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Josh Blum edited this page Aug 19, 2015 · 42 revisions

Downloads and binary installers

The Pothosware Framework PPA contains deb packages for the Pothos framework and various Pothos toolkits. Soapy SDR and a slew of hardware support drivers are provided by the MyriadRF SDR Drivers PPA.

The PPAs support the following Ubuntu releases:

  • Precise (12.04 LTS) (SDR drivers only)
  • Trusty (14.04 LTS)
  • Utopic (14.10)
  • Vivid (15.04)
  • Wily (15.10)

Add the following PPAs to your Ubuntu system based on your needs:

#core framework and toolkits
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:pothosware/framework

#support libraries for pothos
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:pothosware/support

#supplies soapysdr and other drivers
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:myriadrf/drivers

#needed when using bladerf devices
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:bladerf/bladerf

#always update after adding PPAs
sudo apt-get update

Install Pothos with GUI tools and all official toolkits:

sudo apt-get install pothos-all

Using SDR hardware? Install Soapy SDR and support drivers for your hardware:

#runtime files and python language bindings
sudo apt-get install soapysdr python-soapysdr python-numpy

#rtl sdr support:
sudo apt-get install soapyosmo-rtlsdr

#blade rf support:
sudo apt-get install bladerf soapy-bladerf

#hack rf support:
sudo apt-get install hackrf soapyosmo-hackrf

#usrp support:
sudo apt-get install uhd uhd-soapysdr soapysdr-uhd

#umtrx support:
sudo apt-get install umtrx uhd uhd-soapysdr soapysdr-uhd

#miri SDR support:
sudo apt-get install miri-sdr soapyosmo-mirisdr

#rf space supports:
sudo apt-get install soapyosmo-rfspace

Developing with Pothos or Soapy SDR? Install development packages:

sudo apt-get install libpoco-dev-min libpothos-dev libsoapysdr-dev

Testing the install. Open a terminal and run:

#print information about the install
PothosUtil --system-info
SoapySDRUtil --info

#run the design GUI -- there should also be a menu shortcut

This openSUSE repository contains packages for a variety of software in the SDR ecosystem including Pothos and SoapySDR. Special thanks to Martin Hauke for maintaining this repository:

The Pothos SDR development environment contains pre-built windows binaries of Pothos and SoapySDR along with a number of hardware drivers and the GNU Radio toolkit.

Follow the tutorial steps:

Or go direct to downloads: