Welcome to the Fiix Android exercise, This repo contains all the required information for the base project setup along with
any sample data.
The project is defaulted to Kotlin and you can find all corresponding
files within the kotlinsample
package. If you are more comfortable with Java you can find all
the files under the javasample
The aim of this exercise is for you to show us how you would best implement a solution. There are no right or wrong answers.
- Given a list of trivia questions, display them in a list.
- The user should only be able to see the questions in this list.
- When the user clicks on any item, they should be shown a details screen that shows both the question and the answer.
- Upon navigating back to the list, if the user has seen the answer for the question, update the list to show that the answer has been shown for that item.
When you are done please create a pull request.