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Pure FlashArray

Requires Purity 5.2+

Configure Pure FlashArray.

To download the role you can use ansible-galaxy. For that create a file requirements.yml with the following content:

- src:
  version: master
  name: powerhome.purefa

After that run the command:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

PS: This role isn't tested with molecule since there isn't a way to provision a test environment. Molecule was used only to create the directory hierarchy.


  • pipenv

Execute the following to install dependencies:

pipenv install
pipenv shell
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yaml

Role Variables

Array basic config

There are a few basic configs that can be set in the array:

Variable required type default description
purefa_url Y str Array url.
purefa_api_token Y str Array api token.
purefa_array_name N str Name of the array. Must conform to correct naming schema.
purefa_phonehome_state N str Define state of phonehome.
purefa_remote_assist_state N str Define state of remote assist.
purefa_ntp_servers N list A list of up to 4 alternate NTP servers. These may include IPv4, IPv6 or FQDNs. Invalid IP addresses will cause the module to fail. No validation is performed for FQDNs. If more than 4 servers are provided, only the first 4 unique nameservers will be used.
purefa_domain N str Domain suffix to be appended when perofrming DNS lookups.
purefa_dns_servers N list List of up to 3 unique DNS server IP addresses. These can be IPv4 or IPv6 - No validation is done of the addresses is performed.

Local users

To manage local user use the variable purefa_users

- name: pureuser
  password: password
  state: present

where you can set the following values:

Variable required type default description
purefa_users[].name Y str The name of the local user account.
purefa_users[].password Y str Password for the local user.
purefa_users[].old_password N str If changing an existing password, you must provide the old password for security.
purefa_users[].role N str Sets the local user's access level to the array.
purefa_users[].state N str present Create, delete or update local user account.

Directory service

It is possible to configure the array directory service with these variables:

purefa_ldap_bind_password: ldap_bind_pass
  enable: true
  uri: "ldap://"
  base_dn: "DC=example,DC=com"
  bind_user: "CN=reader,DC=example,DC=com"
  group_base: "OU=groups"
  aa_group: "pureAdmins"
  sa_group: "storage_admin"
  oa_group: "ops_admin"
  ro_group: "readonly"


Configure SNMP:

- name: public
  community: pws
  state: present


Configure Syslog:

  state: present
  port: 1514
  protocol: udp #tcp, tls, udp


Configure SMTP:

  state: present
  user: "user"
  password: "password"

Email alerts

Configure email alerts:

- name: "[email protected]"
  enabled: true
- name: "[email protected]"
  enabled: true

Replication connection

Manage replication connections between two FlashArrays:

- target_url:
  connection: async
  target_api: api_token


You can use the variable purefa_volumegroups to manage:

  • Volume groups
  • Volumes
  • Protection groups
    • Replication schedule
    • Snapshot schedule

This role was created thinking that every volume need to be part of a volume group because of that to create a volume you just need to:

- name: test-vg
  - name: test-vol
    size: 5G
  - name: test-vol2
    size: 10G

You can specify other parameter for volume groups and volumes:

Variable required type default description
purefa_volumegroups[].name Y str The name of volume group.
purefa_volumegroups[].eradicate N bool false Define whether to eradicate the volume group on delete and leave in trash.
purefa_volumegroups[].state N str present Define whether the volume group should exist or not.
purefa_volumegroups[].bw_qos N str present Bandwidth limit for vgroup in M or G units. M will set MB/s. G will set GB/s. To clear an existing QoS setting use 0 (zero)
purefa_volumegroups[].iops_qos N str present IOPs limit for vgroup - use value or K or M. K will mean 1000. M will mean 1000000. To clear an existing IOPs setting use 0 (zero)
purefa_volumegroups[].volumes N list list of volumes in that group {name: str, size: str}
purefa_volumegroups[].volumes[].name Y str The name of the volume.
purefa_volumegroups[].volumes[].size N str Volume size in M, G, T or P units.
purefa_volumegroups[].volumes[].qos N str Bandwidth limit for vgroup in M or G units. M will set MB/s. G will set GB/s. To clear an existing QoS setting use 0 (zero)
purefa_volumegroups[].volumes[].iops_qos N str IOPs limit for vgroup - use value or K or M. K will mean 1000. M will mean 1000000. To clear an existing IOPs setting use 0 (zero)
purefa_volumegroups[].volumes[].eradicate N bool false Define whether to eradicate the volume on delete or leave in trash.
purefa_volumegroups[].volumes[].state N str present Define whether the volume should exist or not.

Protection group

You can still specify protection group setting for each volume group for example (to enable replication and snapshot schedule):

- name: test-vg
      enabled: true
      enabled: true

All the options are:

Variable required type default description
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.pgroup N str volume group name The name of the protection group.
purefa_volumegroups[] N list "{{ pgroup_target }}" List of remote arrays or offload target for replication protection group to connect to. Note that all replicated protection groups are asynchronous. Target arrays or offload targets must already be connected to the source array. Maximum number of targets per Portection Group is 4, assuming your configuration suppors this.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.state N str present Define whether the volume group should exist or not.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.eradicate N bool false Define whether to eradicate the protection group on delete and leave in trash.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.enabled N bool true Define whether to enabled snapshots for the protection group.


To manage a protection group schedules you can use the variables:

  • replication schedules - purefa_volumegroups[].pg.replication.
  • snapshot schedules - purefa_volumegroups[].pg.snapshot.

as the example:

- name: test-vg
  - name: test-vol
    size: 5G
      enabled: true
      frequency: 86400 # 1day
      at: 12:0:00
      retain_for: 86400 # 1day
      per_day: 5
      for_days: 3
      blackout_start: 2AM
      blackout_end: 5AM
      enabled: true
      frequency: 86400 # 12h
      at: 15:30:00
      retain_for: 5
      per_day: 3
      for_days: 7

This will generate the following configs in the protection group test-vg:

Snapshot Schedule
  Create a snapshot on source every 1 days at 3:30pm
  Retain all snapshots on source for 5 seconds
    then retain 3 snapshots per day for 7 more days

Replication Schedule
  Replicate a snapshot to targets every 1 days at 12pm
    except between 2am and 5am
  Retain all snapshots on targets for 1 days
    then retain 5 snapshots per day for 3 more days
Variable required type default description
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.replication.enabled N bool true Enable the replication schedule configured.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.replication.frequency N int 3600 Specifies the replication frequency in seconds.
purefa_volumegroups[] N int Specifies the preferred time, on the hour, at which to replicate the snapshots. Specifies the preferred time as HH:MM:SS, using 24-hour clock, at which to generate snapshots
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.replication.per_day N int 1 Specifies the number of snapshots to keep beyond (retain_for) during (for_days) period. Maximum number is 1440.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.replication.for_days N int 7 Specifies the number of days to keep the (per_day) snapshots beyond the (retain_for) period before they are eradicated. Max retention period is 4000 days.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.replication.retain_for N int 86400 Specifies the length of time, in seconds, to keep the replicated snapshots on the replication targets. Range is 1 - 34560000 seconds.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.replication.blackout_start N str Specifies the time at which to suspend replication. Provide a time in 12-hour AM/PM format, eg. 11AM.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.replication.blackout_end N str Specifies the time at which to restart replication. Provide a time in 12-hour AM/PM format, eg. 5PM.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.snapshot.enabled N bool true Enable the snapshot schedule configured.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.snapshot.frequency N int 3600 Specifies the snapshot frequency in seconds.
purefa_volumegroups[] N int Specifies the preferred time as HH:MM:SS, using 24-hour clock, at which to generate snapshots. Only valid if I(snap_frequency) is an exact multiple of 86400, ie 1 day.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.snapshot.per_day N int 1 Specifies the number of snapshots to keep beyond (retain_for) during (for_days) period. Maximum number is 1440.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.snapshot.for_days N int 7 Specifies the number of days to keep the (per_day) snapshots beyond the (retain_for) period before they are eradicated. Max retention period is 4000 days.
purefa_volumegroups[].pg.snapshot.retain_for N int 86400 Specifies the length of time, in seconds, to keep the replicated snapshots on the replication targets. Range is 1 - 34560000 seconds.


You can use the variable purefa_hostgroups to manage host groups and hosts:

- name: hostGroup1
  - name: hos1
  - name: host2
    - vg_name1/volume1
    - vg_name1/volume2



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
  - purestorage.flasharray
  - name: powerhome.purefa
      purefa_api_token: api_token



Author Information

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