It is a simple project which manages data and I am using this project as an exercise to practice my web development skills.
- Server:
- Flask
This application is deployed on Heroku. You can access the application using the following link:
The project management of this application was done using Trello boards with the use of a kanban workflow. Tasks related to the endpoints (GET, POST, DELETE and PUT) were added as cards and moved through different stages of the kanban board (to-do, doing, code-review, and done)
- health check and provide the welcome message/v1/users
- details of all users and can also identify the user with the help of query strings. For eg: v1/users?team=red/v1/users/<request-id>
- output of all users with the specific id
- create a new user with proper attributes like age, name and team in a string format
- deleting user details with ID provided and providing error with proper HTTP response code of 404
- updating ID of specific user details without changing any other attributes. Attributes allowed to update are age, name and team
- The original version of this application used a local file to store user data. However, I have migrated the database to Firebase for improved scalability and reliability.