This is a SpringBoot application. IDE used: IntelliJ Refer (if you are using eclipse)
Assumptions: Account IDs are numeric and unique. Account names should be unique.
Validations: 1.From and To Accounts should exist in the system. 2.For fund transfer, From and To Accounts can't be same. 3.Amount should positive long value.
- Create User Account uri: /v1/createAccount request type: PUT Paramerters: String guestName Long intialDeposit
2.View User Account uri: /v1/viewAccount/{name} request type: GET Parameters: name
3.Transfer Fund uri: /v1/transferFund request Type: POST Parameters: { "fromAccount" : "", "toAccount" : "", "amount" : }
4.View History of Transaction uri : /v1/viewTxnHistory request type: GET
How to run:
- Navigate to the project folder
- ./gradlew clean build
- java -jar build/libs/payment-core-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
application starts on 8080 port