A collection of slide decks, videos and other material from the Pragma Conference 2019. http://pragmaconference.com/
- RACHID EL KHAYARI | @herrkayser_net - iOS Security Essentials | Slides
- ANDREA BALDON | @ultranano - Learning Core ML with fun | Slides
- NICOLA ZAGHINI | @nzaghini - Should I use React Native too? | Slides
- DARIO CARLOMAGNO | @dariocarlomagno - How we made QA’s life’s easier (and ours) by providing builds conversing with a slack-bot | Slides | Project
- LEA MAROLT SONNENSCHEIN | @hellosunschein - Mobile && Me == It's Complicated | Slides
- MATTEO RATTOTTI & KONSTANTIN EROKHIN | @matteorattotti & @nerolapis - Keep It Simple, Soyoucancomplicateitlater | Keynote ◦ PDF
- MATTT | @mattt - "Engineering best practices, mi fan un baffo!": adopting engineering best practices for iOS teams | Slides
- MACIEJ PIOTROWSKI | @paciej00 - Code Archeology - Avoiding the Quicksands of a Legacy Codebase | Slides
- ALEKSANDAR VACIĆ | @radiantav - SwiftUI for UIKit developers | Slides & Transcript
- ALEKSANDRA KOMAGORKINA | @akomagorkina - "Green" development: is it a thing? | Slides
- SOROUSH KHANLOU | @khanlou - From problem to solution | Slides
- JEROEN BAKKER | @jeroenbios - Developing an app with DiffableDataSource | Slides
- TOBIAS DUE MUNK | @tobiasdm – Core Image, Photo Editing in Color and Depth: Slides | Sample Code