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Marked routes

poutnikl edited this page Apr 24, 2017 · 13 revisions
  • Marked routes ( hiking or cycle routes ) are publicly suggested routes, marked so in maps and in terrain by various signs. Do not confuse it with a cycleway, what is a physical structure, while a route is not.

  • The standard Trekking profile evaluates cycleroutes as always having costfactor CF = 1. Additionally, it sets turncost penalty to zero. Not marked ways have an additional CF penalty. This approach has 2 drawbacks:

    • Even a marked route on a very bad way is always considered better than any not marked but otherwise a perfect way.
    • All marked routes are considered equally good, regardless of conditions.
  • My bicycle profiles manage that differently, as they do not use CF=1 nor turncost = 0 approach for marked routes.

    • There are 2 related numerical parameters:
      assign cycleroutes_pref 0.2 # costfactor penalty for not being cycleroute
      assign routelevel 2 # default =2, 1-icn only, 2 +ncn, 3 +rcn, 4 all
  • NEW in development 2.6 version - there is a completely reworked
    implementation of cycleroute preference

  • RELEASE 2.5.x version follows

  • Costfactor for non cycleroutes is then calculated as
    Costfactor * ( 1 + cycleroute_pref ) - cycleroute_pref * ( 1- cycleroute_pref )

  • Similarly, Costfactor for long distance cycleroutes is calculated as
    max(1, Costfactor * ( 1 - cycleroute_pref ) + cycleroute_pref * ( 1- cycleroute_pref ) )

  • Local cycleroutes have costfactor independent on cycleroute_pref parameter.

  • There are 3 types of the cycleroutes, regarding cycleroute_pref parameters.

cycleroute_pref value Comment
Cycleroute_pref 0.0 Used for -ICR profiles ( ignore cycleroutes, supposing no cycleroutes exist)
Cycleroute_pref 0.2 Default value for bike profiles, with mild cycleroute preference.
Cycleroute_pref 0.6 Used for -FCR profiles ( follow cycleroutes), trying to stick to cycle routes
  • Below is the chart, how depends relative change of the way preference/penalty on cycleroute_pref parameter and original costfactor. Note that local cycleroutes are not affected by cycleroute_pref value.
    • Purple is the relative penalty for not marked ways for extreme value cycleroute_pref=1.0
    • Red is the relative penalty for not marked ways in Trekking-FCR profile
    • Orange is the relative penalty for not marked ways in Trekking-dry profile
    • Yellow is the baseline value without any cycleroute preferences ( Trekking-ICR profile)
    • Green is the relative preference boost for long distance cycleroutes in Trekking-dry profile
    • Blue is the relative preference boost for long distance cycleroutes in Trekking-FCR profile
    • Violet is the relative preference boost for long distance cycleroutes for cycleroute_pref=1.0


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