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A code generation tool in nodejs environment

With the help of js flexibility and art-template templates to automatically generate some user-definable template codes


After installing the nodejs environment, execute the following instructions

npm install -g @king011/jsgenerate


npm update -g @king011/jsgenerate

bash complete

Entering the command jsgenerate complete will generate a bash complete auto-complete script for linux


Use the jsgenerate init command to create the initialization code using the specified template in the current directory

  -n, --name []        project name
  -p, --package []     package name
  -t, --tag [tags...]  code generate tag
  --list-tag           list supported tag
  -h, --help           display help for command
jsgenerate init jsgenerate_grpc -p penguin/example -t default -t init-supplement
  • jsgenerate_grpc is the name of the template used
  • -p specify the package name of the project
  • -t is the label passed to the template. The template can define the meaning of the label.


If the environment variable JS_GENERATE_TEMPLATE is specified, the template is stored in the path specified by JS_GENERATE_TEMPLATE, otherwise it is stored in the path of ~/.jsgenerate

init template

You can refer to jsgenerate_grpc to implement your own template

To create a template used by the init command, you need to follow the steps below

  1. Create a new folder under the init folder of the template root path, such as web (jsgenerate will use the name of this folder as the template name)
  2. Create a js file of web/jsgenerate/main.js and export three attributes of description tag jsgenerate

Now the web template has been created, you can use jsgenerate init jsgenerate_grpc -p xxx to use this template

  • description is a string used to describe the function of this template
  • tag is used to indicate the tags supported by this template
  • jsgenerate is a function with the signature function jsgenerate(context: Context), which will be called by the jsgenerate program. You need to implement code generation in this function


The incoming parameter Context of jsgenerate generates the context required by the code and some useful member functions

/// <reference types="node" />
import { Stats } from "fs";
export declare class Context {
    readonly tag: Array<string>;
    readonly root: string;
    readonly output: string;
    readonly data: Map<string, any>;
    readonly version = "1.0.2";
    private pkg_;
    private name_;
    get pkg(): string;
    get name(): string;
    constructor(pkg: string, name: string, tag: string, root: string, output: string);
    serve(renderFile: (name: string, src: string, stat: Stats) => void | Promise<undefined>, renderDir: (name: string, src: string, stat: Stats) => void | Promise<undefined>): Promise<void>;
    private _name;
    private _serve;
    get extension(): {
        [key: string]: Function;
    get defaults(): {
        filename?: string;
        rules: any[];
        excape: boolean;
        debug: boolean;
        bail: boolean;
        cache: boolean;
        minimize: boolean;
        compileDebug: boolean;
        resolveFilename: any;
        include: any;
        htmlMinifier: any;
        htmlMinifierOptions: {
            collapseWhitespace: boolean;
            minifyCSS: boolean;
            minifyJS: boolean;
            ignoreCustomFragments: any[];
        onerror: any;
        loader: any;
        caches: any;
        root: string;
        extname: string;
        ignore: any[];
        imports: {
            [key: string]: Function;
    template(filenameOrTemplateId: string, content?: string | Object): any;
    compile(source: string, options?: any): (data: any) => string;
    render(source: string, data: any, options?: any): string;
    mkdir(path: string, recursive?: boolean, mode?: string | number): Promise<string>;
    copyFile(dst: string, src: string, mode?: string | number): Promise<void>;
    writeFile(dst: string, text: string, mode?: string | number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): Promise<void>;
    uuidv1(): string;
    uuidv4(): string;
  • serve is the most important function. You need to call this function and pass in two callback functions to create files and folders for the project
  • template compile render three functions are used to call the art-template template engine