chatpdf 的最小实现,和文章对话 | mvp of chatpdf
此项目目的在于研究 chatpdf 实现原理 | this project aims at learn how to build app like chatpdf
- 文章切片到段落 | split articles into pieces
- 通过 OpenAI 的 embedding 接口将每个段落转换为 embedding | convert each piece into embedding with OpenAI
- 将提问的问题转换为 embedding | convert user question into embedding
- 把问题的 embedding 比较所有段落 embedding 得到近似程度并排序 | compare question embedding with all the embeddings of pieces and sort the result
- 把和提问(语义)最接近的一个或几个段落作为上下文,通过 OpenAI 的对话接口得到最终的答案 | use the nearest (meaning) piece(s) as context and ask ChatGPT for the final answer
article/pdf question
/ / \ |
piece1 piece2 ........... piece(N) |
| | | |
embedding1 embedding2 ...... embeddingN |
| | | |
--X-------------X---------.....-----------X----------------- question_embedding
| | | |
question question question |
distance1 distance2 distance(N) |
| |
pick nearest piece |
\ /
\ /
construct prompt
get answer from ChatGPT
docker compose up