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Josh Blum edited this page Sep 6, 2014 · 23 revisions

PothosGui should be in your executable search path. Open up a terminal and type PothosGui and hit enter:

The following window should appear:

The block tree is a dockable widget that allows the user to browse through the available processing blocks. From the block tree, the user can view a selected block's documentation, and choose to insert the selected block into the graph editor. The block tree is a dock widget, and can be moved and re-positioned within the main window. If the block tree widget is not visible, make sure that "Block Tree" is checked under the view menu.

To search the block tree for a given block, enter keywords into the search bar at the top of the block tree. In addition, hit the Ctrl+F key sequence at any time to make the block tree visible, and give focus to the search bar.

Mouse-over a block to view its associated documentation.

Use the mouse to drag and drop blocks from the block tree into the graph editor. In addition, a block can be added to the editor by double clicking the selection or by clicking the "Add Block" button.

Connections describe a flow of data from a data provider (an output) to a data consumer (an input). A block has two types of data providers: output ports and a signal emitter. A block has two types of data consumers: input ports and a slot acceptor.

To create a stream connection, click on a output streaming port, then click on an input streaming port. The clicks must occur in that order. A connection will be created from the output port to the input port.

To create a signals and slots connection, click on a block's signal emitter, then click on the main body of block. The clicks must occur in that order. A connection will be created from the signal to the slot.

Next, the connection must be configured by selecting from a list of available signals and available slots. The new signals and slots connection will have the text "Empty" on it. Double click on the connection to open its configuration panel.

The configuration panel allows users to connect individual signals and slots by name. Click on an available slot to select it, and then click on an available signal. A new connection between the selected signal and slot will appear in the list.

Click the "Commit" button to apply the changes.