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guruofquality edited this page Sep 23, 2014 · 13 revisions

Pothos SDR support

Welcome to the Pothos software defined radio support page. This project is under heavy development, stay "tuned"...

Project goals

DMA and shared memory devices

Devices that operate over DMA (PCIe) or shared memory (Xilinx Zynq) can interface their buffers directly with the Pothos scheduler to avoid unnecessary ingress and outgress copying when interacting with the rest of the framework.

Support current SDR devices

Pothos SDR will wrap the OsmoSDR project to bring in support for a wide variety of devices. The OsmoSDR streaming, and API will be hooked into the Pothos framework's streaming, and signals+slots capabilities. Any added features will be contributed back to the OsmoSDR project.

Out of tree module support

SDR Vendors who do not have mainline support for their hardware can build and install support through out-of-tree modules built against a Pothos SDR installation.