ANPA is a utility takes a wire service feed that conforms to the ANPA-RI (American Newspaper Publishers Association*) Bulletin 1312 specification from a tty or file and outputs a RFC-822 (mail.local or rmail) compliment file that can be injected into some data stream like USENET or Internet mail.
Files include:
Makefile The Makefile (BSD style) This file you are looking at right now
action.c What todo when an article that matches comes in.
anpa.1 Main man page
anpa.ctl Sample control file (AP)
anpa.ctl.5 Man page for control file
anpa.h Header for source
baycity.ctl Sample control file (Bay City News)
getheader.c Gets ANPA headers
main.c Starting point for program
parsectl.c Parse the control file
printbody.c Print the body of the article
printheader.c Print the header of the article
rc.local.sample Sample start up line for BSD's rc.local
readf.c Read a char in
readrec.c Read a line in.
selector.c Match articles to what the control file defines
setserial.c Sets the serial port parameters
testfile.ap Sample ANPA wire copy from AP
testfile.baycity Sample ANPA wire copy from Bay City News
cgi-bin/ap Sample perl cgi-bin for parsing the program's output (mail.local) file