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Josh Blum edited this page May 25, 2015 · 42 revisions

Downloads and binary installers

Ubuntu package repository

The Pothos Ubuntu PPA contains deb packages for Pothos, SoapySDR, a variety of SDR device drivers, and various Pothos toolkits. The PPA supports Trusty (14.04 LTS), Utopic (14.10), and Vivid (15.04) releases of Ubuntu.

Add the Pothos PPA to your Ubuntu system. This PPA contains pre-release SNAPSHOTS of Soapy SDR and Pothos. In the future, there will be separate repositories for snapshots and releases.

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:guruofquality/pothos
sudo apt-get update

Install Pothos with GUI tools and all official toolkits:

sudo apt-get install pothos-all

Using an SDR device? Install Soapy SDR and support for your hardware:

#runtime files and python language bindings
sudo apt-get install soapysdr python-soapysdr python-numpy

#rtl sdr support:
sudo apt-get install soapyosmo-rtlsdr

#blade rf support:
sudo apt-get install bladerf soapyosmo-bladerf

#hack rf support:
sudo apt-get install hackrf soapyosmo-hackrf

#usrp support:
sudo apt-get install uhd uhd-soapysdr soapysdr-uhd

Developing with Pothos or Soapy SDR? Install development packages:

sudo apt-get install libpoco-dev-min libpothos-dev libsoapysdr-dev

openSUSE package repository

This openSUSE repository contains packages for a variety of software in the SDR ecosystem including Pothos and SoapySDR. Special thanks to Martin Hauke for maintaining this repository:

Windows Pothos SDR environment

The Pothos SDR development environment contains pre-built windows binaries of Pothos and SoapySDR along with a number of hardware drivers and the GNU Radio toolkit.

Follow the tutorial steps:

Or go direct to downloads: