C++ Interface of CUDA-based GPU matrix library.
You need
- An NVIDIA GPU that supports CUDA (Ex: GTX-660)
- Linux / Ubuntu
- Install NVIDIA CUDA toolkit (at least CUDA 5.0)
Just type "make" and run the following programs:
- ./benchmark
- ./example1
- ./example2
Include device_matrix.h and add -I flags to your g++ command
#include <device_matrix.h>
int main() {
// create a 10 by 20 matrix lies in GPU memory
// (all filled with garbage value)
device_matrix<float> A(10, 20);
// Fill A with 0
A += 10;
You can use typedef to save yourself some typing
#include <device_matrix.h>
typedef device_matrix<float> mat;
int main() {
// create a 10 by 20 matrix lies in GPU memory
// (all filled with value 1.234)
mat A(10, 20, 1.234);
A += 10;
On linking, libcumatrix needs:
- -lcuda (libcuda.so )
- -lcublas (libcublas.so)
- -lcudart (libcudart.so)
So like this
g++ -o my_program main.cpp -I libcumatrix/include -lcuda -lcublas -lcudart -lcumatrix
By default, the root directories containing CUDA is located at "/usr/local/cuda". If you wish to change it, open the "Makefile" and change CUDA_ROOT to where it lies.
For an older version of CUDA sdk, Thrust Library did not lie directly in "/include/thrust" (something like /include/thrust-1.5.1). Create a symbolic link for it using the following command:
ln -s /usr/local/cuda/include/thrust-1.5.1 /usr/local/cuda/include/thrust