A Distinctive and stylish Web application for article sharing based on PERN Stack. Developed with the use of React in FrontEnd and Node.js, ExpressJs and PostgreSQL in BackEnd.
Deployed Website (V 2.5): https://sparknest.run.place/ Deployed on AWS.
Using this website a user can :
- Login, Signup, Google Login/Signup.
- Reset forgot password using email.
- Edit, Update, Delete user profile.
- Create, Edit, Update, Delete created article.
- Add, Reply, Delete comments.
- Save and Like articles -> shown in profile section.
- Contact and send message to SparkNest team.
- View other user profile using user id
Create, Read, Update and Delete on user, articles and comments are performed on user's authorized space only.
- React JS, CSS, Bootstrap V5.3
- Javascript, Quill
- Express.js, Nodejs, npm
- PostgresSQL RDBMS
- Login/LogOut & Register using express-session
- Password hashing using bcrypt
- Local and Google strategy for Login and Sign Up
- Session and Cookie using Passport
- Mailing and Password-reset using Nodemailer
- Prabhat Kumar Mishra pkm774