Version : 0.1.0; Copyright (C) 2021-2025: Kerala Agricultural University; License: GPL-3
- Department of Agricultural Statistics, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala Agricultural Univesity.
- ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi.
- Department of Agricultural Statistics, BCKV, West Bengal
The package can be installed from CRAN as follows:
# Install from CRAN
install.packages('grapesAgri1', dependencies=TRUE)
The development version can be installed from github as follows:
# Install grapesAgri1 development version from Github using the code below:
if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')
grapesAgri1::descApp() # descriptive Statistics and Visualization
grapesAgri1::corrApp() # Correlation Analysis
grapesAgri1::ttApp() # Compare Means
grapesAgri1::crdApp() # Completely Randomized Design
grapesAgri1::layoutApp() # Field layout of experiments
grapesAgri1::rbdApp() # Randomized Block Design
Sl. No. | App Title | Function to call | Remark |
1 | Descriptive Statistics and Visualization | descApp() | Summary Statistics, Summary Statistics by Group, Box plot, Histogram, Q-Q plot and Shapiro-Wilk's test |
2 | Correlation Analysis | corrApp() | Simple correlation, Correlation Matrix, correlogram and scatterplot |
3 | Compare Means: Small samle tests | ttApp() | One sample t-test, Two sample unpaired t-test, paired t-test, Two sample unpaired Welch t-test, F test, Box plot, Paired Plot |
4 | Completely Randomized Design | crdApp() | One-way Analysis of variance (equal and unequal replication), Multiple comparison test, boxplot and barchart with confidence interval |
5 | Field layout of experiments | layoutApp() | Field layout of following designs can be obtained: Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), Split-plot design, Strip-plot design, Augmented RCBD |
6 | Randomized Block Design | rbdApp() | Two-way Analysis of variance, Multiple comparison test, boxplot and barchart with confidence interval |
To know more about analysis tools included in the package see the following links
- Design and Analysis of experiments.
- Correlation Analysis.
- Hypothesis Testing.
- Descriptive statistics and Exploratory data analysis.
- Test for significance.
It is very user friendly. Just upload your file in CSV format.
Note: we apologize that in grapesAgri1 version 1.0.0 in CRAN you may not be able to download model data set in crdApp()and rbdApp(). Issue will be cleared in the version 1.1.0 releasing by next month. You can instead download from github where the issue is resolved.
Thank You
See below for some random images of GUI of grapesAgri1
Report Issues:
- Questions, feedback, bug reports: please open an issue in the issue tracker of the project.
Contribution to the software:
- Please open an issue in the issue tracker of the project that describes the changes you would like to make to the software and open a pull request with the changes. The description of the pull request must reference the corresponding issue.