- The objective of this homework was to process the DBLP dataset using Hadoop Map-Reduce framework to find out various statistics. Each Job is named appropriately like: Job1, Job2, Job3, Job4, Job5
- EMR Deployment Link: https://youtu.be/ou1ybwYI7Ec
The project was developed using the following environment:
- OS: Windows 10
- IDE: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2018.3
- Hypervisor: VMware Workstation 16 Pro
- Hadoop Distribution: Hortonworks Data Platform (3.0.1) Sandbox deployed on VMware
- HDP Sandbox set up and deployed on (VMware or VirtualBox). Read this guide for instructions on how to set up and use HDP Sandbox
- Ability to use SSH and SCP on your system
- SBT installed on your system
- dblp.xml downloaded on your system
- Clone this repository
- Browse to the project directory. The code files are in the DBLP-statistics folder. Import that folder in intelliJ
- Generate the fat jar file using SBT on shell / cmd
sbt clean compile assembly
if the system has WSL, do this to copy files to WSL else do not do it.
sbt deploy
- Start HDP sandbox VM
- Copy the jar file to HDP Sandbox VM
scp -P 2222 ./target/scala-2.13/DBLP-statistics-assembly-0.1.jar [email protected]:~/
- Copy
to HDP Sandbox
scp -P 2222 /path/to/dblp.xml [email protected]:~/
- SSH into HDP Sandbox
ssh -p 2222 [email protected]
- Create input directory on HDFS and copy
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/maria_dev/Input/
hdfs dfs -put dblp.xml /user/maria_dev/Input/
specify whatever input directory you wish
- Start the map-reduce job. You can specify one or more
hadoop jar DBLP-statistics-assembly-0.1.jar /user/maria_dev/Input/ /user/maria_dev/Output/ Job1 Job2 Job3 Job4 Job5
These were basic shell scripts to make sense of the XML
- Number of authors and editors. Just a ballpark. No filtering
prajwalkk@PRAJWALKK:~$ grep --count '<author' dblp.xml
prajwalkk@PRAJWALKK:~$ grep --count '<editor' dblp.xml
- Check the tags that precede
prajwalkk@PRAJWALKK:~$ grep -B1 '<author>' dblp.xml | grep -vE '<author |^--$' | grep -oE '<(\w+) ?' | sort | uniq
- Editors also can be considered as author. Looking at the tags that precede editor.
prajwalkk@PRAJWALKK:~$ grep -B1 '<author>' dblp.xml | grep -vE '<author |^--$' | grep -oE '<(\w+) ?' | sort | uniq
We only need these tags that specify publications article|inproceedings|proceedings|book|incollection|phdthesis|mastersthesis|www|person|data
To run this job:
hadoop jar DBLP-statistics-assembly-0.1.jar /user/maria_dev/Input/ /user/maria_dev/Output/ Job1
- The jobs takes in the XML individual tag as input.
- The Mapper phase has
key, value
pairs asvenue, author
- In the reducer phase, we generate reverse ordering of value
based off its frequency of occourence in the list of values. The list is sliced to take only 10 values. - The sample output is shown below. First field is Venue, Next are the authors with thier pulication count in descending order.
1 #MSM,Aba-Sah Dadzie(9),Milan Stankovic(8),Matthew Rowe 0001(7),Amparo Elizabeth Cano Basave(4),Giuseppe Rizzo 0002(3),Markus Strohmaier(3),Andrea Varga(3),Zhemin Zhu(2),Amparo Elizabeth Cano(2),Mena B. Habib(2)
2 #Microposts,Katrin Weller(2),Kara Greenfield(2),Kelly Geyer(2),Alyssa C. Mensch(2),Danica Radovanovic(2),Aba-Sah Dadzie(2),Olga Simek(2),Harald Sack(1),Nemanja Djuric(1),Marieke van Erp(1)
3 *SEM@COLING,Sabine Schulte im Walde(2),Deepak P 0001(1),James Pustejovsky(1),Torsten Zesch(1),Nitish Aggarwal(1),Anders Johannsen(1),Lucy Vanderwende(1),Anh Tran(1),Barbara Plank(1),Steve L. Manion(1)
4 *SEM@NAACL-HLT,Benjamin Van Durme(7),Mona T. Diab(6),Rada Mihalcea(6),Timothy Baldwin(6),Eneko Agirre(5),Dan Roth(5),Anette Frank(5),Ido Dagan(4),Steven Bethard(4),Sebastian Padó(4)
5 10th Anniversary Colloquium of UNU/IIST,Bernhard K. Aichernig(2),T. S. E. Maibaum(2),Chris George(1),Naoki Kobayashi 0001(1),Paul A. Bailes(1),Alexandre David(1),Natarajan Shankar(1),José Luiz Fiadeiro(1),Markus Kaltenbach(1),Dang Van Hung(1)
6 25 Years GULP,Paolo Torroni(2),Frank D. Valencia(1),Annalisa Bossi(1),Marco Gavanelli(1),Alberto Momigliano(1),María Alpuente(1),Sergio Greco(1),Gianfranco Rossi(1),Catuscia Palamidessi(1),Matteo Baldoni(1)
7 3D Multiscale Physiological Human,Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann(3),Daniel Thalmann(2),Gavin Olender(1),Jan Rzepecki(1),Sara Trombella(1),Pascal Perrier(1),Sean Lynch(1),Ian Stavness(1),Karelia Tecante(1),Joaquim Miguel Oliveira(1)
8 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage,Sander Münster(2),Dieter W. Fellner(2),Jennifer von Schwerin(1),Mario E. Santana-Quintero(1),Daniel Thalmann(1),Patrick Callet(1),Oliver Hauck(1),Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio(1),Cindy Kröber(1),Moritz Neumüller(1)
9 3D-GIS,Alias Abdul-Rahman(5),Ayman F. Habib(4),Volker Coors(3),Francesco Fassi(3),Sisi Zlatanova(3),Weihong Cui(2),Mohammad Reza Malek(2),Jan Kolár(2),Wenzhong Shi(2),Jiann-Yeou Rau(2)
10 3DCVE@VR,Thierry Duval(6),Valérie Gouranton(4),Bruno Arnaldi(4),Morgan Le Chénéchal(3),Jérôme Royan(3),Florian Nouviale(1),Sascha Gebhardt(1),Nicolas Ladeveze(1),Bernd Hentschel 0001(1),Anderson Maciel(1)
To run this job:
hadoop jar DBLP-statistics-assembly-0.1.jar /user/maria_dev/Input/ /user/maria_dev/Output/ Job2
- The jobs takes in the XML individual tag as input.
- The Mapper phase has
key, value
pairs asauthor, year
- In the reducer phase, the list of years are sorted, made into a set of distinct elements. Then the maximum continuous range is calculated here. If the max value is more than 10, then it is emitted as reducer output
- The sample output is shown below. First field is author, second is number of continuous years. It is been sorted reverse by
sort -unr -k2 -t, Job2/continuous_n_years.csv | head -n20
. Note that, the original output is not sorted.
1 Shi-Kuo Chang,51
2 Arto Salomaa,50
3 Ronald L. Rivest,49
4 Béla Bollobás,48
5 Stephen S. Yau,47
6 Hanan Samet,46
7 Christos H. Papadimitriou,45
8 John H. Reif,44
9 Bruno Courcelle,43
10 Averill M. Law,42
To run this job:
hadoop jar DBLP-statistics-assembly-0.1.jar /user/maria_dev/Input/ /user/maria_dev/Output/ Job3
- The job takes in the XML individual tag as input.
- The Mapper phase has
key, value
pairs asvenue, publication
. Here the k,v pairs are written into file only if the author count is 1 - In the reducer phase, all the single author publications are concatenated onto a single string and written as the output
- The sample output is shown below. First field is author, second is number of continuous years. It is been sorted reverse by `
1 #MSM,Computational Social Science and Microblogs - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.||Information Theoretic Tools for Social Media.||ACE: A Concept Extraction Approach using Linked Open Data.||Unsupervised Information Extraction using BabelNet and DBpedia.||A New ANEW: Evaluation of a Word List for Sentiment Analysis in Microblogs.
2 #Microposts,Studying the Role of Elites in U.S. Political Twitter Debates.
3 *SEM@COLING,Learning the Peculiar Value of Actions.||Identifying semantic relations in a specialized corpus through distributional analysis of a cooccurrence tensor.
4 *SEM@NAACL-HLT,Lexical semantic typologies from bilingual corpora - A framework.||Enthymemetic Conditionals.||Non-atomic Classification to Improve a Semantic Role Labeler for a Low-resource Language.||The complexity of finding the maximum spanning DAG and other restrictions for DAG parsing of natural language.||Simple and Phrasal Implicatives.||IBM_EG-CORE: Comparing multiple Lexical and NE matching features in measuring Semantic Textual similarity.||Adaptive Clustering for Coreference Resolution with Deterministic Rules and Web-Based Language Models.||Metaphor Identification as Interpretation.||UWashington: Negation Resolution using Machine Learning Methods.||FBK: Exploiting Phrasal and Contextual Clues for Negation Scope Detection.||An Evaluation of Graded Sense Disambiguation using Word Sense Induction.||"Could you make me a favour and do coffee, please?": Implications for Automatic Error Correction in English and Dutch.||More Words and Bigger Pictures.||#Emotional Tweets.||SRIUBC-Core: Multiword Soft Similarity Models for Textual Similarity.||Towards a Formal Distributional Semantics: Simulating Logical Calculi with Tensors.
5 10th Anniversary Colloquium of UNU/IIST,Where, Exactly, Is Software Development?||X2Rel: An XML Relation Language with Formal Semantics.||A Formal Basis for Some Dependability Notions.||"What Is an Infrastructure?" Towards an Informatics Answer.||Type Systems for Concurrent Programs.||Verification by Abstraction.||Real-Time Process Algebra and Its Applications.||Coordination Technologies for Just-in-Time Integration.||In Memoriam Armando Martín Haeberer: 4 January 1947 - 11 February 2003.||An Algebraic Approach to the VERILOG Programming.||Towards the Verifying Compiler.||Contract-Based Testing.||Multi-view Modeling of Software Systems.||UNU and UNU/IIST.||The Development of the RAISE Tools.||Real-Time Systems Development with Duration Calculi: An Overview.||A Grand Challenge Proposal for Formal Methods: A Verified Stack.
To run this job:
hadoop jar DBLP-statistics-assembly-0.1.jar /user/maria_dev/Input/ /user/maria_dev/Output/ Job4
- The job takes in the XML individual tag as input.
- The Mapper phase has
key, value
pairs asvenue, (publication, num_authors)
- In the reducer phase, it has a filter function. The filter filters the tuple of
publication, num_authors)
Whatever value(s) are the same as the max is being written in the reducer output. - The sample output is shown below.
1 #MSM,Making Sense of Location-based Micro-posts Using Stream Reasoning. (7)
2 #Microposts,A Reverse Approach to Named Entity Extraction and Linking in Microposts. (9)
3 *SEM@COLING,More or less supervised supersense tagging of Twitter. (5),Text Summarization through Entailment-based Minimum Vertex Cover. (5)
4 *SEM@NAACL-HLT,A New Dataset and Evaluation for Belief/Factuality. (18)
5 10th Anniversary Colloquium of UNU/IIST,A Tool Architecture for the Next Generation of Uppaal. (4)
6 25 Years GULP,Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Declarative Programming: What, When, Where, Why, Who, How? (5)
7 3D Multiscale Physiological Human,Coupled Biomechanical Modeling of the Face, Jaw, Skull, Tongue, and Hyoid Bone. (7),Clinical Gait Analysis and Musculoskeletal Modeling. (7)
8 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage,Enrichment and Preservation of Architectural Knowledge. (11)
9 3D-GIS,Development of Country Mosaic Using IRS-WiFS Data. (5),Automatic Generation of Pseudo Continuous LoDs for 3D Polyhedral Building Model. (5),Reconstruction of Complex Buildings using LIDAR and 2D Maps. (5),Macro to Micro Archaeological Documentation: Building a 3D GIS Model for Jerash City and the Artemis Temple. (5),Volumetric Spatiotemporal Data Model. (5),Research on a feature based spatio-temporal data model. (5),3D Modeling Moving Objects under Uncertainty Conditions. (5),Digital Terrain Models Derived from SRTM Data and Kriging. (5)
10 3DCVE@VR,When the giant meets the ant an asymmetric approach for collaborative and concurrent object manipulation in a multi-scale environment. (6)
To run this job:
hadoop jar DBLP-statistics-assembly-0.1.jar /user/maria_dev/Input/ /user/maria_dev/Output/ Job5
- This is a 2 phase Mapreduce Job.
- First MR phase calculates the scores of each author. Second phase sorts them in descending order
- The Mapper of the first job has
key, value
pairs asauthor, uniq_co_authors_list
This has 2 conditions. If the publication XML has nore than one author, all the possible permutations are generated. We know by the formula nP2 = 2 * nC2. This generates all the bidirectional relationships between authors using the scala'spermutation
methods. If it is a single author, a trash string is added as coauthor which is later discared in reduce phase - In the reducer phase, the size of co-author list for each author is calculated and witten into the file.
- The file is then used as input for another mapreduce job which takkes in the reducer output. This job has the
as `num_co_author, author. The reducer is just a plain sorting class as it inherently sorts based on keys. - later these linux commands are executed to get the 2 files.
grep ",0$" part-r-00000 | head -n100 > non_collaborators.csv
head -n100 part-r-00000 > top_100_collaborators.csv
Top Collaborators:
1 Wei Li,-3642
2 Yang Liu,-3436
3 Wei Wang,-3407
4 Wei Zhang,-3337
5 Lei Zhang,-3318
6 Yu Zhang,-3224
7 Lei Wang,-3039
8 Li Zhang,-2678
9 Xin Wang,-2623
10 Jing Wang,-2571
1 P. Gonet,0
2 Claudius Graebner,0
3 Ángel del Río Fernández,0
4 Carl Engblom,0
5 Rouhollah Tavakoli,0
6 Yung Kyung Park,0
7 Eran Kahana,0
8 Iffat Jahan,0
9 Claudius Paul,0
10 Roulette Wm. Smith,0
- The XMLInputFormat is been referred from Mahout's XMLInpurFormat and Mayank Rastogi's project.
- The Sorting job in 5th program can be imporved to be a part of single MR execution
- The part-files need to be generated programatically rather than running
hdfs dfs -getmerge
inside of Scala program. - A standalone shell script that manages all the executions of copying the file to hdfs etc. to be created.