMasses
connectadBidAdapter | [email protected] | @rtuschkany
consumableBidAdapter | [email protected] | @jgrimes
convergeBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Converge-Digital
cpmstarBidAdapter | [email protected] | @JoshuaMGoldstein
craftBidAdapter | [email protected] | @crumbjp
dailyhuntBidAdapter | @montu1996
decenteradsBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vlaktion
djaxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @djaxbidder
dspxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @onlsol
e_volutionBidAdapter | [email protected] | @e-volution-tech
edgequeryxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Edge Query
emoteevBidAdapter | [email protected] | @piotr-yuxuan
engageyaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @reemeng
envivoBidAdapter | [email protected] | @envivoBidder
eplanningBidAdapter | [email protected] | @chino117
etargetBidAdapter | [email protected] | @etargetse
feedadBidAdapter | [email protected] | @couchcrew-thomas
fidelityBidAdapter | [email protected] | @onaydenov
fluctBidAdapter | [email protected] | @shu22203
freewheel-sspBidAdapter | [email protected] | @sfloam
gammaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @gammassp
getintentBidAdapter | [email protected] | @andreykud
glimpseBidAdapter | [email protected] | @tim-hm
glomexBidAdapter | [email protected] | @nerdbeere
gmosspBidAdapter | [email protected] | @KazuakiM
h12mediaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @h12media
haxmediaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @haxmediagithub
hpmdnetworkBidAdapter | [email protected] | @omnifer
hybridBidAdapter | [email protected] | @hybrid-ai
iasBidAdapter | [email protected] | @raguilar-ias
imonomyBidAdapter | [email protected] | @imonomy
improvedigitalBidAdapter | [email protected] | @jbartek25
inmarBidAdapter | [email protected] | @zandree-owneriq
innityBidAdapter | [email protected] | @engtat
inskinBidAdapter | [email protected] | @cciocov
invibesBidAdapter | [email protected] | @invibes
ipromBidAdapter | [email protected] | @iprom-adserver
ironsourceBidAdapter | [email protected] | @lasloche
jcmBidAdapter | [email protected] | @dbemiller
jixieBidAdapter | [email protected] | @jxdeveloper1
justpremiumBidAdapter | [email protected] | @nwlosinski
komoonaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @tzafrirb
krushmediaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Krushmedia
kubientBidAdapter | [email protected] | @onaydenov
lifestreetBidAdapter | [email protected] | @probably-kira
livewrappedBidAdapter | [email protected] | @bjorn-lw
lockerdomeBidAdapter | [email protected] | @margsliu
loganBidAdapter | [email protected] | @WlsLogan
logicadBidAdapter | [email protected] | @logicad
loopmeBidAdapter | [email protected] | @EpanchinE
lunamediahbBidAdapter | [email protected] | @trchandraprakash
luponmediaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @adxpremium
madvertiseBidAdapter | [email protected] | @NLopezMad
mantisBidAdapter | [email protected] | @parisholley
meazyBidAdapter | [email protected] | @dimashirokov
mediaforceBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Niksok
mediagoBidAdapter | [email protected] | @SylviaF
medianetBidAdapter | [email protected] | @monis0395
mediasquareBidAdapter | [email protected] | @matthieularere-msq
mgidBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Gaudeamus
microadBidAdapter | [email protected] | @strong-zero
missenaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @dev-missena
mobfoxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @francoroy
mobfoxpbBidAdapter | [email protected] | @mobfxoHB
mobsmartBidAdapter | [email protected] | @kpis-msa
my6senseBidAdapter | [email protected] | @my6sense
mytargetBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vfedoseev
nafdigitalBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vyatsun
nanointeractiveBidAdapter | [email protected] | @nanointeractive
nasmediaAdmixerBidAdapter | [email protected] | @NasmediaWebtech
nextMillenniumBidAdapter | [email protected] | @mhlm
nextrollBidAdapter | [email protected] | @abijr
nobidBidAdapter | [email protected] | @redaguermas
onetagBidAdapter | [email protected] | @onetag-dev
onomagicBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vyatsun
open8BidAdapter | [email protected] | @hashedhyphen
optimeraBidAdapter | [email protected] | @mcallari
orbidderBidAdapter | [email protected] | @hendrikiseke1979
otmBidAdapter | @fedotxxl
outconBidAdapter | [email protected] | @TinchoF
papyrusBidAdapter | [email protected] | @HolodovAlexander
performaxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @VasekProchazka
piximediaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @christopher-allene-piximedia
platformioBidAdapter | [email protected] | @varashellov
projectLimeLightBidAdapter | [email protected] | @imedvedko
proxistoreBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vincentproxistore
pubxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Pub-X
qwarryBidAdapter | [email protected] | @pro-nsk
radsBidAdapter | [email protected] | @onlsol
readpeakBidAdapter | [email protected] | @readpeaktuomo
reklamstoreBidAdapter | [email protected] | @ReklamStoreIT
reloadBidAdapter | [email protected] | @mafernandez80
revcontentBidAdapter | [email protected] | @AzizSaleh
richaudienceBidAdapter | [email protected] | @richaudience
riseBidAdapter | [email protected] | @lasloche
rtbdemandBidAdapter | [email protected] | @rtbdemand
rtbsapeBidAdapter | [email protected] | @ne0n
rtbsolutionsBidAdapter | [email protected] | @rtbsolutions
seedingAllianceBidAdapter | [email protected] | @SeedingAllianceTech
seedtagBidAdapter | [email protected] | @lauramorillo
segmentoBidAdapter | [email protected] | @balabanova-segmento
sekindoUMBidAdapter | [email protected] | @nissSK
showheroes-bsBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vadim-mazzherin
slimcutBidAdapter | [email protected] | @mcamustlr
smartadserverBidAdapter | [email protected] | @lowendavid
smartrtbBidAdapter | [email protected] | @evanmsmrtb
smartxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Skylinar
smartyadsBidAdapter | [email protected] | @SmartyAdsSSP
smilewantedBidAdapter | [email protected] | @MaxSmileWanted
somoBidAdapter | [email protected] | @travisbeale
sortableBidAdapter | [email protected] | @karentnarvaez
stroeerCoreBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Kubitini
stvBidAdapter | [email protected] | @onlsol
sublimeBidAdapter | [email protected] | @JeremiePat
synacormediaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @pratik-synacor
taphypeBidAdapter | [email protected] | @aeliox
temedyaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vidyome
topRTBBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Unnamalai57
tpmnBidAdapter | [email protected] | @tpmn-admin
trendqubeBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Trendqube-ssp
tribeosBidAdapter | [email protected] | @adnanmiljkovic
trionBidAdapter | [email protected] | @grohm33
trustxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @PWyrembak
turktelekomBidAdapter | [email protected] | @turktelssp
underdogmediaBidAdapter | [email protected] | @bottomparm
vdoaiBidAdapter | [email protected] | @cpuBird
viBidAdapter | [email protected] | @alexpashkov
vidazooBidAdapter | [email protected] | @uditalias
videofyBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vladi-mmg
videoNowBidAdapter | [email protected] | @sdbaron
videoreachBidAdapter | [email protected] | @VideoReach
viewdeosDXBidAdapter | [email protected] | @GeneGenie
visxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @mk0x9
vmgBidAdapter | [email protected] | @pwecker
voxBidAdapter | [email protected] | @hybrid-ai
vrtcalBidAdapter | [email protected] | @vrtcal-dev
vubleBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Roffray
vuukleBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Hamper
welectBidAdapter | [email protected] | @nduitz
widespaceBidAdapter | [email protected] | @ahsun-ahmed
windtalkerBidAdapter | [email protected] | @degroat
wipesBidAdapter | [email protected] | @Tosh39
xhbBidAdapter | [email protected] | @srinchiera
yieldoneBidAdapter | [email protected] | @kusapan
zedoBidAdapter | [email protected] | @skazedo

If you believe you have been included in error, please ping the thread and we will remove you from the list. We expect enforcement to take the form of non-porting to 5.0, which will commence at the end of May.

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patmmccann commented Apr 24, 2021

See #6495 ; did you run the most recent list?

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Is there documentation for this requirement?

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Is there documentation for this requirement?

#5966 and

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33acrossBidAdapter will address this shortly. Is there a deadline?

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gglas commented Apr 28, 2021

We expect 5.0 to be released at the end of May. Updating the issue to reflect this.

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bjorn-lw commented May 8, 2021

@gglas The Livewrapped adapter fills the "meta" field with data from our front end servers, including "advertiserDomains":

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cesarfd commented May 8, 2021

@gglas axonixBidAdapter gets the response complete with the meta object from our own servers.

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bokos commented May 17, 2021

@gglas meta.advertiserDomains is included in the server response for ablidaBidAdapter, so it does not need to be assigned in the adapter

pm-manasi-moghe added a commit to PubMatic-OpenWrap/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Dec 27, 2021
* ZetaSspBidAdapter: rename files across ${bidderCode}BidAdapter.js (#7317)

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Prebid 5.10.0 release

* increment pre version

* GumGum: sends maxw and maxh query parameters for slot requests (#7232)

* adds meta field to bidresponse

* adds meta mediatype and advertiserdomain default

* use response sizes in bidresponse

* sends maxw and maxh query params for slot requests

* Build Process: avoid Eslint spread operator error (#7313)

* Eslint: avoid spread operator error

* Lint config files

* Include all .js files with `gulp lint`

* BeOp Bid Adapter : New Bid Adapter (#7195)

* Init BeOp adapter

* Init BeOp prebid Adapter (#1)

* Init BeOp prebid Adapter

* Partial commit

* TC String, currency, floor

* onTimeout fn implem

* onBidWon implem

* common tracking setup and still testing

* Fix tests

* Final test

* Add tests on consent and response

* Post review Commit

* change markdown bidder name and sizes in examples

* Change BeOp endpoint to get bid responses

* Valid params to test the module

* Remove package-lock changes

* Fix keyword access

* Fix

Co-authored-by: bloodyowl <[email protected]>

* feat: compliant with Prebid v5.0 for wipes bid adapter (#7320)

* Dev Tools (Babel): update babel target browser versions (#7248)

* Babel : change babel target browser versions

* mod versions

* update versions

* update ios version

* Vrtcal Bid Adapter: added Non-Static Bid Floor Support (#7324)

* Added Non-Static Bid Floor Support

* Added floors module test cases and removed unsupported bid.params.bidFloor coding

Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <[email protected]>

* Revert "Vrtcal Bid Adapter: added Non-Static Bid Floor Support (#7324)" (#7331)

This reverts commit a1c8a1e2dcd916b5cf936597e9b62b5b2ebd48ef.

* Impactify Bid Adapter: testing parameter (#7332)

* Update for Prebid 5.X

* Update to Prebid 5.X

* Small update for custom parameter for testing

* Criteo Bid Adapter: fix crashes when video parameters are 0 (#7334)

* Zeta Ssp Bid Adapter: support video (#7295)

* Zeta Ssp Bid Adapter: video support

* fixes(1)

* fixes(2)

* fixes(3)

* remove unused import

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* EX-3165 Make getConfig call a clone (#7333)

Co-authored-by: Mikhalovich <[email protected]>

* TrustX Bid Adapter: Use new format as default + new format for keywords (#7288)

* Add trustx adapter and tests for it

* update integration example

* Update trustx adapter

* Post-review fixes of Trustx adapter

* Code improvement for trustx adapter: changed default price type from gross to net

* Update TrustX adapter to support the 1.0 version

* Make requested changes for TrustX adapter

* Updated markdown file for TrustX adapter

* Fix TrustX adapter and spec file

* Update TrustX adapter: r parameter was added to ad request as cache buster

* Add support of gdpr to Trustx Bid Adapter

* Add wtimeout to ad request params for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: remove last ampersand in the ad request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support identical uids in parameters

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to ignore bids that sizes do not match the size of the request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support instream and outstream video

* Added wrapperType and wrapperVersion parameters in ad request for TrustX Bid Adapter

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to use refererInfo instead depricated function utils.getTopWindowUrl

* HOTFIX for referrer encodind in TrustX Bid Adapter

* Fix test for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added keywords passing support

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added us_privacy parameter in bid request

* TrustX Bid Adapter: fix us_privacy parameter in bid request

* Fix alias error for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added new request format

* TrustX Bid adapter: fix new format endpoint

* TrustX Bid Adapter: update md file to support useNewFormat parameter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added additional sync url

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added check for enabled syncs number + added gdpr data to sync urls

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added support of meta.advertiserDomains

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added support rtd permutive and jwplayer for new and old request format

* TrustX Bid Adapter: Use new format by default + new keywords logic

* TrustX Bid Adapter: fix md file

* Sublime Bid Adapter : refactoring notifyId, bid request validation, & device detection fix (#7327)

* feat(sublimeBidAdapter): moving notifyId from an external to an internal ref

* fix(sublimeBidAdapter): fixing device detection regexps

* feat(sublimeBidAdapter): improve bid request validation

Co-authored-by: François-Georges Cloutier <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mathieu Darse <[email protected]>

* remove weborama bid adapter markdown, since the original module was deleted on version 3.0.0 (see issue #4580) (#7339)

Co-authored-by: Tiago Peczenyj <[email protected]>

* send tid and eids to adserver (#7302)

* tappx Bid Adapter: add video outstream feature (#7325)

* tappx: upate adapter version

* tappx: add outstream to video support context

* tappx: outstream with adnxs player

* tappx: add external tappx renderer

* tappx: update md description

* tappx :: improve null control, log text,

* tappx: test - update valid bid for video outstream

* tappx: fix issue obtaining url player

* tappx: test - update for video

* tappx: fix adapter version

Co-authored-by: marc_tappx <[email protected]>

* Mgid Bid Adapter: make changes to comply with 5.x requirements (#7319)

* restore mgidBidAdapter.js with 5.x support

* use gvlid

* restore mgidBidAdapter.js with 5.x support

* read pos in standard way

Co-authored-by: gaudeamus <[email protected]>

* Revert "Sublime Bid Adapter : refactoring notifyId, bid request validation, & device detection fix (#7327)" (#7346)

This reverts commit ca5c28c5a72406f85e4018001a728d193194aae4.

* Multiple changes added (#7343)

* Video request schain support
* Optional device.ip param support
* gpid support added

* Advangelists Bid Adapter: support adomain, video params, and the floors module (#7226)

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter Changes

* Update Bidder Code

To make adapter downloadable from git biddercode change is needed.

* Changes to Support Prebid 5.0.
supporting advertiserDomains
Support video params at the adunit level

* Delete advangelistsBidAdapter.js.bak

* Delete

* Delete advangelistsBidAdapter_spec.js.bak

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Add files via upload

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Delete url.js

Co-authored-by: Chandra Prakash <[email protected]>

* Vrtcal Bid Adapter: Added Price Floors Module Support (#7342)

* Vrtcal Bid Adapter: Added Price Floors Module Support

* Updated to utilize isFn and isPlainObject

Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <[email protected]>

* Insticator Bid Adapter: add new bid adapter (#7277)

* Added Insticator Bidder Adapter

* Insticator Bidder Adapter fixes

* Insticator Bidder Adapter - updated example

* Insticator Bidder Adapter - add meta.advertiserDomains

* minor change

* rerun circle ci build

Co-authored-by: Artur Nabiullin <[email protected]>

* Adding back: Sublime Bid Adapter : refactoring notifyId, bid request validation, & device detection fix (#7350)

* Revert "Revert "Sublime Bid Adapter : refactoring notifyId, bid request validation, & device detection fix (#7327)" (#7346)"

This reverts commit 4be2da93e043a81e1cc8218d61f99682f35c46ff.

* IE is annoying

* Impactify Bid Adapter : patch sizes and variable type (#7352)

* Update for Prebid 5.X

* Update to Prebid 5.X

* impactify - Change default video size and variable type

Set the variable type to integer and change the default size of video

* Prebid 5.11.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* Ad partner Bid Adapter: advertiser domains for Prebid 5 compliance (#7347)

* Add advertiserDomains field to adapter

* Add working Unit ID

* kick of Circle Ci tests

* Change Unit ID

* kick off CircleCi tests

Co-authored-by: lovephp-sweety <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Prebid Core: emitting BEFORE_BIDDER_HTTP event per bidder network request (#7296)

* emitting BEFORE_BIDDER_REQUEST event per bidder network request

* kick off circleci tests


Signed-off-by: Elad Yosifon <[email protected]>

* kick off CircleCI tests manually

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Opera Ads Adapter: fix floor price support (#7357)

* Opera Ads Adapter: update example parameters in docs

* Opera Ads Adapter: fix floor price support

* Our OpenRTB server only supports USD, any other currency request will
  be ignored

* change request method (#7360)

Co-authored-by: atkachov <[email protected]>

* Colossus Bid Adapter: add Unified ID 2.0  (#7358)

* add video&native traffic colossus ssp

* Native obj validation

* Native obj validation #2

* Added size field in requests

* fixed test

* fix merge conflicts

* move to 3.0

* move to 3.0

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* https for 3.0

* add https test

* add ccp and schain features

* fix test

* sync with upstream, fix conflicts

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

remove commented code

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

lint fix

* identity extensions

* identity extensions

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add tests for user ids

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add gdpr support

* add gdpr support

* id5id support

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

add bidfloor parameter

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

check bidfloor

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter_spec.js

* use floor module

* Revert "use floor module"

This reverts commit f0c5c248627567e669d8eed4f2bb9a26a857e2ad.

* use floor module

* update to 5v

* fix

* add uid2 and bidFloor support

* fix

Co-authored-by: Vladislav Isaiko <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Aiholkin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mykhailo Yaremchuk <[email protected]>

* Navegg UserId: add new userid submodule (#7123)

* navegg userid

* remove unused variable results

* fix submodules json

* unit test to find navegg id

* Adjustments according to revision

* new unit tests

* add akamai module

* add akamai module

* iasRtdProvider: implements getTargetingData method (#7344)

* PREP-285 Previd v.5 adapter for publisher optimization

* PREP-285 update getBidRequestData function response

* PREP-285 add test case for getTargetingData function

* PREP-185 refactor code

* PREP-285 add test cases

* PREP-285 fix test case

* PREP-285 change to use getAdUnitSizes function to get sizes

* byData Analytics Adapter: add new analytics adapter (#7260)

* initial commit-byDataAnalyticsAdapter

* update metadata fields at

* eslint import error fixed

* update unneeded defective code and insecure randomness

* updated unique  userid function

* samplerate update-suggested changes

Co-authored-by: Jitendra Kumar <[email protected]>

* im rtd segment module (#7359)

* Pubmatic Bid Adapter: add support for JW Player (#7291)

* changes to support jw player in pubmatic adapter

* changed incorrect variable name in function

* code optimisation changes

* unmix quotes for linting

Co-authored-by: Manasi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* add IQZone adapter (#7309)


* smartx Bid Adapter: bugfix outstream options for default outstream renderer configuration (#7372)

* Add smartclipBidAdapter

* smartxBidAdapter.js - removed unused variables, removed debug, added window before the outstream related functions

* - made outstream player configurable

* remove wrong named files

* camelcase

* fix

* Out-Stream render update to SmartPlay 5.2

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* adjust tests, fixes

* ESlint

* adjusted desired bitrate examples

* added bid.meta.advertiserDomains support

* bug fix for numeric elementID outstream render

* fix renderer url

* support for floors module

* bugfixes to be openRTB 2.5 compliant

* update internal renderer usage

* remove unused outstream_function logic

* bugfix outstream options for default outstream renderer configuration

Co-authored-by: smartclip AdTechnology <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Gino Cirlini <[email protected]>

* Adloox real time data module (#6310)

* Prebid 5.12.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* Finteza Analytics Adapter: bugfix for flaky test (Issue #7348) (#7356)

* Testing if Another Adapter is the Issue

* researching error

* add time to test latency

* add this

* fix undefined

* move length check after other checks

* fix linting

* move other length test

* update other length check to test

* IX Adapter: buildRequests refactor (#7364)

* buildRequests refactor

* remove use of Array.includes

Co-authored-by: Love Sharma <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kajan Umakanthan <[email protected]>

* Onetag Bid Adapter: extend mediaType support (#7363)

* add support for all mediaType fields

* fix test unit

Co-authored-by: francesco <[email protected]>

* Impactify Bid Adapter: add userid schain support (#7377)

* Update for Prebid 5.X

* Update to Prebid 5.X

* Add support for UserID and Schain Modules.

* Remove ESL-lint for no console

* Add the UserID in test

* VIS.X Bid Adapter: migrate from GET to POSTs & send additional userIDs as an EIDS object (#7328)

* VIS.X: migrate from GET to POSTs & send additional userIDs

* VIS.X: fix tests

* Rise Bid Adapter: improve isBidRequestValid and size detection along with other updates (#7362)

* add Rise adapter

* fixes

* change param isOrg to org

* Rise adapter

* change email for rise

* fix circle failed

* bump

* bump

* bump

* remove space

* Upgrade Rise adapter to 5.0

* improvments

* fixes & extra improcments

* fix bug

* revert packege-lock.json

* rollback getsizes changes

* fix

* bump

Co-authored-by: Noam Tzuberi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Laslo Chechur <[email protected]>

* Adkernel Bid Adapter: unibots alias (#7387)

* change smartyads ad unit parameters (#7380)

* TrustX Bid Adapter: convert all id-like request fields to a string (#7386)

* Sharethrough adapter: connect to OpenRTB endpoint (#7290)

* Use conventional currency location (#7381)

Fixes #7378

* omit empty targeting value (#7366)

* VIS.X Bid Adapter: pass targeting to bidResponse.adserverTargeting (#7391)

* VIS.X: migrate from GET to POSTs & send additional userIDs

* VIS.X: fix tests

* VIS.X: pass bid.ext.prebid.targeting to bidResponse.adserverTargeting

* ADman Media Adapter: compatible with version 5 and support uid2 (#7383)

* Add Adman bid adapter

* Add supportedMediaTypes property

* Update ADman Media bidder adapter

* Remove console.log

* Fix typo

* revert package-json.lock

* Delete package-lock.json

* back to original package-lock.json

* catch pbjs error

* catch pbjs error

* catch pbjs error

* log

* remove eu url

* remove eu url

* remove eu url

* remove eu url

* remove eu url

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

add consnet to sync url

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

fix import

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

lint fix

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

lint fix

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

check consent object data availability

* сompatible with prebid v5

Co-authored-by: minoru katogi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: minoru katogi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ADman Media <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: SmartyAdman <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fill from fpd cookie (#7279)

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: Added support of nurl in the response (#7384)

* Prebid Core: update npm install to ci & remov (#7369)

* Ad Partner Bid Adapter: add user syncs and partner ID (#7376)

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: Request key fixes (#7385)

* Prebid Core: Add readConfig functionality to clone the config instead of referencing it (#7237)

* PBS Bid Adapter: Add additional ortb2 fields in request object (#7315)

* add additional fields in ortb2 object

* merge entire ortb2 object to the request object without if checks

* add findRootDomain func

Co-authored-by: nsen <[email protected]>

* Documentation: adding no-adserver example (#7308)

* adding no-adserver example

* Update basic_noadserver.html

* Publink Id System (Conversant): add new user id module (#7322)

* If the bidReq has gam adslot use it (#7374)

* IX Bid Adapter: Adding support for IX Outstream Renderer (#7390)

* add ix renderer support

* add unit tests

* lint fix

* A publisher requested that we remove the value for outstream since we provide the vastUrl (#7394)

* BLIINK Bid Adapter : Add new adapter (#7299)

* feat(adapter): Add bliink bid adapter

* feat(tests): Add tests unit file

* refactor: code optimisation and fix cookie sync

* fix(bliinkAdapter): get meta value

Co-authored-by: Jonathan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: samuel.kerboeuf <[email protected]>

* PBjs Core (Targeting): bugfix for issue #7323 adding extra spaces (#7337)

* Between Bid Adapter: add ids (#7316)

* between adapter: add ids

* between-adapter: update ids

* "Prebid 5.13 Release"

* Increment pre version

* TargetVideo Bid Adapter: add new adapter (#7336)

* TargetVideo bid adapter

* TargetVideo bid adapter

* TargetVideo bid adapter

* Merkle endpoint configurable (#7400)

Co-authored-by: skocheri <[email protected]>

* Revert "Merkle endpoint configurable (#7400)" (#7401)

This reverts commit 2b921539c0dd58fdc0743083266e2ab352fe7bde.

* Timeout RTD module: initial release (#7395)

* Add Prebid timeout RTD module

* increase test coverage

* Add header to doc

* Lint fixes

* Add unknown connection speed to doc

* Fix doc, add unit test

* CriteoIdSystem returns a callback to initiate user sync (#7371)

* Added sizeId 562 (300x431) (#7408)

* Update .submodules.json (#7406)

* add custom error messages for beachfront bid validation (#7412)

Co-authored-by: John Salis <[email protected]>

* Add new sizes (#7414)

Dimensions: 320x431
Size ID: 564

Dimensions: 320x300
Size ID: 566

Dimensions: 300x150
Size ID: 568

Dimensions: 300x125
Size ID: 570

Dimensions: 250x350
Size ID: 572

Dimensions: 620x891
Size ID: 574

Dimensions: 610x877
Size ID: 576

Dimensions: 980x552
Size ID: 578

Dimensions: 505x656
Size ID: 580

* PulsePoint Bid Adapter: support for additional user id providers (#7389)

* ET-1691: Pulsepoint Analytics adapter for Prebid. (#1)

* ET-1691: Adding pulsepoint analytics and tests for pulsepoint adapter

* ET-1691: Adding pulsepoint analytics and tests for pulsepoint adapter

* ET-1691: cleanup

* ET-1691: minor

* ET-1691: revert package.json change

* Adding bidRequest to bidFactory.createBid method as per

* ET-1765: Adding support for additional params in PulsePoint adapter (#2)

* ET-1850: Fixing

* Minor fix

* Adding mandatory parameters to Bid

* ET-9372: PulsePoint Adapter - support for additional user id providers

* Fix for haloId

* smartx Bid Adapter: fix empty title not configurable (#7417)

* Add smartclipBidAdapter

* smartxBidAdapter.js - removed unused variables, removed debug, added window before the outstream related functions

* - made outstream player configurable

* remove wrong named files

* camelcase

* fix

* Out-Stream render update to SmartPlay 5.2

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* adjust tests, fixes

* ESlint

* adjusted desired bitrate examples

* added bid.meta.advertiserDomains support

* bug fix for numeric elementID outstream render

* fix renderer url

* support for floors module

* bugfixes to be openRTB 2.5 compliant

* update internal renderer usage

* remove unused outstream_function logic

* bugfix outstream options for default outstream renderer configuration

* [PREB-10] fix empty title not configurable

Co-authored-by: smartclip AdTechnology <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Gino Cirlini <[email protected]>

* gjirafa Bid Adapter: add biskoID and segmeents (#7409)

* Added integr8 adapter

* Added floor module support

* Added floor tests

* Added integr8 adapter

* Added floor module support

* Added floor tests

* Added biskoId and segments to bid request

* Added biskoId and segments to bid request (#7411)

* malltv Bid Adapter : add biskoId, auctionId, and segments (#7410)

* Added biskoId and segments to bid request

* Added auctionId to bid request

* Gumgum Bid Adapter: remove slotid type checking  (#7420)

* Gumgum: ADTS-149 Prevent slot ID type coercion before sending request

* confirmed with ad server BE that native params should also not be forced integers

* Fluct Bid Adapter: add adomain for Prebid 5 compliance (#7353)

* add fluct

* add newline for linting

* Merkle Id System: make endpoint optionally configurable (#7404)

* Timeout RTD Provider & Insticator & Sharethrough Bid Adapter: bug fixes for imports (#7424)

* Update timeoutRtdProvider.js

* Update timeoutRtdProvider.js

* Update timeoutRtdProvider.js

* Update sharethroughBidAdapter.js

* Update sharethroughBidAdapter.js

* Update sharethroughBidAdapter.js

* Update insticatorBidAdapter.js

* Publink UserId Submodule: publinkIdSystem_spec.js test fix on ie11 (#7425)

* Fix ancestorOrigin access (#7429)

Co-authored-by: francesco <[email protected]>

* Criteo Bid Adapter: update FastBid version to 113 (#7418)

* Nativo Bid Adapter: Define GVLID (#7432)

* Update nativoBidAdapter.js

* Update nativoBidAdapter.js

* PubMatic bid adapter: while retrieving floor from floor module pass banner-sizes instead of * (#7419)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* use minimum floor from each size

* added comments

* floor retrieval: removed custom logic for Video; will pass * for video

* added some logs

* corrected teh value

* indent

* modified the test cases

* read banner sizes from impObj than bid object

* 5.14.0 release

* 5.15.0-pre

* Adf adapter: price floors module support (#7427)

* Rubicon Analytics: send error.description instead (#7433)

* seeding Alliance Bid Adapter: update to comply with Prebid 5 (#7426)

* add seedingAlliance Adapter

* add two native default params

* ...

* ...

* seedingAlliance Adapter: add two more default native params

* updating seedingAlliance Adapter

* seedingAlliance Adapter

Co-authored-by: Jonas Hilsen <[email protected]>

* AdHash Bid Adaptor : update to comply with Prebid 5.0 (#7403)

* AdHash Bidder Adapter: initial prebid.js integration

* AdHash Bidder Adapter: code review comments fixed

* Fixed documentation

* AdHash compliance with #6650

Adding advertiserDomains to meta data

* Fixed deep equal for unit test

* AFP Bid Adapter: add new bid adapter and integration examples (#7301)

* Fix astraoneBidAdapter

* Fix examples; update astraoneBidAdapter description

* Fix astraoneBidAdapter_spec

* Remove integration examples

* Rename gbt to gpt

* update AFP Adapter and add page examples

* replace "AstraLab" with "AFP"

* fix prefixes in example pages

* Revert "update AFP Adapter and add page examples"

This reverts commit 6e15c6a6 (Revert "astraone" adapter)

* fix error while testing in CircleCI

* update AFP Adapter and add page examples

* Revert "update AFP Adapter and add page examples"

This reverts commit 31224ed19b624c5c639bf59f17abcd67061e6768.

* fix error while testing in CircleCI

* fix error while testing in CircleCI

* fix error while testing in CircleCI

* replace test ids

* add new format "Just Banner" and refactoring

* update examples in test page and in '.md' file

Co-authored-by: Liza Kobrazova <[email protected]>

* Rise Bid Adapteer:  docs update (#7442)

* add Rise adapter

* fixes

* change param isOrg to org

* Rise adapter

* change email for rise

* fix circle failed

* bump

* bump

* bump

* remove space

* Upgrade Rise adapter to 5.0

* update docs

Co-authored-by: Noam Tzuberi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Laslo Chechur <[email protected]>

* Weborama Real-time Data Module: add new RTD module (#7437)

* add first version

* small fixes

* fix email

* fix token encoding

* update doc

* add unit test, fix small code issues

* add option about ortb2

* update doc

* format doc

* fix example

* update example

* rename module name to weborama

* add placement id

* keep ortb2 feature not active by default

* remove gam key renaming options

* fix typo in doc

* fix typo

* fix typo 2

Co-authored-by: Tiago Peczenyj <[email protected]>

* New bidder adapter  - Adquery (#7441)

* init adapter

* implemented buildRequests

* new adquery adapter

* adquery adapter - prepared test

* adquery adapter - increase test coverage and minor changes after review

* adquery - fixed multi bid and response from server

Co-authored-by: m.czerwiak <[email protected]>

* medianetBidAdapter sending ortb2imp in bid request (#7443)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* removed pr logs and fixed sampling in medianetAnalyticsAdapter (#7423)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Invibes Bid Adapter : multi request support (#7398)

* Invibes Bid Adapter - support for meta taxonomy

* InvibesBidAdapter - support for multi placement

* InvibesBidAdapter - support for multiplacement - tests & fixes

* InvibesBidAdapter - fix object typo

* InvibesBidAdapter - incremented version

* Triplelift Bid Adapter: Increase Instream TTL (#7455)

* removes duplicate eids from POST call

* additional tests

* pubcid support

* Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4

Bumps [elliptic]( from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>

* Revert "Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4"

* increases instream TTL

Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Dan Goldin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dan Goldin <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGridNM: use /hbjson endpoint (#7430)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Fix inf loop (#7460)

* update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd (#7461)

update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd submodule

* Inskin Bid Adapter: override schain with publisher id (#7444)

* Set publisher ID as schain id

* Updated Inskin markdown file

* Prebid 5.15.0 Release

* increment pre version

* PublinkId - validate hash and fix decode (#7439)

* Vidoomy Bid Adapter: bugfix for cookie sync with pixel fires (#7407)

* fix: vidoomy adapter, cookie sync with pixel fires

* fix: revert package-lock.json

* fix: switch to xhr

* fix: remove index.html

Co-authored-by: Sasan Farrokh <[email protected]>

* Colossus Adapter: add pbAdSlot support (#7464)

* add video&native traffic colossus ssp

* Native obj validation

* Native obj validation #2

* Added size field in requests

* fixed test

* fix merge conflicts

* move to 3.0

* move to 3.0

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* https for 3.0

* add https test

* add ccp and schain features

* fix test

* sync with upstream, fix conflicts

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

remove commented code

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

lint fix

* identity extensions

* identity extensions

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add tests for user ids

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add gdpr support

* add gdpr support

* id5id support

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

add bidfloor parameter

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

check bidfloor

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter_spec.js

* use floor module

* Revert "use floor module"

This reverts commit f0c5c248627567e669d8eed4f2bb9a26a857e2ad.

* use floor module

* update to 5v

* fix

* add uid2 and bidFloor support

* fix

* add pbadslot support

Co-authored-by: Vladislav Isaiko <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Aiholkin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mykhailo Yaremchuk <[email protected]>

* updating user ID module list (#7475)

* ogury Bid Adapter: fix getusersync method (#7472)

* Multiple Bid/Analytics Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7471)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils as needed; dont import all

* import utils as needed; dont import all

* Import utils functions as needed; do not import whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics Adapters : import utils functions as needed, not whole module (#7469)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils as needed; dont import all

* import utils as needed; dont import all

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module  (#7477)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7490)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7479)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with wrong vastUrl (#7507)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with nurl field in response

* TheMediaGrid: update test

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Gumgum: ADTS-156 Improve GPID support by checking for value in new location within request object (#7500)

* PBjs Core : User sync iframe over image (#7454)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* Issue 7330

first loops through iframe syncs (it used to do pixel syncs first)
If a bidder gets an iframe, mark it.
Then PBJS should loop through pixel syncs
If a bidder is about to get a pixel but already got an iframe sync, skip it.

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7493)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* PBjs Core: use GPT's slot.updateTargetingFromMap instead of slot.setTargeting (Issue #7416) (#7453)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* using GPT's slot.updateTargetingFromMap instead of slot.setTargeting

tests are failing; need to fix tests

* now tests are passing

* tests passsing now

* modified the check for splitting the string

* added some explanation in comment

* code review suggestions

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7483)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Pbjs Core: avoid import all from utils in src/ files (#7466)

* adloader: not importing * from utils
* ajax: not importing * from utils
* AnalyticsAdapter: not importing * from utils
* adapterManager: not importing * from utils
* auction: not importing * from utils
* bidfactory: not importing * from utils
* config: not importing * from utils
* cpmBucketManager: not importing * from utils
* prebid: not importing * from utils
* Renderer: not importing * from utils
* storageManager: not importing * from utils
* targeting: not importing * from utils
* userSync: not importing * from utils
* videoCache: not importing * from utils

* Key Prebid Modules: import only what is needed from utils (#7468)

* validationFPDModule: import only what is needed from utils
* userIdModule: import only what is needed from utils
* rtdModule: import only what is needed from utils
* PBS: import only what is needed from utils
* multibid: import only what is needed from utils

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7496)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* JustPremium - schain support added (#7506)

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module  (#7491)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7486)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Fluct Bid Adapter: ie polyfill for url search params (#7478)

* Fluct Bid Adapter: ie polyfill 4 url search params

* more specific import

* see if corejs is white listed

* update to pure core js

* update link

* change format

* add to whitelist

* fix path to web

* add features path

* update path

* drop web in path

* fix path

* try again

* update to root

* restore path

* add comma

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7485)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* fix typo

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module  (#7480)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7492)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7484)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7482)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7495)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7497)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7498)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7502)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* E-planning Bid Adapter: hostname modification (#7474)

* E-planning Bid Adapter hostname modification

* Change of currency constant name in E-planning bid adapter

* Livewrapped Bid Adapter: read data-adunitid attribute & pass to analytics endpoint (#7459)

* Livewrapped bid and analytics adapter

* Fixed some tests for browser compatibility

* Fixed some tests for browser compatibility

* Changed analytics adapter code name

* Fix double quote in debug message

* modified how gdpr is being passed

* Added support for Publisher Common ID Module

* Corrections for ttr in analytics

* ANalytics updates

* Auction start time stamp changed

* Detect recovered ad blocked requests
Make it possible to pass dynamic parameters to adapter

* Collect info on ad units receiving any valid bid

* Support for ID5
Pass metadata from adapter

* Typo in test + eids on wrong level

* Fix for Prebid 3.0

* Fix get referer

* http -> https in tests

* Native support

* Read sizes from mediatype.banner

* Revert accidental commit

* Support native data collection + minor refactorings

* Set analytics endpoint

* Support for app parameters

* Fix issue where adunits with bids were not counted on reload

* Send debug info from adapter to external debugger

* SChain support

* Send GDPR data in analytics request

* video support

Video support

* Report back floor via analytic

* Send auction id and adunit/bidder connection id

* Criteo id support

* Updated example

* livewrapped Analytics Adapter info file

* Livewrapped gvlid

* Pass parameter from wrapper

* Read data-adunitid attribute on ad container if it exists and pass to analytics endpoint

* Fix null check

* Rubicon Bid Adapter: bugfix for copying (#7470)

* Fixed merge branch issue

* Fixed merge branch issue

Co-authored-by: Patrick Loughrey <[email protected]>

* tappx Bid Adapter: fix site param and add extra video params (#7451)

* tappxBidAdapter :: update way getting site domain

* tappxBidAdapter :: add lurl, nurl, burl

* tappxBidadapter :: update adapter version

* tappxBidAdapter :: add rewarded video to request

* tappxBidAdapter :: update outstream video adding skip option

* tappxBidAdapter: test lurl, burl, nurl, dealId

* tappxBidAdapter: test video rewarded

* tappxBidAdapter: add _extractPageUrl tests

* fix double quote linting

Co-authored-by: marc_tappx <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Prebid 5.3.0 Release

* Fix last commit where I updated package-lock.json instead of package.json

Prebid 5.16.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* Yieldmo Bid Adapter: add shared id support and cleaned up device.ip (#7501)

* sharedID support added

* cleaned up device.ip support

* utils import change

* Slimcut Bid Adapter: porting from 4.x with adomain (#7514)

* slimcut adapter: porting from 4.x with adomain

* fix utils imports

* fix linting

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Nativo Bid Adapter: update to adUnit param usage (#7517)

* Initial nativoBidAdapter document creation (js, md and spec)

* Fulling working prebid using nativoBidAdapter. Support for GDPR and CCPA in user syncs.

* Added defult size settings based on the largest ad unit. Added response body validation. Added consent to request url qs params.

* Changed bidder endpoint url

* Changed double quotes to single quotes.

* Reverted package-json.lock to remove modifications from PR

* Added optional bidder param 'url' so the ad server can force- match an existing placement

* Lint fix. Added space after if.

* Added new QS param to send various adUnit data to adapter endpopint

* Updated unit test for new QS param

* Added qs param to keep track of ad unit refreshes

* Updated bidMap key default value

* PubLink id system adds params for site id and api key (#7515)

* Gumgum Bid Adapter: use nearest matching h/w dimensions from bid request (#7505)

* Gumgum: ADTS-157 use nearest matching h/w dimensions from bid request

* updated method calls from utils

* Pubmatic Bid Adapter: add support for JW player (#7450)

* changes to support jwplayer segment data in pubmatic s2s endpoint

* remove additional '|' getting added if dctr is blank

* changes utils.convertType to remove reference to utils

* fix(vidoomyBidAdapter): macro replacement and gdprConsent null fix (#7518)

Co-authored-by: Sasan Farrokh <[email protected]>

* Relaido Bid Adapter: support imuid module (#7422)

* add relaido adapter

* remove event listener

* fixed UserSyncs and

* fix conflicts

* supports imuid module

Co-authored-by: ishigami_shingo <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: cmertv-sishigami <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: t_bun <[email protected]>

* Revert "Relaido Bid Adapter: support imuid module (#7422)" (#7520)

This reverts commit 0ee71d2e2a68159dad931e00bf7d3af18bcf2833.

* Relaido Bid Adapter: support imuid (with utils fix after revert) (#7521)

* Relaido Bid Adapter: support imuid 

`utils.` no longer needed because of specific import of functions

* update testing

* fix spaces

* fix test linting

* fix blank line padding

* Mytarget Bid Adapter : update adapter to comply with Prebid 5 (#7397)

* Add myTargetBitAdapter for Prebid 5.0

* added support advertiserDomains

* fixed utils import

Co-authored-by: Denis Lavrov <[email protected]>

* IAS RTD adapter: improve workflow (#7431)

* Mediakeys bid adapter: native and video support (#7452)

* Mediatypes native and video support

* fix utils reference

* add isNumber & isInteger to imports

* fix typo in isNumber

* Ensure instream tracking sends bidWon event

* Use production endpoint

Co-authored-by: François Maturel <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Prebid Core: Support for Devcontainer for VSCode, Docker Desktop, Codespaces, etc. (#7487)

* support common ports, add chrome headless for testing

* change Dockefile variant to match passed in variant initially

* Ats Analytics Adapter:  handle preflight request error & increase _lr_sample_rate cookie expiration (#7462)

* ATS-analytics-adapter - increase sampling rate cookie expiration time, handle error on preflight request

* ATS-analytics-adapter - increase adapter version to 2

* ATS-analytics-adapter - fix logs

* ATS-analytics-adapter - add unit tests

* ATS-analytics-adapter - code improvements, add more unit tests

* SpotX: add support for price floors module (#7481)

* tappxBidAdapter: fix wrong params (#7528)

Co-authored-by: marc_tappx <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGridNM: Fix bug with wrong vastUrl  (#7530)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with nurl field in response

* TheMediaGrid: update test

* TheMediaGridNM: fix possible bug with nurl

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* sspBC Bid Adaptor : add native…
cpabst pushed a commit to sovrn/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Jan 10, 2022
…rs module (prebid#7226)

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter Changes

* Update Bidder Code

To make adapter downloadable from git biddercode change is needed.

* Changes to Support Prebid 5.0.

supporting advertiserDomains

Support video params at the adunit level


* Delete advangelistsBidAdapter.js.bak

* Delete

* Delete advangelistsBidAdapter_spec.js.bak

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Add files via upload

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Delete url.js

Co-authored-by: Chandra Prakash <[email protected]>
cpabst pushed a commit to sovrn/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Jan 10, 2022
* AdHash Bidder Adapter: initial prebid.js integration

* AdHash Bidder Adapter: code review comments fixed

* Fixed documentation

* AdHash compliance with prebid#6650

Adding advertiserDomains to meta data

* Fixed deep equal for unit test
cpabst pushed a commit to sovrn/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Jan 10, 2022

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains prebid#6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.
cpabst pushed a commit to sovrn/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Jan 10, 2022

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter Changes

* Update Bidder Code

To make adapter downloadable from git biddercode change is needed.

* Changes to Support Prebid 5.0.

supporting advertiserDomains

Support video params at the adunit level


* Delete advangelistsBidAdapter.js.bak

* Delete

* Delete advangelistsBidAdapter_spec.js.bak

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Add files via upload

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Delete url.js

* Add files via upload

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

Co-authored-by: Chandra Prakash <[email protected]>
cpabst pushed a commit to sovrn/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Jan 10, 2022
…position (prebid#7652)

* Invibes Bid Adapter - support for adUnitCode differentiation in multiposition when same placement is used

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added adlivetech as alias (prebid#7649)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with nurl field in response

* TheMediaGrid: update test

* TheMediaGridNM: fix possible bug with nurl

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as playwire

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as adlivetech

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* move targets to packag.json (prebid#7641)

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module (prebid#7653)

* Add trustx adapter and tests for it

* update integration example

* Update trustx adapter

* Post-review fixes of Trustx adapter

* Code improvement for trustx adapter: changed default price type from gross to net

* Update TrustX adapter to support the 1.0 version

* Make requested changes for TrustX adapter

* Updated markdown file for TrustX adapter

* Fix TrustX adapter and spec file

* Update TrustX adapter: r parameter was added to ad request as cache buster

* Add support of gdpr to Trustx Bid Adapter

* Add wtimeout to ad request params for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: remove last ampersand in the ad request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support identical uids in parameters

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to ignore bids that sizes do not match the size of the request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support instream and outstream video

* Added wrapperType and wrapperVersion parameters in ad request for TrustX Bid Adapter

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to use refererInfo instead depricated function utils.getTopWindowUrl

* HOTFIX for referrer encodind in TrustX Bid Adapter

* Fix test for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added keywords passing support

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added us_privacy parameter in bid request

* TrustX Bid Adapter: fix us_privacy parameter in bid request

* Fix alias error for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added new request format

* TrustX Bid adapter: fix new format endpoint

* TrustX Bid Adapter: update md file to support useNewFormat parameter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added additional sync url

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added check for enabled syncs number + added gdpr data to sync urls

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added support of meta.advertiserDomains

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added support rtd permutive and jwplayer for new and old request format

* TrustX Bid Adapter: Use new format by default + new keywords logic

* TrustX Bid Adapter: fix md file

* TrustX: Convert all id-like request fields to a string

* TrustX: added vastUrl support

* TrustX: fix segments format

* TrustX: added support of PBAdSlot module

* OpenX Bid adapter: Handle new user Ids (prebid#7642)

* Saamba Bid Adapter: support  video params, and the floors module (prebid#7448)

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter Changes

* Update Bidder Code

To make adapter downloadable from git biddercode change is needed.

* Changes to Support Prebid 5.0.

supporting advertiserDomains

Support video params at the adunit level


* Delete advangelistsBidAdapter.js.bak

* Delete

* Delete advangelistsBidAdapter_spec.js.bak

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Add files via upload

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Delete url.js

* Add files via upload

* Update advangelistsBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

* Update saambaaBidAdapter.js

Co-authored-by: Chandra Prakash <[email protected]>

* IX Bid Adapter: capture errors in LS and send errors in request (prebid#7630)

* capture errors in LS and send errors in request

* fix linting

* Deepintent: secure flag set using proper protocol value (prebid#7655)

* VIS.X: fix url for timeout pixel (prebid#7657)

* appnexus bid adapter - add support for brandId (prebid#7658)

* Invibes Bid Adapter - redo tests

* Engageya bid adapter improvements (prebid#7656)

* Validate image size

* Support net revenue

* Add widget view pixel

* Eplanning & Adapter Manager: fix testing of innerwidth to fix current build (prebid#7679)

* console log innerWidth

* hmmm

* more debug

* weird

* if I change to larger mediaQuery it works I think

* stub becasue we are mocking just window

* stub similar to sizeConfig test

* addressing window things

* i camel cased

* stub stuff right

* remove debug logs

* Smaato: Pass through bidRequest.schain (prebid#7675)

Co-authored-by: Bernhard Pickenbrock <[email protected]>

* expose seedtag gvl id for TFC2 support (prebid#7674)

* docs only: remove reference to release notes page and some documentation links (prebid#7672)

* Capture target demand provider (prebid#7636)

- Use the provided storage manager
- Capture target demand provider & account id
- Add flag to trigger randomly-generated demo bid response

* Invibes Bid Adapter - added unit tests for adUnitCode logic

* Invibes Bid Adapter - fixed lint

* Datablocks Bid Adapter: update url (prebid#7680)

* updated url

* update metrics url

Co-authored-by: John Mayor <[email protected]>

* Datablocks Tests: fix failing tests (prebid#7687)

* Datablocks Tests: fix failing tests

* take out source

* RichAudience Bid Adapter: Update GetFloors (prebid#7664)

* Update GetFloors

* Update Strings must use singlequote

* Update push

* Update remove space

* Push Test

* Push Test 2

* New Attempt

* New Attempt 2

* New Attempt 3

* New Attempt 5

Co-authored-by: sgimenez <[email protected]>

* Adhese Bid Adapter: Configurable vast as url (prebid#7659)

* adpod category support test

* Revert "adpod category support test"

This reverts commit 70a3cf2.

* adpod category support test

* Revert "adpod category support test"

This reverts commit 70a3cf2.

* Adhese bid adapter: make the vastContentAsUrl setting configurable

Co-authored-by: Tim Sturtewagen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Paweł L <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: westerschmal <[email protected]>

* add bidderDefaultFunction (prebid#7628)

* IX Bid Adapter: add support for handling vastXML responses in PBJS (prebid#7661)

* Add Index Exchange Video Adapter

* add support for handling vastXML responses in PBJS

* Remove Video Adapter code

Co-authored-by: Michael Harris <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arven Ding <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: IX Prebid Support <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Michael Burns <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: shahin.rahbariasl <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kajan Umakanthan <[email protected]>

* PubMatic Bid Adapter: add Groupm  as alias bidder (prebid#7692)

* Changed net revenue to True

* Added groupm as alias in pubmaticBidAdapter

* Added gvlid for groupm alias

* add space for linting

Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* GPT Pre Auction: setting GPID (prebid#7671)

* set gpid

* fix gptPreAuction tests

* clean logic + add test

* Do not lint node_modules (prebid#7689)

Running npm ci with npm 8.x installs dependencies in plugins/eslint/node_modules, which chokes the linter.

* send all custom params to the bidder (prebid#7685)

* Revert "RichAudience Bid Adapter: Update GetFloors (prebid#7664)" (prebid#7695)

This reverts commit 6b027f5.

* Prebid 6.1.0 Release

* increment pre version

* Invibes Bid Adapter - support for adUnitCode differentiation in multiposition when same placement is used

* Invibes Bid Adapter - redo tests

* Invibes Bid Adapter - added unit tests for adUnitCode logic

* Invibes Bid Adapter - fixed lint

Co-authored-by: TheMediaGrid <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: PWyrembak <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Luigi Sayson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: NeerajKrRai <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chandra Prakash <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kajan Umakanthan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Parth Shah <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Michael Kuryshev <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: jsnellbaker <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Miko Stern <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Robert Ray Martinez III <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: el-chuck <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bernhard Pickenbrock <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Yohan Boutin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Scott Menzer <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Samuel Dobbie <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: jmayor <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: John Mayor <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Rich Audience <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: sgimenez <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: mefjush <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Tim Sturtewagen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Paweł L <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: westerschmal <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: eknis <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: shahinrahbariasl <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Michael Harris <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arven Ding <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: IX Prebid Support <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Michael Burns <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: shahin.rahbariasl <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: pm-azhar-mulla <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: dgirardi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: antoinezaz <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jason Snellbaker <[email protected]>
aecook pushed a commit to freestarcapital/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Apr 7, 2022
* Finteza Analytics Adapter: bugfix for flaky test (Issue #7348) (#7356)

* Testing if Another Adapter is the Issue

* researching error

* add time to test latency

* add this

* fix undefined

* move length check after other checks

* fix linting

* move other length test

* update other length check to test

* IX Adapter: buildRequests refactor (#7364)

* buildRequests refactor

* remove use of Array.includes

Co-authored-by: Love Sharma <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kajan Umakanthan <[email protected]>

* Onetag Bid Adapter: extend mediaType support (#7363)

* add support for all mediaType fields

* fix test unit

Co-authored-by: francesco <[email protected]>

* Impactify Bid Adapter: add userid schain support (#7377)

* Update for Prebid 5.X

* Update to Prebid 5.X

* Add support for UserID and Schain Modules.

* Remove ESL-lint for no console

* Add the UserID in test

* VIS.X Bid Adapter: migrate from GET to POSTs & send additional userIDs as an EIDS object (#7328)

* VIS.X: migrate from GET to POSTs & send additional userIDs

* VIS.X: fix tests

* Rise Bid Adapter: improve isBidRequestValid and size detection along with other updates (#7362)

* add Rise adapter

* fixes

* change param isOrg to org

* Rise adapter

* change email for rise

* fix circle failed

* bump

* bump

* bump

* remove space

* Upgrade Rise adapter to 5.0

* improvments

* fixes & extra improcments

* fix bug

* revert packege-lock.json

* rollback getsizes changes

* fix

* bump

Co-authored-by: Noam Tzuberi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Laslo Chechur <[email protected]>

* Adkernel Bid Adapter: unibots alias (#7387)

* change smartyads ad unit parameters (#7380)

* TrustX Bid Adapter: convert all id-like request fields to a string (#7386)

* Sharethrough adapter: connect to OpenRTB endpoint (#7290)

* Use conventional currency location (#7381)

Fixes #7378

* omit empty targeting value (#7366)

* VIS.X Bid Adapter: pass targeting to bidResponse.adserverTargeting (#7391)

* VIS.X: migrate from GET to POSTs & send additional userIDs

* VIS.X: fix tests

* VIS.X: pass bid.ext.prebid.targeting to bidResponse.adserverTargeting

* ADman Media Adapter: compatible with version 5 and support uid2 (#7383)

* Add Adman bid adapter

* Add supportedMediaTypes property

* Update ADman Media bidder adapter

* Remove console.log

* Fix typo

* revert package-json.lock

* Delete package-lock.json

* back to original package-lock.json

* catch pbjs error

* catch pbjs error

* catch pbjs error

* log

* remove eu url

* remove eu url

* remove eu url

* remove eu url

* remove eu url

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

add consnet to sync url

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

fix import

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

lint fix

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

lint fix

* Update admanBidAdapter.js

check consent object data availability

* сompatible with prebid v5

Co-authored-by: minoru katogi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: minoru katogi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ADman Media <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: SmartyAdman <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fill from fpd cookie (#7279)

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: Added support of nurl in the response (#7384)

* Prebid Core: update npm install to ci & remov (#7369)

* Ad Partner Bid Adapter: add user syncs and partner ID (#7376)

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: Request key fixes (#7385)

* Prebid Core: Add readConfig functionality to clone the config instead of referencing it (#7237)

* PBS Bid Adapter: Add additional ortb2 fields in request object (#7315)

* add additional fields in ortb2 object

* merge entire ortb2 object to the request object without if checks

* add findRootDomain func

Co-authored-by: nsen <[email protected]>

* Documentation: adding no-adserver example (#7308)

* adding no-adserver example

* Update basic_noadserver.html

* Publink Id System (Conversant): add new user id module (#7322)

* If the bidReq has gam adslot use it (#7374)

* IX Bid Adapter: Adding support for IX Outstream Renderer (#7390)

* add ix renderer support

* add unit tests

* lint fix

* A publisher requested that we remove the value for outstream since we provide the vastUrl (#7394)

* BLIINK Bid Adapter : Add new adapter (#7299)

* feat(adapter): Add bliink bid adapter

* feat(tests): Add tests unit file

* refactor: code optimisation and fix cookie sync

* fix(bliinkAdapter): get meta value

Co-authored-by: Jonathan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: samuel.kerboeuf <[email protected]>

* PBjs Core (Targeting): bugfix for issue #7323 adding extra spaces (#7337)

* Between Bid Adapter: add ids (#7316)

* between adapter: add ids

* between-adapter: update ids

* "Prebid 5.13 Release"

* Increment pre version

* TargetVideo Bid Adapter: add new adapter (#7336)

* TargetVideo bid adapter

* TargetVideo bid adapter

* TargetVideo bid adapter

* Merkle endpoint configurable (#7400)

Co-authored-by: skocheri <[email protected]>

* Revert "Merkle endpoint configurable (#7400)" (#7401)

This reverts commit 2b921539c0dd58fdc0743083266e2ab352fe7bde.

* Timeout RTD module: initial release (#7395)

* Add Prebid timeout RTD module

* increase test coverage

* Add header to doc

* Lint fixes

* Add unknown connection speed to doc

* Fix doc, add unit test

* CriteoIdSystem returns a callback to initiate user sync (#7371)

* Added sizeId 562 (300x431) (#7408)

* Update .submodules.json (#7406)

* add custom error messages for beachfront bid validation (#7412)

Co-authored-by: John Salis <[email protected]>

* Add new sizes (#7414)

Dimensions: 320x431
Size ID: 564

Dimensions: 320x300
Size ID: 566

Dimensions: 300x150
Size ID: 568

Dimensions: 300x125
Size ID: 570

Dimensions: 250x350
Size ID: 572

Dimensions: 620x891
Size ID: 574

Dimensions: 610x877
Size ID: 576

Dimensions: 980x552
Size ID: 578

Dimensions: 505x656
Size ID: 580

* PulsePoint Bid Adapter: support for additional user id providers (#7389)

* ET-1691: Pulsepoint Analytics adapter for Prebid. (#1)

* ET-1691: Adding pulsepoint analytics and tests for pulsepoint adapter

* ET-1691: Adding pulsepoint analytics and tests for pulsepoint adapter

* ET-1691: cleanup

* ET-1691: minor

* ET-1691: revert package.json change

* Adding bidRequest to bidFactory.createBid method as per

* ET-1765: Adding support for additional params in PulsePoint adapter (#2)

* ET-1850: Fixing

* Minor fix

* Adding mandatory parameters to Bid

* ET-9372: PulsePoint Adapter - support for additional user id providers

* Fix for haloId

* smartx Bid Adapter: fix empty title not configurable (#7417)

* Add smartclipBidAdapter

* smartxBidAdapter.js - removed unused variables, removed debug, added window before the outstream related functions

* - made outstream player configurable

* remove wrong named files

* camelcase

* fix

* Out-Stream render update to SmartPlay 5.2

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* adjust tests, fixes

* ESlint

* adjusted desired bitrate examples

* added bid.meta.advertiserDomains support

* bug fix for numeric elementID outstream render

* fix renderer url

* support for floors module

* bugfixes to be openRTB 2.5 compliant

* update internal renderer usage

* remove unused outstream_function logic

* bugfix outstream options for default outstream renderer configuration

* [PREB-10] fix empty title not configurable

Co-authored-by: smartclip AdTechnology <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Gino Cirlini <[email protected]>

* gjirafa Bid Adapter: add biskoID and segmeents (#7409)

* Added integr8 adapter

* Added floor module support

* Added floor tests

* Added integr8 adapter

* Added floor module support

* Added floor tests

* Added biskoId and segments to bid request

* Added biskoId and segments to bid request (#7411)

* malltv Bid Adapter : add biskoId, auctionId, and segments (#7410)

* Added biskoId and segments to bid request

* Added auctionId to bid request

* Gumgum Bid Adapter: remove slotid type checking  (#7420)

* Gumgum: ADTS-149 Prevent slot ID type coercion before sending request

* confirmed with ad server BE that native params should also not be forced integers

* Fluct Bid Adapter: add adomain for Prebid 5 compliance (#7353)

* add fluct

* add newline for linting

* Merkle Id System: make endpoint optionally configurable (#7404)

* Timeout RTD Provider & Insticator & Sharethrough Bid Adapter: bug fixes for imports (#7424)

* Update timeoutRtdProvider.js

* Update timeoutRtdProvider.js

* Update timeoutRtdProvider.js

* Update sharethroughBidAdapter.js

* Update sharethroughBidAdapter.js

* Update sharethroughBidAdapter.js

* Update insticatorBidAdapter.js

* Publink UserId Submodule: publinkIdSystem_spec.js test fix on ie11 (#7425)

* Fix ancestorOrigin access (#7429)

Co-authored-by: francesco <[email protected]>

* Criteo Bid Adapter: update FastBid version to 113 (#7418)

* Nativo Bid Adapter: Define GVLID (#7432)

* Update nativoBidAdapter.js

* Update nativoBidAdapter.js

* PubMatic bid adapter: while retrieving floor from floor module pass banner-sizes instead of * (#7419)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* use minimum floor from each size

* added comments

* floor retrieval: removed custom logic for Video; will pass * for video

* added some logs

* corrected teh value

* indent

* modified the test cases

* read banner sizes from impObj than bid object

* 5.14.0 release

* 5.15.0-pre

* Adf adapter: price floors module support (#7427)

* Rubicon Analytics: send error.description instead (#7433)

* seeding Alliance Bid Adapter: update to comply with Prebid 5 (#7426)

* add seedingAlliance Adapter

* add two native default params

* ...

* ...

* seedingAlliance Adapter: add two more default native params

* updating seedingAlliance Adapter

* seedingAlliance Adapter

Co-authored-by: Jonas Hilsen <[email protected]>

* AdHash Bid Adaptor : update to comply with Prebid 5.0 (#7403)

* AdHash Bidder Adapter: initial prebid.js integration

* AdHash Bidder Adapter: code review comments fixed

* Fixed documentation

* AdHash compliance with #6650

Adding advertiserDomains to meta data

* Fixed deep equal for unit test

* AFP Bid Adapter: add new bid adapter and integration examples (#7301)

* Fix astraoneBidAdapter

* Fix examples; update astraoneBidAdapter description

* Fix astraoneBidAdapter_spec

* Remove integration examples

* Rename gbt to gpt

* update AFP Adapter and add page examples

* replace "AstraLab" with "AFP"

* fix prefixes in example pages

* Revert "update AFP Adapter and add page examples"

This reverts commit 6e15c6a6 (Revert "astraone" adapter)

* fix error while testing in CircleCI

* update AFP Adapter and add page examples

* Revert "update AFP Adapter and add page examples"

This reverts commit 31224ed19b624c5c639bf59f17abcd67061e6768.

* fix error while testing in CircleCI

* fix error while testing in CircleCI

* fix error while testing in CircleCI

* replace test ids

* add new format "Just Banner" and refactoring

* update examples in test page and in '.md' file

Co-authored-by: Liza Kobrazova <[email protected]>

* Rise Bid Adapteer:  docs update (#7442)

* add Rise adapter

* fixes

* change param isOrg to org

* Rise adapter

* change email for rise

* fix circle failed

* bump

* bump

* bump

* remove space

* Upgrade Rise adapter to 5.0

* update docs

Co-authored-by: Noam Tzuberi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Laslo Chechur <[email protected]>

* Weborama Real-time Data Module: add new RTD module (#7437)

* add first version

* small fixes

* fix email

* fix token encoding

* update doc

* add unit test, fix small code issues

* add option about ortb2

* update doc

* format doc

* fix example

* update example

* rename module name to weborama

* add placement id

* keep ortb2 feature not active by default

* remove gam key renaming options

* fix typo in doc

* fix typo

* fix typo 2

Co-authored-by: Tiago Peczenyj <[email protected]>

* New bidder adapter  - Adquery (#7441)

* init adapter

* implemented buildRequests

* new adquery adapter

* adquery adapter - prepared test

* adquery adapter - increase test coverage and minor changes after review

* adquery - fixed multi bid and response from server

Co-authored-by: m.czerwiak <[email protected]>

* medianetBidAdapter sending ortb2imp in bid request (#7443)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* removed pr logs and fixed sampling in medianetAnalyticsAdapter (#7423)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Invibes Bid Adapter : multi request support (#7398)

* Invibes Bid Adapter - support for meta taxonomy

* InvibesBidAdapter - support for multi placement

* InvibesBidAdapter - support for multiplacement - tests & fixes

* InvibesBidAdapter - fix object typo

* InvibesBidAdapter - incremented version

* Triplelift Bid Adapter: Increase Instream TTL (#7455)

* removes duplicate eids from POST call

* additional tests

* pubcid support

* Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4

Bumps [elliptic]( from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>

* Revert "Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4"

* increases instream TTL

Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Dan Goldin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dan Goldin <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGridNM: use /hbjson endpoint (#7430)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Fix inf loop (#7460)

* update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd (#7461)

update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd submodule

* Inskin Bid Adapter: override schain with publisher id (#7444)

* Set publisher ID as schain id

* Updated Inskin markdown file

* Prebid 5.15.0 Release

* increment pre version

* PublinkId - validate hash and fix decode (#7439)

* Vidoomy Bid Adapter: bugfix for cookie sync with pixel fires (#7407)

* fix: vidoomy adapter, cookie sync with pixel fires

* fix: revert package-lock.json

* fix: switch to xhr

* fix: remove index.html

Co-authored-by: Sasan Farrokh <[email protected]>

* Colossus Adapter: add pbAdSlot support (#7464)

* add video&native traffic colossus ssp

* Native obj validation

* Native obj validation #2

* Added size field in requests

* fixed test

* fix merge conflicts

* move to 3.0

* move to 3.0

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* https for 3.0

* add https test

* add ccp and schain features

* fix test

* sync with upstream, fix conflicts

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

remove commented code

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

lint fix

* identity extensions

* identity extensions

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add tests for user ids

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add gdpr support

* add gdpr support

* id5id support

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

add bidfloor parameter

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

check bidfloor

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter_spec.js

* use floor module

* Revert "use floor module"

This reverts commit f0c5c248627567e669d8eed4f2bb9a26a857e2ad.

* use floor module

* update to 5v

* fix

* add uid2 and bidFloor support

* fix

* add pbadslot support

Co-authored-by: Vladislav Isaiko <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Aiholkin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mykhailo Yaremchuk <[email protected]>

* updating user ID module list (#7475)

* ogury Bid Adapter: fix getusersync method (#7472)

* Multiple Bid/Analytics Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7471)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils as needed; dont import all

* import utils as needed; dont import all

* Import utils functions as needed; do not import whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics Adapters : import utils functions as needed, not whole module (#7469)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils as needed; dont import all

* import utils as needed; dont import all

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module  (#7477)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7490)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7479)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with wrong vastUrl (#7507)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with nurl field in response

* TheMediaGrid: update test

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Gumgum: ADTS-156 Improve GPID support by checking for value in new location within request object (#7500)

* PBjs Core : User sync iframe over image (#7454)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* Issue 7330

first loops through iframe syncs (it used to do pixel syncs first)
If a bidder gets an iframe, mark it.
Then PBJS should loop through pixel syncs
If a bidder is about to get a pixel but already got an iframe sync, skip it.

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7493)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* PBjs Core: use GPT's slot.updateTargetingFromMap instead of slot.setTargeting (Issue #7416) (#7453)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* using GPT's slot.updateTargetingFromMap instead of slot.setTargeting

tests are failing; need to fix tests

* now tests are passing

* tests passsing now

* modified the check for splitting the string

* added some explanation in comment

* code review suggestions

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7483)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Pbjs Core: avoid import all from utils in src/ files (#7466)

* adloader: not importing * from utils
* ajax: not importing * from utils
* AnalyticsAdapter: not importing * from utils
* adapterManager: not importing * from utils
* auction: not importing * from utils
* bidfactory: not importing * from utils
* config: not importing * from utils
* cpmBucketManager: not importing * from utils
* prebid: not importing * from utils
* Renderer: not importing * from utils
* storageManager: not importing * from utils
* targeting: not importing * from utils
* userSync: not importing * from utils
* videoCache: not importing * from utils

* Key Prebid Modules: import only what is needed from utils (#7468)

* validationFPDModule: import only what is needed from utils
* userIdModule: import only what is needed from utils
* rtdModule: import only what is needed from utils
* PBS: import only what is needed from utils
* multibid: import only what is needed from utils

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7496)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* JustPremium - schain support added (#7506)

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module  (#7491)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7486)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Fluct Bid Adapter: ie polyfill for url search params (#7478)

* Fluct Bid Adapter: ie polyfill 4 url search params

* more specific import

* see if corejs is white listed

* update to pure core js

* update link

* change format

* add to whitelist

* fix path to web

* add features path

* update path

* drop web in path

* fix path

* try again

* update to root

* restore path

* add comma

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7485)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* fix typo

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID Adapters: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module  (#7480)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7492)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7484)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7482)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7495)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7497)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7498)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Multiple Bid/Analytics/ID/ other modules: import utils functions as needed and not the whole module (#7502)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* E-planning Bid Adapter: hostname modification (#7474)

* E-planning Bid Adapter hostname modification

* Change of currency constant name in E-planning bid adapter

* Livewrapped Bid Adapter: read data-adunitid attribute & pass to analytics endpoint (#7459)

* Livewrapped bid and analytics adapter

* Fixed some tests for browser compatibility

* Fixed some tests for browser compatibility

* Changed analytics adapter code name

* Fix double quote in debug message

* modified how gdpr is being passed

* Added support for Publisher Common ID Module

* Corrections for ttr in analytics

* ANalytics updates

* Auction start time stamp changed

* Detect recovered ad blocked requests
Make it possible to pass dynamic parameters to adapter

* Collect info on ad units receiving any valid bid

* Support for ID5
Pass metadata from adapter

* Typo in test + eids on wrong level

* Fix for Prebid 3.0

* Fix get referer

* http -> https in tests

* Native support

* Read sizes from mediatype.banner

* Revert accidental commit

* Support native data collection + minor refactorings

* Set analytics endpoint

* Support for app parameters

* Fix issue where adunits with bids were not counted on reload

* Send debug info from adapter to external debugger

* SChain support

* Send GDPR data in analytics request

* video support

Video support

* Report back floor via analytic

* Send auction id and adunit/bidder connection id

* Criteo id support

* Updated example

* livewrapped Analytics Adapter info file

* Livewrapped gvlid

* Pass parameter from wrapper

* Read data-adunitid attribute on ad container if it exists and pass to analytics endpoint

* Fix null check

* Rubicon Bid Adapter: bugfix for copying (#7470)

* Fixed merge branch issue

* Fixed merge branch issue

Co-authored-by: Patrick Loughrey <[email protected]>

* tappx Bid Adapter: fix site param and add extra video params (#7451)

* tappxBidAdapter :: update way getting site domain

* tappxBidAdapter :: add lurl, nurl, burl

* tappxBidadapter :: update adapter version

* tappxBidAdapter :: add rewarded video to request

* tappxBidAdapter :: update outstream video adding skip option

* tappxBidAdapter: test lurl, burl, nurl, dealId

* tappxBidAdapter: test video rewarded

* tappxBidAdapter: add _extractPageUrl tests

* fix double quote linting

Co-authored-by: marc_tappx <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Prebid 5.3.0 Release

* Fix last commit where I updated package-lock.json instead of package.json

Prebid 5.16.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* Yieldmo Bid Adapter: add shared id support and cleaned up device.ip (#7501)

* sharedID support added

* cleaned up device.ip support

* utils import change

* Slimcut Bid Adapter: porting from 4.x with adomain (#7514)

* slimcut adapter: porting from 4.x with adomain

* fix utils imports

* fix linting

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Nativo Bid Adapter: update to adUnit param usage (#7517)

* Initial nativoBidAdapter document creation (js, md and spec)

* Fulling working prebid using nativoBidAdapter. Support for GDPR and CCPA in user syncs.

* Added defult size settings based on the largest ad unit. Added response body validation. Added consent to request url qs params.

* Changed bidder endpoint url

* Changed double quotes to single quotes.

* Reverted package-json.lock to remove modifications from PR

* Added optional bidder param 'url' so the ad server can force- match an existing placement

* Lint fix. Added space after if.

* Added new QS param to send various adUnit data to adapter endpopint

* Updated unit test for new QS param

* Added qs param to keep track of ad unit refreshes

* Updated bidMap key default value

* PubLink id system adds params for site id and api key (#7515)

* Gumgum Bid Adapter: use nearest matching h/w dimensions from bid request (#7505)

* Gumgum: ADTS-157 use nearest matching h/w dimensions from bid request

* updated method calls from utils

* Pubmatic Bid Adapter: add support for JW player (#7450)

* changes to support jwplayer segment data in pubmatic s2s endpoint

* remove additional '|' getting added if dctr is blank

* changes utils.convertType to remove reference to utils

* fix(vidoomyBidAdapter): macro replacement and gdprConsent null fix (#7518)

Co-authored-by: Sasan Farrokh <[email protected]>

* Relaido Bid Adapter: support imuid module (#7422)

* add relaido adapter

* remove event listener

* fixed UserSyncs and

* fix conflicts

* supports imuid module

Co-authored-by: ishigami_shingo <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: cmertv-sishigami <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: t_bun <[email protected]>

* Revert "Relaido Bid Adapter: support imuid module (#7422)" (#7520)

This reverts commit 0ee71d2e2a68159dad931e00bf7d3af18bcf2833.

* Relaido Bid Adapter: support imuid (with utils fix after revert) (#7521)

* Relaido Bid Adapter: support imuid 

`utils.` no longer needed because of specific import of functions

* update testing

* fix spaces

* fix test linting

* fix blank line padding

* Mytarget Bid Adapter : update adapter to comply with Prebid 5 (#7397)

* Add myTargetBitAdapter for Prebid 5.0

* added support advertiserDomains

* fixed utils import

Co-authored-by: Denis Lavrov <[email protected]>

* IAS RTD adapter: improve workflow (#7431)

* Mediakeys bid adapter: native and video support (#7452)

* Mediatypes native and video support

* fix utils reference

* add isNumber & isInteger to imports

* fix typo in isNumber

* Ensure instream tracking sends bidWon event

* Use production endpoint

Co-authored-by: François Maturel <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Prebid Core: Support for Devcontainer for VSCode, Docker Desktop, Codespaces, etc. (#7487)

* support common ports, add chrome headless for testing

* change Dockefile variant to match passed in variant initially

* Ats Analytics Adapter:  handle preflight request error & increase _lr_sample_rate cookie expiration (#7462)

* ATS-analytics-adapter - increase sampling rate cookie expiration time, handle error on preflight request

* ATS-analytics-adapter - increase adapter version to 2

* ATS-analytics-adapter - fix logs

* ATS-analytics-adapter - add unit tests

* ATS-analytics-adapter - code improvements, add more unit tests

* SpotX: add support for price floors module (#7481)

* tappxBidAdapter: fix wrong params (#7528)

Co-authored-by: marc_tappx <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGridNM: Fix bug with wrong vastUrl  (#7530)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with nurl field in response

* TheMediaGrid: update test

* TheMediaGridNM: fix possible bug with nurl

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* sspBC Bid Adaptor : add native support, instream video support, & test coverage updates (#7447)

* Update tests for sspBC adapter

Update tests for sspBC adapter:
- change userSync test (due to tcf param appended in v4.6)
- add tests for onBidWon and onTimeout

* [sspbc-adapter] RC for 5.2 version of sspBCBidAdapter

* [sspbc-adapter] RC for 5.2 version of sspBCBidAdapter(fixed commit)

Co-authored-by: Wojciech Biały <[email protected]>

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added vastUrl support (#7531)

* Add trustx adapter and tests for it

* update integration example

* Update trustx adapter

* Post-review fixes of Trustx adapter

* Code improvement for trustx adapter: changed default price type from gross to net

* Update TrustX adapter to support the 1.0 version

* Make requested changes for TrustX adapter

* Updated markdown file for TrustX adapter

* Fix TrustX adapter and spec file

* Update TrustX adapter: r parameter was added to ad request as cache buster

* Add support of gdpr to Trustx Bid Adapter

* Add wtimeout to ad request params for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: remove last ampersand in the ad request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support identical uids in parameters

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to ignore bids that sizes do not match the size of the request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support instream and outstream video

* Added wrapperType and wrapperVersion parameters in ad request for TrustX Bid Adapter

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to use refererInfo instead depricated function utils.getTopWindowUrl

* HOTFIX for referrer encodind in TrustX Bid Adapter

* Fix test for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added keywords passing support

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added us_privacy parameter in bid request

* TrustX Bid Adapter: fix us_privacy parameter in bid request

* Fix alias error for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added new request format

* TrustX Bid adapter: fix new format endpoint

* TrustX Bid Adapter: update md file to support useNewFormat parameter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added additional sync url

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added check for enabled syncs number + added gdpr data to sync urls

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added support of meta.advertiserDomains

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added support rtd permutive and jwplayer for new and old request format

* TrustX Bid Adapter: Use new format by default + new keywords logic

* TrustX Bid Adapter: fix md file

* TrustX: Convert all id-like request fields to a string

* TrustX: added vastUrl support

* SSpBc Bid Adapter: utils import fix (#7532)

* Update glimpse adapter and test spec (#7476)

- Capture network ids and GDPR consent choice
- Retrieve and set vault JWT
- Increase code coverage
- General refactor / tidy

* fix(vidoomyBidAdapter): ensure cookie sync is triggered once (#7534)

Co-authored-by: Sasan Farrokh <[email protected]>

* Sharethrough Bid Adapter: bugfixes, removed unused methods, and one HTTP request per impression (#7509)

* Ensure that a separate openRTB request object is created for each bid request.
Each request will have one imp object in the array for the imp field.

* Cleanup specs for Sharethrough adapter and ensure that mediaType is set from the request data (impression object) instead of passing all bid request data through to the adserver.

Co-authored-by: Josh Becker <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Eddy Pechuzal <[email protected]>

* Increment version of sharethrough adapter to v4.0.1 from v4.0.0

Co-authored-by: Josh Becker <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Eddy Pechuzal <[email protected]>

* Remove unnecessary strData attribute

* Remove extra newline

Co-authored-by: Josh Becker <[email protected]>

* Kargo Bid Adapter: Support video mediaType (#7428)

* KRAK-3001 adding video support to prebid adapter

* Simplified video implementation

* Linting

* Removed video context validation

* Revert merge bidIDs->bidIds

* Updated placement ID for video test

Co-authored-by: fionasequeira <[email protected]>

* Adkernel Bid Adapter: add ergadx alias (#7544)

* Support Spread Operator for spec files (#7542)

* NoBid Bid Adapter: add support for config.ortb2 (#7503)

* Enable supplyChain support

* Added support for COPPA

* rebuilt

* Added support for Extended User IDs.

* Added support for the "meta" attribute in bid response.

* Added support for config.ortb2.

* Delete nobidBidAdapter.js.orig

* Delete .project

* Delete .jsdtscope

* Delete org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui.superType.container

* Delete

* Delete a

* Tests for "ortb2" support.

Co-authored-by: Reda Guermas <[email protected]>

* Nextroll Bid Adapter: update to comply with Prebid 5 (#7465)

* Recover nextroll module

This reverts commit 412277f72b97cab72644cb4a009f58067a165899.

* Update NextRoll BidAdapter for v5

* Use individual imports for utils module

* Adnuntius Bidder: Deal ID and domain change (#7540)

* Adnuntius Bid Adapter: Added tests for gdpr and segments

* Changed bidder to read segments from ortb2.

* Adding deals to response.

* Prebid 5.17.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* Unicorn Bid Adapter: fix bid_request cur and to comply with OpenRTB 2.5  (#7545)

* fix bid_request cur and to comply with OpenRTB 2.5

* increment version

* Cwire bid adapter: initial release (#7421)

* working prebid response

* add cwid to local storage

* wip

* write prebid tests, and prepare for release

* cleanup

* change param types & add cw refgroups array url parser

* working prebid response

* add cwid to local storage

* wip

* write prebid tests, and prepare for release

* cleanup

* change param types & add cw refgroups array url parser

* required changes

* remove double line

* revert file to old content

* bump

* import only used functions from utils

* PubMatic Bid Adapter: fix a typo in outstreamAU param name docs (#7547)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* import utils functions as needed and not the whole module

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit bc6c9f61f889e9aa2ef8ab207b87d4e7b49e3e57.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit ef500abb06648c763caa066ccd18fd5a18f2a1b5.

* Revert "import utils functions as needed and not the whole module"

This reverts commit 7e3fa3feba9ec9b8e81524419c3c13e94ee1049e.

* fixing a typo in outstreamAU param

* Ad Generation: adding new format and adomain support (#7533)

* adding new format.

adding test spec.

adding test spec.

* fix adgeneration adapter

* Ogury Bid Adapter: adding onTimeout support (#7535)

* [SPY-10216] adding onTimeout support

* [SPY-12216] reformulating test name

* Dgkeeword RTD: add content type to request (#7550)

* change to stop preflight.

* stop preflight

* VIS.X: iframe sync support & optional video params (#7527)

* Talkads Bid Adapter: add new bid adapter (#7546)

* Add files via upload

* Add files via upload

* Params update

* Params update

* Add test feature with fake test bid

* Pubmatic Bid Adapter: video.placement param missing message in debug (#7561)

* Added video.placement param missing debug message

* Added Adunit code along with message

* Updated test cases for video placement missing scenario

Co-authored-by: Kapil Tuptewar <[email protected]>

* replace Array.from function and use from core-js (#7562)

* Adkernel Bid Adapter: add turktelekom alias (#7559)

* Yahoo SSP Bid Adapter: Initial Release (#7522)

* Support eid source value (#7563)

Co-authored-by: slimkrazy <[email protected]>

* Ogury Bid Adapter: Handle TTD as a new source (#7558)

* add TTD URL in getUserSyncs method and related unit tests

* Refactor unit tests naming

* refactor unit test name

* Yieldlab Adapter: add support for iab content (#7413)

* Yieldlab Adapter: add support for iab content

* Yieldlab Adapter: use array.indexOf instead of array.includes

* Yieldlab Adapter: support content object from first party data

Co-authored-by: Yu Tong <[email protected]>

* Proxistore Bid Adapter: export vendor id in gvlid (#7553)

* export vendor id

* reformat

* rollback package.json

* change double quotes to single

* fix line 185 single quote

* fix last quotes

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Yieldlab Bid Adapter: fix for utils root no longer (#7568)

* Livewrapper Analytics Adapter: prioritize reporting Livewrapped floor data (#7554)

* Livewrapped bid and analytics adapter

* Fixed some tests for browser compatibility

* Fixed some tests for browser compatibility

* Changed analytics adapter code name

* Fix double quote in debug message

* modified how gdpr is being passed

* Added support for Publisher Common ID Module

* Corrections for ttr in analytics

* ANalytics updates

* Auction start time stamp changed

* Detect recovered ad blocked requests
Make it possible to pass dynamic parameters to adapter

* Collect info on ad units receiving any valid bid

* Support for ID5
Pass metadata from adapter

* Typo in test + eids on wrong level

* Fix for Prebid 3.0

* Fix get referer

* http -> https in tests

* Native support

* Read sizes from mediatype.banner

* Revert accidental commit

* Support native data collection + minor refactorings

* Set analytics endpoint

* Support for app parameters

* Fix issue where adunits with bids were not counted on reload

* Send debug info from adapter to external debugger

* SChain support

* Send GDPR data in analytics request

* video support

Video support

* Report back floor via analytic

* Send auction id and adunit/bidder connection id

* Criteo id support

* Updated example

* livewrapped Analytics Adapter info file

* Livewrapped gvlid

* Pass parameter from wrapper

* Read data-adunitid attribute on ad container if it exists and pass to analytics endpoint

* Fix null check

* Prioritize Livewrapped floors information over floor price module floor information

* BLIINK Bid Adapter : Add new format, outstream, banner (#7529)

* feat(adapter): Add bliink bid adapter

* feat(tests): Add tests unit file

* refactor: code optimisation and fix cookie sync

* fix(bliinkAdapter): get meta value

* update: Update documentation

* update: Fix sizes in buildBid function

* fix: step build

* Revert "fix: step build"

This reverts commit 9a746f5a175190ddd209f6f51bd71946a5575fe7.

* fix: step build

* fix: step build

* fix: step build

* fix: tests units

* fix: js doc

* fix: tests units

* fix: Fix build Circle CI

* fix: Fix build Circle CI

* fix: Fix build Circle CI

* fix: Fix build Circle CI

* fix: Fix build Circle CI

* fix: Fix build Circle CI

* fix: Fix build Circle CI

Co-authored-by: Jonathan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: samuel.kerboeuf <[email protected]>

* Nativo Bid Adapter : refresh increment logic change (#7569)

* Initial nativoBidAdapter document creation (js, md and spec)

* Fulling working prebid using nativoBidAdapter. Support for GDPR and CCPA in user syncs.

* Added defult size settings based on the largest ad unit. Added response body validation. Added consent to request url qs params.

* Changed bidder endpoint url

* Changed double quotes to single quotes.

* Reverted package-json.lock to remove modifications from PR

* Added optional bidder param 'url' so the ad server can force- match an existing placement

* Lint fix. Added space after if.

* Added new QS param to send various adUnit data to adapter endpopint

* Updated unit test for new QS param

* Added qs param to keep track of ad unit refreshes

* Updated bidMap key default value

* Updated refresh increment logic

Co-authored-by: Joshua Fledderjohn <[email protected]>

* add docReferrer (#7551)

Co-authored-by: atkachov <[email protected]>

* Yahoo SSP Bid Adapter: fix for adId (#7571)

* Added ysspBidAdapter

* Renaming to Yahoo SSP

* changing all internal references from yssp to yahoossp

* added alias for aol, onemobile, onedisplay

* Removing aliases from adapter

* Pass EU consent string in the correct location in the payload.



* pubId support 1st draft



* WIP pubId unit tests



* pubid tests stable

* pubId support

* md update

* site id inventory mapping fix

* update to md file

* update to md file

* order userId list

* added user id

* placementId support

* inventoryId & placementId stable unit tests

* maintainer group update

* maintainer group update

* Redirecting to PubGW urls without .ads.

* url switch fix

* fetch specific utils

* lint

* change inventoryId to siteId


* custom key-value pair support







* updated FPD support

* unit tests stable

* unit tests stabl…
patmmccann pushed a commit that referenced this issue Apr 29, 2022
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* adding jixie adaptor to send tid and uid2 and publisher ids

* changed to send all the ids to our backend. added a little comment

* send the config info of price granularity to our backend

* corrected code formatting violations that failed some checks
ChrisHuie pushed a commit that referenced this issue May 10, 2022
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* to support sending object of device info to backend.
yes the backend can handle it even though device was a string so far
ChrisHuie pushed a commit that referenced this issue May 20, 2022
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* jixie sending schain info to jixie backend

* support of schain info sent to jixie endpoint, fixing some indentation complaints from auto build check
ChrisHuie pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jul 18, 2022
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* changed cookie ls names
bartholomews added a commit to permutive/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Jul 22, 2022
* BidWatch Analytics Adapter: add new analytics adapter (#8302)

* New Analytics Adapter bidwatch

* test for bidwatch Analytics Adapter

* change maintainer address

* Update bidwatchAnalyticsAdapter.js

* Update bidwatchAnalyticsAdapter.js

* Update

* Update

* Native ads: change asset param (#8371)

* TPMN  Bidder Adapter: write id in first party domain; force syncs with various parties (#8341)

* add TPMN UserSync Bidder Adapter(Test Modify)
Updating the source code that was forked in the past.
make test case more.
- add pb7 bidderSettings option
- userSync fix.

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

Co-authored-by: changjun <[email protected]>

* Jixie Bid Adapter: send device info (#8397)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* to support sending object of device info to backend.
yes the backend can handle it even though device was a string so far

* LKQD Bid Adapter: remove device ip bug (#8400)

* LKQD: remove device ip from request

* LKQD: remove device IP test

* cpex Id System: initial release (#8364)

* Adds cpexIdSystem

* Fixes cpexIdSystem tests

* Added markdown document

* Remove unnecessary storage config

* UserID module: graceful handling of exceptions from ID submodules (#8401)

* Do not error out when malformed JSON is set in cookies

* UserID module: graceful handling of exceptions from ID submodules

* removing floor field from bid request when not defined (#8398)

* passing floors signal to PBS (#8392)

* add adunit floor min price floors (#8396)

* AirGrid RTD  module: Support for xandr / appnexus auction level keywords. (#8388)

* chore: update docs page to match official docs

* feat: add support for appnexus / xandr auction level keywords

* Alkimi Bid Adapter: change maintainer email (#8405)

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* alkimi adapter

* onBidWon change

* sign utils

* auction ID as bid request ID

* unit test fixes

* change maintainer info

Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGrid: support (#8404)

* PubMatic Bid Adapter : Remove GroupM as alias (#8386)

* Changed net revenue to True

* Removed groupm as alias

* Pasing the alternateBidder values to translator

Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>

* Intentiq module: adding dynamic ttl and rtt and storing data in localstorate (#8384)

* Intentiq module: adding dynamic ttl and data to LS

* Fixing Useless conditional alerts

Co-authored-by: Julian <[email protected]>

* Floc ID Module: remove call for floc (#8402)

* Update flocIdSystem.js

* Update flocIdSystem.js

* Multiple modules: replace all usage of `require` with `import` (#8379)

We had multiple reports of an elusive issue that seems to be related to use of `require` (

Since mixed use of `require` and `import`s is not great anyway, this is a good opportunity to clean it up.

* Sirdata RTD Module: bug fixes & add new bidders (#8406)

* - bug fixes
- new bidders supported: yahoo, pubmatic, openx

* fix invalid indentation

* Revert "fix invalid indentation"

This reverts commit 6ed9f9116b86c484b1d3b895315a77e03651369d.

* manually update indentation

* AdagioBidAdapter: fix site information detection (use refererInfo) (#8407)

* Criteo : Add support of PAF response model (#8359)

* JwPlayer RTD Module: Set Ortb content to config (#8354)

* sets to config

* updates unit tests

* clears obsolete data

* typo

* replaces duplicate strings

* Audigent analytics adapter: add new analytics adapter (#8347)

* adding logic and tests for hadronAnalyticsAdapter

* increasing coverage

* typo in partnerId procedence

* Sspbc Bid Adapter: Gather language in payload; various formatting changes (#8395)

* Update tests for sspBC adapter

Update tests for sspBC adapter:
- change userSync test (due to tcf param appended in v4.6)
- add tests for onBidWon and onTimeout

* [sspbc-adapter] 5.3 updates: content-type for notifications

* [sspbc-adapter] pass CTA to native bid

* [sspbc-5.3] keep pbsize for detected adunits

* [sspbc-5.3] increment adaptor ver

* [sspbc-adapter] maintenance update to sspBCBidAdapter

* remove yarn.lock

* Delete package-lock.json

* remove package-lock.jsonfrom pull request

* [sspbc-adapter] send pageViewId in request

* [sspbc-adapter] update pageViewId test

* [sspbc-adapter] add viewabiility tracker to native ads

* [sspbc-adapter] add support for bid.admNative property

* [sspbc-adapter] ensure that placement id length is always 3 (improves matching response to request)

* [sspbc-adapter] read publisher id and custom ad label, then send them to banner creative

* [sspbc-adapter] adlabel and pubid are set as empty strings, if not present in bid response

* [sspbc-adapter] jstracker data fix

* [sspbc-adapter] jstracker data fix

* [sspbc-adapter] send tagid in notifications

* [sspbc-adapter] add gvlid to spec; prepare getUserSyncs for iframe + image sync

* [sspbc-adapter] fix notification payload

* [sspbc-adapter] fix notification payload, fix tests

* [sspbc-adapter] add userIds to ortb request

* [sspbc-adapter] update to 4.1, change request to be ortb 2.6 compliant

* [sspbc-adapter] update tests

* [ssbc-adapter] bid cache for video ads

* [sspbc-adapter] add to banner ad; update tests

* [sspbc-adapter] fix window.gam not being added to banner html

* [sspbc-adapter] send device / content language

* [sspbc-adapter] send pageview and site ids to user sync frame

* [sspbc-adapter] add ES6 version of common ad library (for banner creatives)

* [sspbc-adapter] move content property

* [sspbc-adapter] reorganize notification payload creator

* [sspbc-adapter] store PLN price in meta; send in bidWon notification

* [sspbc-adapter] add playbackmethod to supporten video params; allow overridinbg video settngs via

* [sspbc-adapter] update md

* [sspbc-adapter] fix error in mapVideo method (Object assign merror when mediaTypes do not contain video)

Co-authored-by: Wojciech Biały <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.24.0 release

* Increment version to 6.25.0-pre

* fix(deps): declare required deps for webpack build (#8411)

When using Prebid.js as a NPM dependency and built with webpack, the
instructions are to use the babel configuration and plugins that are
provided by Prebid.

        test: /.js$/,
        include: new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}prebid\\.js`),
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          // presets and plugins for Prebid.js must be manually specified separate from your other babel rule.
          // this can be accomplished by requiring prebid's .babelrc.js file (requires Babel 7 and Node v8.9.0+)
          // as of Prebid 6, babelrc.js only targets modern browsers. One can change the targets and build for
          // older browsers if they prefer, but integration tests on ie11 were removed in Prebid.js 6.0
          options: require('prebid.js/.babelrc.js')

This seems to work just fine when using NPM or Yarn 1. However it is not
possible when using stricter settings or package managers that require
strict dependency declarations.

[webpack-cli] Failed to load '/Users/john.wright/Workspace/mung-app/webpack.config.js'
config [webpack-cli] Error: prebid.js tried to access
@babel/preset-env, but it isn't declared in its dependencies;
this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound.

* Multiple modules: automatically fill in PPID for DFP video URLs (#8365)

* Prebid 6.24.1 release

* Increment version to 6.25.0-pre

* Invibes Bid Adapter: write id to first party from bid adapter (#8202)

* Invibes Bid Adapter: added support for LiD generation on Invibes servers

* Invibes Bid Adapter: replaced all cookies storing with local storage
removed cookie storing logic

* invibesBidAdapter: applied lint formatting  updated unit tests to reflect reading from localStorage

* Update invibesBidAdapter_spec.js

updated Invibes Bid Adapter unit tests to pass for when the default storage allowed will be changed.

* Weborama RTD submodule: specify list of bidders to share data (#8350)

* update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd

update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd submodule

* add support to pubmatic

* improve test format

* improve test format ~

* add support to appnexus/xandr bidder

* fix issue when split set target in two steps: site and user centric data

* add support to rubicon old style

* fix code, update docs

* add support to global and bid ortb2

* remove unused code

* refactor code

* update bidder list

* add global level parameters

* change error to warning

* update doc

* refactor

* add field accountId

* update example

* refactor js concat string

* refactor js concat string 2

* update jsdoc

* correct jsdoc

* add support to pubmatic

* improve test format

* improve test format ~

* add support to appnexus/xandr bidder

* fix issue when split set target in two steps: site and user centric data

* add support to rubicon old style

* fix code, update docs

* add support to global and bid ortb2

* remove unused code

* refactor code

* update bidder list

* add global level parameters

* change error to warning

* update doc

* refactor

* add field accountId

* update example

* refactor js concat string

* refactor js concat string 2

* update jsdoc

* correct jsdoc

* fix log

* update example

* remove todo

* refactor duplicated code in config normalization

* fix jsdoc

* add main feature

* update jstag

* improve callback

* improve doc

* improve doc about ortb2

* refactor code

* refactor tests to use one adunit

* fix unit tests

* prepare to add support to webo lite

* refactor code

* reorder code to handle bid data

* finish unit test

* improve copy of data

* improve unit test by checking callbacks that alter bid data

* format source

* fix doc

* specify webo lite as site-centric data

* add check for profile format

* update doc and code

* update sendToBidder callback signature

* fix doc

* fix doc 2

* fix js example

* update doc

* improve doc

* fix doc for LiTE

* update code and tests

* update doc

* update unit test

* improve doc

* fix sfbx lite code, add isDefault flag on metadata

* remove unused imports in tests

* refactor code using ?. operator

* improve deep clone usage

* keep code less dinamic

* refactor thinking in the prebid 7

* format source

* format tests

* suppress mention to lite

* Revert "suppress mention to lite"

This reverts commit 43fa65804446c4a6acf18dd48897f971c5d85683.

* small fix

* refactor init submodule functions

* add new constants

* update example

* simplify code

* rename function, rewrite callbacks into () => notation

* update sfbx lite name

* fix doc

* TrustP ID Module: Refactor acronyms handler (#8228)

* feature: Add trustpid user id module

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem module, comments and md file

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem file to handle domain setting regardless of message events

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem module and dependent tests and docs

* refactor: Update trustpid undefined checks and returns

* tests: Update trustpid tests

* docs: Update trustpid docs typo

* refactor: Update trustpid acronyms logic

* refactor: Remove unused import

* refactor: Trustpid documentation update

Co-authored-by: Tomasz Januszek <[email protected]>

* appnexus bid adapter - fix in psp keywords logic (#8382)

* UserID module: do not start initialization until `pbjs.processQueue()` has been called (#8408)

* Extract controllable promise into utils function

* Do not start init of userId until processQueue is called

* Add PGAM client side (#8418)

* IX Bid Adapter: Outstream Support Update (#8412)

* outstream player update

* documentation update

Co-authored-by: Love Sharma <[email protected]>

* Alkimi Bid Adapter: Markdown file example update (#8422)

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* alkimi adapter

* onBidWon change

* sign utils

* auction ID as bid request ID

* unit test fixes

* change maintainer info

* Updated the ad unit params

Co-authored-by: Alexander <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: motors <[email protected]>

* BeOp Bid Adapter: prefer canonical URL when present & prepend protocol (#8391)

* [BeOp] prefer canonical URL when present & prepend protocol

* [BeOp] get the right page url in tracking events too

* [BeOp] improve page url resolver

* BeOp Bid Adapter: 'top.location.protocol' can also throw

* feat: add detected page url to ixdiag [PB-978] (#8425)

Co-authored-by: shahin.rahbariasl <[email protected]>

* LiveIntent Id Submodule: Update live-connect to 2.3.3; better consent processing (#8423)

* Update live-connect to 2.3.3

* Update package-lock.json

* Fix tests

* Adjust test cases

Co-authored-by: Viktor Dreiling <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Viktor Dreiling <[email protected]>

* support cta and privacyLink (#8403)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: adding media type to bid response, supporting vastXml response (#8426)

* kargo adapter - adding mediaType to bid response, conditionally set vastXml field

* kargo adapter - updating tests

* Improve Digital adapter: adding Extend mode (#8399)

Co-authored-by: iosfaisal <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: iosfaisal <[email protected]>

* Update sync URLs (#8431)

We are updating sync URLs to our current partners.

* AdagioBidAdapter: remove useless data in bid request. (#8434)

* Prebid 6.25.0 release

* Increment version to 6.26.0-pre

* Ogury Bid Adapter: Add device infos with size in bidrequest (#8416)

* Add device infos with size in bidrequest

* trigger rebuild on CI to fix tests

* restore sinon stubbed methods after all tests

* restore stub correctly at end of tests

* trigger rebuild on CI to fix tests

* Video Heroes Bid Adapter: add new bid adapter (#8310)

* added Brave bidder adapter with test and docs 

Commit has standard bidder adapter 2 new files adapter js, adapter md

* added test spec file witch covered code least 80 %

* adding videoHeroes bidder adapter

* added videoHeroes test spec

* Update braveBidAdapter.js

* Update braveBidAdapter.js

* Update

* upd import of utils lib to load only certain fnc

* cpex Id module: Remove window reference (#8440)

* Remove window reference

* Changed version to string

* Jixie Bid Adapter: add schain (#8439)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* jixie sending schain info to jixie backend

* support of schain info sent to jixie endpoint, fixing some indentation complaints from auto build check

* Gravito User Id submodule: initial release (#8414)

* gravitompId user module for integrating gravito first party cookie with prebid js

* fixed eslint issues raised by circleci

* fixed trailing spaces error raised by circleci

* Rename id to aoneId from dacId (#8453)

* Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8284)

* Fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values required by Akamai DAP

* Fixed the timeout issue in build browserstack tests

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing review comments - using storage manager for managing localStorage

* Fixing review comments - using loadExternalScript method to load the script

* Fixed unit test case

* Fixing review comments - Added consent handling

* Zeta global ssp bid adapter: add shortname param (#8454)

* zeta_global_sspBidAdapter shortname was added

* remove the trash

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Remove medianetRtdProvider tests (#8463)

* Revert "Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8284)" (#8464)

This reverts commit c4348892b5d3425d21373e1dcf4d67da04fed622.

* Prebid 6.26.0 release

* Increment version to 6.27.0-pre

* Update fintezaAnalyticsAdapter_spec.js (#8467)

* Hadron analytics adapter: fix cross-origin exception on init (#8472)

* Pulling the URL check out from the logic. Whatever the user passes will be used (#8473)

Co-authored-by: Jason Lydon <[email protected]>

* Update conversant adapter to accept position from the AdUnit (#8477)

* NovatiqId User Module - Include IAB Vendor ID (#8479)

* Novatiq snowflake userId submodule

Novatiq snowflake userId submodule initial release

* change request updates

added novatiq info /modules/userId/
added novatiq info /modules/userId/
added novatiq eids /modules/userId/eids.js
added novatiq module in /modules/.submodules.json
removed unnecessary value from getId response

* Update novatiqIdSystem_spec.js

removed unnecessary srcid value

* Update

Novatiq ID System: updated novatiq snowflake ID description

* use the sharedId if available and configured

* updated docs

* test changes

* defensive code not required

* Use the prebid storage manager instead of using native functions

* doc changes

* trailing spaces

* Allow configuration of the sync URL and to allow callbacks for specific custom partner integrations

* update documentation

* attempt to fix firefox test timeout

* include the AIB Vendor Id

Co-authored-by: novatiq <[email protected]>

* Multiple modules: attempt to reduce test flakiness, improved logging for XHR mock race conditions (#8466)

* Datablocks bid adapter: do not send metrics during tests

* Log contents of XHR mock on test failure

* Disable ajax for analytics adapters during tests

* Do not assume that test setup did not fail

* Update to move floors logic after placement.sizes are defined (#8476)

* Adloox Analytics/RTD: prefer gpid over pbadslot (#8455)

* Adloox Analytics: use CSS.escape when possible

* Adloox Analytics/RTD: support GPID

* Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8470)

* Fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values required by Akamai DAP

* Fixed the timeout issue in build browserstack tests

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing review comments - using storage manager for managing localStorage

* Fixing review comments - using loadExternalScript method to load the script

* Fixed unit test case

* Fixing review comments - Added consent handling

* SOVRN Bid Adapter: refactor old test code (#8430)

* feat: [EX-3265] format tests for prebid.js adapter

* feat: [EX-3265] add tests for video media type

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

Co-authored-by: Maxim Pakhomov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Maxim Pakhomov <[email protected]>

* Tests: remove console.log (#8481)

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Kobler adapter: remove outdated parameters, simplify testing (#8445)

* Removed position parameter.

* Removed zip parameter.

* Removed placementId parameter and make sizes required instead.

* Updated price-related macros.

* Fixed error when params is not provided.

* Removed last occurrence of placementId.

* Read currency.adServerCurrency as publisherCurrency.

* Use DEV endpoint for testing.

* Use config.pageUrl when test is set to true.

* Added more details about page URL.

* `config.pageUrl`.

* Added a comment explaining why pageUrl is considered only when testing.

* Fixed double quotes in tests.

* NaveggId module: fixed regex used to get naveggId from LocalStorage (#8441)

* fixed regex used to get naveggId from LocalStorage

* added unit tests

Co-authored-by: Jose <[email protected]>

* Taboola bid adapter: initial release (#8483)

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* add it also to the aftereach

* add it also to the aftereach

* Prebid 6.27.0 release

* Increment version to 6.28.0-pre

* Ftrack Id Module: replace native appendChild with Prebid's loadExternalScript (#8432)

* JDB-533: replacing appendChild in the ftrack prebid module

* JDB-533: working on switching over to AJAX/CDN

* JDB-533: removing some commented out code

* JDB-533: removing redundant conditions

Co-authored-by: Jason Lydon <[email protected]>

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: Initial Release (#8316)

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX
- document updated

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX
- removed

Co-authored-by: Mohit Patil <[email protected]>

* added tests for medianet rtd without loading js (#8485)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Adyoulike Bidder Adapter - schain support (#8486)

* add schain data to the bid request

* add unit test with schain data

* ZetaGlobalSsp BidAdapter: shortname to url (#8471)

* ZetaGlobalSsp bid adapter: shortname param into url param

* fix tests

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Akamai RTD Module: Fixed randomly failing test cases and updated the variable names (#8487)

* Fixed the randomly failing test cases and updated the variable names

* Improving code quality

* Adriver ID system: fix spurious test failure (#8489)

* Inskin bid adapter: use loadExternalScript utility instead of appendChild() to insert the ad tag (#8490)

* TheMediaGrid: support (#8492)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with nurl field in response

* TheMediaGrid: update test

* TheMediaGridNM: fix possible bug with nurl

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as playwire

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as adlivetech

* TheMediaGrid: fix sync url workflow

* TrustX: fix sync url worflow + remove old syncurl

* TheMediaGrid: added instl support

* TheMediaGrid: fix test for instl

* TheMediaGrid: update md file

* TheMediaGrid: reformat segments for permutive rtd module

* TrustX: send all in

* TheMediaGrid: remove permutive segments reformating

* TrustX: remove permutive segments reformating

* TheMediaGrid & TrustX: fix typo

* TheMediaGrid: support

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: support

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Fix for #8421 (#8493)

* Sending no decode whole url options to true, to avoid errors while decoding publisher url (#8497)

* Automatad Bid Adapter: changes to ajax request options for bid requests (#8444)

* changes for ajax request options for automatad bid request

* add test for isCredentials changes

* Various Magnite Adapters: GVL ID update (#8501)

* Magnite adapters still require legacy GVL IDs

* CTV update

* Adf adapter: avoid preflight request (#8498)

* Hadron RTD module: use internal methods (#8496)

* following prebid team's advise

* adding to adloader.js

* removing generic import

* using internal methods for loading external scripts in medianetRtdProvider (#8506)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Criteo - Update Publisher Tag version referenced by prebid adapter (#8491)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: onTimeout Support (#8449)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: Use currency from Bid Response

* Kargo Bid Adapter: Fix failed test

* Kargo Bid Adapter: adding media type to bid response, supporting vastXml response (#8426)

* kargo adapter - adding mediaType to bid response, conditionally set vastXml field

* kargo adapter - updating tests

* Kargo Bid Adapter: onTimeout Support (#6)

* Adding additional param

* Adding response time function

* Remove debug

* Updating response time log to be set by bid response

* Adding screen width/height to request

* Test fix

* Test fix

* Removing interpretResponse signaling

* Simplifying send data function

Co-authored-by: Wei Wong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Andy Rusiecki <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.28.0 release

* Increment version to 6.29.0-pre

* CAPT-74: Pass ext section of each bid for prebid slot ID and GPID (#8509)

Co-authored-by: Timothy M. Ace <[email protected]>

* Insticator Bid adapter: Adds Support for Video (#8452)

* feat: added support for video

* feat: added support for mimes

* feat: added mimes check to video validation

* Gdpr Enforcement module and sharedId/pubCommonId modules: vendor consent should not be enforced for first-party-id modules (#8448)

* Fixed issue with gdprEnforcement module and sharedId/pubCommonId modules: vendor consent should not be enforced for first-party-id modules

* addressed review comments

* addressed review comments

* added test to ensure device access is not allowed for vendorless modules in case purpose 1 consent isn't given

* fixed issue with missing moduleType param

Co-authored-by: Serhii Holdun <[email protected]>

* PubMatic Analytics Adapter : Added support for logging multiple bids (#8517)

* Changed net revenue to True

* Removed groupm as alias

* Pasing the alternateBidder values to translator

* initial commit

* Added adId for differentiation of bids

* Fixed UT

* Added UT for GroupM

* Finding winning bid according to adId

* worked on LGTM comment

Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>

* AdOcean bid adapter: support for SupplyChain object  (#8518)

* AdOcean adapter - support for supply chain object

* AdOcean adapter - support for supply chain object - use older constructs

* AdOcean adapter - small fixes

* Taboola Bid Adapter: api support for https (#8520)

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* add it also to the aftereach

* add it also to the aftereach

* change the api endpoint https protocol

* ixBidAdapter: change to new endpoint and README (#8529)

* Vidazoo bid adapter: fix spurious test failure (#8515)

* Added support for IDs for multiple sources (#8499)

Co-authored-by: Nick Curry <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.29.0 release

* Increment version to 7.0.0-pre

* Prebid 7 (#8530)

* Prebid 7: Delete userid targeting module (#8227)

* Delete userIdTargeting.js

* Delete

* Delete shareUserIds_spec.js

* NextRoll ID: Remove NextRoll ID module (#8150)

* Remove Sortable Analytics Adapter (#8251)

* Prebid 7: Merge in changes from master (#8278)

* only map one slotrender to one adunit (#8211)

* DFP Ad Server Video: respect original url (#8168)

* original url components take precedence over defaults

uses object assignment

* tests that url is respected

* respects url size and cust params

* moves url cust param addition to fn

* tests that url params are respected

* Admaru adapter : add new bid adapter (#8149)

* init

* modified admaruBidAdapter.js, md, _spec.js

* modify for test

* Delete .project

* update

* update admarubidadapter.js

* Revert "Delete .project"

This reverts commit 0e1bdd4fcadd0a97fea87ba2a92cb502e5e3a19b.

* remove .project

* modified

* modified

* Delete .project

* modified

* Revert "Delete .project"

This reverts commit c4e7bd6096fe9521dd5e2fab2b3d5241149dc6ec.

* Delete .project

* modified

* modified

Co-authored-by: sung.chung <[email protected]>

* Missena Bid Adapter - allow custom endpoint. (#8222)

* Next Millenium Bid Adapter: Added new parameter group_id (#8200)

* changed name company

* changed name company in test

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* changed check parameters

* fixed lint remarks

* added test

* fixed bug - lint

* changed test

* changed test - 2

* fixed bug - adapter

* add timeout value to timeout pixel (#8224)

* Outbrain bid adapter: added floor module and privacy link support (#8223)

* add floor support

* add additional validation for bid request format

* add privacy link support

* fixes

* set privacy in mapper

* fix test

* Improve Digital Bid adapter: use the oRTB server endpoint (#8138)

* Major refactoring to use new oRTB server endpoint

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>

* fixed wrong merge

* Fixed issue related to site and app (#9)

* Fixed errors for test cases.

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>

* NativoBidAdapter - Bid data mapping refactor and added QS params on request (#8196)

* Initial nativoBidAdapter document creation (js, md and spec)

* Fulling working prebid using nativoBidAdapter. Support for GDPR and CCPA in user syncs.

* Added defult size settings based on the largest ad unit. Added response body validation. Added consent to request url qs params.

* Changed bidder endpoint url

* Changed double quotes to single quotes.

* Reverted package-json.lock to remove modifications from PR

* Added optional bidder param 'url' so the ad server can force- match an existing placement

* Lint fix. Added space after if.

* Added new QS param to send various adUnit data to adapter endpopint

* Updated unit test for new QS param

* Added qs param to keep track of ad unit refreshes

* Updated bidMap key default value

* Updated refresh increment logic

* Refactored spread operator for IE11 support

* Updated isBidRequestValid check

* Refactored Object.enties to use Object.keys to fix CircleCI testing errors

* Updated bid mapping key creation to prioritize ad unit code over placementId

* Added filtering by ad, advertiser and campaign.

* Merged master

* Added more robust bidDataMap with multiple key access

* Deduped filer values

* Rolled back package.json

* Duped upstream/master's package.lock file ... not sure how it got changed in the first place

* Small refactor of filterData length check. Removed comparison with 0 since a length value of 0 is already falsy.

Co-authored-by: Joshua Fledderjohn <[email protected]>

* Floor price : allow having a 0$ floor (#8239)

* Prebid 6.18.0 release

* Increment version to 6.19.0-pre

* IAS RTD Module: Custom key values (#8214)

* Mapping table initialization

A constant initialises a mapping table where each possible key used by IAS is mapped to itself.
The dataProviders config for the IAS RTD module accepts an optional new property: keyMappings. The init function reads this property and uses it to overwrite any key that is already in the pre-initialised mapping table with the new value provided.
In a future addition, the mapping table will be used to populate the key-values actually sent to the adserver.

* Rename Key Values

After merging the key-values for each ad unit, a renaming function is called to ensure that any custom key chosen by the client is used.

* Bugfix

Call the callback() function in getBidRequestData.

* Unit tests changed to include one renamed parameter.

* Unit tests corrected and adapted to cover the current features.

* Yieldlab Bid Adapter: Add Support for User Matching (#8148)

* Build system: add option to generate source maps for production builds (#8220)

* Gamoshi Bid Adapter: Handle gdpr applies correctly (#8245)

* Nobid Prebid Adapter commit (#4050)

* Nobid Prebid Adapter commit

* Fixed global replace and unit tests

* Fixed find function

* Added

* Removed description and added "Bid Params" section.

* Added test siteId 2 for testing.

* Refactored the Adapter to remove most references to the nobid object. We still need the nobid object because we have a passback tag in DFP that makes reference to it.

* Fix concurrent responses on the page

* Cosmetic change to log an error in case of missing ad markup

* Keep nobid.bidResponses cross adapters.

* Added GDPR support in user sync and added test coverage.
gulp test-coverage
gulp view-coverage

* Padding issues

* Fix padding issues

* Fix padding

* update outstream prod url (#4104)

* support pubcid and uids (#4143)

* Fix misspelling and minor cleanup of schain docs (#4150)

* Prebid 2.31.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* Rubicon: tuning logged messages (#4157)

* Rubicon: tuning logged messages

* Update rubiconBidAdapter.js

* fixed indentation

* Rubicon Video COPPA fix (#4155)

* Rubicon Video COPPA fix

* Unit test for Rubicon Video COPPA fix

* Playground XYZ adapter - iframe usersync bug fix (#4141)

* corrected user sync type

* removed support for iframe usersync

* added unit tests for getUserSyncs

* update nvmrc file (#4162)

* update gulp-footer package (#4160)

* Datablocks bid/analytics adapter (#4128)

* add datablocks Analytics and Bidder Adapters

* remove preload param

* remove preloadid

* better coverage of tests

* better coverage

* IE doesn't support array.find

* lint test

* update example host

* native asset id should be integer

* update logic of ad_types field in appnexusBidAdapter (#4065)

* Shorten SomoAudience to just Somo (#4163)

* Shorten SomoAudience to just Somo

* Make package-lock return

* Quantcast: Fix for empty video parameters (#4145)

* Copy params from

* Added test for missing video parameters.

* Include mimes from adunit.

* One Video adding Rewarded Video Feature (#4142)

* outstream changes

* removing global filtet

* reverting page

* message

* adapter change

* remove space

* testcases

* testpage

* spaces for test page

* renderer exist case

* reverting package-lock.json

* adding schain object

* adding tagid

* syntaxx error fix

* video.html

* space trailing

* space

* tagid

* inventoryId and placement

* rewarded video

* added unit test case

* Module to pass User Ids to DFP (#4140)

* first commit

* renamed

* minor doc change

* documentation

* small change

* EB

* removed unused imports

* minor changes

* reanmaed a const

* adding more methods to test shareUserIds module

* unit tets cases for shareUserIds

* indentation

* renamed DFP to GAM

* renamed shareUserIds to userIdTargeting

* Update

* trying to restart CI

* digitrust userId case handled

* minor comment change

* using auctionEnd event instead of requestBids.before

* using events.on

* Buzzoola bid adapter (#4127)

* initial commit for buzzoola adapter

* leave only banners for now

* fix bid validation

* change endpoint url

* add video type

* restore renderer

* fix renderer

* add fixed player sizes

* switch bids

* convert dimentions to strings

* write tests

* 100% tests

* remove new DOM element creation in tests

* handle empty response from server

* change description

* E2e tests for Native and Outstream video Ad formats. (#4116)

* reorganize e2e/ tests into separate directories

* new test page for e2e-banner testing

* add test to check if Banner Ad is getting loaded

* change location of the spec files to reflect change in test/e2e directory structure

* add test case to check for generation of valid targeting keys

* create Native Ad test page

* add test case to check validity of the targeting keys and correct rendering of the Ad

* update old browser versions to new

* update browser version

* update title

* remove console.log statements

* add basic functional test for e2e outstream video ad format

* Update LockerDome adUnitId bid param (#4176)

This is not a breaking change

* fix several issues in appnexus video bids (#4154)

* S2s testing disable client side (#4123)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* New testServerOnly flag

* Tests and a bug fix

* Removed dead code

* Fixes requested in review

* Check each adUnit

* isTestingServerOnly changes per Eric

* Fixed IE 11 bug

* More tests

* improved test case names

* New option to Include deal KVPs when enableSendAllBids === false (#4136)

* new option to include KVPs which have deals when
enableSendAllBids === false

* updating tests to be more realistic

* Prebid 2.32.0 Release

* increment pre version

* Rubicon doc: changing video test zone (#4187)

* added schain support to sonobi adapter (#4173)

* if schain config is not defined then error should not be thrown (#4165)

* if schain config is not defiend then error should not be thrown

* relaxed mode nodes param not defined error handled

* added test cases for config validation

* a curly bracket was missing in the example

* Rubicon: updating test params (#4190)

* myTargetBidAdapter: support currency config (#4188)

* Update (#4193)

* Update

* Update

* cedato bid adapter instream video support (#4153)

* Added adxpremium prebid analytics adapter (#4181)

* feat(OAFLO-186): added support for schain (#4194)

* Sonobi - send entire userid payload (#4196)

* added userid param to pass the entire userId payload to sonobis bid request endpoint

* removed console log
git p

* fixed lint

* OpenX Adapter fix: updating outdated video examples (#4198)

* userId - Add support for refreshing the cached user id (#4082)

* [userId] Added support for refreshing the cached user id: refreshInSeconds storage parameter, related tests and implementation in id5 module

* [userId] Added support for refreshing the cached user id: refreshInSeconds storage parameter, related tests and implementation in id5 module

* UserId - ID5 - Updated doc with new contact point for partners

* UserId - Merged getStoredValue and getStoredDate

* [UserId] - ID5 - Moved back ID5 in ./modules

* UserId - ID5 - Fixed incorrect GDPR condition

* [UserId] - Doc update and test cleanup

* Prebid 2.33.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* SupplyChainObject support and fires a pixel onTimeout (#4152)

* - Implemented the 'onTimeout' callback to fire a pixel when there's a timeout.
- Added the ability to serialize an schain object according to the description provided here:

* some mods to the schain tag generation

* - added tests for schain param checking.

* - fixed a malformed url for timeouts

* - Removed a trailing ',' while generating a schain param.

* - Using the schain object from validBidRequest if present. Reverting to checking if params has it if not.

* - reverting changes to merge with master

* - Resolving merge issues

* Feature/add profile parameter (#4185)

* Add optional profile parameter

* EMXDigital Bid Adapter: Add video dimensions in request (#4174)

* addressed feedback from #3731 ticket

* removed commented code from emx test spec

* logging removed from spec

* flip h & w values from playerSize for video requests

* adding Outstream mediaType to EMX Digital

* adding device info. update to grab video param. styling changes.

* add video dimensions from playerSize

* fix test for video dimensions

* Added keywords parameter support in TrustX Bid Adapter (#4183)

* Add trustx adapter and tests for it

* update integration example

* Update trustx adapter

* Post-review fixes of Trustx adapter

* Code improvement for trustx adapter: changed default price type from gross to net

* Update TrustX adapter to support the 1.0 version

* Make requested changes for TrustX adapter

* Updated markdown file for TrustX adapter

* Fix TrustX adapter and spec file

* Update TrustX adapter: r parameter was added to ad request as cache buster

* Add support of gdpr to Trustx Bid Adapter

* Add wtimeout to ad request params for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: remove last ampersand in the ad request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support identical uids in parameters

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to ignore bids that sizes do not match the size of the request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support instream and outstream video

* Added wrapperType and wrapperVersion parameters in ad request for TrustX Bid Adapter

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to use refererInfo instead depricated function utils.getTopWindowUrl

* HOTFIX for referrer encodind in TrustX Bid Adapter

* Fix test for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added keywords passing support

* rubicon: avoid passing unknown position (#4207)

* rubicon: not passing pos if not specified

* added comment

* not sending pos for video when undefined

* cleaning up test

* fixed unit test

* correctly reference bidrequest and determine mediatype of bidresponse (#4204)

* GumGum: only send gdprConsent when found (#4205)

* adds digitrust module, mods gdpr from bool to int

* update unit test

* only send gdprconsent if present

* LKQD: Use refererInfo.referer as fallback pageurl (#4210)

* Refactored URL query parameter passthrough for additional values, changed SSP endpoint to, and updated associated unit tests

* Use refererInfo.referer as fallback pageurl

* Removed logs and testing values

* [UserId] - ID5 - Fixed case when consentData is undefined (No CMP) (#4215)

* create stubs for localStorage in widespaceBidAdapter test file (#4208)

* added adId property to adRenderFailed event (#4097)

When no bid (therefore no adUnitCode) is available in the adRenderFailed event it can be difficult to identify the erroring slot.But in almost all cases the given slot still has the adId targeting.

* OpenX Adapter: Forcing https requests and adding UserID module support for LiveRamp and TTD (#4182)

* OpenX Adapter: Updated requests to force https

* OpenX Adapter: Added support for TTD's UnifiedID and LiveRamp's IDL

* PubMatic to support userId sub-modules (#4191)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* TripleLift support for UnifiedId and IdentityLink (#4197)

* Add IdentityLink support and fix UnifiedId.

It appears we've been looking for UnifiedId userIds
on the bidderRequest object, when they are found on bidRequests.
This commit fixes that error, and adds support for IdentityLink.

* change maintainer email to group

* Added lemma adapter (#4126)

* lemmaBidAdapter.js

Added lemma bid adapter file


Added lemma bid adapter md file

* lemmaBidAdapter_spec.js

Added lemma bid adapter test spec file

* Update lemmaBidAdapter.js

Fixed automated code review alert comparison between inconvertible types

* Update lemmaBidAdapter.js

Fixed review changes

* Update

Correct parameter value.

* Adkernel adapter new alias (#4221)

* Force https scheme for Criteo Bidder (#4227)

* assign adapter version number

* Ensure that Criteo's bidder is always called through https

* Add Video Support for Datablocks Bid Adapter (#4195)

* add datablocks Analytics and Bidder Adapters

* remove preload param

* remove preloadid

* better coverage of tests

* better coverage

* IE doesn't support array.find

* lint test

* update example host

* native asset id should be integer

* add datablocks Video

* remove isInteger

* skip if empty

* update adUnit, bidRequest and bidResponse object (#4180)

* update adUnit, bidRequest and bidResponse object

* add test for mediaTypes object

* 3 display banner and video vast support for rads (#4209)

* add stv adapter

* remove comments from adapter file

* start rads adapter

* fix adapter and tests

* fixes

* fix adapter and doc

* fix adapter

* fix tests

* little fix

* add ip param

* fix dev url

* #3

* #3 cleanup

* fix code and doc

* UserId - Add SameSite and server-side pubcid support (#3869)

* Add SameSite and server-side pubcid support

* Fix emoteevBidAdapter unit test

* added schain to appnexus bid adapter (#4229)

* added schain to appnexus bid adapter

* semicolon

* update doubleclick url (#4179)

* Prebid 2.34.0 release

* increment pre version

* Rubi Analytics handles > 1 bidResponse per bidRequest (#4224)

* videoNow bid adapter (#4088)

* -- first commit

* -- cors and bidder's name fixed

* -- almost ready

* -- added docs

* -- added nurl tracking

* -- bid params

* -- tests added

* -- test fixed

* -- replace placeholder in the onBidWon pixel's url

* -- commit for restart tests

* -- change response data format for display ad

* -- tests updated

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- a few clean the test's code

* -- custom urls from localStorage

* -- tests updated

* -- a few clean the test's code

* -- new init model

* -- spec for new init model

* -- fix for new init model

* -- code cleaned

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- fixed test

* -- commit for restart tests

* djax new bidder adapter  (#4192)

* djax bidder adapter

* djax bidder adapter

* Update hello_world.html

* Added Turk Telekom Bid Adapter (#4203)

* Added Turk Telekom Bid Adapter

* Fix md file for Turk Telekom Bid Adapter

* MicroAd: Use HTTPS in all requests (#4220)

* Always use HTTPS endpoint in MicroAd

* Update code

* Fixed a broken test in MicroAd

* Schain: avoiding Object.values as it is breaking on IE11 (#4238)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* avoiding use of Object.values

* 3952 delay auction for ids (#4115)

* 3952 delay auction for user ids

* 3952 add integration example

* 3952 add tests

* 3952 fix html example

* add todos

* 3952 continue auction if ids received

* 3952 add tests for auction delay

* increase test coverage

* set config for test

* remove todo

* add a few more checks to tests

* add comment, force tests to rerun

* Feature: adUnitBidLimit  (#3906)

* added new feature to config to limit bids when sendallbids is enabled

* cleaned up code. removed extra spaces etc

* removed trailing spaces in config

* remove .flat() and replaced with spread operator

* removed flat function and instead pushing using spread operator

* updated to use sendBidsControl instead

* updated targeting_spec to test bidLimit

* removed trailing spaces from targeting_spec

* Update Rubicon Adapter netRevenue default (#4242)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* Removed AdastaMadia from alias (#4255)

* Update appnexusBidAdapter.js (#4251)

* IdentityLink - change expiration time to 30 days (#4239)

* Add coppa support for AppNexus adapter (#4253)

* Add coppa support for AppNexus adapter

* test name

* add new longform e2e tests (#4206)

* Konduit module (#4184)

* Adding Konduit module

* Removed superfluous arguments passed to obtainVastUrl function

* Removed superfluous arguments passed to obtainVastUrl function.

* Build trigger (empty commit)

* Module documentation updated according to the comments

* Logic in obtainVastUrl function updated according to the review comment.

* Removed hook, enabled eslint

* Circle CI runs e2e tests on every push (#4200)

* run functional tests on circle ci on push to any remote branch

* remove extraneous key from config file

* add test.localhost as alias to

* check 0: execute circle-ci

* move /etc/config to a separate command

* change bid partner to rubicon

* test appnexus bid adapter in ci

* comment browserstack command

* remove console.log statement

* test1: circle-ci

* change reference dev -> prod while loading prebid

* add console.log statement

* check-2: circle-ci

* comment browserstack testing

* change bid adapter

* change bid adapter

* remove test case for checking targeting keys

* remove the ci flag

* uncomment test for checking correct generation of targeting keys

* swap AN -> Rubicon for testing targeting keys

* Outcon bid adapter. (#4161)

* Outcon bid adapter.

* Fix identation

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Spec fixes

* Fixes

* Fix urls

* Fix

* Fix parameters

* Fix space operators

* Fix bidder timeout

* Update

* Fix whitespace

* no message

* Outcon unit test

* no message

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Change url

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Added bidId

* no message

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Wrapping url with html

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Adding workflow to run end to end tests (#4230)

* Adding workflow to run end to end tests

* trying self branch

* Update to run at 12 every day

* cleanup config using aliases

* update branch and cron time

* add command

* update prebid path for e2e test pages (#4274)

* Prebid 2.35.0 release

* Increment pre version

* Add usersync to adpone adapter (#4245)

* add user sync to adpone adapter

* move adpone usersync to global variable

* added withcredentials to http request

* fix http request options

* fix http request options

* add withCredentials: true

* add withCredentials: true

* added test coverage to usersync

* update sync function

* add test coverage

* adpone adapter

* package lock

* add more testing

* add more testing

* testing for onBidWon fucntion

* test onbidwon function

* trigger build

* Revert GumGum Adapter 2.28 resizing changes (#4277)

* changed resizing unit tests to return the first size dimensions in the sizes array

* added some changes

* reverted adapter changes

* SpotX Bid Adapter: Support schain, ID5 object, Google consent object, and hide_skin (#4281)

* Add SpotXBidAdapter

* Minor updates

* Undo testing changes to shared files

* Fix relative imports

* Remove superfluous imports and write a few more tests

* Formatting, ID5 object, Google consent objects

  - Added ID5 object support
  - Added Google Consent object
  - Reformatted indentaiton on spec file

* Revert content_width and content_height changes in docs

  - not sure how these got moved, lets put them back

* Remove click_to_replay flag in example

  - no reason to use this one in the example

* Spotx adapter - Add schain support and update unit tests

* Update schain path in ORTB 2.3 request body

	- schain object is now added to ortb request body
	  at request.ext.source.ext.schain

* Add hide_skin to documentation

  - whoops, this got removed, let's add it back

* Update Rubicon Analytics Adapter `bidId` to match PBS (#4156)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update for rubicon analytics to send seat[] for PBS video and banner

* fixed conditional for server and video or banner

* updated with optimized value test for bidid

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* remove var declaration for rightSlot to correct lgtm error for unused variable

* update defineSlot div id to match div id defined in html body

* update test ad unit test props

* revert lock to match remote master

* add seatBidId to bidObj in rpBidAdapter interpretResponse

* update setTargeting to execute in the bids back handler

* remove dev integration test page

* meaningless commit to get lgtm to re-run

* SmartRTB adapter update (#4246)

* modules: Implement SmartRTB adapter and spec.

* Fix for-loop syntax to support IE; refactor getDomain out of exported set.

* Remove debugs, update doc

* Update test for video support

* Handle missing syncs. Add video to media types in sample ad unit

* Add null response check, update primary endpoint

* Note smrtb video requires renderer

* Support Vast Track (#4276)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* Add parameters if config.cache.vasttrack is true

* Use requestId instead of adId

* Test new vasttrack payload params

* Removed commented out code

* Relaxed conditional check per review

* Removed commented out line

* Added 1000x250 size (#4295)

* prepare vidazoo adapter for v3.0 (#4291)

* Improve Digital adapter: support schain (#4286)

* LiveIntent Identity Module. (#4178)

* LiveIntentIdSystem. Initial implementation.

* LiveIntentIdSystem. Removed whitespace.

* Fixed typo

* Renamed variables, cookiesm added md.

* Changed the default identity url.

* Composite id, with having more than just the lipbid passed around.

* Composite id.

* Merge conflict resolution.

* Changed docs and param description.

* Added typedoc & mentioned liveIntentIdSystem in submodule.json.

* Extracted the LiveIntentIdSystem under modules, removed it from default userId modules.

* Fixing the 204 + no body scenario.

* Added liveIntent to submodule.json

* Fixing docs indentation.

* Updated prebidServer & specs.

* Minor specs update.

* updating liveintent eids source (#4300)

* updating liveintent eids source

these are supposed to be domains

* updating unit test

* fix appnexusBidAdapter view-script regex (#4289)

* fix an view script regex

* minor syntax update

* 33Across adding bidder specific extension field (#4298)

* - add 33across specific ext field for statedAt

* - fix unit test for 33Across adapter

* PubMatic to support LiveIntent User Id sub-module (#4306)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* supporting LiveIntent Id in PubMatic adapter

* updated source for liveintent

* Finteza Analytics Adapter: fix cookies (#4292)

* fix reading and sending cookies

* fix lint errors

* clear comments

* add unit tests

* fix calling of setCookies for IE

* clear cookies after test

* use own setCookie method inside tests

* Update LockerDome adapter to support Prebid 3.0 (#4301)

* Returning the `IdResponse` type with an obj + callback. Fix for 4304 (#4305)

*  Returning the `IdResponse` type with an obj + callback.

* Renamed resp -> result.

* Removed whitespace.

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support (#4222)

* add ShowHeroes Adapter

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support

* Revert "ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support"

This reverts commit bfcdb913b52012b5afbf95a84956b906518a4b51.

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support

* ShowHeroes adapter - fixes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - banner and outstream fixes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - description and outstream changes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - increase test coverage and small fix

* [Orbidder-Adapter] Add bidRequestCount and remove bid.params.keyValues (#4264)

* initial orbidder version in personal github repo…
patmmccann added a commit that referenced this issue Jul 26, 2022
* Pull upstream (#24)

* BidWatch Analytics Adapter: add new analytics adapter (#8302)

* New Analytics Adapter bidwatch

* test for bidwatch Analytics Adapter

* change maintainer address

* Update bidwatchAnalyticsAdapter.js

* Update bidwatchAnalyticsAdapter.js

* Update

* Update

* Native ads: change asset param (#8371)

* TPMN  Bidder Adapter: write id in first party domain; force syncs with various parties (#8341)

* add TPMN UserSync Bidder Adapter(Test Modify)
Updating the source code that was forked in the past.
make test case more.
- add pb7 bidderSettings option
- userSync fix.

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

Co-authored-by: changjun <[email protected]>

* Jixie Bid Adapter: send device info (#8397)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* to support sending object of device info to backend.
yes the backend can handle it even though device was a string so far

* LKQD Bid Adapter: remove device ip bug (#8400)

* LKQD: remove device ip from request

* LKQD: remove device IP test

* cpex Id System: initial release (#8364)

* Adds cpexIdSystem

* Fixes cpexIdSystem tests

* Added markdown document

* Remove unnecessary storage config

* UserID module: graceful handling of exceptions from ID submodules (#8401)

* Do not error out when malformed JSON is set in cookies

* UserID module: graceful handling of exceptions from ID submodules

* removing floor field from bid request when not defined (#8398)

* passing floors signal to PBS (#8392)

* add adunit floor min price floors (#8396)

* AirGrid RTD  module: Support for xandr / appnexus auction level keywords. (#8388)

* chore: update docs page to match official docs

* feat: add support for appnexus / xandr auction level keywords

* Alkimi Bid Adapter: change maintainer email (#8405)

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* alkimi adapter

* onBidWon change

* sign utils

* auction ID as bid request ID

* unit test fixes

* change maintainer info

Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGrid: support (#8404)

* PubMatic Bid Adapter : Remove GroupM as alias (#8386)

* Changed net revenue to True

* Removed groupm as alias

* Pasing the alternateBidder values to translator

Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>

* Intentiq module: adding dynamic ttl and rtt and storing data in localstorate (#8384)

* Intentiq module: adding dynamic ttl and data to LS

* Fixing Useless conditional alerts

Co-authored-by: Julian <[email protected]>

* Floc ID Module: remove call for floc (#8402)

* Update flocIdSystem.js

* Update flocIdSystem.js

* Multiple modules: replace all usage of `require` with `import` (#8379)

We had multiple reports of an elusive issue that seems to be related to use of `require` (

Since mixed use of `require` and `import`s is not great anyway, this is a good opportunity to clean it up.

* Sirdata RTD Module: bug fixes & add new bidders (#8406)

* - bug fixes
- new bidders supported: yahoo, pubmatic, openx

* fix invalid indentation

* Revert "fix invalid indentation"

This reverts commit 6ed9f9116b86c484b1d3b895315a77e03651369d.

* manually update indentation

* AdagioBidAdapter: fix site information detection (use refererInfo) (#8407)

* Criteo : Add support of PAF response model (#8359)

* JwPlayer RTD Module: Set Ortb content to config (#8354)

* sets to config

* updates unit tests

* clears obsolete data

* typo

* replaces duplicate strings

* Audigent analytics adapter: add new analytics adapter (#8347)

* adding logic and tests for hadronAnalyticsAdapter

* increasing coverage

* typo in partnerId procedence

* Sspbc Bid Adapter: Gather language in payload; various formatting changes (#8395)

* Update tests for sspBC adapter

Update tests for sspBC adapter:
- change userSync test (due to tcf param appended in v4.6)
- add tests for onBidWon and onTimeout

* [sspbc-adapter] 5.3 updates: content-type for notifications

* [sspbc-adapter] pass CTA to native bid

* [sspbc-5.3] keep pbsize for detected adunits

* [sspbc-5.3] increment adaptor ver

* [sspbc-adapter] maintenance update to sspBCBidAdapter

* remove yarn.lock

* Delete package-lock.json

* remove package-lock.jsonfrom pull request

* [sspbc-adapter] send pageViewId in request

* [sspbc-adapter] update pageViewId test

* [sspbc-adapter] add viewabiility tracker to native ads

* [sspbc-adapter] add support for bid.admNative property

* [sspbc-adapter] ensure that placement id length is always 3 (improves matching response to request)

* [sspbc-adapter] read publisher id and custom ad label, then send them to banner creative

* [sspbc-adapter] adlabel and pubid are set as empty strings, if not present in bid response

* [sspbc-adapter] jstracker data fix

* [sspbc-adapter] jstracker data fix

* [sspbc-adapter] send tagid in notifications

* [sspbc-adapter] add gvlid to spec; prepare getUserSyncs for iframe + image sync

* [sspbc-adapter] fix notification payload

* [sspbc-adapter] fix notification payload, fix tests

* [sspbc-adapter] add userIds to ortb request

* [sspbc-adapter] update to 4.1, change request to be ortb 2.6 compliant

* [sspbc-adapter] update tests

* [ssbc-adapter] bid cache for video ads

* [sspbc-adapter] add to banner ad; update tests

* [sspbc-adapter] fix window.gam not being added to banner html

* [sspbc-adapter] send device / content language

* [sspbc-adapter] send pageview and site ids to user sync frame

* [sspbc-adapter] add ES6 version of common ad library (for banner creatives)

* [sspbc-adapter] move content property

* [sspbc-adapter] reorganize notification payload creator

* [sspbc-adapter] store PLN price in meta; send in bidWon notification

* [sspbc-adapter] add playbackmethod to supporten video params; allow overridinbg video settngs via

* [sspbc-adapter] update md

* [sspbc-adapter] fix error in mapVideo method (Object assign merror when mediaTypes do not contain video)

Co-authored-by: Wojciech Biały <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.24.0 release

* Increment version to 6.25.0-pre

* fix(deps): declare required deps for webpack build (#8411)

When using Prebid.js as a NPM dependency and built with webpack, the
instructions are to use the babel configuration and plugins that are
provided by Prebid.

        test: /.js$/,
        include: new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}prebid\\.js`),
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          // presets and plugins for Prebid.js must be manually specified separate from your other babel rule.
          // this can be accomplished by requiring prebid's .babelrc.js file (requires Babel 7 and Node v8.9.0+)
          // as of Prebid 6, babelrc.js only targets modern browsers. One can change the targets and build for
          // older browsers if they prefer, but integration tests on ie11 were removed in Prebid.js 6.0
          options: require('prebid.js/.babelrc.js')

This seems to work just fine when using NPM or Yarn 1. However it is not
possible when using stricter settings or package managers that require
strict dependency declarations.

[webpack-cli] Failed to load '/Users/john.wright/Workspace/mung-app/webpack.config.js'
config [webpack-cli] Error: prebid.js tried to access
@babel/preset-env, but it isn't declared in its dependencies;
this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound.

* Multiple modules: automatically fill in PPID for DFP video URLs (#8365)

* Prebid 6.24.1 release

* Increment version to 6.25.0-pre

* Invibes Bid Adapter: write id to first party from bid adapter (#8202)

* Invibes Bid Adapter: added support for LiD generation on Invibes servers

* Invibes Bid Adapter: replaced all cookies storing with local storage
removed cookie storing logic

* invibesBidAdapter: applied lint formatting  updated unit tests to reflect reading from localStorage

* Update invibesBidAdapter_spec.js

updated Invibes Bid Adapter unit tests to pass for when the default storage allowed will be changed.

* Weborama RTD submodule: specify list of bidders to share data (#8350)

* update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd

update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd submodule

* add support to pubmatic

* improve test format

* improve test format ~

* add support to appnexus/xandr bidder

* fix issue when split set target in two steps: site and user centric data

* add support to rubicon old style

* fix code, update docs

* add support to global and bid ortb2

* remove unused code

* refactor code

* update bidder list

* add global level parameters

* change error to warning

* update doc

* refactor

* add field accountId

* update example

* refactor js concat string

* refactor js concat string 2

* update jsdoc

* correct jsdoc

* add support to pubmatic

* improve test format

* improve test format ~

* add support to appnexus/xandr bidder

* fix issue when split set target in two steps: site and user centric data

* add support to rubicon old style

* fix code, update docs

* add support to global and bid ortb2

* remove unused code

* refactor code

* update bidder list

* add global level parameters

* change error to warning

* update doc

* refactor

* add field accountId

* update example

* refactor js concat string

* refactor js concat string 2

* update jsdoc

* correct jsdoc

* fix log

* update example

* remove todo

* refactor duplicated code in config normalization

* fix jsdoc

* add main feature

* update jstag

* improve callback

* improve doc

* improve doc about ortb2

* refactor code

* refactor tests to use one adunit

* fix unit tests

* prepare to add support to webo lite

* refactor code

* reorder code to handle bid data

* finish unit test

* improve copy of data

* improve unit test by checking callbacks that alter bid data

* format source

* fix doc

* specify webo lite as site-centric data

* add check for profile format

* update doc and code

* update sendToBidder callback signature

* fix doc

* fix doc 2

* fix js example

* update doc

* improve doc

* fix doc for LiTE

* update code and tests

* update doc

* update unit test

* improve doc

* fix sfbx lite code, add isDefault flag on metadata

* remove unused imports in tests

* refactor code using ?. operator

* improve deep clone usage

* keep code less dinamic

* refactor thinking in the prebid 7

* format source

* format tests

* suppress mention to lite

* Revert "suppress mention to lite"

This reverts commit 43fa65804446c4a6acf18dd48897f971c5d85683.

* small fix

* refactor init submodule functions

* add new constants

* update example

* simplify code

* rename function, rewrite callbacks into () => notation

* update sfbx lite name

* fix doc

* TrustP ID Module: Refactor acronyms handler (#8228)

* feature: Add trustpid user id module

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem module, comments and md file

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem file to handle domain setting regardless of message events

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem module and dependent tests and docs

* refactor: Update trustpid undefined checks and returns

* tests: Update trustpid tests

* docs: Update trustpid docs typo

* refactor: Update trustpid acronyms logic

* refactor: Remove unused import

* refactor: Trustpid documentation update

Co-authored-by: Tomasz Januszek <[email protected]>

* appnexus bid adapter - fix in psp keywords logic (#8382)

* UserID module: do not start initialization until `pbjs.processQueue()` has been called (#8408)

* Extract controllable promise into utils function

* Do not start init of userId until processQueue is called

* Add PGAM client side (#8418)

* IX Bid Adapter: Outstream Support Update (#8412)

* outstream player update

* documentation update

Co-authored-by: Love Sharma <[email protected]>

* Alkimi Bid Adapter: Markdown file example update (#8422)

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* alkimi adapter

* onBidWon change

* sign utils

* auction ID as bid request ID

* unit test fixes

* change maintainer info

* Updated the ad unit params

Co-authored-by: Alexander <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: motors <[email protected]>

* BeOp Bid Adapter: prefer canonical URL when present & prepend protocol (#8391)

* [BeOp] prefer canonical URL when present & prepend protocol

* [BeOp] get the right page url in tracking events too

* [BeOp] improve page url resolver

* BeOp Bid Adapter: 'top.location.protocol' can also throw

* feat: add detected page url to ixdiag [PB-978] (#8425)

Co-authored-by: shahin.rahbariasl <[email protected]>

* LiveIntent Id Submodule: Update live-connect to 2.3.3; better consent processing (#8423)

* Update live-connect to 2.3.3

* Update package-lock.json

* Fix tests

* Adjust test cases

Co-authored-by: Viktor Dreiling <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Viktor Dreiling <[email protected]>

* support cta and privacyLink (#8403)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: adding media type to bid response, supporting vastXml response (#8426)

* kargo adapter - adding mediaType to bid response, conditionally set vastXml field

* kargo adapter - updating tests

* Improve Digital adapter: adding Extend mode (#8399)

Co-authored-by: iosfaisal <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: iosfaisal <[email protected]>

* Update sync URLs (#8431)

We are updating sync URLs to our current partners.

* AdagioBidAdapter: remove useless data in bid request. (#8434)

* Prebid 6.25.0 release

* Increment version to 6.26.0-pre

* Ogury Bid Adapter: Add device infos with size in bidrequest (#8416)

* Add device infos with size in bidrequest

* trigger rebuild on CI to fix tests

* restore sinon stubbed methods after all tests

* restore stub correctly at end of tests

* trigger rebuild on CI to fix tests

* Video Heroes Bid Adapter: add new bid adapter (#8310)

* added Brave bidder adapter with test and docs 

Commit has standard bidder adapter 2 new files adapter js, adapter md

* added test spec file witch covered code least 80 %

* adding videoHeroes bidder adapter

* added videoHeroes test spec

* Update braveBidAdapter.js

* Update braveBidAdapter.js

* Update

* upd import of utils lib to load only certain fnc

* cpex Id module: Remove window reference (#8440)

* Remove window reference

* Changed version to string

* Jixie Bid Adapter: add schain (#8439)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* jixie sending schain info to jixie backend

* support of schain info sent to jixie endpoint, fixing some indentation complaints from auto build check

* Gravito User Id submodule: initial release (#8414)

* gravitompId user module for integrating gravito first party cookie with prebid js

* fixed eslint issues raised by circleci

* fixed trailing spaces error raised by circleci

* Rename id to aoneId from dacId (#8453)

* Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8284)

* Fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values required by Akamai DAP

* Fixed the timeout issue in build browserstack tests

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing review comments - using storage manager for managing localStorage

* Fixing review comments - using loadExternalScript method to load the script

* Fixed unit test case

* Fixing review comments - Added consent handling

* Zeta global ssp bid adapter: add shortname param (#8454)

* zeta_global_sspBidAdapter shortname was added

* remove the trash

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Remove medianetRtdProvider tests (#8463)

* Revert "Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8284)" (#8464)

This reverts commit c4348892b5d3425d21373e1dcf4d67da04fed622.

* Prebid 6.26.0 release

* Increment version to 6.27.0-pre

* Update fintezaAnalyticsAdapter_spec.js (#8467)

* Hadron analytics adapter: fix cross-origin exception on init (#8472)

* Pulling the URL check out from the logic. Whatever the user passes will be used (#8473)

Co-authored-by: Jason Lydon <[email protected]>

* Update conversant adapter to accept position from the AdUnit (#8477)

* NovatiqId User Module - Include IAB Vendor ID (#8479)

* Novatiq snowflake userId submodule

Novatiq snowflake userId submodule initial release

* change request updates

added novatiq info /modules/userId/
added novatiq info /modules/userId/
added novatiq eids /modules/userId/eids.js
added novatiq module in /modules/.submodules.json
removed unnecessary value from getId response

* Update novatiqIdSystem_spec.js

removed unnecessary srcid value

* Update

Novatiq ID System: updated novatiq snowflake ID description

* use the sharedId if available and configured

* updated docs

* test changes

* defensive code not required

* Use the prebid storage manager instead of using native functions

* doc changes

* trailing spaces

* Allow configuration of the sync URL and to allow callbacks for specific custom partner integrations

* update documentation

* attempt to fix firefox test timeout

* include the AIB Vendor Id

Co-authored-by: novatiq <[email protected]>

* Multiple modules: attempt to reduce test flakiness, improved logging for XHR mock race conditions (#8466)

* Datablocks bid adapter: do not send metrics during tests

* Log contents of XHR mock on test failure

* Disable ajax for analytics adapters during tests

* Do not assume that test setup did not fail

* Update to move floors logic after placement.sizes are defined (#8476)

* Adloox Analytics/RTD: prefer gpid over pbadslot (#8455)

* Adloox Analytics: use CSS.escape when possible

* Adloox Analytics/RTD: support GPID

* Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8470)

* Fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values required by Akamai DAP

* Fixed the timeout issue in build browserstack tests

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing review comments - using storage manager for managing localStorage

* Fixing review comments - using loadExternalScript method to load the script

* Fixed unit test case

* Fixing review comments - Added consent handling

* SOVRN Bid Adapter: refactor old test code (#8430)

* feat: [EX-3265] format tests for prebid.js adapter

* feat: [EX-3265] add tests for video media type

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

Co-authored-by: Maxim Pakhomov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Maxim Pakhomov <[email protected]>

* Tests: remove console.log (#8481)

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Kobler adapter: remove outdated parameters, simplify testing (#8445)

* Removed position parameter.

* Removed zip parameter.

* Removed placementId parameter and make sizes required instead.

* Updated price-related macros.

* Fixed error when params is not provided.

* Removed last occurrence of placementId.

* Read currency.adServerCurrency as publisherCurrency.

* Use DEV endpoint for testing.

* Use config.pageUrl when test is set to true.

* Added more details about page URL.

* `config.pageUrl`.

* Added a comment explaining why pageUrl is considered only when testing.

* Fixed double quotes in tests.

* NaveggId module: fixed regex used to get naveggId from LocalStorage (#8441)

* fixed regex used to get naveggId from LocalStorage

* added unit tests

Co-authored-by: Jose <[email protected]>

* Taboola bid adapter: initial release (#8483)

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* add it also to the aftereach

* add it also to the aftereach

* Prebid 6.27.0 release

* Increment version to 6.28.0-pre

* Ftrack Id Module: replace native appendChild with Prebid's loadExternalScript (#8432)

* JDB-533: replacing appendChild in the ftrack prebid module

* JDB-533: working on switching over to AJAX/CDN

* JDB-533: removing some commented out code

* JDB-533: removing redundant conditions

Co-authored-by: Jason Lydon <[email protected]>

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: Initial Release (#8316)

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX
- document updated

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX
- removed

Co-authored-by: Mohit Patil <[email protected]>

* added tests for medianet rtd without loading js (#8485)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Adyoulike Bidder Adapter - schain support (#8486)

* add schain data to the bid request

* add unit test with schain data

* ZetaGlobalSsp BidAdapter: shortname to url (#8471)

* ZetaGlobalSsp bid adapter: shortname param into url param

* fix tests

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Akamai RTD Module: Fixed randomly failing test cases and updated the variable names (#8487)

* Fixed the randomly failing test cases and updated the variable names

* Improving code quality

* Adriver ID system: fix spurious test failure (#8489)

* Inskin bid adapter: use loadExternalScript utility instead of appendChild() to insert the ad tag (#8490)

* TheMediaGrid: support (#8492)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with nurl field in response

* TheMediaGrid: update test

* TheMediaGridNM: fix possible bug with nurl

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as playwire

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as adlivetech

* TheMediaGrid: fix sync url workflow

* TrustX: fix sync url worflow + remove old syncurl

* TheMediaGrid: added instl support

* TheMediaGrid: fix test for instl

* TheMediaGrid: update md file

* TheMediaGrid: reformat segments for permutive rtd module

* TrustX: send all in

* TheMediaGrid: remove permutive segments reformating

* TrustX: remove permutive segments reformating

* TheMediaGrid & TrustX: fix typo

* TheMediaGrid: support

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: support

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Fix for #8421 (#8493)

* Sending no decode whole url options to true, to avoid errors while decoding publisher url (#8497)

* Automatad Bid Adapter: changes to ajax request options for bid requests (#8444)

* changes for ajax request options for automatad bid request

* add test for isCredentials changes

* Various Magnite Adapters: GVL ID update (#8501)

* Magnite adapters still require legacy GVL IDs

* CTV update

* Adf adapter: avoid preflight request (#8498)

* Hadron RTD module: use internal methods (#8496)

* following prebid team's advise

* adding to adloader.js

* removing generic import

* using internal methods for loading external scripts in medianetRtdProvider (#8506)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Criteo - Update Publisher Tag version referenced by prebid adapter (#8491)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: onTimeout Support (#8449)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: Use currency from Bid Response

* Kargo Bid Adapter: Fix failed test

* Kargo Bid Adapter: adding media type to bid response, supporting vastXml response (#8426)

* kargo adapter - adding mediaType to bid response, conditionally set vastXml field

* kargo adapter - updating tests

* Kargo Bid Adapter: onTimeout Support (#6)

* Adding additional param

* Adding response time function

* Remove debug

* Updating response time log to be set by bid response

* Adding screen width/height to request

* Test fix

* Test fix

* Removing interpretResponse signaling

* Simplifying send data function

Co-authored-by: Wei Wong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Andy Rusiecki <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.28.0 release

* Increment version to 6.29.0-pre

* CAPT-74: Pass ext section of each bid for prebid slot ID and GPID (#8509)

Co-authored-by: Timothy M. Ace <[email protected]>

* Insticator Bid adapter: Adds Support for Video (#8452)

* feat: added support for video

* feat: added support for mimes

* feat: added mimes check to video validation

* Gdpr Enforcement module and sharedId/pubCommonId modules: vendor consent should not be enforced for first-party-id modules (#8448)

* Fixed issue with gdprEnforcement module and sharedId/pubCommonId modules: vendor consent should not be enforced for first-party-id modules

* addressed review comments

* addressed review comments

* added test to ensure device access is not allowed for vendorless modules in case purpose 1 consent isn't given

* fixed issue with missing moduleType param

Co-authored-by: Serhii Holdun <[email protected]>

* PubMatic Analytics Adapter : Added support for logging multiple bids (#8517)

* Changed net revenue to True

* Removed groupm as alias

* Pasing the alternateBidder values to translator

* initial commit

* Added adId for differentiation of bids

* Fixed UT

* Added UT for GroupM

* Finding winning bid according to adId

* worked on LGTM comment

Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>

* AdOcean bid adapter: support for SupplyChain object  (#8518)

* AdOcean adapter - support for supply chain object

* AdOcean adapter - support for supply chain object - use older constructs

* AdOcean adapter - small fixes

* Taboola Bid Adapter: api support for https (#8520)

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* add it also to the aftereach

* add it also to the aftereach

* change the api endpoint https protocol

* ixBidAdapter: change to new endpoint and README (#8529)

* Vidazoo bid adapter: fix spurious test failure (#8515)

* Added support for IDs for multiple sources (#8499)

Co-authored-by: Nick Curry <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.29.0 release

* Increment version to 7.0.0-pre

* Prebid 7 (#8530)

* Prebid 7: Delete userid targeting module (#8227)

* Delete userIdTargeting.js

* Delete

* Delete shareUserIds_spec.js

* NextRoll ID: Remove NextRoll ID module (#8150)

* Remove Sortable Analytics Adapter (#8251)

* Prebid 7: Merge in changes from master (#8278)

* only map one slotrender to one adunit (#8211)

* DFP Ad Server Video: respect original url (#8168)

* original url components take precedence over defaults

uses object assignment

* tests that url is respected

* respects url size and cust params

* moves url cust param addition to fn

* tests that url params are respected

* Admaru adapter : add new bid adapter (#8149)

* init

* modified admaruBidAdapter.js, md, _spec.js

* modify for test

* Delete .project

* update

* update admarubidadapter.js

* Revert "Delete .project"

This reverts commit 0e1bdd4fcadd0a97fea87ba2a92cb502e5e3a19b.

* remove .project

* modified

* modified

* Delete .project

* modified

* Revert "Delete .project"

This reverts commit c4e7bd6096fe9521dd5e2fab2b3d5241149dc6ec.

* Delete .project

* modified

* modified

Co-authored-by: sung.chung <[email protected]>

* Missena Bid Adapter - allow custom endpoint. (#8222)

* Next Millenium Bid Adapter: Added new parameter group_id (#8200)

* changed name company

* changed name company in test

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* changed check parameters

* fixed lint remarks

* added test

* fixed bug - lint

* changed test

* changed test - 2

* fixed bug - adapter

* add timeout value to timeout pixel (#8224)

* Outbrain bid adapter: added floor module and privacy link support (#8223)

* add floor support

* add additional validation for bid request format

* add privacy link support

* fixes

* set privacy in mapper

* fix test

* Improve Digital Bid adapter: use the oRTB server endpoint (#8138)

* Major refactoring to use new oRTB server endpoint

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>

* fixed wrong merge

* Fixed issue related to site and app (#9)

* Fixed errors for test cases.

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>

* NativoBidAdapter - Bid data mapping refactor and added QS params on request (#8196)

* Initial nativoBidAdapter document creation (js, md and spec)

* Fulling working prebid using nativoBidAdapter. Support for GDPR and CCPA in user syncs.

* Added defult size settings based on the largest ad unit. Added response body validation. Added consent to request url qs params.

* Changed bidder endpoint url

* Changed double quotes to single quotes.

* Reverted package-json.lock to remove modifications from PR

* Added optional bidder param 'url' so the ad server can force- match an existing placement

* Lint fix. Added space after if.

* Added new QS param to send various adUnit data to adapter endpopint

* Updated unit test for new QS param

* Added qs param to keep track of ad unit refreshes

* Updated bidMap key default value

* Updated refresh increment logic

* Refactored spread operator for IE11 support

* Updated isBidRequestValid check

* Refactored Object.enties to use Object.keys to fix CircleCI testing errors

* Updated bid mapping key creation to prioritize ad unit code over placementId

* Added filtering by ad, advertiser and campaign.

* Merged master

* Added more robust bidDataMap with multiple key access

* Deduped filer values

* Rolled back package.json

* Duped upstream/master's package.lock file ... not sure how it got changed in the first place

* Small refactor of filterData length check. Removed comparison with 0 since a length value of 0 is already falsy.

Co-authored-by: Joshua Fledderjohn <[email protected]>

* Floor price : allow having a 0$ floor (#8239)

* Prebid 6.18.0 release

* Increment version to 6.19.0-pre

* IAS RTD Module: Custom key values (#8214)

* Mapping table initialization

A constant initialises a mapping table where each possible key used by IAS is mapped to itself.
The dataProviders config for the IAS RTD module accepts an optional new property: keyMappings. The init function reads this property and uses it to overwrite any key that is already in the pre-initialised mapping table with the new value provided.
In a future addition, the mapping table will be used to populate the key-values actually sent to the adserver.

* Rename Key Values

After merging the key-values for each ad unit, a renaming function is called to ensure that any custom key chosen by the client is used.

* Bugfix

Call the callback() function in getBidRequestData.

* Unit tests changed to include one renamed parameter.

* Unit tests corrected and adapted to cover the current features.

* Yieldlab Bid Adapter: Add Support for User Matching (#8148)

* Build system: add option to generate source maps for production builds (#8220)

* Gamoshi Bid Adapter: Handle gdpr applies correctly (#8245)

* Nobid Prebid Adapter commit (#4050)

* Nobid Prebid Adapter commit

* Fixed global replace and unit tests

* Fixed find function

* Added

* Removed description and added "Bid Params" section.

* Added test siteId 2 for testing.

* Refactored the Adapter to remove most references to the nobid object. We still need the nobid object because we have a passback tag in DFP that makes reference to it.

* Fix concurrent responses on the page

* Cosmetic change to log an error in case of missing ad markup

* Keep nobid.bidResponses cross adapters.

* Added GDPR support in user sync and added test coverage.
gulp test-coverage
gulp view-coverage

* Padding issues

* Fix padding issues

* Fix padding

* update outstream prod url (#4104)

* support pubcid and uids (#4143)

* Fix misspelling and minor cleanup of schain docs (#4150)

* Prebid 2.31.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* Rubicon: tuning logged messages (#4157)

* Rubicon: tuning logged messages

* Update rubiconBidAdapter.js

* fixed indentation

* Rubicon Video COPPA fix (#4155)

* Rubicon Video COPPA fix

* Unit test for Rubicon Video COPPA fix

* Playground XYZ adapter - iframe usersync bug fix (#4141)

* corrected user sync type

* removed support for iframe usersync

* added unit tests for getUserSyncs

* update nvmrc file (#4162)

* update gulp-footer package (#4160)

* Datablocks bid/analytics adapter (#4128)

* add datablocks Analytics and Bidder Adapters

* remove preload param

* remove preloadid

* better coverage of tests

* better coverage

* IE doesn't support array.find

* lint test

* update example host

* native asset id should be integer

* update logic of ad_types field in appnexusBidAdapter (#4065)

* Shorten SomoAudience to just Somo (#4163)

* Shorten SomoAudience to just Somo

* Make package-lock return

* Quantcast: Fix for empty video parameters (#4145)

* Copy params from

* Added test for missing video parameters.

* Include mimes from adunit.

* One Video adding Rewarded Video Feature (#4142)

* outstream changes

* removing global filtet

* reverting page

* message

* adapter change

* remove space

* testcases

* testpage

* spaces for test page

* renderer exist case

* reverting package-lock.json

* adding schain object

* adding tagid

* syntaxx error fix

* video.html

* space trailing

* space

* tagid

* inventoryId and placement

* rewarded video

* added unit test case

* Module to pass User Ids to DFP (#4140)

* first commit

* renamed

* minor doc change

* documentation

* small change

* EB

* removed unused imports

* minor changes

* reanmaed a const

* adding more methods to test shareUserIds module

* unit tets cases for shareUserIds

* indentation

* renamed DFP to GAM

* renamed shareUserIds to userIdTargeting

* Update

* trying to restart CI

* digitrust userId case handled

* minor comment change

* using auctionEnd event instead of requestBids.before

* using events.on

* Buzzoola bid adapter (#4127)

* initial commit for buzzoola adapter

* leave only banners for now

* fix bid validation

* change endpoint url

* add video type

* restore renderer

* fix renderer

* add fixed player sizes

* switch bids

* convert dimentions to strings

* write tests

* 100% tests

* remove new DOM element creation in tests

* handle empty response from server

* change description

* E2e tests for Native and Outstream video Ad formats. (#4116)

* reorganize e2e/ tests into separate directories

* new test page for e2e-banner testing

* add test to check if Banner Ad is getting loaded

* change location of the spec files to reflect change in test/e2e directory structure

* add test case to check for generation of valid targeting keys

* create Native Ad test page

* add test case to check validity of the targeting keys and correct rendering of the Ad

* update old browser versions to new

* update browser version

* update title

* remove console.log statements

* add basic functional test for e2e outstream video ad format

* Update LockerDome adUnitId bid param (#4176)

This is not a breaking change

* fix several issues in appnexus video bids (#4154)

* S2s testing disable client side (#4123)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* New testServerOnly flag

* Tests and a bug fix

* Removed dead code

* Fixes requested in review

* Check each adUnit

* isTestingServerOnly changes per Eric

* Fixed IE 11 bug

* More tests

* improved test case names

* New option to Include deal KVPs when enableSendAllBids === false (#4136)

* new option to include KVPs which have deals when
enableSendAllBids === false

* updating tests to be more realistic

* Prebid 2.32.0 Release

* increment pre version

* Rubicon doc: changing video test zone (#4187)

* added schain support to sonobi adapter (#4173)

* if schain config is not defined then error should not be thrown (#4165)

* if schain config is not defiend then error should not be thrown

* relaxed mode nodes param not defined error handled

* added test cases for config validation

* a curly bracket was missing in the example

* Rubicon: updating test params (#4190)

* myTargetBidAdapter: support currency config (#4188)

* Update (#4193)

* Update

* Update

* cedato bid adapter instream video support (#4153)

* Added adxpremium prebid analytics adapter (#4181)

* feat(OAFLO-186): added support for schain (#4194)

* Sonobi - send entire userid payload (#4196)

* added userid param to pass the entire userId payload to sonobis bid request endpoint

* removed console log
git p

* fixed lint

* OpenX Adapter fix: updating outdated video examples (#4198)

* userId - Add support for refreshing the cached user id (#4082)

* [userId] Added support for refreshing the cached user id: refreshInSeconds storage parameter, related tests and implementation in id5 module

* [userId] Added support for refreshing the cached user id: refreshInSeconds storage parameter, related tests and implementation in id5 module

* UserId - ID5 - Updated doc with new contact point for partners

* UserId - Merged getStoredValue and getStoredDate

* [UserId] - ID5 - Moved back ID5 in ./modules

* UserId - ID5 - Fixed incorrect GDPR condition

* [UserId] - Doc update and test cleanup

* Prebid 2.33.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* SupplyChainObject support and fires a pixel onTimeout (#4152)

* - Implemented the 'onTimeout' callback to fire a pixel when there's a timeout.
- Added the ability to serialize an schain object according to the description provided here:

* some mods to the schain tag generation

* - added tests for schain param checking.

* - fixed a malformed url for timeouts

* - Removed a trailing ',' while generating a schain param.

* - Using the schain object from validBidRequest if present. Reverting to checking if params has it if not.

* - reverting changes to merge with master

* - Resolving merge issues

* Feature/add profile parameter (#4185)

* Add optional profile parameter

* EMXDigital Bid Adapter: Add video dimensions in request (#4174)

* addressed feedback from #3731 ticket

* removed commented code from emx test spec

* logging removed from spec

* flip h & w values from playerSize for video requests

* adding Outstream mediaType to EMX Digital

* adding device info. update to grab video param. styling changes.

* add video dimensions from playerSize

* fix test for video dimensions

* Added keywords parameter support in TrustX Bid Adapter (#4183)

* Add trustx adapter and tests for it

* update integration example

* Update trustx adapter

* Post-review fixes of Trustx adapter

* Code improvement for trustx adapter: changed default price type from gross to net

* Update TrustX adapter to support the 1.0 version

* Make requested changes for TrustX adapter

* Updated markdown file for TrustX adapter

* Fix TrustX adapter and spec file

* Update TrustX adapter: r parameter was added to ad request as cache buster

* Add support of gdpr to Trustx Bid Adapter

* Add wtimeout to ad request params for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: remove last ampersand in the ad request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support identical uids in parameters

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to ignore bids that sizes do not match the size of the request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support instream and outstream video

* Added wrapperType and wrapperVersion parameters in ad request for TrustX Bid Adapter

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to use refererInfo instead depricated function utils.getTopWindowUrl

* HOTFIX for referrer encodind in TrustX Bid Adapter

* Fix test for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added keywords passing support

* rubicon: avoid passing unknown position (#4207)

* rubicon: not passing pos if not specified

* added comment

* not sending pos for video when undefined

* cleaning up test

* fixed unit test

* correctly reference bidrequest and determine mediatype of bidresponse (#4204)

* GumGum: only send gdprConsent when found (#4205)

* adds digitrust module, mods gdpr from bool to int

* update unit test

* only send gdprconsent if present

* LKQD: Use refererInfo.referer as fallback pageurl (#4210)

* Refactored URL query parameter passthrough for additional values, changed SSP endpoint to, and updated associated unit tests

* Use refererInfo.referer as fallback pageurl

* Removed logs and testing values

* [UserId] - ID5 - Fixed case when consentData is undefined (No CMP) (#4215)

* create stubs for localStorage in widespaceBidAdapter test file (#4208)

* added adId property to adRenderFailed event (#4097)

When no bid (therefore no adUnitCode) is available in the adRenderFailed event it can be difficult to identify the erroring slot.But in almost all cases the given slot still has the adId targeting.

* OpenX Adapter: Forcing https requests and adding UserID module support for LiveRamp and TTD (#4182)

* OpenX Adapter: Updated requests to force https

* OpenX Adapter: Added support for TTD's UnifiedID and LiveRamp's IDL

* PubMatic to support userId sub-modules (#4191)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* TripleLift support for UnifiedId and IdentityLink (#4197)

* Add IdentityLink support and fix UnifiedId.

It appears we've been looking for UnifiedId userIds
on the bidderRequest object, when they are found on bidRequests.
This commit fixes that error, and adds support for IdentityLink.

* change maintainer email to group

* Added lemma adapter (#4126)

* lemmaBidAdapter.js

Added lemma bid adapter file


Added lemma bid adapter md file

* lemmaBidAdapter_spec.js

Added lemma bid adapter test spec file

* Update lemmaBidAdapter.js

Fixed automated code review alert comparison between inconvertible types

* Update lemmaBidAdapter.js

Fixed review changes

* Update

Correct parameter value.

* Adkernel adapter new alias (#4221)

* Force https scheme for Criteo Bidder (#4227)

* assign adapter version number

* Ensure that Criteo's bidder is always called through https

* Add Video Support for Datablocks Bid Adapter (#4195)

* add datablocks Analytics and Bidder Adapters

* remove preload param

* remove preloadid

* better coverage of tests

* better coverage

* IE doesn't support array.find

* lint test

* update example host

* native asset id should be integer

* add datablocks Video

* remove isInteger

* skip if empty

* update adUnit, bidRequest and bidResponse object (#4180)

* update adUnit, bidRequest and bidResponse object

* add test for mediaTypes object

* 3 display banner and video vast support for rads (#4209)

* add stv adapter

* remove comments from adapter file

* start rads adapter

* fix adapter and tests

* fixes

* fix adapter and doc

* fix adapter

* fix tests

* little fix

* add ip param

* fix dev url

* #3

* #3 cleanup

* fix code and doc

* UserId - Add SameSite and server-side pubcid support (#3869)

* Add SameSite and server-side pubcid support

* Fix emoteevBidAdapter unit test

* added schain to appnexus bid adapter (#4229)

* added schain to appnexus bid adapter

* semicolon

* update doubleclick url (#4179)

* Prebid 2.34.0 release

* increment pre version

* Rubi Analytics handles > 1 bidResponse per bidRequest (#4224)

* videoNow bid adapter (#4088)

* -- first commit

* -- cors and bidder's name fixed

* -- almost ready

* -- added docs

* -- added nurl tracking

* -- bid params

* -- tests added

* -- test fixed

* -- replace placeholder in the onBidWon pixel's url

* -- commit for restart tests

* -- change response data format for display ad

* -- tests updated

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- a few clean the test's code

* -- custom urls from localStorage

* -- tests updated

* -- a few clean the test's code

* -- new init model

* -- spec for new init model

* -- fix for new init model

* -- code cleaned

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- fixed test

* -- commit for restart tests

* djax new bidder adapter  (#4192)

* djax bidder adapter

* djax bidder adapter

* Update hello_world.html

* Added Turk Telekom Bid Adapter (#4203)

* Added Turk Telekom Bid Adapter

* Fix md file for Turk Telekom Bid Adapter

* MicroAd: Use HTTPS in all requests (#4220)

* Always use HTTPS endpoint in MicroAd

* Update code

* Fixed a broken test in MicroAd

* Schain: avoiding Object.values as it is breaking on IE11 (#4238)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* avoiding use of Object.values

* 3952 delay auction for ids (#4115)

* 3952 delay auction for user ids

* 3952 add integration example

* 3952 add tests

* 3952 fix html example

* add todos

* 3952 continue auction if ids received

* 3952 add tests for auction delay

* increase test coverage

* set config for test

* remove todo

* add a few more checks to tests

* add comment, force tests to rerun

* Feature: adUnitBidLimit  (#3906)

* added new feature to config to limit bids when sendallbids is enabled

* cleaned up code. removed extra spaces etc

* removed trailing spaces in config

* remove .flat() and replaced with spread operator

* removed flat function and instead pushing using spread operator

* updated to use sendBidsControl instead

* updated targeting_spec to test bidLimit

* removed trailing spaces from targeting_spec

* Update Rubicon Adapter netRevenue default (#4242)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* Removed AdastaMadia from alias (#4255)

* Update appnexusBidAdapter.js (#4251)

* IdentityLink - change expiration time to 30 days (#4239)

* Add coppa support for AppNexus adapter (#4253)

* Add coppa support for AppNexus adapter

* test name

* add new longform e2e tests (#4206)

* Konduit module (#4184)

* Adding Konduit module

* Removed superfluous arguments passed to obtainVastUrl function

* Removed superfluous arguments passed to obtainVastUrl function.

* Build trigger (empty commit)

* Module documentation updated according to the comments

* Logic in obtainVastUrl function updated according to the review comment.

* Removed hook, enabled eslint

* Circle CI runs e2e tests on every push (#4200)

* run functional tests on circle ci on push to any remote branch

* remove extraneous key from config file

* add test.localhost as alias to

* check 0: execute circle-ci

* move /etc/config to a separate command

* change bid partner to rubicon

* test appnexus bid adapter in ci

* comment browserstack command

* remove console.log statement

* test1: circle-ci

* change reference dev -> prod while loading prebid

* add console.log statement

* check-2: circle-ci

* comment browserstack testing

* change bid adapter

* change bid adapter

* remove test case for checking targeting keys

* remove the ci flag

* uncomment test for checking correct generation of targeting keys

* swap AN -> Rubicon for testing targeting keys

* Outcon bid adapter. (#4161)

* Outcon bid adapter.

* Fix identation

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Spec fixes

* Fixes

* Fix urls

* Fix

* Fix parameters

* Fix space operators

* Fix bidder timeout

* Update

* Fix whitespace

* no message

* Outcon unit test

* no message

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Change url

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Added bidId

* no message

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Wrapping url with html

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Adding workflow to run end to end tests (#4230)

* Adding workflow to run end to end tests

* trying self branch

* Update to run at 12 every day

* cleanup config using aliases

* update branch and cron time

* add command

* update prebid path for e2e test pages (#4274)

* Prebid 2.35.0 release

* Increment pre version

* Add usersync to adpone adapter (#4245)

* add user sync to adpone adapter

* move adpone usersync to global variable

* added withcredentials to http request

* fix http request options

* fix http request options

* add withCredentials: true

* add withCredentials: true

* added test coverage to usersync

* update sync function

* add test coverage

* adpone adapter

* package lock

* add more testing

* add more testing

* testing for onBidWon fucntion

* test onbidwon function

* trigger build

* Revert GumGum Adapter 2.28 resizing changes (#4277)

* changed resizing unit tests to return the first size dimensions in the sizes array

* added some changes

* reverted adapter changes

* SpotX Bid Adapter: Support schain, ID5 object, Google consent object, and hide_skin (#4281)

* Add SpotXBidAdapter

* Minor updates

* Undo testing changes to shared files

* Fix relative imports

* Remove superfluous imports and write a few more tests

* Formatting, ID5 object, Google consent objects

  - Added ID5 object support
  - Added Google Consent object
  - Reformatted indentaiton on spec file

* Revert content_width and content_height changes in docs

  - not sure how these got moved, lets put them back

* Remove click_to_replay flag in example

  - no reason to use this one in the example

* Spotx adapter - Add schain support and update unit tests

* Update schain path in ORTB 2.3 request body

	- schain object is now added to ortb request body
	  at request.ext.source.ext.schain

* Add hide_skin to documentation

  - whoops, this got removed, let's add it back

* Update Rubicon Analytics Adapter `bidId` to match PBS (#4156)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update for rubicon analytics to send seat[] for PBS video and banner

* fixed conditional for server and video or banner

* updated with optimized value test for bidid

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* remove var declaration for rightSlot to correct lgtm error for unused variable

* update defineSlot div id to match div id defined in html body

* update test ad unit test props

* revert lock to match remote master

* add seatBidId to bidObj in rpBidAdapter interpretResponse

* update setTargeting to execute in the bids back handler

* remove dev integration test page

* meaningless commit to get lgtm to re-run

* SmartRTB adapter update (#4246)

* modules: Implement SmartRTB adapter and spec.

* Fix for-loop syntax to support IE; refactor getDomain out of exported set.

* Remove debugs, update doc

* Update test for video support

* Handle missing syncs. Add video to media types in sample ad unit

* Add null response check, update primary endpoint

* Note smrtb video requires renderer

* Support Vast Track (#4276)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* Add parameters if config.cache.vasttrack is true

* Use requestId instead of adId

* Test new vasttrack payload params

* Removed commented out code

* Relaxed conditional check per review

* Removed commented out line

* Added 1000x250 size (#4295)

* prepare vidazoo adapter for v3.0 (#4291)

* Improve Digital adapter: support schain (#4286)

* LiveIntent Identity Module. (#4178)

* LiveIntentIdSystem. Initial implementation.

* LiveIntentIdSystem. Removed whitespace.

* Fixed typo

* Renamed variables, cookiesm added md.

* Changed the default identity url.

* Composite id, with having more than just the lipbid passed around.

* Composite id.

* Merge conflict resolution.

* Changed docs and param description.

* Added typedoc & mentioned liveIntentIdSystem in submodule.json.

* Extracted the LiveIntentIdSystem under modules, removed it from default userId modules.

* Fixing the 204 + no body scenario.

* Added liveIntent to submodule.json

* Fixing docs indentation.

* Updated prebidServer & specs.

* Minor specs update.

* updating liveintent eids source (#4300)

* updating liveintent eids source

these are supposed to be domains

* updating unit test

* fix appnexusBidAdapter view-script regex (#4289)

* fix an view script regex

* minor syntax update

* 33Across adding bidder specific extension field (#4298)

* - add 33across specific ext field for statedAt

* - fix unit test for 33Across adapter

* PubMatic to support LiveIntent User Id sub-module (#4306)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* supporting LiveIntent Id in PubMatic adapter

* updated source for liveintent

* Finteza Analytics Adapter: fix cookies (#4292)

* fix reading and sending cookies

* fix lint errors

* clear comments

* add unit tests

* fix calling of setCookies for IE

* clear cookies after test

* use own setCookie method inside tests

* Update LockerDome adapter to support Prebid 3.0 (#4301)

* Returning the `IdResponse` type with an obj + callback. Fix for 4304 (#4305)

*  Returning the `IdResponse` type with an obj + callback.

* Renamed resp -> result.

* Removed whitespace.

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support (#4222)

* add ShowHeroes Adapter

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support

* Revert "ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support"

This reverts commit bfcdb913b52012b5afbf95a84956b906518a4b51.

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support

* ShowHeroes adapter - fixes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - banner and outstream fixes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - description and outstream changes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - increase test coverage and small fix

* [Orbidder-Adapter] Add bidRequestCount and remove bid.params.keyValues (#4264)

ahmadlob referenced this issue in taboola/Prebid.js Jul 27, 2022
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* changed cookie ls names
ccorbo pushed a commit to ccorbo/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Jul 27, 2022
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains prebid#6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* changed cookie ls names
patmmccann pushed a commit that referenced this issue Dec 13, 2022
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* added some cookie fetching
JacobKlein26 added a commit to nextmillenniummedia/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Feb 9, 2023
* Pull upstream (#24)

* BidWatch Analytics Adapter: add new analytics adapter (#8302)

* New Analytics Adapter bidwatch

* test for bidwatch Analytics Adapter

* change maintainer address

* Update bidwatchAnalyticsAdapter.js

* Update bidwatchAnalyticsAdapter.js

* Update

* Update

* Native ads: change asset param (#8371)

* TPMN  Bidder Adapter: write id in first party domain; force syncs with various parties (#8341)

* add TPMN UserSync Bidder Adapter(Test Modify)
Updating the source code that was forked in the past.
make test case more.
- add pb7 bidderSettings option
- userSync fix.

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

Co-authored-by: changjun <[email protected]>

* Jixie Bid Adapter: send device info (#8397)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* to support sending object of device info to backend.
yes the backend can handle it even though device was a string so far

* LKQD Bid Adapter: remove device ip bug (#8400)

* LKQD: remove device ip from request

* LKQD: remove device IP test

* cpex Id System: initial release (#8364)

* Adds cpexIdSystem

* Fixes cpexIdSystem tests

* Added markdown document

* Remove unnecessary storage config

* UserID module: graceful handling of exceptions from ID submodules (#8401)

* Do not error out when malformed JSON is set in cookies

* UserID module: graceful handling of exceptions from ID submodules

* removing floor field from bid request when not defined (#8398)

* passing floors signal to PBS (#8392)

* add adunit floor min price floors (#8396)

* AirGrid RTD  module: Support for xandr / appnexus auction level keywords. (#8388)

* chore: update docs page to match official docs

* feat: add support for appnexus / xandr auction level keywords

* Alkimi Bid Adapter: change maintainer email (#8405)

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* alkimi adapter

* onBidWon change

* sign utils

* auction ID as bid request ID

* unit test fixes

* change maintainer info

Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGrid: support (#8404)

* PubMatic Bid Adapter : Remove GroupM as alias (#8386)

* Changed net revenue to True

* Removed groupm as alias

* Pasing the alternateBidder values to translator

Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>

* Intentiq module: adding dynamic ttl and rtt and storing data in localstorate (#8384)

* Intentiq module: adding dynamic ttl and data to LS

* Fixing Useless conditional alerts

Co-authored-by: Julian <[email protected]>

* Floc ID Module: remove call for floc (#8402)

* Update flocIdSystem.js

* Update flocIdSystem.js

* Multiple modules: replace all usage of `require` with `import` (#8379)

We had multiple reports of an elusive issue that seems to be related to use of `require` (

Since mixed use of `require` and `import`s is not great anyway, this is a good opportunity to clean it up.

* Sirdata RTD Module: bug fixes & add new bidders (#8406)

* - bug fixes
- new bidders supported: yahoo, pubmatic, openx

* fix invalid indentation

* Revert "fix invalid indentation"

This reverts commit 6ed9f9116b86c484b1d3b895315a77e03651369d.

* manually update indentation

* AdagioBidAdapter: fix site information detection (use refererInfo) (#8407)

* Criteo : Add support of PAF response model (#8359)

* JwPlayer RTD Module: Set Ortb content to config (#8354)

* sets to config

* updates unit tests

* clears obsolete data

* typo

* replaces duplicate strings

* Audigent analytics adapter: add new analytics adapter (#8347)

* adding logic and tests for hadronAnalyticsAdapter

* increasing coverage

* typo in partnerId procedence

* Sspbc Bid Adapter: Gather language in payload; various formatting changes (#8395)

* Update tests for sspBC adapter

Update tests for sspBC adapter:
- change userSync test (due to tcf param appended in v4.6)
- add tests for onBidWon and onTimeout

* [sspbc-adapter] 5.3 updates: content-type for notifications

* [sspbc-adapter] pass CTA to native bid

* [sspbc-5.3] keep pbsize for detected adunits

* [sspbc-5.3] increment adaptor ver

* [sspbc-adapter] maintenance update to sspBCBidAdapter

* remove yarn.lock

* Delete package-lock.json

* remove package-lock.jsonfrom pull request

* [sspbc-adapter] send pageViewId in request

* [sspbc-adapter] update pageViewId test

* [sspbc-adapter] add viewabiility tracker to native ads

* [sspbc-adapter] add support for bid.admNative property

* [sspbc-adapter] ensure that placement id length is always 3 (improves matching response to request)

* [sspbc-adapter] read publisher id and custom ad label, then send them to banner creative

* [sspbc-adapter] adlabel and pubid are set as empty strings, if not present in bid response

* [sspbc-adapter] jstracker data fix

* [sspbc-adapter] jstracker data fix

* [sspbc-adapter] send tagid in notifications

* [sspbc-adapter] add gvlid to spec; prepare getUserSyncs for iframe + image sync

* [sspbc-adapter] fix notification payload

* [sspbc-adapter] fix notification payload, fix tests

* [sspbc-adapter] add userIds to ortb request

* [sspbc-adapter] update to 4.1, change request to be ortb 2.6 compliant

* [sspbc-adapter] update tests

* [ssbc-adapter] bid cache for video ads

* [sspbc-adapter] add to banner ad; update tests

* [sspbc-adapter] fix window.gam not being added to banner html

* [sspbc-adapter] send device / content language

* [sspbc-adapter] send pageview and site ids to user sync frame

* [sspbc-adapter] add ES6 version of common ad library (for banner creatives)

* [sspbc-adapter] move content property

* [sspbc-adapter] reorganize notification payload creator

* [sspbc-adapter] store PLN price in meta; send in bidWon notification

* [sspbc-adapter] add playbackmethod to supporten video params; allow overridinbg video settngs via

* [sspbc-adapter] update md

* [sspbc-adapter] fix error in mapVideo method (Object assign merror when mediaTypes do not contain video)

Co-authored-by: Wojciech Biały <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.24.0 release

* Increment version to 6.25.0-pre

* fix(deps): declare required deps for webpack build (#8411)

When using Prebid.js as a NPM dependency and built with webpack, the
instructions are to use the babel configuration and plugins that are
provided by Prebid.

        test: /.js$/,
        include: new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}prebid\\.js`),
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          // presets and plugins for Prebid.js must be manually specified separate from your other babel rule.
          // this can be accomplished by requiring prebid's .babelrc.js file (requires Babel 7 and Node v8.9.0+)
          // as of Prebid 6, babelrc.js only targets modern browsers. One can change the targets and build for
          // older browsers if they prefer, but integration tests on ie11 were removed in Prebid.js 6.0
          options: require('prebid.js/.babelrc.js')

This seems to work just fine when using NPM or Yarn 1. However it is not
possible when using stricter settings or package managers that require
strict dependency declarations.

[webpack-cli] Failed to load '/Users/john.wright/Workspace/mung-app/webpack.config.js'
config [webpack-cli] Error: prebid.js tried to access
@babel/preset-env, but it isn't declared in its dependencies;
this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound.

* Multiple modules: automatically fill in PPID for DFP video URLs (#8365)

* Prebid 6.24.1 release

* Increment version to 6.25.0-pre

* Invibes Bid Adapter: write id to first party from bid adapter (#8202)

* Invibes Bid Adapter: added support for LiD generation on Invibes servers

* Invibes Bid Adapter: replaced all cookies storing with local storage
removed cookie storing logic

* invibesBidAdapter: applied lint formatting  updated unit tests to reflect reading from localStorage

* Update invibesBidAdapter_spec.js

updated Invibes Bid Adapter unit tests to pass for when the default storage allowed will be changed.

* Weborama RTD submodule: specify list of bidders to share data (#8350)

* update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd

update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd submodule

* add support to pubmatic

* improve test format

* improve test format ~

* add support to appnexus/xandr bidder

* fix issue when split set target in two steps: site and user centric data

* add support to rubicon old style

* fix code, update docs

* add support to global and bid ortb2

* remove unused code

* refactor code

* update bidder list

* add global level parameters

* change error to warning

* update doc

* refactor

* add field accountId

* update example

* refactor js concat string

* refactor js concat string 2

* update jsdoc

* correct jsdoc

* add support to pubmatic

* improve test format

* improve test format ~

* add support to appnexus/xandr bidder

* fix issue when split set target in two steps: site and user centric data

* add support to rubicon old style

* fix code, update docs

* add support to global and bid ortb2

* remove unused code

* refactor code

* update bidder list

* add global level parameters

* change error to warning

* update doc

* refactor

* add field accountId

* update example

* refactor js concat string

* refactor js concat string 2

* update jsdoc

* correct jsdoc

* fix log

* update example

* remove todo

* refactor duplicated code in config normalization

* fix jsdoc

* add main feature

* update jstag

* improve callback

* improve doc

* improve doc about ortb2

* refactor code

* refactor tests to use one adunit

* fix unit tests

* prepare to add support to webo lite

* refactor code

* reorder code to handle bid data

* finish unit test

* improve copy of data

* improve unit test by checking callbacks that alter bid data

* format source

* fix doc

* specify webo lite as site-centric data

* add check for profile format

* update doc and code

* update sendToBidder callback signature

* fix doc

* fix doc 2

* fix js example

* update doc

* improve doc

* fix doc for LiTE

* update code and tests

* update doc

* update unit test

* improve doc

* fix sfbx lite code, add isDefault flag on metadata

* remove unused imports in tests

* refactor code using ?. operator

* improve deep clone usage

* keep code less dinamic

* refactor thinking in the prebid 7

* format source

* format tests

* suppress mention to lite

* Revert "suppress mention to lite"

This reverts commit 43fa65804446c4a6acf18dd48897f971c5d85683.

* small fix

* refactor init submodule functions

* add new constants

* update example

* simplify code

* rename function, rewrite callbacks into () => notation

* update sfbx lite name

* fix doc

* TrustP ID Module: Refactor acronyms handler (#8228)

* feature: Add trustpid user id module

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem module, comments and md file

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem file to handle domain setting regardless of message events

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem module and dependent tests and docs

* refactor: Update trustpid undefined checks and returns

* tests: Update trustpid tests

* docs: Update trustpid docs typo

* refactor: Update trustpid acronyms logic

* refactor: Remove unused import

* refactor: Trustpid documentation update

Co-authored-by: Tomasz Januszek <[email protected]>

* appnexus bid adapter - fix in psp keywords logic (#8382)

* UserID module: do not start initialization until `pbjs.processQueue()` has been called (#8408)

* Extract controllable promise into utils function

* Do not start init of userId until processQueue is called

* Add PGAM client side (#8418)

* IX Bid Adapter: Outstream Support Update (#8412)

* outstream player update

* documentation update

Co-authored-by: Love Sharma <[email protected]>

* Alkimi Bid Adapter: Markdown file example update (#8422)

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* alkimi adapter

* onBidWon change

* sign utils

* auction ID as bid request ID

* unit test fixes

* change maintainer info

* Updated the ad unit params

Co-authored-by: Alexander <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: motors <[email protected]>

* BeOp Bid Adapter: prefer canonical URL when present & prepend protocol (#8391)

* [BeOp] prefer canonical URL when present & prepend protocol

* [BeOp] get the right page url in tracking events too

* [BeOp] improve page url resolver

* BeOp Bid Adapter: 'top.location.protocol' can also throw

* feat: add detected page url to ixdiag [PB-978] (#8425)

Co-authored-by: shahin.rahbariasl <[email protected]>

* LiveIntent Id Submodule: Update live-connect to 2.3.3; better consent processing (#8423)

* Update live-connect to 2.3.3

* Update package-lock.json

* Fix tests

* Adjust test cases

Co-authored-by: Viktor Dreiling <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Viktor Dreiling <[email protected]>

* support cta and privacyLink (#8403)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: adding media type to bid response, supporting vastXml response (#8426)

* kargo adapter - adding mediaType to bid response, conditionally set vastXml field

* kargo adapter - updating tests

* Improve Digital adapter: adding Extend mode (#8399)

Co-authored-by: iosfaisal <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: iosfaisal <[email protected]>

* Update sync URLs (#8431)

We are updating sync URLs to our current partners.

* AdagioBidAdapter: remove useless data in bid request. (#8434)

* Prebid 6.25.0 release

* Increment version to 6.26.0-pre

* Ogury Bid Adapter: Add device infos with size in bidrequest (#8416)

* Add device infos with size in bidrequest

* trigger rebuild on CI to fix tests

* restore sinon stubbed methods after all tests

* restore stub correctly at end of tests

* trigger rebuild on CI to fix tests

* Video Heroes Bid Adapter: add new bid adapter (#8310)

* added Brave bidder adapter with test and docs 

Commit has standard bidder adapter 2 new files adapter js, adapter md

* added test spec file witch covered code least 80 %

* adding videoHeroes bidder adapter

* added videoHeroes test spec

* Update braveBidAdapter.js

* Update braveBidAdapter.js

* Update

* upd import of utils lib to load only certain fnc

* cpex Id module: Remove window reference (#8440)

* Remove window reference

* Changed version to string

* Jixie Bid Adapter: add schain (#8439)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* jixie sending schain info to jixie backend

* support of schain info sent to jixie endpoint, fixing some indentation complaints from auto build check

* Gravito User Id submodule: initial release (#8414)

* gravitompId user module for integrating gravito first party cookie with prebid js

* fixed eslint issues raised by circleci

* fixed trailing spaces error raised by circleci

* Rename id to aoneId from dacId (#8453)

* Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8284)

* Fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values required by Akamai DAP

* Fixed the timeout issue in build browserstack tests

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing review comments - using storage manager for managing localStorage

* Fixing review comments - using loadExternalScript method to load the script

* Fixed unit test case

* Fixing review comments - Added consent handling

* Zeta global ssp bid adapter: add shortname param (#8454)

* zeta_global_sspBidAdapter shortname was added

* remove the trash

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Remove medianetRtdProvider tests (#8463)

* Revert "Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8284)" (#8464)

This reverts commit c4348892b5d3425d21373e1dcf4d67da04fed622.

* Prebid 6.26.0 release

* Increment version to 6.27.0-pre

* Update fintezaAnalyticsAdapter_spec.js (#8467)

* Hadron analytics adapter: fix cross-origin exception on init (#8472)

* Pulling the URL check out from the logic. Whatever the user passes will be used (#8473)

Co-authored-by: Jason Lydon <[email protected]>

* Update conversant adapter to accept position from the AdUnit (#8477)

* NovatiqId User Module - Include IAB Vendor ID (#8479)

* Novatiq snowflake userId submodule

Novatiq snowflake userId submodule initial release

* change request updates

added novatiq info /modules/userId/
added novatiq info /modules/userId/
added novatiq eids /modules/userId/eids.js
added novatiq module in /modules/.submodules.json
removed unnecessary value from getId response

* Update novatiqIdSystem_spec.js

removed unnecessary srcid value

* Update

Novatiq ID System: updated novatiq snowflake ID description

* use the sharedId if available and configured

* updated docs

* test changes

* defensive code not required

* Use the prebid storage manager instead of using native functions

* doc changes

* trailing spaces

* Allow configuration of the sync URL and to allow callbacks for specific custom partner integrations

* update documentation

* attempt to fix firefox test timeout

* include the AIB Vendor Id

Co-authored-by: novatiq <[email protected]>

* Multiple modules: attempt to reduce test flakiness, improved logging for XHR mock race conditions (#8466)

* Datablocks bid adapter: do not send metrics during tests

* Log contents of XHR mock on test failure

* Disable ajax for analytics adapters during tests

* Do not assume that test setup did not fail

* Update to move floors logic after placement.sizes are defined (#8476)

* Adloox Analytics/RTD: prefer gpid over pbadslot (#8455)

* Adloox Analytics: use CSS.escape when possible

* Adloox Analytics/RTD: support GPID

* Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8470)

* Fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values required by Akamai DAP

* Fixed the timeout issue in build browserstack tests

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing review comments - using storage manager for managing localStorage

* Fixing review comments - using loadExternalScript method to load the script

* Fixed unit test case

* Fixing review comments - Added consent handling

* SOVRN Bid Adapter: refactor old test code (#8430)

* feat: [EX-3265] format tests for prebid.js adapter

* feat: [EX-3265] add tests for video media type

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

Co-authored-by: Maxim Pakhomov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Maxim Pakhomov <[email protected]>

* Tests: remove console.log (#8481)

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Kobler adapter: remove outdated parameters, simplify testing (#8445)

* Removed position parameter.

* Removed zip parameter.

* Removed placementId parameter and make sizes required instead.

* Updated price-related macros.

* Fixed error when params is not provided.

* Removed last occurrence of placementId.

* Read currency.adServerCurrency as publisherCurrency.

* Use DEV endpoint for testing.

* Use config.pageUrl when test is set to true.

* Added more details about page URL.

* `config.pageUrl`.

* Added a comment explaining why pageUrl is considered only when testing.

* Fixed double quotes in tests.

* NaveggId module: fixed regex used to get naveggId from LocalStorage (#8441)

* fixed regex used to get naveggId from LocalStorage

* added unit tests

Co-authored-by: Jose <[email protected]>

* Taboola bid adapter: initial release (#8483)

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* add it also to the aftereach

* add it also to the aftereach

* Prebid 6.27.0 release

* Increment version to 6.28.0-pre

* Ftrack Id Module: replace native appendChild with Prebid's loadExternalScript (#8432)

* JDB-533: replacing appendChild in the ftrack prebid module

* JDB-533: working on switching over to AJAX/CDN

* JDB-533: removing some commented out code

* JDB-533: removing redundant conditions

Co-authored-by: Jason Lydon <[email protected]>

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: Initial Release (#8316)

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX
- document updated

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX
- removed

Co-authored-by: Mohit Patil <[email protected]>

* added tests for medianet rtd without loading js (#8485)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Adyoulike Bidder Adapter - schain support (#8486)

* add schain data to the bid request

* add unit test with schain data

* ZetaGlobalSsp BidAdapter: shortname to url (#8471)

* ZetaGlobalSsp bid adapter: shortname param into url param

* fix tests

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Akamai RTD Module: Fixed randomly failing test cases and updated the variable names (#8487)

* Fixed the randomly failing test cases and updated the variable names

* Improving code quality

* Adriver ID system: fix spurious test failure (#8489)

* Inskin bid adapter: use loadExternalScript utility instead of appendChild() to insert the ad tag (#8490)

* TheMediaGrid: support (#8492)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with nurl field in response

* TheMediaGrid: update test

* TheMediaGridNM: fix possible bug with nurl

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as playwire

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as adlivetech

* TheMediaGrid: fix sync url workflow

* TrustX: fix sync url worflow + remove old syncurl

* TheMediaGrid: added instl support

* TheMediaGrid: fix test for instl

* TheMediaGrid: update md file

* TheMediaGrid: reformat segments for permutive rtd module

* TrustX: send all in

* TheMediaGrid: remove permutive segments reformating

* TrustX: remove permutive segments reformating

* TheMediaGrid & TrustX: fix typo

* TheMediaGrid: support

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: support

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Fix for #8421 (#8493)

* Sending no decode whole url options to true, to avoid errors while decoding publisher url (#8497)

* Automatad Bid Adapter: changes to ajax request options for bid requests (#8444)

* changes for ajax request options for automatad bid request

* add test for isCredentials changes

* Various Magnite Adapters: GVL ID update (#8501)

* Magnite adapters still require legacy GVL IDs

* CTV update

* Adf adapter: avoid preflight request (#8498)

* Hadron RTD module: use internal methods (#8496)

* following prebid team's advise

* adding to adloader.js

* removing generic import

* using internal methods for loading external scripts in medianetRtdProvider (#8506)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Criteo - Update Publisher Tag version referenced by prebid adapter (#8491)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: onTimeout Support (#8449)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: Use currency from Bid Response

* Kargo Bid Adapter: Fix failed test

* Kargo Bid Adapter: adding media type to bid response, supporting vastXml response (#8426)

* kargo adapter - adding mediaType to bid response, conditionally set vastXml field

* kargo adapter - updating tests

* Kargo Bid Adapter: onTimeout Support (#6)

* Adding additional param

* Adding response time function

* Remove debug

* Updating response time log to be set by bid response

* Adding screen width/height to request

* Test fix

* Test fix

* Removing interpretResponse signaling

* Simplifying send data function

Co-authored-by: Wei Wong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Andy Rusiecki <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.28.0 release

* Increment version to 6.29.0-pre

* CAPT-74: Pass ext section of each bid for prebid slot ID and GPID (#8509)

Co-authored-by: Timothy M. Ace <[email protected]>

* Insticator Bid adapter: Adds Support for Video (#8452)

* feat: added support for video

* feat: added support for mimes

* feat: added mimes check to video validation

* Gdpr Enforcement module and sharedId/pubCommonId modules: vendor consent should not be enforced for first-party-id modules (#8448)

* Fixed issue with gdprEnforcement module and sharedId/pubCommonId modules: vendor consent should not be enforced for first-party-id modules

* addressed review comments

* addressed review comments

* added test to ensure device access is not allowed for vendorless modules in case purpose 1 consent isn't given

* fixed issue with missing moduleType param

Co-authored-by: Serhii Holdun <[email protected]>

* PubMatic Analytics Adapter : Added support for logging multiple bids (#8517)

* Changed net revenue to True

* Removed groupm as alias

* Pasing the alternateBidder values to translator

* initial commit

* Added adId for differentiation of bids

* Fixed UT

* Added UT for GroupM

* Finding winning bid according to adId

* worked on LGTM comment

Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>

* AdOcean bid adapter: support for SupplyChain object  (#8518)

* AdOcean adapter - support for supply chain object

* AdOcean adapter - support for supply chain object - use older constructs

* AdOcean adapter - small fixes

* Taboola Bid Adapter: api support for https (#8520)

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* add it also to the aftereach

* add it also to the aftereach

* change the api endpoint https protocol

* ixBidAdapter: change to new endpoint and README (#8529)

* Vidazoo bid adapter: fix spurious test failure (#8515)

* Added support for IDs for multiple sources (#8499)

Co-authored-by: Nick Curry <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.29.0 release

* Increment version to 7.0.0-pre

* Prebid 7 (#8530)

* Prebid 7: Delete userid targeting module (#8227)

* Delete userIdTargeting.js

* Delete

* Delete shareUserIds_spec.js

* NextRoll ID: Remove NextRoll ID module (#8150)

* Remove Sortable Analytics Adapter (#8251)

* Prebid 7: Merge in changes from master (#8278)

* only map one slotrender to one adunit (#8211)

* DFP Ad Server Video: respect original url (#8168)

* original url components take precedence over defaults

uses object assignment

* tests that url is respected

* respects url size and cust params

* moves url cust param addition to fn

* tests that url params are respected

* Admaru adapter : add new bid adapter (#8149)

* init

* modified admaruBidAdapter.js, md, _spec.js

* modify for test

* Delete .project

* update

* update admarubidadapter.js

* Revert "Delete .project"

This reverts commit 0e1bdd4fcadd0a97fea87ba2a92cb502e5e3a19b.

* remove .project

* modified

* modified

* Delete .project

* modified

* Revert "Delete .project"

This reverts commit c4e7bd6096fe9521dd5e2fab2b3d5241149dc6ec.

* Delete .project

* modified

* modified

Co-authored-by: sung.chung <[email protected]>

* Missena Bid Adapter - allow custom endpoint. (#8222)

* Next Millenium Bid Adapter: Added new parameter group_id (#8200)

* changed name company

* changed name company in test

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* changed check parameters

* fixed lint remarks

* added test

* fixed bug - lint

* changed test

* changed test - 2

* fixed bug - adapter

* add timeout value to timeout pixel (#8224)

* Outbrain bid adapter: added floor module and privacy link support (#8223)

* add floor support

* add additional validation for bid request format

* add privacy link support

* fixes

* set privacy in mapper

* fix test

* Improve Digital Bid adapter: use the oRTB server endpoint (#8138)

* Major refactoring to use new oRTB server endpoint

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>

* fixed wrong merge

* Fixed issue related to site and app (#9)

* Fixed errors for test cases.

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>

* NativoBidAdapter - Bid data mapping refactor and added QS params on request (#8196)

* Initial nativoBidAdapter document creation (js, md and spec)

* Fulling working prebid using nativoBidAdapter. Support for GDPR and CCPA in user syncs.

* Added defult size settings based on the largest ad unit. Added response body validation. Added consent to request url qs params.

* Changed bidder endpoint url

* Changed double quotes to single quotes.

* Reverted package-json.lock to remove modifications from PR

* Added optional bidder param 'url' so the ad server can force- match an existing placement

* Lint fix. Added space after if.

* Added new QS param to send various adUnit data to adapter endpopint

* Updated unit test for new QS param

* Added qs param to keep track of ad unit refreshes

* Updated bidMap key default value

* Updated refresh increment logic

* Refactored spread operator for IE11 support

* Updated isBidRequestValid check

* Refactored Object.enties to use Object.keys to fix CircleCI testing errors

* Updated bid mapping key creation to prioritize ad unit code over placementId

* Added filtering by ad, advertiser and campaign.

* Merged master

* Added more robust bidDataMap with multiple key access

* Deduped filer values

* Rolled back package.json

* Duped upstream/master's package.lock file ... not sure how it got changed in the first place

* Small refactor of filterData length check. Removed comparison with 0 since a length value of 0 is already falsy.

Co-authored-by: Joshua Fledderjohn <[email protected]>

* Floor price : allow having a 0$ floor (#8239)

* Prebid 6.18.0 release

* Increment version to 6.19.0-pre

* IAS RTD Module: Custom key values (#8214)

* Mapping table initialization

A constant initialises a mapping table where each possible key used by IAS is mapped to itself.
The dataProviders config for the IAS RTD module accepts an optional new property: keyMappings. The init function reads this property and uses it to overwrite any key that is already in the pre-initialised mapping table with the new value provided.
In a future addition, the mapping table will be used to populate the key-values actually sent to the adserver.

* Rename Key Values

After merging the key-values for each ad unit, a renaming function is called to ensure that any custom key chosen by the client is used.

* Bugfix

Call the callback() function in getBidRequestData.

* Unit tests changed to include one renamed parameter.

* Unit tests corrected and adapted to cover the current features.

* Yieldlab Bid Adapter: Add Support for User Matching (#8148)

* Build system: add option to generate source maps for production builds (#8220)

* Gamoshi Bid Adapter: Handle gdpr applies correctly (#8245)

* Nobid Prebid Adapter commit (#4050)

* Nobid Prebid Adapter commit

* Fixed global replace and unit tests

* Fixed find function

* Added

* Removed description and added "Bid Params" section.

* Added test siteId 2 for testing.

* Refactored the Adapter to remove most references to the nobid object. We still need the nobid object because we have a passback tag in DFP that makes reference to it.

* Fix concurrent responses on the page

* Cosmetic change to log an error in case of missing ad markup

* Keep nobid.bidResponses cross adapters.

* Added GDPR support in user sync and added test coverage.
gulp test-coverage
gulp view-coverage

* Padding issues

* Fix padding issues

* Fix padding

* update outstream prod url (#4104)

* support pubcid and uids (#4143)

* Fix misspelling and minor cleanup of schain docs (#4150)

* Prebid 2.31.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* Rubicon: tuning logged messages (#4157)

* Rubicon: tuning logged messages

* Update rubiconBidAdapter.js

* fixed indentation

* Rubicon Video COPPA fix (#4155)

* Rubicon Video COPPA fix

* Unit test for Rubicon Video COPPA fix

* Playground XYZ adapter - iframe usersync bug fix (#4141)

* corrected user sync type

* removed support for iframe usersync

* added unit tests for getUserSyncs

* update nvmrc file (#4162)

* update gulp-footer package (#4160)

* Datablocks bid/analytics adapter (#4128)

* add datablocks Analytics and Bidder Adapters

* remove preload param

* remove preloadid

* better coverage of tests

* better coverage

* IE doesn't support array.find

* lint test

* update example host

* native asset id should be integer

* update logic of ad_types field in appnexusBidAdapter (#4065)

* Shorten SomoAudience to just Somo (#4163)

* Shorten SomoAudience to just Somo

* Make package-lock return

* Quantcast: Fix for empty video parameters (#4145)

* Copy params from

* Added test for missing video parameters.

* Include mimes from adunit.

* One Video adding Rewarded Video Feature (#4142)

* outstream changes

* removing global filtet

* reverting page

* message

* adapter change

* remove space

* testcases

* testpage

* spaces for test page

* renderer exist case

* reverting package-lock.json

* adding schain object

* adding tagid

* syntaxx error fix

* video.html

* space trailing

* space

* tagid

* inventoryId and placement

* rewarded video

* added unit test case

* Module to pass User Ids to DFP (#4140)

* first commit

* renamed

* minor doc change

* documentation

* small change

* EB

* removed unused imports

* minor changes

* reanmaed a const

* adding more methods to test shareUserIds module

* unit tets cases for shareUserIds

* indentation

* renamed DFP to GAM

* renamed shareUserIds to userIdTargeting

* Update

* trying to restart CI

* digitrust userId case handled

* minor comment change

* using auctionEnd event instead of requestBids.before

* using events.on

* Buzzoola bid adapter (#4127)

* initial commit for buzzoola adapter

* leave only banners for now

* fix bid validation

* change endpoint url

* add video type

* restore renderer

* fix renderer

* add fixed player sizes

* switch bids

* convert dimentions to strings

* write tests

* 100% tests

* remove new DOM element creation in tests

* handle empty response from server

* change description

* E2e tests for Native and Outstream video Ad formats. (#4116)

* reorganize e2e/ tests into separate directories

* new test page for e2e-banner testing

* add test to check if Banner Ad is getting loaded

* change location of the spec files to reflect change in test/e2e directory structure

* add test case to check for generation of valid targeting keys

* create Native Ad test page

* add test case to check validity of the targeting keys and correct rendering of the Ad

* update old browser versions to new

* update browser version

* update title

* remove console.log statements

* add basic functional test for e2e outstream video ad format

* Update LockerDome adUnitId bid param (#4176)

This is not a breaking change

* fix several issues in appnexus video bids (#4154)

* S2s testing disable client side (#4123)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* New testServerOnly flag

* Tests and a bug fix

* Removed dead code

* Fixes requested in review

* Check each adUnit

* isTestingServerOnly changes per Eric

* Fixed IE 11 bug

* More tests

* improved test case names

* New option to Include deal KVPs when enableSendAllBids === false (#4136)

* new option to include KVPs which have deals when
enableSendAllBids === false

* updating tests to be more realistic

* Prebid 2.32.0 Release

* increment pre version

* Rubicon doc: changing video test zone (#4187)

* added schain support to sonobi adapter (#4173)

* if schain config is not defined then error should not be thrown (#4165)

* if schain config is not defiend then error should not be thrown

* relaxed mode nodes param not defined error handled

* added test cases for config validation

* a curly bracket was missing in the example

* Rubicon: updating test params (#4190)

* myTargetBidAdapter: support currency config (#4188)

* Update (#4193)

* Update

* Update

* cedato bid adapter instream video support (#4153)

* Added adxpremium prebid analytics adapter (#4181)

* feat(OAFLO-186): added support for schain (#4194)

* Sonobi - send entire userid payload (#4196)

* added userid param to pass the entire userId payload to sonobis bid request endpoint

* removed console log
git p

* fixed lint

* OpenX Adapter fix: updating outdated video examples (#4198)

* userId - Add support for refreshing the cached user id (#4082)

* [userId] Added support for refreshing the cached user id: refreshInSeconds storage parameter, related tests and implementation in id5 module

* [userId] Added support for refreshing the cached user id: refreshInSeconds storage parameter, related tests and implementation in id5 module

* UserId - ID5 - Updated doc with new contact point for partners

* UserId - Merged getStoredValue and getStoredDate

* [UserId] - ID5 - Moved back ID5 in ./modules

* UserId - ID5 - Fixed incorrect GDPR condition

* [UserId] - Doc update and test cleanup

* Prebid 2.33.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* SupplyChainObject support and fires a pixel onTimeout (#4152)

* - Implemented the 'onTimeout' callback to fire a pixel when there's a timeout.
- Added the ability to serialize an schain object according to the description provided here:

* some mods to the schain tag generation

* - added tests for schain param checking.

* - fixed a malformed url for timeouts

* - Removed a trailing ',' while generating a schain param.

* - Using the schain object from validBidRequest if present. Reverting to checking if params has it if not.

* - reverting changes to merge with master

* - Resolving merge issues

* Feature/add profile parameter (#4185)

* Add optional profile parameter

* EMXDigital Bid Adapter: Add video dimensions in request (#4174)

* addressed feedback from #3731 ticket

* removed commented code from emx test spec

* logging removed from spec

* flip h & w values from playerSize for video requests

* adding Outstream mediaType to EMX Digital

* adding device info. update to grab video param. styling changes.

* add video dimensions from playerSize

* fix test for video dimensions

* Added keywords parameter support in TrustX Bid Adapter (#4183)

* Add trustx adapter and tests for it

* update integration example

* Update trustx adapter

* Post-review fixes of Trustx adapter

* Code improvement for trustx adapter: changed default price type from gross to net

* Update TrustX adapter to support the 1.0 version

* Make requested changes for TrustX adapter

* Updated markdown file for TrustX adapter

* Fix TrustX adapter and spec file

* Update TrustX adapter: r parameter was added to ad request as cache buster

* Add support of gdpr to Trustx Bid Adapter

* Add wtimeout to ad request params for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: remove last ampersand in the ad request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support identical uids in parameters

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to ignore bids that sizes do not match the size of the request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support instream and outstream video

* Added wrapperType and wrapperVersion parameters in ad request for TrustX Bid Adapter

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to use refererInfo instead depricated function utils.getTopWindowUrl

* HOTFIX for referrer encodind in TrustX Bid Adapter

* Fix test for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added keywords passing support

* rubicon: avoid passing unknown position (#4207)

* rubicon: not passing pos if not specified

* added comment

* not sending pos for video when undefined

* cleaning up test

* fixed unit test

* correctly reference bidrequest and determine mediatype of bidresponse (#4204)

* GumGum: only send gdprConsent when found (#4205)

* adds digitrust module, mods gdpr from bool to int

* update unit test

* only send gdprconsent if present

* LKQD: Use refererInfo.referer as fallback pageurl (#4210)

* Refactored URL query parameter passthrough for additional values, changed SSP endpoint to, and updated associated unit tests

* Use refererInfo.referer as fallback pageurl

* Removed logs and testing values

* [UserId] - ID5 - Fixed case when consentData is undefined (No CMP) (#4215)

* create stubs for localStorage in widespaceBidAdapter test file (#4208)

* added adId property to adRenderFailed event (#4097)

When no bid (therefore no adUnitCode) is available in the adRenderFailed event it can be difficult to identify the erroring slot.But in almost all cases the given slot still has the adId targeting.

* OpenX Adapter: Forcing https requests and adding UserID module support for LiveRamp and TTD (#4182)

* OpenX Adapter: Updated requests to force https

* OpenX Adapter: Added support for TTD's UnifiedID and LiveRamp's IDL

* PubMatic to support userId sub-modules (#4191)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* TripleLift support for UnifiedId and IdentityLink (#4197)

* Add IdentityLink support and fix UnifiedId.

It appears we've been looking for UnifiedId userIds
on the bidderRequest object, when they are found on bidRequests.
This commit fixes that error, and adds support for IdentityLink.

* change maintainer email to group

* Added lemma adapter (#4126)

* lemmaBidAdapter.js

Added lemma bid adapter file


Added lemma bid adapter md file

* lemmaBidAdapter_spec.js

Added lemma bid adapter test spec file

* Update lemmaBidAdapter.js

Fixed automated code review alert comparison between inconvertible types

* Update lemmaBidAdapter.js

Fixed review changes

* Update

Correct parameter value.

* Adkernel adapter new alias (#4221)

* Force https scheme for Criteo Bidder (#4227)

* assign adapter version number

* Ensure that Criteo's bidder is always called through https

* Add Video Support for Datablocks Bid Adapter (#4195)

* add datablocks Analytics and Bidder Adapters

* remove preload param

* remove preloadid

* better coverage of tests

* better coverage

* IE doesn't support array.find

* lint test

* update example host

* native asset id should be integer

* add datablocks Video

* remove isInteger

* skip if empty

* update adUnit, bidRequest and bidResponse object (#4180)

* update adUnit, bidRequest and bidResponse object

* add test for mediaTypes object

* 3 display banner and video vast support for rads (#4209)

* add stv adapter

* remove comments from adapter file

* start rads adapter

* fix adapter and tests

* fixes

* fix adapter and doc

* fix adapter

* fix tests

* little fix

* add ip param

* fix dev url

* #3

* #3 cleanup

* fix code and doc

* UserId - Add SameSite and server-side pubcid support (#3869)

* Add SameSite and server-side pubcid support

* Fix emoteevBidAdapter unit test

* added schain to appnexus bid adapter (#4229)

* added schain to appnexus bid adapter

* semicolon

* update doubleclick url (#4179)

* Prebid 2.34.0 release

* increment pre version

* Rubi Analytics handles > 1 bidResponse per bidRequest (#4224)

* videoNow bid adapter (#4088)

* -- first commit

* -- cors and bidder's name fixed

* -- almost ready

* -- added docs

* -- added nurl tracking

* -- bid params

* -- tests added

* -- test fixed

* -- replace placeholder in the onBidWon pixel's url

* -- commit for restart tests

* -- change response data format for display ad

* -- tests updated

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- a few clean the test's code

* -- custom urls from localStorage

* -- tests updated

* -- a few clean the test's code

* -- new init model

* -- spec for new init model

* -- fix for new init model

* -- code cleaned

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- fixed test

* -- commit for restart tests

* djax new bidder adapter  (#4192)

* djax bidder adapter

* djax bidder adapter

* Update hello_world.html

* Added Turk Telekom Bid Adapter (#4203)

* Added Turk Telekom Bid Adapter

* Fix md file for Turk Telekom Bid Adapter

* MicroAd: Use HTTPS in all requests (#4220)

* Always use HTTPS endpoint in MicroAd

* Update code

* Fixed a broken test in MicroAd

* Schain: avoiding Object.values as it is breaking on IE11 (#4238)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* avoiding use of Object.values

* 3952 delay auction for ids (#4115)

* 3952 delay auction for user ids

* 3952 add integration example

* 3952 add tests

* 3952 fix html example

* add todos

* 3952 continue auction if ids received

* 3952 add tests for auction delay

* increase test coverage

* set config for test

* remove todo

* add a few more checks to tests

* add comment, force tests to rerun

* Feature: adUnitBidLimit  (#3906)

* added new feature to config to limit bids when sendallbids is enabled

* cleaned up code. removed extra spaces etc

* removed trailing spaces in config

* remove .flat() and replaced with spread operator

* removed flat function and instead pushing using spread operator

* updated to use sendBidsControl instead

* updated targeting_spec to test bidLimit

* removed trailing spaces from targeting_spec

* Update Rubicon Adapter netRevenue default (#4242)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* Removed AdastaMadia from alias (#4255)

* Update appnexusBidAdapter.js (#4251)

* IdentityLink - change expiration time to 30 days (#4239)

* Add coppa support for AppNexus adapter (#4253)

* Add coppa support for AppNexus adapter

* test name

* add new longform e2e tests (#4206)

* Konduit module (#4184)

* Adding Konduit module

* Removed superfluous arguments passed to obtainVastUrl function

* Removed superfluous arguments passed to obtainVastUrl function.

* Build trigger (empty commit)

* Module documentation updated according to the comments

* Logic in obtainVastUrl function updated according to the review comment.

* Removed hook, enabled eslint

* Circle CI runs e2e tests on every push (#4200)

* run functional tests on circle ci on push to any remote branch

* remove extraneous key from config file

* add test.localhost as alias to

* check 0: execute circle-ci

* move /etc/config to a separate command

* change bid partner to rubicon

* test appnexus bid adapter in ci

* comment browserstack command

* remove console.log statement

* test1: circle-ci

* change reference dev -> prod while loading prebid

* add console.log statement

* check-2: circle-ci

* comment browserstack testing

* change bid adapter

* change bid adapter

* remove test case for checking targeting keys

* remove the ci flag

* uncomment test for checking correct generation of targeting keys

* swap AN -> Rubicon for testing targeting keys

* Outcon bid adapter. (#4161)

* Outcon bid adapter.

* Fix identation

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Spec fixes

* Fixes

* Fix urls

* Fix

* Fix parameters

* Fix space operators

* Fix bidder timeout

* Update

* Fix whitespace

* no message

* Outcon unit test

* no message

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Change url

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Added bidId

* no message

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Wrapping url with html

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Adding workflow to run end to end tests (#4230)

* Adding workflow to run end to end tests

* trying self branch

* Update to run at 12 every day

* cleanup config using aliases

* update branch and cron time

* add command

* update prebid path for e2e test pages (#4274)

* Prebid 2.35.0 release

* Increment pre version

* Add usersync to adpone adapter (#4245)

* add user sync to adpone adapter

* move adpone usersync to global variable

* added withcredentials to http request

* fix http request options

* fix http request options

* add withCredentials: true

* add withCredentials: true

* added test coverage to usersync

* update sync function

* add test coverage

* adpone adapter

* package lock

* add more testing

* add more testing

* testing for onBidWon fucntion

* test onbidwon function

* trigger build

* Revert GumGum Adapter 2.28 resizing changes (#4277)

* changed resizing unit tests to return the first size dimensions in the sizes array

* added some changes

* reverted adapter changes

* SpotX Bid Adapter: Support schain, ID5 object, Google consent object, and hide_skin (#4281)

* Add SpotXBidAdapter

* Minor updates

* Undo testing changes to shared files

* Fix relative imports

* Remove superfluous imports and write a few more tests

* Formatting, ID5 object, Google consent objects

  - Added ID5 object support
  - Added Google Consent object
  - Reformatted indentaiton on spec file

* Revert content_width and content_height changes in docs

  - not sure how these got moved, lets put them back

* Remove click_to_replay flag in example

  - no reason to use this one in the example

* Spotx adapter - Add schain support and update unit tests

* Update schain path in ORTB 2.3 request body

	- schain object is now added to ortb request body
	  at request.ext.source.ext.schain

* Add hide_skin to documentation

  - whoops, this got removed, let's add it back

* Update Rubicon Analytics Adapter `bidId` to match PBS (#4156)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update for rubicon analytics to send seat[] for PBS video and banner

* fixed conditional for server and video or banner

* updated with optimized value test for bidid

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* remove var declaration for rightSlot to correct lgtm error for unused variable

* update defineSlot div id to match div id defined in html body

* update test ad unit test props

* revert lock to match remote master

* add seatBidId to bidObj in rpBidAdapter interpretResponse

* update setTargeting to execute in the bids back handler

* remove dev integration test page

* meaningless commit to get lgtm to re-run

* SmartRTB adapter update (#4246)

* modules: Implement SmartRTB adapter and spec.

* Fix for-loop syntax to support IE; refactor getDomain out of exported set.

* Remove debugs, update doc

* Update test for video support

* Handle missing syncs. Add video to media types in sample ad unit

* Add null response check, update primary endpoint

* Note smrtb video requires renderer

* Support Vast Track (#4276)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* Add parameters if config.cache.vasttrack is true

* Use requestId instead of adId

* Test new vasttrack payload params

* Removed commented out code

* Relaxed conditional check per review

* Removed commented out line

* Added 1000x250 size (#4295)

* prepare vidazoo adapter for v3.0 (#4291)

* Improve Digital adapter: support schain (#4286)

* LiveIntent Identity Module. (#4178)

* LiveIntentIdSystem. Initial implementation.

* LiveIntentIdSystem. Removed whitespace.

* Fixed typo

* Renamed variables, cookiesm added md.

* Changed the default identity url.

* Composite id, with having more than just the lipbid passed around.

* Composite id.

* Merge conflict resolution.

* Changed docs and param description.

* Added typedoc & mentioned liveIntentIdSystem in submodule.json.

* Extracted the LiveIntentIdSystem under modules, removed it from default userId modules.

* Fixing the 204 + no body scenario.

* Added liveIntent to submodule.json

* Fixing docs indentation.

* Updated prebidServer & specs.

* Minor specs update.

* updating liveintent eids source (#4300)

* updating liveintent eids source

these are supposed to be domains

* updating unit test

* fix appnexusBidAdapter view-script regex (#4289)

* fix an view script regex

* minor syntax update

* 33Across adding bidder specific extension field (#4298)

* - add 33across specific ext field for statedAt

* - fix unit test for 33Across adapter

* PubMatic to support LiveIntent User Id sub-module (#4306)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* supporting LiveIntent Id in PubMatic adapter

* updated source for liveintent

* Finteza Analytics Adapter: fix cookies (#4292)

* fix reading and sending cookies

* fix lint errors

* clear comments

* add unit tests

* fix calling of setCookies for IE

* clear cookies after test

* use own setCookie method inside tests

* Update LockerDome adapter to support Prebid 3.0 (#4301)

* Returning the `IdResponse` type with an obj + callback. Fix for 4304 (#4305)

*  Returning the `IdResponse` type with an obj + callback.

* Renamed resp -> result.

* Removed whitespace.

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support (#4222)

* add ShowHeroes Adapter

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support

* Revert "ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support"

This reverts commit bfcdb913b52012b5afbf95a84956b906518a4b51.

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support

* ShowHeroes adapter - fixes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - banner and outstream fixes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - description and outstream changes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - increase test coverage and small fix

* [Orbidder-Adapter] Add bidRequestCount and remove bid.params.keyValues (#4264)

JacobKlein26 pushed a commit to nextmillenniummedia/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Feb 9, 2023
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains prebid#6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* added some cookie fetching
aecook added a commit to freestarcapital/Prebid.js that referenced this issue Mar 2, 2023
* updated the correct variable while setting cookie (#9234)

Co-authored-by: pm-azhar-mulla <[email protected]>

* Smartx Bid Adapter: Add Schain support (#9244)

* Add smartclipBidAdapter

* smartxBidAdapter.js - removed unused variables, removed debug, added window before the outstream related functions

* - made outstream player configurable

* remove wrong named files

* camelcase

* fix

* Out-Stream render update to SmartPlay 5.2

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* adjust tests, fixes

* ESlint

* adjusted desired bitrate examples

* added bid.meta.advertiserDomains support

* bug fix for numeric elementID outstream render

* fix renderer url

* support for floors module

* bugfixes to be openRTB 2.5 compliant

* update internal renderer usage

* remove unused outstream_function logic

* bugfix outstream options for default outstream renderer configuration

* [PREB-10] fix empty title not configurable

* add pbjs version

* testing with outstream 5.3.0

* pbjs version into content.ext

* made visibilityThreshold configurable

* adjust position of pbjs version

* Merge branch 'master' of into HEAD

* update smartclip outstream player version to support outstream 6 release along with necessary config changes

* Add support for schain

* vacuuming

Co-authored-by: smartclip AdTechnology <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Gino Cirlini <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: smartclip-adtech <[email protected]>

* Fix to merge site fpd into payload as opposed to overwriting (#9247)

* Discovery Bid Adapter : parameter updates (#9249)

* Mediago Bid Adapter:new adapter

* remove console

* change spec file to fix CircleCI

* change spec file to fix CircleCI

* change spec file

* Update mediagoBidAdapter.js

* Update mediagoBidAdapter.js

* rerun CurcleCi

* update mediagoBidAdapter

* update discoveryBidAdapter

Co-authored-by: BaronYu <[email protected]>

* Smartadserver Bid Adapter: add support for SDA user and site (#9231)

* Smartadserver Bid Adapter: Add support for SDA user and site

* Smartadserver Bid Adapter: Fix SDA support getConfig and add to unit testing

Co-authored-by: Krzysztof Sokół <[email protected]>

* VidazooBidAdapter: get bid floor using `bid.getFloor`  (#9238)

* feat(module): multi size request

* fix getUserSyncs
added tests

* update(module): package-lock.json from master

* feat(module): VidazooBidAdapter - send top query params to server

* added bid.getFloor handler

Co-authored-by: roman <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Saar Amrani <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Saar Amrani <[email protected]>

* Viqeo Bid Adapter: initial adapter release (#8920)

* add viqeo prebid adapter

* added bid params to docs

* updated to Outstream

* updated to Outstream (tests)

* BeOp Bid Adapter : update keywords management (#9166)

* Don't know why params are in an array in that bid object. Make it work for both if it is fixed later

* Update params reading method to adapt to arrays for all params

* Keywords have to be an array of string (#9)

* Keywords have to be an array of string

* Last check if isStr

* Fix linting errors

* Fix tests

* TheMediaGrid: added withCriteo paramater to send criteo request with the /hbjson request (#9214)

* Tappx Bid Adapter: getting correct site page (#9187)

* Fix: creating host correctly when http or https are added from the beginning

* Fix :: Changed double quotes for single quotes

* Fix :: Getting the full page URL

* Fix :: Changed order params

* Fix :: Replaced quotes from double to simple

* Fix :: Adapting format to lint

* Remove TODO comment

* Added more controls

* camelcase fix

* Changed test

* Remove "inIframe" util

Co-authored-by: Jordi Arnau <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ruben_tappx <[email protected]>

* Prebid 7.26.0 release

* Increment version to 7.27.0-pre

* Bump loader-utils from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 (#9256)

Bumps [loader-utils]( from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: loader-utils
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* glomex Bidder: expose glomex GVL id (#9262)

* Update Floor format to floor={adslotId}:{floorPriceInCents}[, ...] and fix the size which is submitted to the Price Floors Module (#9186)

* Gravito Id System : variable update to fix tests (#9259)

* gravitompId user module for integrating gravito first party cookie with prebid js

* fixed eslint issues raised by circleci

* fixed trailing spaces error raised by circleci

* Merge branch 'master' of

* minor changes to GravitoIdSystem user module to make sure that Gravito Id is visible in bid request.

* changes to Gravito User module to fix issue with Gravito Id not appearing in bid request.

* fixing issue with Gravito Id not appearing in bid request.

* modified test case to adapt changes made to the GravitoIdSystem user module

* change to spec file to fix for test failure

* changes to GravitoIdSystem spec file.

* Fix for trailing space issue in Circle CI

* AdMatic Bidder: added User-Snyc url for alias (#9261)

* Admatic Bidder Adaptor

* Update

* Update

* remove floor parameter

* Update admaticBidAdapter.js

* Admatic Bid Adapter: alias and bid floor features activated

* Admatic adapter: host param control changed

* Alias name changed.

* Revert "Admatic adapter: host param control changed"

This reverts commit de7ac85981b1ba3ad8c5d1dc95c5dadbdf5b9895.

* added alias feature and host param

* Revert "added alias feature and host param"

This reverts commit 6ec8f4539ea6be403a0d7e08dad5c7a5228f28a1.

* Revert "Alias name changed."

This reverts commit 661c54f9b2397e8f25c257144d73161e13466281.

* Revert "Admatic Bid Adapter: alias and bid floor features activated"

This reverts commit 7a2e0e29c49e2f876b68aafe886b336fe2fe6fcb.

* Revert "Update admaticBidAdapter.js"

This reverts commit 7a845b7151bbb08addfb58ea9bd5b44167cc8a4e.

* Revert "remove floor parameter"

This reverts commit 7a23b055ccd4ea23d23e73248e82b21bc6f69d90.

* Admatic adapter: host param control && Add new Bidder

* Revert "Admatic adapter: host param control && Add new Bidder"

This reverts commit 3c797b120c8e0fe2b851381300ac5c4b1f92c6e2.

* commit new features

* Update admaticBidAdapter.js

* updated for coverage

* sync updated

* Update adloader.js

* AdMatic Bidder: development of user sync url

* Update admaticBidAdapter.js

* Browsi RTD Module: add pageview billable event (#9207)

* real time data module,
browsi sub module for real time data,
new hook bidsBackCallback,
fix for config unsubscribe

* change timeout&primary ad server only to auctionDelay
update docs

* support multiple providers

* change promise to callbacks
configure submodule on submodules.json

* bug fixes

* use Prebid ajax

* tests fix

* browsi real time data provider improvements

* real time data module,
browsi sub module for real time data,
new hook bidsBackCallback,
fix for config unsubscribe

* change timeout&primary ad server only to auctionDelay
update docs

* support multiple providers

* change promise to callbacks
configure submodule on submodules.json

* bug fixes

* use Prebid ajax

* tests fix

* browsi real time data provider improvements

* fire billable event according to event listener

* RTB House Bid Adapter: Process FLEDGE request/response (#9215)

* RTBHouse Bid Adapter: add global vendor list id

* structured user agent - browsers.brands

* fix lint errors

* Added sda into rtbhouse adapter

* spreading ortb2: user & site props

* examples reverted

* init version

* using mergedeep

* removed wrong imp array augm.; slot imp augm. with addtl check

* [SUA] merging ortb2.device into request

* fledge auctionConfig adapted to our bid response structure

* new bidder response structure for fledge

* make sure bidderRequest has proper flag turned on

* fledge endpoint hardcoded; code cleanups

* remove obsolete function

* obsolete function removed

* [RTB House] Process FLEDGE request/response (#4)

* [SDA & SUA] refactor using mergedeep

* [FLEDGE] fledge auctionConfig adapted to our bid response structure

* [FLEDGE] new bidder response structure for fledge

* [FLEDGE] make sure bidderRequest has proper flag turned on

* [FLEDGE] fledge endpoint hardcoded; code cleanups

* [FLEDGE] remove obsolete functions

* fixed lint errors

* fledge test suites; adapter: delete when no fledge (#5)

Co-authored-by: Leandro Otani <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: rtbh-lotani <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Tomasz Swirski <[email protected]>

* Bump from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 (#9270)

Bumps []( from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name:
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Rise readme maintenance (#9272)

* Criteo Bid Adapter : fix getFloor usage issue (#9243)

getFloor call context is loss when we reference it as a callback ; we need to make sure that it is properly mapped as getFloor function assumes that "this" is the actual bid request object

* Rise Bid Adapter: add support for mimes, api, protocols in bid object (#9253)

* added support to mimes, api and protocols based on bid settings

* moved protocols only if object is video

* updated path for protocols property

* added unit test for api, mimes and protocols properties

* Prebid core: fix CPM to always be a  number (#9273)

* nexx360 Bid Adapter: new functionalities and endpoint update (#9229)

* bidder version v1.0

* Comments removed

* Test coverage improvement above 80%

* ePlanning Bid Adapter : fix support for video auction (#9283)

* Fix ad vast

* fix lint spaces in tests

* fix lint spaces in tests

* fix lint spaces in tests

* add smn alias (#9290)

* Smartx Bid Adapter: update custom header (#9291)

* Add smartclipBidAdapter

* smartxBidAdapter.js - removed unused variables, removed debug, added window before the outstream related functions

* - made outstream player configurable

* remove wrong named files

* camelcase

* fix

* Out-Stream render update to SmartPlay 5.2

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* adjust tests, fixes

* ESlint

* adjusted desired bitrate examples

* added bid.meta.advertiserDomains support

* bug fix for numeric elementID outstream render

* fix renderer url

* support for floors module

* bugfixes to be openRTB 2.5 compliant

* update internal renderer usage

* remove unused outstream_function logic

* bugfix outstream options for default outstream renderer configuration

* [PREB-10] fix empty title not configurable

* add pbjs version

* testing with outstream 5.3.0

* pbjs version into content.ext

* made visibilityThreshold configurable

* adjust position of pbjs version

* Merge branch 'master' of into HEAD

* update smartclip outstream player version to support outstream 6 release along with necessary config changes

* Add support for schain

* vacuuming

* update custom header x-openrtb-version to 2.5

Co-authored-by: smartclip AdTechnology <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Gino Cirlini <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: smartclip-adtech <[email protected]>

* LimeLight Bid Adapter : add IionAds alias (#9285)

* User sync improvements

* User sync improvements

* Code review fixes

* Pass supply chain to limelightDigitalBidAdapter.js

* Add alias for iionads

Co-authored-by: apykhteyev <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: EngineeringProjectLimeLight <[email protected]>

* Generic Analytics Adapter: initial release (#9134)

* New module: generic analytics adapter

* Use special gvlid value instead of `isVendorless` flag for vendorless consent checks

* Mark generic analytics as vendorless for gdpr enforcement

* Allow analytics adapters to define dynamic gvlids

* Add gvlid option

* Gdpr enforcement softVendorExceptions

* GrowthCode Analytics Adaptor Module: initial module release (#9021)

* Initial check-in ofthe GrowthCode Adaptor

* Growthcode ID System

* Working on test module

* Tests for the growthCode Id System

* Clean up tests for GrowthCode

* Fixed the default values for shareID

* New Analyics package

* Growthcode Analyics Adapter

* Backout growthcode User ID module

* Yieldlift  Bid Adapter: update ttl (#9232)

* Updating TTL, changing endpoint

* Test fixed

Co-authored-by: Danijel Predarski <[email protected]>

* Multiple analytics modules: allow pub-defined event filters; do not block auction for analytics (#9113)

* Multiple analytics modules: allow pub-defined event filters for analytics

* AnalyticsAdapter: make event handling non-blocking

* Fix infinite recursion on nested events

* Exclude AUCTION_DEBUG by default

* Use a default whitelist intead of default blacklist

* Try to detect and break out of infinite loops caused by events triggering other events

* JW Player RTD Module: prefer to segment.value (#9153)

* removes id

* updates docs

* Revert "updates docs"

This reverts commit 926a06dd9581868e6fd9e682e68b48592aebbd3e.

* Revert "removes id"

This reverts commit c3a1be70e7274451b6b60381c036385b579eb23b.

* drop segment.value

* AcuityAds adapter: fix issue with download (#9164)

* add prebid.js adapter

* changes

* changes

* changes

* changes

* fix downolad

* AIDEM Bid Adapter: initial adapter release (#9222)

* AIDEM Bid Adapter

* Added _spec.js

* update

* Fix Navigator in _spec.js

* Removed timeout handler.

* Added publisherId as required bidder params

* moved publisherId into site publisher object

Co-authored-by: darkstar <[email protected]>

* Ringier Axel Springer Bidder Adapter (#9239)

- New parameter `customParams`

Co-authored-by: skoklowski <[email protected]>

* updated ref info page logic (#9241)

* fix for broken download bundle (#9289)

* Yandex Bid Adapter: (#9280)

* refactoring;
* added banner.format to payload;
* added tmax support;
* fixed nurl sending;
* added support for the block identifier format in the Yandex Ad system;

Co-authored-by: Taras Saveliev <[email protected]>

* Fluct Bid Adapter: add schain support (#9266)

* add schain to req

* run circleci

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Update bucksense adapter - new server endpoint (#9292)

* Seedtag Bid Adapter : add support for inBanner and inStream (#9230)

* use inBanner and inStream for video

* remove duplicate video params, now use only params from adunit level

* lint

* improve unit test

* fix adapter for instream support, and fix unit test

* use inStream placement for instream context


* fix lint error

* empty commit to relaunch CI

* Geoedge RTD module: support billing events (#9267)

* Add billable events for applicable winning bids

* Update test for billable events

* Add meta bid advertiser domains collection

* Revert "Add meta bid advertiser domains collection"

This reverts commit 09c19c90b4dc9d234f282de8adb40850cce31101.

* Add meta bid advertiser domains collection

* Update geoedgeRtdProvider_spec.js

Force circleci

Co-authored-by: daniel manan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Patrick McCann <[email protected]>

* Vidazoo Bid Adapter: added bid request params (gpid, cat, pagecat) (#9293)

* feat(module): multi size request

* fix getUserSyncs
added tests

* update(module): package-lock.json from master

* feat(module): VidazooBidAdapter - send top query params to server

* added bid request params

* making the linter happy :)

Co-authored-by: roman <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Saar Amrani <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Saar Amrani <[email protected]>

* PBjs Core : send native targetings for ortb response (#9252)

* PBjs Core : send native targetings for ortb response

* Add legacy native properties regardless of response mediaType

* add a test for addLegacyFieldsIfNeeded

* fix lint for test

Co-authored-by: Demetrio Girardi <[email protected]>

* Impactify Bid Adapter: add support for BidFloor (#9277)

* Add support of getFloor function

* Add support of getFloor function

* Add support of getFloor function

* Add support of getFloor function

* Add unit test for bid floor

* Add unit test for bid floor

Co-authored-by: Thomas De Stefano <[email protected]>

* TTD Bid Adapter: add support for regs.gpp (#9274)

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter_spec.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter_spec.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter_spec.js

* fix linting

* Update ttdBidAdapter_spec.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter_spec.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter_spec.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

* Update ttdBidAdapter.js

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Revert "fix for broken download bundle (#9289)" (#9298)

This reverts commit 5a9aaa8ca5bb47393ddfb08b00d1c4e0af5fd850.

* Revert "AcuityAds adapter: fix issue with download (#9164)" (#9299)

This reverts commit 4f21a5bc9e2e4ace066a4d26ca1c9c637c46a477.

* Add new size 192x160 (ID: 622) in Rubicon Adapter (#9297)

* Redtram Bid Adapter : initial adapter release (#9260)

* Add Redtram Bid Adapter

* add on bidWon test

* extend tests

* remove convertOrtbRequestToProprietaryNative 9260#pullrequestreview-1196218534

Co-authored-by: Oleh Naimushyn <[email protected]>

* VidazooBidAdapter: sending storageAllowed flag with request params (#9294)

* feat(module): multi size request

* fix getUserSyncs
added tests

* update(module): package-lock.json from master

* feat(module): VidazooBidAdapter - send top query params to server

* added bid params to request

Co-authored-by: roman <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Saar Amrani <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Saar Amrani <[email protected]>

* Triplelift Adapter: Update referrer logic  (#9304)

* prioritize topmostlocation

* adds test for topmostlocation / referrer

* cleanup

* delete param after test

* TL-32803: Update referrer logic

* TL-32803: Update referrer logic

Co-authored-by: Nick Llerandi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: nllerandi3lift <[email protected]>

* Prebid 7.27.0 release

* Increment version to 7.28.0-pre

* ttd Bid Adapter: add regression test topmost domain (#9300)

* TTD Adapter use topmost location when available

* TTD add use top most location regression test

Co-authored-by: Andre Gielow <[email protected]>

* Kargo Adapter: Update referrer logic (#9305)

* pageURL pull from topmostLocation

* Kargo: Support for client hints (#9)

* Starting SUA support

* Kargo: Adding support for client hints

* Adding tests for sua

* Kargo: Update referer logic

* Discovery Bid Adapter & Mediago Bid Adapter: add support for test request param (#9302)

* Mediago Bid Adapter:new adapter

* remove console

* change spec file to fix CircleCI

* change spec file to fix CircleCI

* change spec file

* Update mediagoBidAdapter.js

* Update mediagoBidAdapter.js

* rerun CurcleCi

* update mediagoBidAdapter

* update discoveryBidAdapter

* Discovery Bid Adapter : parameter updates

* Mediago Bid Adapter : parameter updates

* Mediago Bid Adapter : code style format

* rerun circleci

* rerun circleci

* rerun circleci

* rerun circleci

Co-authored-by: BaronYu <[email protected]>

* OpenX Bid Adapter: update documentation about deprecated platform and hint for using floor module (#9308)

* Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 (#9311)

Bumps [decode-uri-component]( from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: decode-uri-component
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* OpenX Bid Adapter: fix bid parameters table in documentation (#9310)

* Bump tibdex/github-app-token from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 (#9316)

Bumps [tibdex/github-app-token]( from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tibdex/github-app-token
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Vidazoo Bid Adapter: support for Video MediaTypes (#9284)

* feat(module): multi size request

* fix getUserSyncs
added tests

* update(module): package-lock.json from master

* feat(client): added VIDEO media type

* feat(client): send mediaTypes to the server

* feat(client): added vastXml support

* fix(client): vidazoo adapter tests

* fix tests

* remove console.log from test file

* added video tests

Co-authored-by: roman <[email protected]>

* Vidazoo bid adapter: fix failing test (#9318)

* Live Intent User ID Submodule: Bump live-connect version (#9317)

* update with live-connect last change

* set globalVarName

* not use globalVarName

* use live-connect proper version

* comment

* use yalc version and adjust the initializer

* adjust getInitializer

* use a proper lc version

* ox update (#9309)

* AdHash bid adapter: update to support latest version (#9286)

* AdHash Bidder Adapter: minor changes

We're operating on a com TLD now.
Added publisher in URL for easier routing.

* Implemented brand safety

Implemented brand safety checks

* Fix for GDPR consent

Removing the extra information as request data becomes too big and is sometimes truncated

* Ad fraud prevention formula changed

Ad fraud prevention formula changed to support negative values as well as linear distribution of article length

* AdHash brand safety additions

Adding starts-with and ends-with rules that will help us with languages such as German where a single word can be written in multiple ways depending on the gender and grammatical case.

* AdHash brand safety updates

Added support for Cyrillic characters.
Added support for bidderURL parameter.
Fixed score multiplier from 500 to 1000.

* AdHash Analytics adapter

* Support for recent ads

Support for recent ads which gives us the option to do frequency and recency capping.

* Fix for timestamp

* PUB-222

Added logic for measuring the fill rate (fallbacks) for Prebid impressions

* Unit tests for the analytics adapter

Added unit tests for the analytics adapter

* Removed export causing errors

Removed an unneeded export of a const that was causing errors with the analytics adapter

* Added globalScript parameter

* PUB-227

Support for non-latin and non-cyrillic symbols

* GEN-964

- Brand safety now checks the page URL for bad words. No ad is shown if there is at least one match.
- Repeating code is optimized and moved to helper function
- Multi-language support for brand safety

* GEN-1025

Sending the needed ad density data to the bidder

* Removing the analytics adaptor

* Fix for regexp match

* Version change


Code review changes

Co-authored-by: NikolayMGeorgiev <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ventsislav Saraminev <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dimitar Kalenderov <[email protected]>

* Add source and version parameters to the 33across ID request (#9319)

* Prebid Core: ORTB 2.5 translation utilities (#9263)

* ORTB 2.5 spec definition

* ORTB 2.5 translation

* Only test translation of native reqs if FEATURES.NATIVE is set

* Prebid Core: Addition of Optional Category Targeting Key (#9268)

* addition of category optional targeting

* removed console log statements

* console.log statements for debugging

* updated tests

* formatting changes

* added pbs test

* Taboola Bid Adapter: Fixing Accepting Bid Floor Mechanism   (#9279)

* use-convention-for-bidfloor-extraction

* use-convention-for-bidfloor-extraction

* add-unit-tests

* Prebid 7.28.0 release

* Increment version to 7.29.0-pre

* Colossus Bid Adapter: update user sync (#9327)

* add video&native traffic colossus ssp

* Native obj validation

* Native obj validation #2

* Added size field in requests

* fixed test

* fix merge conflicts

* move to 3.0

* move to 3.0

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* https for 3.0

* add https test

* add ccp and schain features

* fix test

* sync with upstream, fix conflicts

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

remove commented code

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

lint fix

* identity extensions

* identity extensions

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add tests for user ids

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add gdpr support

* add gdpr support

* id5id support

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

add bidfloor parameter

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

check bidfloor

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter_spec.js

* use floor module

* Revert "use floor module"

This reverts commit f0c5c248627567e669d8eed4f2bb9a26a857e2ad.

* use floor module

* update to 5v

* fix

* add uid2 and bidFloor support

* fix

* add pbadslot support

* fix conflicts

* add onBidWon

* refactor

* add test for onBidWon()

* fix

* add group_id

* Trigger circleci

* fix

* update user sync

* fix window.location

* fix test

* updates

* fix conflict

* fix

* updates

* remove traffic param

* add transactionId to request data for colossusssp adapter

* Send tid in placements array

* update user sync

* updated tests

* remove changes package-lock file

* fix

Co-authored-by: Vladislav Isaiko <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Aiholkin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mykhailo Yaremchuk <[email protected]>

* PubMatic Analytics Adapter:added parameters in logger call (#9328)

* Logging floor related params in loger

* Adding au and mt parameters in logger and tracker call

* Added extra check

Co-authored-by: pm-azhar-mulla <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: pm-priyanka-deshmane <[email protected]>

* Nextmillenium bid adapter: Collection of statistics data (#9265)

* changed name company

* changed name company in test

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* changed check parameters

* fixed lint remarks

* added test

* fixed bug - lint

* changed test

* changed test - 2

* fixed bug - adapter

* added logic for getting ad impressions

* Collecting timeouts data

* Collecting resaponses and no_bids data

* changed a name function

* added event bidRequested

* added event bidRequested

* added function initialization events

* fixed bug

* save

* added tests

* Added processing of the disabledSendingStatisticData parameter, which disables sending statistics data

* changed the name of the variables

* Video Module: Ad Queueing (#9226)

* adds queue coordinator

* tests module

* test setAdTag

* tests integration

* updates examples

* documents the event

* loads get queued always

* updates tests

* decouples register from init

* updates tests

* Revert "updates tests"

This reverts commit 1616dfad2bba34a10b3f20fb5680baea7ce11fa1.

* updates tests

* Adnuntius Bid Adapter: native added (#9330)

* package lock fix.

* Add dimensions to prebid.

* Adnuntius Bid Adapter. Added native as a media type.

* Prebid core: enrich FPD by default (#9205)

* Move rootDomain

* Move FPD enrichments to core

* Remove fpdEnrichments module

* Cleanup

* Add `site`, `device`, and coppa enrichments

* FPD enrichments: GDPR

* FPD enrichments: USP

* Enrich FPD from requestBids

* Fix typo in package.json

* Permutive RTD Module: add support for new ssp standard cohorts (#9236)

* add logic to parse and pass ssp data to appnexus

* simplify shouldSetConfig condition

* Write SSP cohorts into p_standard targeting (+ bug fixes)

* fix tests

* Simplify

* add logic to parse and pass ssp data to appnexus

* simplify shouldSetConfig condition

* Write SSP cohorts into p_standard targeting (+ bug fixes)

* fix tests

* Simplify

* use new key for auction kw cohorts

* Push SSP cohorts to SSPs via ORTB2

* Add tests and fix bugs

* Update tests

* update example with _pssps

* Remove custom `appnexusAuctionKeywords` and use user.keywords in ortb2 config

* Fix linting issues

Co-authored-by: Paulius Imbrasas <[email protected]>

* Jixie Bid Adapter: Add read jxtoko cookie (#9331)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* added some cookie fetching

* AdagioBidAdapter: add missing try-catch (#9338)

* AdUp Technology bid adapter: optimize floor price detection (#9332)

* nextMillenniumBidAdapter: improve getUserSyncs function (#9313)

* add video support

* improve userSync url

* improve userSync url

* Add tests for a new cases

* use deepAccess instead of instanceof

* Uid2 module: major implementation change (#9264)

* Complete the UID2 integration.

Update docs.
Add tests.

* Removed some unnecessary code in uid2IdSystem.uid2IdSystem.

Improved log messages.
Pass through configured baseUrl.
Tidied up some in-progress code problems.
Added a timer mock to track and clear timers at the end of each test, to prevent interference.
Improved testing code and fixed some bugs.

* Move cookie cleanup into the after so it doesn't leave a mess behind for subsequent tests.

Allow specifying multiple --file options when running/watching tests.

* Provide an additional mock object for some test environments which don't provide crypto.subtle.

* Improve some documentation for the UID2 module.

* Improved UID2 module logging when debug flag is enabled.

* Added tests around the api base url config for UID2.

Added the new UID2 config to the example.

* Update integration example to attempt a token refresh (it will fail due to not being a valid token).

* Refactor to avoid duplicating cookie read code.

Add a test for the case when the id value is provided directly in config without making use of the new token refresh system.

* Fix an incorrect log call.

Co-authored-by: Lionell Pack <[email protected]>

* Globalsun Bid Adapter: Initial Release (#9307)

* init new adapter Globalsun

* kick off integration tests

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Topics module: Initial Topics iframe implementation (#8947)

* Topics: Initial Topics iframe implementation

* Topics API: LINT errors solved

* Added Empty Topics Check

* Topics: Storage Map logic and added message listener secure check

* Topics: Iframe implementation for bidders

* Added topics_iframe html in example for reference

* Added Pubmatic Topic iframe URL

* Added Pubmatic Topic iframe URL- Removed comment

* Topics Module: Consent management logic added

* Topics Module: Added Device Access check

* Topics Module: Unit test cases added and minor changes

* Topics Module: Array.find used instead of array.some and variable name changed

* Topics IFrame Implementation: Purpose present check is handled

* Nativo Bid Adapter: added ntv_url qs param value validation (#9334)

* Initial nativoBidAdapter document creation (js, md and spec)

* Fulling working prebid using nativoBidAdapter. Support for GDPR and CCPA in user syncs.

* Added defult size settings based on the largest ad unit. Added response body validation. Added consent to request url qs params.

* Changed bidder endpoint url

* Changed double quotes to single quotes.

* Reverted package-json.lock to remove modifications from PR

* Added optional bidder param 'url' so the ad server can force- match an existing placement

* Lint fix. Added space after if.

* Added new QS param to send various adUnit data to adapter endpopint

* Updated unit test for new QS param

* Added qs param to keep track of ad unit refreshes

* Updated bidMap key default value

* Updated refresh increment logic

* Refactored spread operator for IE11 support

* Updated isBidRequestValid check

* Refactored Object.enties to use Object.keys to fix CircleCI testing errors

* Updated bid mapping key creation to prioritize ad unit code over placementId

* Added filtering by ad, advertiser and campaign.

* Merged master

* Added more robust bidDataMap with multiple key access

* Deduped filer values

* Rolled back package.json

* Duped upstream/master's package.lock file ... not sure how it got changed in the first place

* Small refactor of filterData length check. Removed comparison with 0 since a length value of 0 is already falsy.

* Added bid sizes to request

* Fixed function name in spec. Added unit tests.

* Added priceFloor module support

* Added protection agains empty url parameter

* Changed ntv_url QS param to use referrer.location instead of

* Removed testing 'only' flag

* Added ntv_url QS param value validation

* Prebid 7.29.0 release

* Increment version to 7.30.0-pre

* Build system: set up `hook` for tests (#9350)

* add encoding for device param (#9352)

* OneTag Bid Adapter: add use of refererInfo Prebid object and Network API (#9306)

* OneTag Bid Adapter: add use of refererInfo Prebid object and Network Information API

* Replace refererInfo.location with

Co-authored-by: federico <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGrid: fix tmax value (#9339)

* Viously Bid Adapter : New Adapter (#9076)

* Add viously Bid Adapter

* Mod: viously documentation

* MR fixes

* Topics FPD module: fix tests (#9354)

* Ccx Bid Adapter: Add GVLID param (#9359)

* adomain support

* adomain support

* adomain support

* adomain support

* adomain support

* video params

* docs changes

* Clickonometrics adapter update

* Revert "Revert "Clickonometrics Bid Adapter : add gvlid (#9198)" (#9216)"

This reverts commit 6d114e83725b403fadd889202b449de225db7275.

* Revert "Ccx Bid Adapter: Add GVLID param (#9359)" (#9363)

This reverts commit 77647180e5fc3c8058adcf5d642499ad3146b495.

Co-authored-by: Demetrio Girardi <[email protected]>

* GPP consent module: phase one release (#9321)

* GPP consent module phase 1

* various updates and added test pages

* revise calling CMP, remove provisionalConsent, remove cmpDisplayStatus check, update pbs usersync

* change callback check to be more strict

* update logic on adding gpp data to ortb2

* update gpp metadata

* Magnite Analytics Adapter :  data deletion function (#9351)

* add onDeletionRequest functionality to Magnite adapter

* Magnite add onDataDeletionRequest unit testing

* Colosuss Bid Adapter: add support First Party Data (#9340)

* add video&native traffic colossus ssp

* Native obj validation

* Native obj validation #2

* Added size field in requests

* fixed test

* fix merge conflicts

* move to 3.0

* move to 3.0

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* fix IE11 new URL issue

* https for 3.0

* add https test

* add ccp and schain features

* fix test

* sync with upstream, fix conflicts

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

remove commented code

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

lint fix

* identity extensions

* identity extensions

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add tests for user ids

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* fix

* add gdpr support

* add gdpr support

* id5id support

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

add bidfloor parameter

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

check bidfloor

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter.js

* Update colossussspBidAdapter_spec.js

* use floor module

* Revert "use floor module"

This reverts commit f0c5c248627567e669d8eed4f2bb9a26a857e2ad.

* use floor module

* update to 5v

* fix

* add uid2 and bidFloor support

* fix

* add pbadslot support

* fix conflicts

* add onBidWon

* refactor

* add test for onBidWon()

* fix

* add group_id

* Trigger circleci

* fix

* update user sync

* fix window.location

* fix test

* updates

* fix conflict

* fix

* updates

* remove traffic param

* add transactionId to request data for colossusssp adapter

* Send tid in placements array

* update user sync

* updated tests

* remove changes package-lock file

* fix

* add First Party Data

Co-authored-by: Vladislav Isaiko <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Aiholkin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mykhailo Yaremchuk <[email protected]>

* Clickonometrics Bid Adapter: gvlid (#9367)

* adomain support

* adomain support

* adomain support

* adomain support

* adomain support

* video params

* docs changes

* Clickonometrics adapter update

* Revert "Revert "Clickonometrics Bid Adapter : add gvlid (#9198)" (#9216)"

This reverts commit 6d114e83725b403fadd889202b449de225db7275.

* Test fix

* Prebid 7.30.0 release

* Increment version to 7.31.0-pre

* Bump parse-url from 7.0.2 to 8.1.0 (#9372)

Bumps [parse-url]( from 7.0.2 to 8.1.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: parse-url
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Prebid core: filter adUnits (by `adUnitCodes`) before sending them to RTD and FPD modules (#9355)

* Prebid Server: Include adUnitCode in PBS Adapter Requests (#9337)

* changes

* added support to pass adunitcode to pbs

* updated comment

* removed console log statements

* addressed feedback

* Feedad Bid Adapter: fixed usersync parsing (#9353)

* added file scaffold

* added isBidRequestValid implementation

* added local prototype of ad integration

* added implementation for placement ID validation

* fixed video context filter

* applied lint to feedad bid adapter

* added unit test for bid request validation

* added buildRequest unit test

* added unit tests for timeout and bid won callbacks

* updated bid request to FeedAd API

* added parsing of feedad api bid response

* added transmisison of tracking events to FeedAd Api

* code cleanup

* updated feedad unit tests for buildRequest method

* added unit tests for event tracking implementation

* added unit test for interpretResponse method

* added adapter documentation

* added dedicated feedad example page

* updated feedad adapter to use live system

* updated FeedAd adapter placement ID regex

* removed groups from FeedAd adapter placement ID regex

* removed dedicated feedad example page

* updated imports in FeedAd adapter file to use relative paths

* updated FeedAd adapter unit test to use sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest()

* added GDPR fields to the FeedAd bid request

* removed video from supported media types of the FeedAd adapter

* increased version code of FeedAd adapter to 1.0.2

* removed unnecessary check of bidder request

* fixed unit test testing for old FeedAd version

* removed video media type example from documentation file

* added gvlid to FeedAd adapter

* added decoration parameter to adapter documentation

* added pass through of additional bid parameters

* added user syncs to FeedAd bid adapter

* increased FeedAd bid adapter version

* lint pass over FeedAd bid adapter

* fixed parsing of user syncs from server response

* increased FeedAd bid adapter version

* fixed version code in test file

* Datawrkz adapter: Using bidRequest.getFloor() method for bid floor (#9366)

* New Bid Adapter: datawrkz

* New Bid Adapter: datawrkz. Test case formatting

* New Bid Adatpter: datawrkz - updated import statements

* Datawrkz adapter: Using bidRequest.getFloor() method for bid floor

* Adkernel Bid Adapter: alias (#9375)

* Confiant RTD Module : initial release (#9325)

* Confiant's RTD Provider Module

* Confiant RTD Module:
- updated script injection code to current standard
- added Confiant as an exclusion to load external JS

* Confiant RTD Provider:
- additional param for enabling BillingEvent added
- docs updated
- outdated unit test removed

Co-authored-by: Patrick McCann <[email protected]>

* Prebid 7.31.0 release

* Increment version to 7.32.0-pre

* Confiant RTD Provider: (#9382)

- fix comment line

* Rise Bid Adapter: added isWrapper parameter to adapter request (#9329)

* add Rise adapter

* fixes

* change param isOrg to org

* Rise adapter

* change email for rise

* fix circle failed

* bump

* bump

* bump

* remove space

* Upgrade Rise adapter to 5.0

* added isWrapper param

* addes is_wrapper parameter to documentation

* added is_wrapper to test

* removed isWrapper

Co-authored-by: Noam Tzuberi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: noamtzu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Noam Tzuberi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Laslo Chechur <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: OronW <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: lasloche <[email protected]>

* Added video media type support (#9326)

* Aso Bid Adapter: add bcmint alias (#9387)

* Add bcmint alias

* kick off tests

Co-authored-by: dev <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* AIDEM Bid Adapter: added wpar and placementId param (#9377)

* AIDEM Bid Adapter

* Added _spec.js

* update

* Fix Navigator in _spec.js

* Removed timeout handler.

* Added publisherId as required bidder params

* moved publisherId into site publisher object

* Added wpar to environment

* Added placementId parameter

* added unit tests for the wpar environment object

Co-authored-by: darkstar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: AndreaC <[email protected]>

* Taboola Bid Adapter: onBidWon, userSyncs, gpp support and FPD  (#9376)

* on-bid-won

* support-fpd

* support-fpd

* support-fpd

* support-fpd

* support-fpd

* support-fpd

* implement-get-user-sync

* implement-get-user-sync

* implement-get-user-sync

* implement-get-user-sync

* implement-get-user-sync

* implement-get-user-sync

* implement-get-user-sync

* implement-get-user-sync

* implement-get-user-sync

* position-pagetype

* Yieldlab Bid Adapter: read and pass UserIdsAsEids atype information (#9370)

* YieldlabBidAdapter read atype information from UserIdsAsEids and pass it as query parameter (atypes={idprovider}:{atype},{idprovider2}:{atype2},...)

* Update type hint and add semi colons

Co-authored-by: Christoph Kipping <[email protected]>

* Medianet RTD module: fix `getTargetingData` to retrieve correct adUnits (#9392)

* Holid Bid Adapter: initial release  (#9371)

* Holid bid adapter

* Adjust test to various device sizes

* Include first party data from ortb2 object

* Remove trailing spaces in test

* Appnexus Bid Adapter : add video data from the request to the bid response (#9396)

* Appnexus adapter: add video data from the request to the bid response

* kick off tests

* remove change

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* AdagioBidAdapter: Remove some params (#9398)

* Feedad Bid Adapter: added new bid request parameters (#9397)

* added file scaffold

* added isBidRequestValid implementation

* added local prototype of ad integration

* added implementation for placement ID validation

* fixed video context filter

* applied lint to feedad bid adapter

* added unit test for bid request validation

* added buildRequest unit test

* added unit tests for timeout and bid won callbacks

* updated bid request to FeedAd API

* added parsing of feedad api bid response

* added transmisison of tracking events to FeedAd Api

* code cleanup

* updated feedad unit tests for buildRequest method

* added unit tests for event tracking implementation

* added unit test for interpretResponse method

* added adapter documentation

* added dedicated feedad example page

* updated feedad adapter to use live system

* updated FeedAd adapter placement ID regex

* removed groups from FeedAd adapter placement ID regex

* removed dedicated feedad example page

* updated imports in FeedAd adapter file to use relative paths

* updated FeedAd adapter unit test to use sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest()

* added GDPR fields to the FeedAd bid request

* removed video from supported media types of the FeedAd adapter

* increased version code of FeedAd adapter to 1.0.2

* removed unnecessary check of bidder request

* fixed unit test testing for old FeedAd version

* removed video media type example from documentation file

* added gvlid to FeedAd adapter

* added decoration parameter to adapter documentation

* added pass through of additional bid parameters

* added user syncs to FeedAd bid adapter

* increased FeedAd bid adapter version

* lint pass over FeedAd bid adapter

* fixed parsing of user syncs from server response

* increased FeedAd bid adapter version

* fixed version code in test file

* added adapter and prebid version to bid request parameters

* removed TODO item

* added missing test case for user syncs

* increased adapter version to 1.0.5

* Yieldlab Bid Adapter: code style updates (#9386)

* Consistently add trailing comma and semicolons everywhere

* Use shorthand object property function definition

* Fix typo and update type hint

* GPP support for the yahoo connect id module. (#9399)

Co-authored-by: dumitrubarbos <[email protected]>

* yahoospp bidder& aol bidder: GPP Support in bid requests (#9345)

* GPP support for the yahoospp bidder and legacy aol bidder.

* GPP support for the yahoospp bidder and legacy aol bidder.

* GPP support for the yahoo connect id module - review comments.

* GPP support for the yahoo connect id module - review comments.

* GPP support for the yahoo connect id module - review comments.

Co-authored-by: dumitrubarbos <[email protected]>

* Orbitsoft Bid Adapter : add adapter back to current version (#9288)

* Adding Orbitsoft module

* Adding Orbitsoft module (corrected)

* Adding Orbitsoft module (correction of remarks)

* Adding Orbitsoft module (correction of remarks)

* Adding Orbitsoft module (correction to alias-able)

* Adding Orbitsoft module (correction to alias-able)

* Adding Orbitsoft module (correction to alias-able)

* Adding Orbitsoft module (correction to alias-able)

* Adding Orbitsoft module (correction to new constructor)

* Adding Orbitsoft module (delete unnecessary aliases)

* Adding Orbitsoft module (delete unnecessary aliases)

* fixed orbitsoftAdapter

* fixed orbitsoftAdapter processing undefined request referrer

* fixed orbitsoftAdapter processing undefined request referrer

* fix-orbitsoftAdaper: codereview fixes

* added changes for new spec

* added changes for new spec

* added changes for new spec

Co-authored-by: Dmitriy Shimko <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Хатламаджиян Виталий <[email protected]>

* extract-gpid (#9401)

* Yieldmo Adapter: Add support for structured user agent  (#9380)

* Adding sua to device object

* Update

* import pick

* ESLint fixes

* Adding unit test

* Copying entire device object

* appnnexus bid adapter - support for adomain (#9403)

* smartx Bid Adapter: add support for sitekey (#9408)

* Add smartclipBidAdapter

* smartxBidAdapter.js - removed unused variables, removed debug, added window before the outstream related functions

* - made outstream player configurable

* remove wrong named files

* camelcase

* fix

* Out-Stream render update to SmartPlay 5.2

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* ESlint fix

* adjust tests, fixes

* ESlint

* adjusted desired bitrate examples

* added bid.meta.advertiserDomains support

* bug fix for numeric elementID outstream render

* fix renderer url

* support for floors module

* bugfixes to be openRTB 2.5 compliant

* update internal renderer usage

* remove unused outstream_function logic

* bugfix outstream options for default outstream renderer configuration

* [PREB-10] fix empty title not configurable

* add pbjs version

* testing with outstream 5.3.0

* pbjs version into content.ext

* made visibilityThreshold configurable

* adjust position of pbjs version

* Merge branch 'master' of into HEAD

* update smartclip outstream player version to support outstream 6 release along with necessary config changes

* Add support for schain

* vacuuming

* update custom header x-openrtb-version to 2.5

* add support for sitekey to smartxBidAdapter

Co-authored-by: smartclip AdTechnology <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Gino Cirlini <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: smartclip-adtech <[email protected]>

* Adloox RTD Module: fix breakage since 7.x release (#9383)

getTargetingData resulted in a crash as 'auction' is no longer
passed in and we needed access to the global ORTB2 targetings.

Reworked to be a lot simplier, and removed the ATF viewability
segment and use the results of intersectionRtdProvider if present

* JW Player Video Module: trigger error when missing div id (#9407)

* checks for divId and get state existence

* adds test for missing divId

* add gppConsent (#9415)

* ssp added to meta.demandSource (#9409)

* adds a safety check (#9420)

* Alkimi Bid Adapter: using the floors convention (#9368)

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* alkimi adapter

* onBidWon change

* sign utils

* auction ID as bid request ID

* unit test fixes

* change maintainer info

* Updated the ad unit params

* features support added

* transfer adUnitCode

* transfer adUnitCode: test

* AlkimiBidAdapter getFloor() using

Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kalidas Engaiahraj <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: mihanikw2g <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nikulin Mikhail <[email protected]>

* init new Appush adapter (#9346)

* Prebid 7.32.0 release

* Increment version to 7.33.0-pre

* TargetVideo Bid Adapter: Updating margin rule (#9428)

* TargetVideo bid adapter

* TargetVideo bid adapter

* TargetVideo bid adapter

* TargetVideo Bid Adapter: Add GDPR/USP support

* TargetVideo Bid Adapter: Add GDPR/USP support tests

* TargetVideo Bid Adapter: Updating margin rule

* PBjs Core (Price Floors) : Support inverseBidAdjustment function (#9395)

* support inverseBidAdjustment function

* pass in bidRequest object to adjustments

* dont do fake bids bobby duh

* Criteo Bid Adapter : Bump Publisher Tag version (#9429)

Update reference to version 133 (latest)

* IX Bid Adapter: retrieve user/agent hints and fix tmax issue (#9394)

* feat: passthrough gpp information when it is provided [PB-1395]

* chore: passthrough using module [PB-1395]

* IX Bid Adapter Changes: change mtype logic, useragent client hints, change tmax logic

* remove fallback for tmax timeout

Co-authored-by: Chris Corbo <[email protected]>

* PBjs Core (Promises): fix static method GreedyPromise.resolve not working with Angular + Zone.js (#9426)

* fix: Webpack v5 complain about named export from JSON modules

* Index Exchange Adapter: fix "Should not import the named export 'EVENTS'.'AUCTION_DEBUG' (imported as 'EVENTS') from default-exporting module (only default export is available soon)""

* fix: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getSlotElementId')

* fix: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getSlotElementId')

* fix #9422

* refactor: fix linting error

Co-authored-by: Javier Marín <[email protected]>

* USP consent management: handle errors from CMPs that cannot deal with `registerDeletion` (#9434)

* nexx360 Bid Adapter: aliases list update (#9439)

* ssp added to meta.demandSource

* aliases update

* Update live-connect-js version (#9438)

* update live-connect-js

* fix

* fix package-lock.json

* enable video/banner mediatypes for inImage/inBanner/inArticle/inScreen (#9417)

* The payload extended with document.referer and canonicalUrl (#9416)

* Prebid 7.33.0 release

* Increment version to 7.34.0-pre

* Admixer Bid Adapter : adding floor module support and new alias  (#9427)

* add floor module support

* bidFloor update

* Update

* Update admixerBidAdapter.js

* remove tests

* tests

* floor test

* Update admixerBidAdapter_spec.js

* Update admixerBidAdapter_spec.js

* Update admixerBidAdapter.js

* https endpoint

* lint bugs fix

* Admatic Bid Adapter : bugfix with AdserverCurrency param (#9451)

* Admatic Bidder Adaptor

* Update

* Update

* remove floor parameter

* Update admaticBidAdapter.js

* Admatic Bid Adapter: alias and bid floor features activated

* Admatic adapter: host param control changed

* Alias name changed.

* Revert "Admatic adapter: host param control changed"

This reverts commit de7ac85981b1ba3ad8c5d1dc95c5dadbdf5b9895.

* added alias feature and host param

* Revert "added alias feature and host param"

This reverts commit 6ec8f4539ea6be403a0d7e08dad5c7a5228f28a1.

* Revert "Alias name changed."

This reverts commit 661c54f9b2397e8f25c257144d73161e13466281.

* Revert "Admatic Bid Adapter: alias and bid floor features activated"

This reverts commit 7a2e0e29c49e2f876b68aafe886b336fe2fe6fcb.

* Revert "Update admaticBidAdapter.js"

This reverts commit 7a845b7151bbb08addfb58ea9bd5b44167cc8a4e.

* Revert "remove floor parameter"

This reverts commit 7a23b055ccd4ea23d23e73248e82b21bc6f69d90.

* Admatic adapter: host param control && Add new Bidder

* Revert "Admatic adapter: host param control && Add new Bidder"

This reverts commit 3c797b120c8e0fe2b851381300ac5c4b1f92c6e2.

* commit new features

* Update admaticBidAdapter.js

* updated for coverage

* sync updated

* Update adloader.js

* AdMatic Bidder: development of user sync url

* Update admaticBidAdapter.js

* Set currency for AdserverCurrency: bug fix

* added support for user agent client hints (#9445)

* nextMillenniumBidAdapter: fix replaceGetUserMacro function (#9442)

* add video support

* fix replaceUserMacro func

* Add tests

Co-authored-by: Mikhail Ivanchenko <[email protected]>

* kargo - adding support for vast url in bid response (#9447)

* openxOrtbBidAdapter: fix device.sua test (#9452)

* Criteo Bid Adapter : Bump Publisher Tag version (#9450)

Co-authored-by: v.raybaud <[email protected]>

* BLIINK Bid Adapter: fix ttl (#9443)

* fix(bliink): bid ttl

* fix(bliink): ttl unit tests

Co-authored-by: Samous <[email protected]>

* Bump ua-parser-js from 0.7.32 to 0.7.33 (#9456)

Bumps [ua-parser-js]( from 0.7.32 to 0.7.33.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ua-parser-js
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Triplelift Bid Adapter: Support for GPP in bid requests (#9455)

* prioritize topmostlocation

* adds test for topmostlocation / referrer

* cleanup

* delete param after test

* TL-32803: Update referrer logic

* TL-32803: Update referrer logic

* TL-34204: Add support for GPP

Co-authored-by: Nick Llerandi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: nllerandi3lift <[email protected]>

* Lotame Panorama ID Module : add safari handling (#9418)

* GRUE-176 work in progress, trying to make the id URL dynamic.

* GRUE-176 After some attempts with leveraging environment variables, decided to look for an environment variable passed on configuration.

* GRUE-177 WIP added a fix for handling timestamps, plus there's some temporary debugging that I was using to understand flow.

* GRUE-177 Fixed bug with localStorage checking for empty, included null as a possible return value.

* GRUE-177 updated the environment handling for dev, qa, and prod. I'm still on the fence on whether we need this, but it's allowing the tests to pass currently, so leaving it in for now.

* GRUE-178 removed the dynamic URL handling for the ID endpoint. We will manage that change with the build process for testing.

* GRUE-339 changes to check for browser, and accomodate Safari with a different URL.

* GRUE-339 changes to check for browser, and accomodate Safari with a different URL.

* GRUE-339 Removed the obfuscation from the Safari URL, as it was deemed unnecessary.

* GRUE-339 corrected the safari id endpoint - I had forgotten that it was different than the usual one.

* GRUE-339 Updated test to cover Safari handling.

* GRUE-340 Updated the variable name for the cookieless domain, to remove the emphasis on Safari and better illustrate that this is a general approach.

Co-authored-by: Mark Conrad <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Mark <[email protected]>

* Adnuntius Bid Adapter: Bug fix for multiple mime types. (#9458)

* Holid bid adapter: skip user syncs when no bidders in bid response (#9462)

* Seeding Alliance Bid Adapter: add banner support and get endpoint-url from config (#9404)

* add seedingAlliance Adapter

* add two native default params

* ...

* ...

* seedingAlliance Adapter: add two more default native params

* updating seedingAlliance Adapter

* seedingAlliance Adapter

* quickfix no bids + net revenue

* bugfix replace auction price

* change URL  and add versioning

* add vendorId to seedingAllianceAdapter

* optimize code + banner support

* add newline at the end of file

* fix ci/circleci error

* add new specs

Co-authored-by: SeedingAllianceTech <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Hendrick Musche <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Hendrick Musche <[email protected]>

* Emx Digital Bid Adapter : adding US Privacy string support (#9461)

* adding ccpa support for emx_digital adapter

* emx_digital ccpa compliance: lint fix

* emx 3.0 compliance update

* fix outstream renderer issue, update test spec

* refactor formatVideoResponse function to use core-js/find

* Add support for schain forwarding

* Resolved issue with Schain object location

* prebid 5.0 floor module and advertiserDomain support

* liveramp idl and uid2.0 support for prebid

* gpid support

* remove utils ext

* remove empty line

* remove trailing spaces

* move gpid test module

* move gpid test module

* removing trailing spaces from unit test

* remove comments from unit test

* Include us_privacy string in redirects (#8)

* include us_privacy string in redirects

* added test cases for us_privacy and gdpr

* added test cases for  gdpr without usp

* updated test case when no privacy strings and fixed package-lock.json

* revert package-lock.json

Co-authored-by: EMXDigital <[email protected]>

* kick off ci tests

Co-authored-by: Nick Colletti <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nick Colletti <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kiyoshi Hara <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dan Bogdan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jherez Taylor <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: EMXDigital <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Rakesh Balakrishnan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kevin <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* consumableBidAdapter: add gdpr and usp sync params (#9463)

* PBS Bid Adapter : site should not exist when app is present (#9258)

* Update prebidServerBidAdapter_spec.js

* Update prebidServerBidAdapter_spec.js

* fix test

* remove app from site test

* add site/app/dooh function

* fix config

* remove deepSetValue

* add to ortb converter

* add check

* add back

* fix linting

* ortb conversion lib: leave only one of dooh, app, or site in the request

Co-authored-by: Demetrio Girardi <[email protected]>

* updated pbs filterSettings to sync with pbjs config filterSettings (#9423)

* ArcSpan RTD Module: Initial Release (#9459)

* Create

* Added ArcSpan RTD Provider

* Implemented alter bid request function in ArcSpan RTD Provider

* Added unit tests for ArcSpan RTD Provider

* Added more unit tests for ArcSpan RTD Provider

* Load ArcSpan scripts using Prebid script loader

* Fixed…
jorgeluisrocha pushed a commit to jwplayer/Prebid.js that referenced this issue May 23, 2023
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains prebid#6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* changed cookie ls names
jorgeluisrocha pushed a commit to jwplayer/Prebid.js that referenced this issue May 23, 2023
* Pull upstream (#24)

* BidWatch Analytics Adapter: add new analytics adapter (#8302)

* New Analytics Adapter bidwatch

* test for bidwatch Analytics Adapter

* change maintainer address

* Update bidwatchAnalyticsAdapter.js

* Update bidwatchAnalyticsAdapter.js

* Update

* Update

* Native ads: change asset param (#8371)

* TPMN  Bidder Adapter: write id in first party domain; force syncs with various parties (#8341)

* add TPMN UserSync Bidder Adapter(Test Modify)
Updating the source code that was forked in the past.
make test case more.
- add pb7 bidderSettings option
- userSync fix.

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix indentation from CircleCI error report

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

* fix user sync. static user sync without checking uuid.

Co-authored-by: changjun <[email protected]>

* Jixie Bid Adapter: send device info (#8397)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* to support sending object of device info to backend.
yes the backend can handle it even though device was a string so far

* LKQD Bid Adapter: remove device ip bug (#8400)

* LKQD: remove device ip from request

* LKQD: remove device IP test

* cpex Id System: initial release (#8364)

* Adds cpexIdSystem

* Fixes cpexIdSystem tests

* Added markdown document

* Remove unnecessary storage config

* UserID module: graceful handling of exceptions from ID submodules (#8401)

* Do not error out when malformed JSON is set in cookies

* UserID module: graceful handling of exceptions from ID submodules

* removing floor field from bid request when not defined (#8398)

* passing floors signal to PBS (#8392)

* add adunit floor min price floors (#8396)

* AirGrid RTD  module: Support for xandr / appnexus auction level keywords. (#8388)

* chore: update docs page to match official docs

* feat: add support for appnexus / xandr auction level keywords

* Alkimi Bid Adapter: change maintainer email (#8405)

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* alkimi adapter

* onBidWon change

* sign utils

* auction ID as bid request ID

* unit test fixes

* change maintainer info

Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>

* TheMediaGrid: support (#8404)

* PubMatic Bid Adapter : Remove GroupM as alias (#8386)

* Changed net revenue to True

* Removed groupm as alias

* Pasing the alternateBidder values to translator

Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>

* Intentiq module: adding dynamic ttl and rtt and storing data in localstorate (#8384)

* Intentiq module: adding dynamic ttl and data to LS

* Fixing Useless conditional alerts

Co-authored-by: Julian <[email protected]>

* Floc ID Module: remove call for floc (#8402)

* Update flocIdSystem.js

* Update flocIdSystem.js

* Multiple modules: replace all usage of `require` with `import` (#8379)

We had multiple reports of an elusive issue that seems to be related to use of `require` (

Since mixed use of `require` and `import`s is not great anyway, this is a good opportunity to clean it up.

* Sirdata RTD Module: bug fixes & add new bidders (#8406)

* - bug fixes
- new bidders supported: yahoo, pubmatic, openx

* fix invalid indentation

* Revert "fix invalid indentation"

This reverts commit 6ed9f9116b86c484b1d3b895315a77e03651369d.

* manually update indentation

* AdagioBidAdapter: fix site information detection (use refererInfo) (#8407)

* Criteo : Add support of PAF response model (#8359)

* JwPlayer RTD Module: Set Ortb content to config (#8354)

* sets to config

* updates unit tests

* clears obsolete data

* typo

* replaces duplicate strings

* Audigent analytics adapter: add new analytics adapter (#8347)

* adding logic and tests for hadronAnalyticsAdapter

* increasing coverage

* typo in partnerId procedence

* Sspbc Bid Adapter: Gather language in payload; various formatting changes (#8395)

* Update tests for sspBC adapter

Update tests for sspBC adapter:
- change userSync test (due to tcf param appended in v4.6)
- add tests for onBidWon and onTimeout

* [sspbc-adapter] 5.3 updates: content-type for notifications

* [sspbc-adapter] pass CTA to native bid

* [sspbc-5.3] keep pbsize for detected adunits

* [sspbc-5.3] increment adaptor ver

* [sspbc-adapter] maintenance update to sspBCBidAdapter

* remove yarn.lock

* Delete package-lock.json

* remove package-lock.jsonfrom pull request

* [sspbc-adapter] send pageViewId in request

* [sspbc-adapter] update pageViewId test

* [sspbc-adapter] add viewabiility tracker to native ads

* [sspbc-adapter] add support for bid.admNative property

* [sspbc-adapter] ensure that placement id length is always 3 (improves matching response to request)

* [sspbc-adapter] read publisher id and custom ad label, then send them to banner creative

* [sspbc-adapter] adlabel and pubid are set as empty strings, if not present in bid response

* [sspbc-adapter] jstracker data fix

* [sspbc-adapter] jstracker data fix

* [sspbc-adapter] send tagid in notifications

* [sspbc-adapter] add gvlid to spec; prepare getUserSyncs for iframe + image sync

* [sspbc-adapter] fix notification payload

* [sspbc-adapter] fix notification payload, fix tests

* [sspbc-adapter] add userIds to ortb request

* [sspbc-adapter] update to 4.1, change request to be ortb 2.6 compliant

* [sspbc-adapter] update tests

* [ssbc-adapter] bid cache for video ads

* [sspbc-adapter] add to banner ad; update tests

* [sspbc-adapter] fix window.gam not being added to banner html

* [sspbc-adapter] send device / content language

* [sspbc-adapter] send pageview and site ids to user sync frame

* [sspbc-adapter] add ES6 version of common ad library (for banner creatives)

* [sspbc-adapter] move content property

* [sspbc-adapter] reorganize notification payload creator

* [sspbc-adapter] store PLN price in meta; send in bidWon notification

* [sspbc-adapter] add playbackmethod to supporten video params; allow overridinbg video settngs via

* [sspbc-adapter] update md

* [sspbc-adapter] fix error in mapVideo method (Object assign merror when mediaTypes do not contain video)

Co-authored-by: Wojciech Biały <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.24.0 release

* Increment version to 6.25.0-pre

* fix(deps): declare required deps for webpack build (#8411)

When using Prebid.js as a NPM dependency and built with webpack, the
instructions are to use the babel configuration and plugins that are
provided by Prebid.

        test: /.js$/,
        include: new RegExp(`\\${path.sep}prebid\\.js`),
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          // presets and plugins for Prebid.js must be manually specified separate from your other babel rule.
          // this can be accomplished by requiring prebid's .babelrc.js file (requires Babel 7 and Node v8.9.0+)
          // as of Prebid 6, babelrc.js only targets modern browsers. One can change the targets and build for
          // older browsers if they prefer, but integration tests on ie11 were removed in Prebid.js 6.0
          options: require('prebid.js/.babelrc.js')

This seems to work just fine when using NPM or Yarn 1. However it is not
possible when using stricter settings or package managers that require
strict dependency declarations.

[webpack-cli] Failed to load '/Users/john.wright/Workspace/mung-app/webpack.config.js'
config [webpack-cli] Error: prebid.js tried to access
@babel/preset-env, but it isn't declared in its dependencies;
this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound.

* Multiple modules: automatically fill in PPID for DFP video URLs (#8365)

* Prebid 6.24.1 release

* Increment version to 6.25.0-pre

* Invibes Bid Adapter: write id to first party from bid adapter (#8202)

* Invibes Bid Adapter: added support for LiD generation on Invibes servers

* Invibes Bid Adapter: replaced all cookies storing with local storage
removed cookie storing logic

* invibesBidAdapter: applied lint formatting  updated unit tests to reflect reading from localStorage

* Update invibesBidAdapter_spec.js

updated Invibes Bid Adapter unit tests to pass for when the default storage allowed will be changed.

* Weborama RTD submodule: specify list of bidders to share data (#8350)

* update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd

update .submodules.json to include weborama rtd submodule

* add support to pubmatic

* improve test format

* improve test format ~

* add support to appnexus/xandr bidder

* fix issue when split set target in two steps: site and user centric data

* add support to rubicon old style

* fix code, update docs

* add support to global and bid ortb2

* remove unused code

* refactor code

* update bidder list

* add global level parameters

* change error to warning

* update doc

* refactor

* add field accountId

* update example

* refactor js concat string

* refactor js concat string 2

* update jsdoc

* correct jsdoc

* add support to pubmatic

* improve test format

* improve test format ~

* add support to appnexus/xandr bidder

* fix issue when split set target in two steps: site and user centric data

* add support to rubicon old style

* fix code, update docs

* add support to global and bid ortb2

* remove unused code

* refactor code

* update bidder list

* add global level parameters

* change error to warning

* update doc

* refactor

* add field accountId

* update example

* refactor js concat string

* refactor js concat string 2

* update jsdoc

* correct jsdoc

* fix log

* update example

* remove todo

* refactor duplicated code in config normalization

* fix jsdoc

* add main feature

* update jstag

* improve callback

* improve doc

* improve doc about ortb2

* refactor code

* refactor tests to use one adunit

* fix unit tests

* prepare to add support to webo lite

* refactor code

* reorder code to handle bid data

* finish unit test

* improve copy of data

* improve unit test by checking callbacks that alter bid data

* format source

* fix doc

* specify webo lite as site-centric data

* add check for profile format

* update doc and code

* update sendToBidder callback signature

* fix doc

* fix doc 2

* fix js example

* update doc

* improve doc

* fix doc for LiTE

* update code and tests

* update doc

* update unit test

* improve doc

* fix sfbx lite code, add isDefault flag on metadata

* remove unused imports in tests

* refactor code using ?. operator

* improve deep clone usage

* keep code less dinamic

* refactor thinking in the prebid 7

* format source

* format tests

* suppress mention to lite

* Revert "suppress mention to lite"

This reverts commit 43fa65804446c4a6acf18dd48897f971c5d85683.

* small fix

* refactor init submodule functions

* add new constants

* update example

* simplify code

* rename function, rewrite callbacks into () => notation

* update sfbx lite name

* fix doc

* TrustP ID Module: Refactor acronyms handler (#8228)

* feature: Add trustpid user id module

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem module, comments and md file

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem file to handle domain setting regardless of message events

* refactor: Update trustpidSystem module and dependent tests and docs

* refactor: Update trustpid undefined checks and returns

* tests: Update trustpid tests

* docs: Update trustpid docs typo

* refactor: Update trustpid acronyms logic

* refactor: Remove unused import

* refactor: Trustpid documentation update

Co-authored-by: Tomasz Januszek <[email protected]>

* appnexus bid adapter - fix in psp keywords logic (#8382)

* UserID module: do not start initialization until `pbjs.processQueue()` has been called (#8408)

* Extract controllable promise into utils function

* Do not start init of userId until processQueue is called

* Add PGAM client side (#8418)

* IX Bid Adapter: Outstream Support Update (#8412)

* outstream player update

* documentation update

Co-authored-by: Love Sharma <[email protected]>

* Alkimi Bid Adapter: Markdown file example update (#8422)

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* Alkimi bid adapter

* alkimi adapter

* onBidWon change

* sign utils

* auction ID as bid request ID

* unit test fixes

* change maintainer info

* Updated the ad unit params

Co-authored-by: Alexander <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Bogdanov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: motors <[email protected]>

* BeOp Bid Adapter: prefer canonical URL when present & prepend protocol (#8391)

* [BeOp] prefer canonical URL when present & prepend protocol

* [BeOp] get the right page url in tracking events too

* [BeOp] improve page url resolver

* BeOp Bid Adapter: 'top.location.protocol' can also throw

* feat: add detected page url to ixdiag [PB-978] (#8425)

Co-authored-by: shahin.rahbariasl <[email protected]>

* LiveIntent Id Submodule: Update live-connect to 2.3.3; better consent processing (#8423)

* Update live-connect to 2.3.3

* Update package-lock.json

* Fix tests

* Adjust test cases

Co-authored-by: Viktor Dreiling <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Viktor Dreiling <[email protected]>

* support cta and privacyLink (#8403)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: adding media type to bid response, supporting vastXml response (#8426)

* kargo adapter - adding mediaType to bid response, conditionally set vastXml field

* kargo adapter - updating tests

* Improve Digital adapter: adding Extend mode (#8399)

Co-authored-by: iosfaisal <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: iosfaisal <[email protected]>

* Update sync URLs (#8431)

We are updating sync URLs to our current partners.

* AdagioBidAdapter: remove useless data in bid request. (#8434)

* Prebid 6.25.0 release

* Increment version to 6.26.0-pre

* Ogury Bid Adapter: Add device infos with size in bidrequest (#8416)

* Add device infos with size in bidrequest

* trigger rebuild on CI to fix tests

* restore sinon stubbed methods after all tests

* restore stub correctly at end of tests

* trigger rebuild on CI to fix tests

* Video Heroes Bid Adapter: add new bid adapter (#8310)

* added Brave bidder adapter with test and docs 

Commit has standard bidder adapter 2 new files adapter js, adapter md

* added test spec file witch covered code least 80 %

* adding videoHeroes bidder adapter

* added videoHeroes test spec

* Update braveBidAdapter.js

* Update braveBidAdapter.js

* Update

* upd import of utils lib to load only certain fnc

* cpex Id module: Remove window reference (#8440)

* Remove window reference

* Changed version to string

* Jixie Bid Adapter: add schain (#8439)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* jixie sending schain info to jixie backend

* support of schain info sent to jixie endpoint, fixing some indentation complaints from auto build check

* Gravito User Id submodule: initial release (#8414)

* gravitompId user module for integrating gravito first party cookie with prebid js

* fixed eslint issues raised by circleci

* fixed trailing spaces error raised by circleci

* Rename id to aoneId from dacId (#8453)

* Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8284)

* Fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values required by Akamai DAP

* Fixed the timeout issue in build browserstack tests

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing review comments - using storage manager for managing localStorage

* Fixing review comments - using loadExternalScript method to load the script

* Fixed unit test case

* Fixing review comments - Added consent handling

* Zeta global ssp bid adapter: add shortname param (#8454)

* zeta_global_sspBidAdapter shortname was added

* remove the trash

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Remove medianetRtdProvider tests (#8463)

* Revert "Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8284)" (#8464)

This reverts commit c4348892b5d3425d21373e1dcf4d67da04fed622.

* Prebid 6.26.0 release

* Increment version to 6.27.0-pre

* Update fintezaAnalyticsAdapter_spec.js (#8467)

* Hadron analytics adapter: fix cross-origin exception on init (#8472)

* Pulling the URL check out from the logic. Whatever the user passes will be used (#8473)

Co-authored-by: Jason Lydon <[email protected]>

* Update conversant adapter to accept position from the AdUnit (#8477)

* NovatiqId User Module - Include IAB Vendor ID (#8479)

* Novatiq snowflake userId submodule

Novatiq snowflake userId submodule initial release

* change request updates

added novatiq info /modules/userId/
added novatiq info /modules/userId/
added novatiq eids /modules/userId/eids.js
added novatiq module in /modules/.submodules.json
removed unnecessary value from getId response

* Update novatiqIdSystem_spec.js

removed unnecessary srcid value

* Update

Novatiq ID System: updated novatiq snowflake ID description

* use the sharedId if available and configured

* updated docs

* test changes

* defensive code not required

* Use the prebid storage manager instead of using native functions

* doc changes

* trailing spaces

* Allow configuration of the sync URL and to allow callbacks for specific custom partner integrations

* update documentation

* attempt to fix firefox test timeout

* include the AIB Vendor Id

Co-authored-by: novatiq <[email protected]>

* Multiple modules: attempt to reduce test flakiness, improved logging for XHR mock race conditions (#8466)

* Datablocks bid adapter: do not send metrics during tests

* Log contents of XHR mock on test failure

* Disable ajax for analytics adapters during tests

* Do not assume that test setup did not fail

* Update to move floors logic after placement.sizes are defined (#8476)

* Adloox Analytics/RTD: prefer gpid over pbadslot (#8455)

* Adloox Analytics: use CSS.escape when possible

* Adloox Analytics/RTD: support GPID

* Akamai RTD: fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values (#8470)

* Fixed bugs on rtd module and added the entropy values required by Akamai DAP

* Fixed the timeout issue in build browserstack tests

* Fixing review comments

* Fixing review comments - using storage manager for managing localStorage

* Fixing review comments - using loadExternalScript method to load the script

* Fixed unit test case

* Fixing review comments - Added consent handling

* SOVRN Bid Adapter: refactor old test code (#8430)

* feat: [EX-3265] format tests for prebid.js adapter

* feat: [EX-3265] add tests for video media type

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

* feat: [EX-3265] fix test for interpretResponse

Co-authored-by: Maxim Pakhomov <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Maxim Pakhomov <[email protected]>

* Tests: remove console.log (#8481)

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Kobler adapter: remove outdated parameters, simplify testing (#8445)

* Removed position parameter.

* Removed zip parameter.

* Removed placementId parameter and make sizes required instead.

* Updated price-related macros.

* Fixed error when params is not provided.

* Removed last occurrence of placementId.

* Read currency.adServerCurrency as publisherCurrency.

* Use DEV endpoint for testing.

* Use config.pageUrl when test is set to true.

* Added more details about page URL.

* `config.pageUrl`.

* Added a comment explaining why pageUrl is considered only when testing.

* Fixed double quotes in tests.

* NaveggId module: fixed regex used to get naveggId from LocalStorage (#8441)

* fixed regex used to get naveggId from LocalStorage

* added unit tests

Co-authored-by: Jose <[email protected]>

* Taboola bid adapter: initial release (#8483)

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* add it also to the aftereach

* add it also to the aftereach

* Prebid 6.27.0 release

* Increment version to 6.28.0-pre

* Ftrack Id Module: replace native appendChild with Prebid's loadExternalScript (#8432)

* JDB-533: replacing appendChild in the ftrack prebid module

* JDB-533: working on switching over to AJAX/CDN

* JDB-533: removing some commented out code

* JDB-533: removing redundant conditions

Co-authored-by: Jason Lydon <[email protected]>

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: Initial Release (#8316)

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX
- document updated

* IncrementX Bid Adapter: vertoz adapter renamed to IncrementX
- removed

Co-authored-by: Mohit Patil <[email protected]>

* added tests for medianet rtd without loading js (#8485)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Adyoulike Bidder Adapter - schain support (#8486)

* add schain data to the bid request

* add unit test with schain data

* ZetaGlobalSsp BidAdapter: shortname to url (#8471)

* ZetaGlobalSsp bid adapter: shortname param into url param

* fix tests

Co-authored-by: Surovenko Alexey <[email protected]>

* Akamai RTD Module: Fixed randomly failing test cases and updated the variable names (#8487)

* Fixed the randomly failing test cases and updated the variable names

* Improving code quality

* Adriver ID system: fix spurious test failure (#8489)

* Inskin bid adapter: use loadExternalScript utility instead of appendChild() to insert the ad tag (#8490)

* TheMediaGrid: support (#8492)

* Added TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Updated required params for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Update TheMediGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fix tests for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Fixes after review for TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter

* Add support of multi-format in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update sync url for grid and gridNM Bid Adapters

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added keywords adUnit parameter

* Update TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter to support keywords from config

* Implement new request format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix jwpseg params for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update unit tests for The Media Grid Bid Adapter

* Fix typo in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added test for jwTargeting in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* The new request format was made by default in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Update userId format in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Added bidFloor parameter for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix for review TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Support floorModule in TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Fix empty bidfloor for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Some change to restart autotests

* Fix userIds format for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Remove digitrust userId from TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* Protocols was added in video section in ad request for TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter

* TheMediaGrid: fix trouble with alias using

* TheMediaGridNM: fix trouble with alias

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: added support of PBAdSlot module

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix typo

* GridNM Bid Adapter: use absent in params data from mediaTypes

* GridNM Bid Adapter: fix md file + add advertiserDomains support

* TheMediaGrid and gridNM Bid Adapter: minor netRevenue fixes

* gridNM Bid Adapter updates after review

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: fix keywords workflow

* fix testing and kick off lgtm again

* TheMediaGrid: added ext.bidder.grid.demandSource processing

* TheMediaGrid: added from fpd cookie

* TheMediaGrid: control cookie setting via bidder config

* TheMediaGrid: use localStorage instead cookie

* TheMediaGridNM Bid Adapter: update adapter to use /hbjson endpoint

* TheMediaGridNM: fix unnecessary conditions

* TheMediaGrid: fix bug with nurl field in response

* TheMediaGrid: update test

* TheMediaGridNM: fix possible bug with nurl

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as playwire

* TheMediaGrid: added alias as adlivetech

* TheMediaGrid: fix sync url workflow

* TrustX: fix sync url worflow + remove old syncurl

* TheMediaGrid: added instl support

* TheMediaGrid: fix test for instl

* TheMediaGrid: update md file

* TheMediaGrid: reformat segments for permutive rtd module

* TrustX: send all in

* TheMediaGrid: remove permutive segments reformating

* TrustX: remove permutive segments reformating

* TheMediaGrid & TrustX: fix typo

* TheMediaGrid: support

* TheMediaGrid Bid Adapter: support

Co-authored-by: Chris Huie <[email protected]>

* Fix for #8421 (#8493)

* Sending no decode whole url options to true, to avoid errors while decoding publisher url (#8497)

* Automatad Bid Adapter: changes to ajax request options for bid requests (#8444)

* changes for ajax request options for automatad bid request

* add test for isCredentials changes

* Various Magnite Adapters: GVL ID update (#8501)

* Magnite adapters still require legacy GVL IDs

* CTV update

* Adf adapter: avoid preflight request (#8498)

* Hadron RTD module: use internal methods (#8496)

* following prebid team's advise

* adding to adloader.js

* removing generic import

* using internal methods for loading external scripts in medianetRtdProvider (#8506)

Co-authored-by: monis.q <[email protected]>

* Criteo - Update Publisher Tag version referenced by prebid adapter (#8491)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: onTimeout Support (#8449)

* Kargo Bid Adapter: Use currency from Bid Response

* Kargo Bid Adapter: Fix failed test

* Kargo Bid Adapter: adding media type to bid response, supporting vastXml response (#8426)

* kargo adapter - adding mediaType to bid response, conditionally set vastXml field

* kargo adapter - updating tests

* Kargo Bid Adapter: onTimeout Support (#6)

* Adding additional param

* Adding response time function

* Remove debug

* Updating response time log to be set by bid response

* Adding screen width/height to request

* Test fix

* Test fix

* Removing interpretResponse signaling

* Simplifying send data function

Co-authored-by: Wei Wong <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Andy Rusiecki <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.28.0 release

* Increment version to 6.29.0-pre

* CAPT-74: Pass ext section of each bid for prebid slot ID and GPID (#8509)

Co-authored-by: Timothy M. Ace <[email protected]>

* Insticator Bid adapter: Adds Support for Video (#8452)

* feat: added support for video

* feat: added support for mimes

* feat: added mimes check to video validation

* Gdpr Enforcement module and sharedId/pubCommonId modules: vendor consent should not be enforced for first-party-id modules (#8448)

* Fixed issue with gdprEnforcement module and sharedId/pubCommonId modules: vendor consent should not be enforced for first-party-id modules

* addressed review comments

* addressed review comments

* added test to ensure device access is not allowed for vendorless modules in case purpose 1 consent isn't given

* fixed issue with missing moduleType param

Co-authored-by: Serhii Holdun <[email protected]>

* PubMatic Analytics Adapter : Added support for logging multiple bids (#8517)

* Changed net revenue to True

* Removed groupm as alias

* Pasing the alternateBidder values to translator

* initial commit

* Added adId for differentiation of bids

* Fixed UT

* Added UT for GroupM

* Finding winning bid according to adId

* worked on LGTM comment

Co-authored-by: Azhar <[email protected]>

* AdOcean bid adapter: support for SupplyChain object  (#8518)

* AdOcean adapter - support for supply chain object

* AdOcean adapter - support for supply chain object - use older constructs

* AdOcean adapter - small fixes

* Taboola Bid Adapter: api support for https (#8520)

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* create taboola adapter

* create taboola adapter md

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* taboolaBidAdapter.js - small fixes
taboolaBidAdapter_spec.js - new UT

* update the md

* update the Maintainer email

* * update MD page
* refactor code for better readability
* small fix in UT

* * add privacy to the request builder
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in UT

* * code refactoring + add more accurate way to get page url and referer
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes in md

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * code refactoring + gte user id
* add relevant Ut
* small fixes

* * update end point url
* update UT
* Update banner End point structure

* small fixes + update epi url

* remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* (update the unit tests) remove the destruction from the bidResponse property

* fix tests

* fix tests - run stubs on each test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* rerun because of another adapter flaky test

* fix cors issue, switch between height, width position

* update badv, bcat to be based in the ortb2 to support prebid 7 new protocols + update Ut

* retry run circleci

* retry run circleci

* pull from upstream
update md (placement + pub )

* update badv, bcat UT

* rerun build

* rerun build

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* support storageAllowed restriction on unit tests for prebid 7

* add it also to the aftereach

* add it also to the aftereach

* change the api endpoint https protocol

* ixBidAdapter: change to new endpoint and README (#8529)

* Vidazoo bid adapter: fix spurious test failure (#8515)

* Added support for IDs for multiple sources (#8499)

Co-authored-by: Nick Curry <[email protected]>

* Prebid 6.29.0 release

* Increment version to 7.0.0-pre

* Prebid 7 (#8530)

* Prebid 7: Delete userid targeting module (#8227)

* Delete userIdTargeting.js

* Delete

* Delete shareUserIds_spec.js

* NextRoll ID: Remove NextRoll ID module (#8150)

* Remove Sortable Analytics Adapter (#8251)

* Prebid 7: Merge in changes from master (#8278)

* only map one slotrender to one adunit (#8211)

* DFP Ad Server Video: respect original url (#8168)

* original url components take precedence over defaults

uses object assignment

* tests that url is respected

* respects url size and cust params

* moves url cust param addition to fn

* tests that url params are respected

* Admaru adapter : add new bid adapter (#8149)

* init

* modified admaruBidAdapter.js, md, _spec.js

* modify for test

* Delete .project

* update

* update admarubidadapter.js

* Revert "Delete .project"

This reverts commit 0e1bdd4fcadd0a97fea87ba2a92cb502e5e3a19b.

* remove .project

* modified

* modified

* Delete .project

* modified

* Revert "Delete .project"

This reverts commit c4e7bd6096fe9521dd5e2fab2b3d5241149dc6ec.

* Delete .project

* modified

* modified

Co-authored-by: sung.chung <[email protected]>

* Missena Bid Adapter - allow custom endpoint. (#8222)

* Next Millenium Bid Adapter: Added new parameter group_id (#8200)

* changed name company

* changed name company in test

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* Added processing of a new group_id parameter

* changed check parameters

* fixed lint remarks

* added test

* fixed bug - lint

* changed test

* changed test - 2

* fixed bug - adapter

* add timeout value to timeout pixel (#8224)

* Outbrain bid adapter: added floor module and privacy link support (#8223)

* add floor support

* add additional validation for bid request format

* add privacy link support

* fixes

* set privacy in mapper

* fix test

* Improve Digital Bid adapter: use the oRTB server endpoint (#8138)

* Major refactoring to use new oRTB server endpoint

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jozef Bartek <[email protected]>

* fixed wrong merge

* Fixed issue related to site and app (#9)

* Fixed errors for test cases.

Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Faisal Islam <[email protected]>

* NativoBidAdapter - Bid data mapping refactor and added QS params on request (#8196)

* Initial nativoBidAdapter document creation (js, md and spec)

* Fulling working prebid using nativoBidAdapter. Support for GDPR and CCPA in user syncs.

* Added defult size settings based on the largest ad unit. Added response body validation. Added consent to request url qs params.

* Changed bidder endpoint url

* Changed double quotes to single quotes.

* Reverted package-json.lock to remove modifications from PR

* Added optional bidder param 'url' so the ad server can force- match an existing placement

* Lint fix. Added space after if.

* Added new QS param to send various adUnit data to adapter endpopint

* Updated unit test for new QS param

* Added qs param to keep track of ad unit refreshes

* Updated bidMap key default value

* Updated refresh increment logic

* Refactored spread operator for IE11 support

* Updated isBidRequestValid check

* Refactored Object.enties to use Object.keys to fix CircleCI testing errors

* Updated bid mapping key creation to prioritize ad unit code over placementId

* Added filtering by ad, advertiser and campaign.

* Merged master

* Added more robust bidDataMap with multiple key access

* Deduped filer values

* Rolled back package.json

* Duped upstream/master's package.lock file ... not sure how it got changed in the first place

* Small refactor of filterData length check. Removed comparison with 0 since a length value of 0 is already falsy.

Co-authored-by: Joshua Fledderjohn <[email protected]>

* Floor price : allow having a 0$ floor (#8239)

* Prebid 6.18.0 release

* Increment version to 6.19.0-pre

* IAS RTD Module: Custom key values (#8214)

* Mapping table initialization

A constant initialises a mapping table where each possible key used by IAS is mapped to itself.
The dataProviders config for the IAS RTD module accepts an optional new property: keyMappings. The init function reads this property and uses it to overwrite any key that is already in the pre-initialised mapping table with the new value provided.
In a future addition, the mapping table will be used to populate the key-values actually sent to the adserver.

* Rename Key Values

After merging the key-values for each ad unit, a renaming function is called to ensure that any custom key chosen by the client is used.

* Bugfix

Call the callback() function in getBidRequestData.

* Unit tests changed to include one renamed parameter.

* Unit tests corrected and adapted to cover the current features.

* Yieldlab Bid Adapter: Add Support for User Matching (#8148)

* Build system: add option to generate source maps for production builds (#8220)

* Gamoshi Bid Adapter: Handle gdpr applies correctly (#8245)

* Nobid Prebid Adapter commit (#4050)

* Nobid Prebid Adapter commit

* Fixed global replace and unit tests

* Fixed find function

* Added

* Removed description and added "Bid Params" section.

* Added test siteId 2 for testing.

* Refactored the Adapter to remove most references to the nobid object. We still need the nobid object because we have a passback tag in DFP that makes reference to it.

* Fix concurrent responses on the page

* Cosmetic change to log an error in case of missing ad markup

* Keep nobid.bidResponses cross adapters.

* Added GDPR support in user sync and added test coverage.
gulp test-coverage
gulp view-coverage

* Padding issues

* Fix padding issues

* Fix padding

* update outstream prod url (#4104)

* support pubcid and uids (#4143)

* Fix misspelling and minor cleanup of schain docs (#4150)

* Prebid 2.31.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* Rubicon: tuning logged messages (#4157)

* Rubicon: tuning logged messages

* Update rubiconBidAdapter.js

* fixed indentation

* Rubicon Video COPPA fix (#4155)

* Rubicon Video COPPA fix

* Unit test for Rubicon Video COPPA fix

* Playground XYZ adapter - iframe usersync bug fix (#4141)

* corrected user sync type

* removed support for iframe usersync

* added unit tests for getUserSyncs

* update nvmrc file (#4162)

* update gulp-footer package (#4160)

* Datablocks bid/analytics adapter (#4128)

* add datablocks Analytics and Bidder Adapters

* remove preload param

* remove preloadid

* better coverage of tests

* better coverage

* IE doesn't support array.find

* lint test

* update example host

* native asset id should be integer

* update logic of ad_types field in appnexusBidAdapter (#4065)

* Shorten SomoAudience to just Somo (#4163)

* Shorten SomoAudience to just Somo

* Make package-lock return

* Quantcast: Fix for empty video parameters (#4145)

* Copy params from

* Added test for missing video parameters.

* Include mimes from adunit.

* One Video adding Rewarded Video Feature (#4142)

* outstream changes

* removing global filtet

* reverting page

* message

* adapter change

* remove space

* testcases

* testpage

* spaces for test page

* renderer exist case

* reverting package-lock.json

* adding schain object

* adding tagid

* syntaxx error fix

* video.html

* space trailing

* space

* tagid

* inventoryId and placement

* rewarded video

* added unit test case

* Module to pass User Ids to DFP (#4140)

* first commit

* renamed

* minor doc change

* documentation

* small change

* EB

* removed unused imports

* minor changes

* reanmaed a const

* adding more methods to test shareUserIds module

* unit tets cases for shareUserIds

* indentation

* renamed DFP to GAM

* renamed shareUserIds to userIdTargeting

* Update

* trying to restart CI

* digitrust userId case handled

* minor comment change

* using auctionEnd event instead of requestBids.before

* using events.on

* Buzzoola bid adapter (#4127)

* initial commit for buzzoola adapter

* leave only banners for now

* fix bid validation

* change endpoint url

* add video type

* restore renderer

* fix renderer

* add fixed player sizes

* switch bids

* convert dimentions to strings

* write tests

* 100% tests

* remove new DOM element creation in tests

* handle empty response from server

* change description

* E2e tests for Native and Outstream video Ad formats. (#4116)

* reorganize e2e/ tests into separate directories

* new test page for e2e-banner testing

* add test to check if Banner Ad is getting loaded

* change location of the spec files to reflect change in test/e2e directory structure

* add test case to check for generation of valid targeting keys

* create Native Ad test page

* add test case to check validity of the targeting keys and correct rendering of the Ad

* update old browser versions to new

* update browser version

* update title

* remove console.log statements

* add basic functional test for e2e outstream video ad format

* Update LockerDome adUnitId bid param (#4176)

This is not a breaking change

* fix several issues in appnexus video bids (#4154)

* S2s testing disable client side (#4123)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* New testServerOnly flag

* Tests and a bug fix

* Removed dead code

* Fixes requested in review

* Check each adUnit

* isTestingServerOnly changes per Eric

* Fixed IE 11 bug

* More tests

* improved test case names

* New option to Include deal KVPs when enableSendAllBids === false (#4136)

* new option to include KVPs which have deals when
enableSendAllBids === false

* updating tests to be more realistic

* Prebid 2.32.0 Release

* increment pre version

* Rubicon doc: changing video test zone (#4187)

* added schain support to sonobi adapter (#4173)

* if schain config is not defined then error should not be thrown (#4165)

* if schain config is not defiend then error should not be thrown

* relaxed mode nodes param not defined error handled

* added test cases for config validation

* a curly bracket was missing in the example

* Rubicon: updating test params (#4190)

* myTargetBidAdapter: support currency config (#4188)

* Update (#4193)

* Update

* Update

* cedato bid adapter instream video support (#4153)

* Added adxpremium prebid analytics adapter (#4181)

* feat(OAFLO-186): added support for schain (#4194)

* Sonobi - send entire userid payload (#4196)

* added userid param to pass the entire userId payload to sonobis bid request endpoint

* removed console log
git p

* fixed lint

* OpenX Adapter fix: updating outdated video examples (#4198)

* userId - Add support for refreshing the cached user id (#4082)

* [userId] Added support for refreshing the cached user id: refreshInSeconds storage parameter, related tests and implementation in id5 module

* [userId] Added support for refreshing the cached user id: refreshInSeconds storage parameter, related tests and implementation in id5 module

* UserId - ID5 - Updated doc with new contact point for partners

* UserId - Merged getStoredValue and getStoredDate

* [UserId] - ID5 - Moved back ID5 in ./modules

* UserId - ID5 - Fixed incorrect GDPR condition

* [UserId] - Doc update and test cleanup

* Prebid 2.33.0 Release

* Increment pre version

* SupplyChainObject support and fires a pixel onTimeout (#4152)

* - Implemented the 'onTimeout' callback to fire a pixel when there's a timeout.
- Added the ability to serialize an schain object according to the description provided here:

* some mods to the schain tag generation

* - added tests for schain param checking.

* - fixed a malformed url for timeouts

* - Removed a trailing ',' while generating a schain param.

* - Using the schain object from validBidRequest if present. Reverting to checking if params has it if not.

* - reverting changes to merge with master

* - Resolving merge issues

* Feature/add profile parameter (#4185)

* Add optional profile parameter

* EMXDigital Bid Adapter: Add video dimensions in request (#4174)

* addressed feedback from #3731 ticket

* removed commented code from emx test spec

* logging removed from spec

* flip h & w values from playerSize for video requests

* adding Outstream mediaType to EMX Digital

* adding device info. update to grab video param. styling changes.

* add video dimensions from playerSize

* fix test for video dimensions

* Added keywords parameter support in TrustX Bid Adapter (#4183)

* Add trustx adapter and tests for it

* update integration example

* Update trustx adapter

* Post-review fixes of Trustx adapter

* Code improvement for trustx adapter: changed default price type from gross to net

* Update TrustX adapter to support the 1.0 version

* Make requested changes for TrustX adapter

* Updated markdown file for TrustX adapter

* Fix TrustX adapter and spec file

* Update TrustX adapter: r parameter was added to ad request as cache buster

* Add support of gdpr to Trustx Bid Adapter

* Add wtimeout to ad request params for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: remove last ampersand in the ad request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support identical uids in parameters

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to ignore bids that sizes do not match the size of the request

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to support instream and outstream video

* Added wrapperType and wrapperVersion parameters in ad request for TrustX Bid Adapter

* Update TrustX Bid Adapter to use refererInfo instead depricated function utils.getTopWindowUrl

* HOTFIX for referrer encodind in TrustX Bid Adapter

* Fix test for TrustX Bid Adapter

* TrustX Bid Adapter: added keywords passing support

* rubicon: avoid passing unknown position (#4207)

* rubicon: not passing pos if not specified

* added comment

* not sending pos for video when undefined

* cleaning up test

* fixed unit test

* correctly reference bidrequest and determine mediatype of bidresponse (#4204)

* GumGum: only send gdprConsent when found (#4205)

* adds digitrust module, mods gdpr from bool to int

* update unit test

* only send gdprconsent if present

* LKQD: Use refererInfo.referer as fallback pageurl (#4210)

* Refactored URL query parameter passthrough for additional values, changed SSP endpoint to, and updated associated unit tests

* Use refererInfo.referer as fallback pageurl

* Removed logs and testing values

* [UserId] - ID5 - Fixed case when consentData is undefined (No CMP) (#4215)

* create stubs for localStorage in widespaceBidAdapter test file (#4208)

* added adId property to adRenderFailed event (#4097)

When no bid (therefore no adUnitCode) is available in the adRenderFailed event it can be difficult to identify the erroring slot.But in almost all cases the given slot still has the adId targeting.

* OpenX Adapter: Forcing https requests and adding UserID module support for LiveRamp and TTD (#4182)

* OpenX Adapter: Updated requests to force https

* OpenX Adapter: Added support for TTD's UnifiedID and LiveRamp's IDL

* PubMatic to support userId sub-modules (#4191)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* TripleLift support for UnifiedId and IdentityLink (#4197)

* Add IdentityLink support and fix UnifiedId.

It appears we've been looking for UnifiedId userIds
on the bidderRequest object, when they are found on bidRequests.
This commit fixes that error, and adds support for IdentityLink.

* change maintainer email to group

* Added lemma adapter (#4126)

* lemmaBidAdapter.js

Added lemma bid adapter file


Added lemma bid adapter md file

* lemmaBidAdapter_spec.js

Added lemma bid adapter test spec file

* Update lemmaBidAdapter.js

Fixed automated code review alert comparison between inconvertible types

* Update lemmaBidAdapter.js

Fixed review changes

* Update

Correct parameter value.

* Adkernel adapter new alias (#4221)

* Force https scheme for Criteo Bidder (#4227)

* assign adapter version number

* Ensure that Criteo's bidder is always called through https

* Add Video Support for Datablocks Bid Adapter (#4195)

* add datablocks Analytics and Bidder Adapters

* remove preload param

* remove preloadid

* better coverage of tests

* better coverage

* IE doesn't support array.find

* lint test

* update example host

* native asset id should be integer

* add datablocks Video

* remove isInteger

* skip if empty

* update adUnit, bidRequest and bidResponse object (#4180)

* update adUnit, bidRequest and bidResponse object

* add test for mediaTypes object

* 3 display banner and video vast support for rads (#4209)

* add stv adapter

* remove comments from adapter file

* start rads adapter

* fix adapter and tests

* fixes

* fix adapter and doc

* fix adapter

* fix tests

* little fix

* add ip param

* fix dev url

* #3

* #3 cleanup

* fix code and doc

* UserId - Add SameSite and server-side pubcid support (#3869)

* Add SameSite and server-side pubcid support

* Fix emoteevBidAdapter unit test

* added schain to appnexus bid adapter (#4229)

* added schain to appnexus bid adapter

* semicolon

* update doubleclick url (#4179)

* Prebid 2.34.0 release

* increment pre version

* Rubi Analytics handles > 1 bidResponse per bidRequest (#4224)

* videoNow bid adapter (#4088)

* -- first commit

* -- cors and bidder's name fixed

* -- almost ready

* -- added docs

* -- added nurl tracking

* -- bid params

* -- tests added

* -- test fixed

* -- replace placeholder in the onBidWon pixel's url

* -- commit for restart tests

* -- change response data format for display ad

* -- tests updated

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- a few clean the test's code

* -- custom urls from localStorage

* -- tests updated

* -- a few clean the test's code

* -- new init model

* -- spec for new init model

* -- fix for new init model

* -- code cleaned

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- 100% tests coverage

* -- fixed test

* -- commit for restart tests

* djax new bidder adapter  (#4192)

* djax bidder adapter

* djax bidder adapter

* Update hello_world.html

* Added Turk Telekom Bid Adapter (#4203)

* Added Turk Telekom Bid Adapter

* Fix md file for Turk Telekom Bid Adapter

* MicroAd: Use HTTPS in all requests (#4220)

* Always use HTTPS endpoint in MicroAd

* Update code

* Fixed a broken test in MicroAd

* Schain: avoiding Object.values as it is breaking on IE11 (#4238)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* avoiding use of Object.values

* 3952 delay auction for ids (#4115)

* 3952 delay auction for user ids

* 3952 add integration example

* 3952 add tests

* 3952 fix html example

* add todos

* 3952 continue auction if ids received

* 3952 add tests for auction delay

* increase test coverage

* set config for test

* remove todo

* add a few more checks to tests

* add comment, force tests to rerun

* Feature: adUnitBidLimit  (#3906)

* added new feature to config to limit bids when sendallbids is enabled

* cleaned up code. removed extra spaces etc

* removed trailing spaces in config

* remove .flat() and replaced with spread operator

* removed flat function and instead pushing using spread operator

* updated to use sendBidsControl instead

* updated targeting_spec to test bidLimit

* removed trailing spaces from targeting_spec

* Update Rubicon Adapter netRevenue default (#4242)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* Removed AdastaMadia from alias (#4255)

* Update appnexusBidAdapter.js (#4251)

* IdentityLink - change expiration time to 30 days (#4239)

* Add coppa support for AppNexus adapter (#4253)

* Add coppa support for AppNexus adapter

* test name

* add new longform e2e tests (#4206)

* Konduit module (#4184)

* Adding Konduit module

* Removed superfluous arguments passed to obtainVastUrl function

* Removed superfluous arguments passed to obtainVastUrl function.

* Build trigger (empty commit)

* Module documentation updated according to the comments

* Logic in obtainVastUrl function updated according to the review comment.

* Removed hook, enabled eslint

* Circle CI runs e2e tests on every push (#4200)

* run functional tests on circle ci on push to any remote branch

* remove extraneous key from config file

* add test.localhost as alias to

* check 0: execute circle-ci

* move /etc/config to a separate command

* change bid partner to rubicon

* test appnexus bid adapter in ci

* comment browserstack command

* remove console.log statement

* test1: circle-ci

* change reference dev -> prod while loading prebid

* add console.log statement

* check-2: circle-ci

* comment browserstack testing

* change bid adapter

* change bid adapter

* remove test case for checking targeting keys

* remove the ci flag

* uncomment test for checking correct generation of targeting keys

* swap AN -> Rubicon for testing targeting keys

* Outcon bid adapter. (#4161)

* Outcon bid adapter.

* Fix identation

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Spec fixes

* Fixes

* Fix urls

* Fix

* Fix parameters

* Fix space operators

* Fix bidder timeout

* Update

* Fix whitespace

* no message

* Outcon unit test

* no message

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Change url

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Added bidId

* no message

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Wrapping url with html

* no message

* no message

* no message

* Adding workflow to run end to end tests (#4230)

* Adding workflow to run end to end tests

* trying self branch

* Update to run at 12 every day

* cleanup config using aliases

* update branch and cron time

* add command

* update prebid path for e2e test pages (#4274)

* Prebid 2.35.0 release

* Increment pre version

* Add usersync to adpone adapter (#4245)

* add user sync to adpone adapter

* move adpone usersync to global variable

* added withcredentials to http request

* fix http request options

* fix http request options

* add withCredentials: true

* add withCredentials: true

* added test coverage to usersync

* update sync function

* add test coverage

* adpone adapter

* package lock

* add more testing

* add more testing

* testing for onBidWon fucntion

* test onbidwon function

* trigger build

* Revert GumGum Adapter 2.28 resizing changes (#4277)

* changed resizing unit tests to return the first size dimensions in the sizes array

* added some changes

* reverted adapter changes

* SpotX Bid Adapter: Support schain, ID5 object, Google consent object, and hide_skin (#4281)

* Add SpotXBidAdapter

* Minor updates

* Undo testing changes to shared files

* Fix relative imports

* Remove superfluous imports and write a few more tests

* Formatting, ID5 object, Google consent objects

  - Added ID5 object support
  - Added Google Consent object
  - Reformatted indentaiton on spec file

* Revert content_width and content_height changes in docs

  - not sure how these got moved, lets put them back

* Remove click_to_replay flag in example

  - no reason to use this one in the example

* Spotx adapter - Add schain support and update unit tests

* Update schain path in ORTB 2.3 request body

	- schain object is now added to ortb request body
	  at request.ext.source.ext.schain

* Add hide_skin to documentation

  - whoops, this got removed, let's add it back

* Update Rubicon Analytics Adapter `bidId` to match PBS (#4156)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update for rubicon analytics to send seat[] for PBS video and banner

* fixed conditional for server and video or banner

* updated with optimized value test for bidid

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* remove var declaration for rightSlot to correct lgtm error for unused variable

* update defineSlot div id to match div id defined in html body

* update test ad unit test props

* revert lock to match remote master

* add seatBidId to bidObj in rpBidAdapter interpretResponse

* update setTargeting to execute in the bids back handler

* remove dev integration test page

* meaningless commit to get lgtm to re-run

* SmartRTB adapter update (#4246)

* modules: Implement SmartRTB adapter and spec.

* Fix for-loop syntax to support IE; refactor getDomain out of exported set.

* Remove debugs, update doc

* Update test for video support

* Handle missing syncs. Add video to media types in sample ad unit

* Add null response check, update primary endpoint

* Note smrtb video requires renderer

* Support Vast Track (#4276)

* Add microadBidAdapter

* Remove unnecessary encodeURIComponent from microadBidAdapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter

* Submit Advangelists Prebid Adapter 1.1

* Correct procudtion endpoint for prebid

* analytics update with wrapper name

* reverted error merge

* update changed default value of netRevenue to true

* Add parameters if config.cache.vasttrack is true

* Use requestId instead of adId

* Test new vasttrack payload params

* Removed commented out code

* Relaxed conditional check per review

* Removed commented out line

* Added 1000x250 size (#4295)

* prepare vidazoo adapter for v3.0 (#4291)

* Improve Digital adapter: support schain (#4286)

* LiveIntent Identity Module. (#4178)

* LiveIntentIdSystem. Initial implementation.

* LiveIntentIdSystem. Removed whitespace.

* Fixed typo

* Renamed variables, cookiesm added md.

* Changed the default identity url.

* Composite id, with having more than just the lipbid passed around.

* Composite id.

* Merge conflict resolution.

* Changed docs and param description.

* Added typedoc & mentioned liveIntentIdSystem in submodule.json.

* Extracted the LiveIntentIdSystem under modules, removed it from default userId modules.

* Fixing the 204 + no body scenario.

* Added liveIntent to submodule.json

* Fixing docs indentation.

* Updated prebidServer & specs.

* Minor specs update.

* updating liveintent eids source (#4300)

* updating liveintent eids source

these are supposed to be domains

* updating unit test

* fix appnexusBidAdapter view-script regex (#4289)

* fix an view script regex

* minor syntax update

* 33Across adding bidder specific extension field (#4298)

* - add 33across specific ext field for statedAt

* - fix unit test for 33Across adapter

* PubMatic to support LiveIntent User Id sub-module (#4306)

* added support for pubcommon, digitrust, id5id

* added support for IdentityLink

* changed the source for id5

* added unit test cases

* changed source param for identityLink

* supporting LiveIntent Id in PubMatic adapter

* updated source for liveintent

* Finteza Analytics Adapter: fix cookies (#4292)

* fix reading and sending cookies

* fix lint errors

* clear comments

* add unit tests

* fix calling of setCookies for IE

* clear cookies after test

* use own setCookie method inside tests

* Update LockerDome adapter to support Prebid 3.0 (#4301)

* Returning the `IdResponse` type with an obj + callback. Fix for 4304 (#4305)

*  Returning the `IdResponse` type with an obj + callback.

* Renamed resp -> result.

* Removed whitespace.

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support (#4222)

* add ShowHeroes Adapter

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support

* Revert "ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support"

This reverts commit bfcdb913b52012b5afbf95a84956b906518a4b51.

* ShowHeroes adapter - expanded outstream support

* ShowHeroes adapter - fixes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - banner and outstream fixes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - description and outstream changes (#4222)

* ShowHeroes adapter - increase test coverage and small fix

* [Orbidder-Adapter] Add bidRequestCount and remove bid.params.keyValues (#4264)

jorgeluisrocha pushed a commit to jwplayer/Prebid.js that referenced this issue May 23, 2023
* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains prebid#6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.

* added some cookie fetching
osazos pushed a commit that referenced this issue Aug 21, 2023
…that sits in first party cookie (#10369)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.


* cleaned up

* correcting formatting errors from circleci
ChrisHuie pushed a commit that referenced this issue Sep 18, 2023
…okie (#10496)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.


* cleaned up

* correcting formatting errors from circleci

* sending floor to our backend for each bid, when available, changed one of the 1st party cookies that we want to send to backend

* fixed spacing issues in code
mmoschovas pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 23, 2023
… misc. changes (#10551)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.


* cleaned up

* correcting formatting errors from circleci

* sending floor to our backend for each bid, when available, changed one of the 1st party cookies that we want to send to backend

* fixed spacing issues in code

* 1/ provide the possibility of using the jixie section of the config object to determine what ids to read from cookie and to send
2/ removed ontimeout handling
3/ bidwon just ping the trackingUrl, if any
4/ misc: sending aid (from jixie config if any), prebid version etc

* corrected formatting mistakes
patmmccann pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2024
… side (#11217)

* Adapter does not seem capable of supporting advertiserDomains #6650
added response comment and some trivial code.

* removed a blank line at the end of file
added a space behind the // in comments

* in response to comment from reviewer. add the aspect of advertiserdomain in unit tests

* added the code to get the keywords from the meta tags if available.


* cleaned up

* correcting formatting errors from circleci

* sending floor to our backend for each bid, when available, changed one of the 1st party cookies that we want to send to backend

* fixed spacing issues in code

* 1/ provide the possibility of using the jixie section of the config object to determine what ids to read from cookie and to send
2/ removed ontimeout handling
3/ bidwon just ping the trackingUrl, if any
4/ misc: sending aid (from jixie config if any), prebid version etc

* corrected formatting mistakes

* adding support of handling usersync array from the server side

* add back registerBidder line dropped accidentally

* fixed some formatting flaws

* correcting more formatting issues

* more formatting corrections
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