A port of polymer.js' polymer-ui-elements to Polymer.dart. The intent of the authors is to contribute the work to the Dart project itself (https://www.dartlang.org).
The Dart source files of an element often contain some documentation (Dartdoc) how to use the element. You can also find this documentation online at
We were not able to build JavaScript versions of the demo pages for polymer_ui_elements. The high number of entry pages (examples) in this library leads to out of memory errors with pub build. Just using the polymer_ui_elements in your app won't lead to this kind of error.
The demo pages linked below are from an earlier build and have been improved a lot since then.
The source code of these demo pages can be found in the example subdirectory of the package.
The actual implementation of the demo page is often outsourced to files in the example/src/element_name
- add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:
- to import a polymer_ui_element into your entry page HTML file, add the following line inside the
tag before any of the Dart and polymer<script>
<link rel="import" href="packages/polymer_ui_elements/polymer_ui_accordion/polymer_ui_accordion.html">
- to import a polymer_ui_element into any of your custom polymer elements, add the following line into your Polymer element HTML file before the
<polymer-element name="my-element">
start tag:
<link rel="import" href="../../../packages/polymer_ui_elements/polymer_ui_icon/polymer_ui_icon.html">
Your feedback is very much appreciated. We are excited to hear about your experience using polymer_ui_elements. We need your feedback to continually improve the qualtiy.
Just Create a New Issue
- Current development status requires Dart SDK Dart version (DEV)
Element name | Status | Comment | Demo |
polymer-ui-accordion | ported | demo | |
polymer‑ui‑animated‑pages | not started | ||
polymer-ui-arrow | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-breadcrumbs | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-card | ported | depends on pointer events which are not yet available | demo |
polymer-ui-clock | not started | ||
polymer-ui-collapsible | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-dark-theme | not started | ||
polymer-ui-field | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-icon | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-icon-button | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-iconset | not started | ||
polymer-ui-light-theme | not started | ||
polymer-ui-line-chart | not started | ||
polymer-ui-menu | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-menu-button | ported | depends on polymer-overlay which are not ye ported | demo, demo (parallax) |
polymer-ui-menu-item | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-nav-arrow | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-overlay | not started | ||
polymer-ui-pages | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-ratings | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-scaffold | ported | depends on polymer-overlay which is not yet ported | demo |
polymer-ui-sidebar | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-sidebar-header | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-sidebar-menu | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-splitter | ported | depends on pointer events which are not yet available | demo |
polymer-ui-stock | not started | ||
polymer-ui-submenu-item | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-tabs | ported | has issues | demo |
polymer-ui-theme-aware | ported | (has no demo page) | |
polymer-ui-toggle-button | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-toolbar | ported | demo | |
polymer-ui-weather | not started |
BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE file).