If you are using this tool in your research, please cite the following papers:
author = {Kashiwa, Yutaro and Shimizu, Kazuki and Lin, Bin and Bavota, Gabriele and Lanza, Michele and Kamei, Yasutaka and Ubayashi, Naoyasu},
title = {Does Refactoring Break Tests and to What Extent?},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution},
series = {ICSME '21},
year = {2021},
location = {Luxembourg City, Luxembourg (ONLINE)},
pages = {(to appear)},
All the results that we used are located in "results_in_paper" directory
Our source code is located in "src" directory.
- JDK 13
- Git (>2.24)
- Maven (>3.6.1)
- Postgres (>12.1)
1. Install JDK on your local
2. Set JAVA Environment (JAVA_HOME)
3. Set Maven Environment Variables (M2_HOME)
- e.g., export M2_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3_1/
4. Clone this repostitory and Change directory (cd) to the repository directory
5. modify ini files for your computer (optional)
- settings/base.ini
- data_dir=[directory where you want to put the output]
- settings/projects/[your project name].pj
- name=[your project name]
- abb=[your project abbr name]
- url=[url of your project repository]
6. Install and setup Postgres
6.0. Install and login postgres
6.1. create role
6.2. create a database
CREATE DATABASE test_break with OWNER=test_break;
7. Run a sql script (script/sql/init.sql) to create a database and schemas
psql -Utest_break < scripts/sql/init.sql
8. Modify src/main/resource/META-INF/persistence.xml for your database
- property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:postgresql://[IP ADDRESS]:5432/test_break"
- property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="[PASSWORD]"
9. Make jar files
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip
Run the following shell scripts on Kubernetes or local. To run on docker, you need the following four steps (If you want to run it on local, go to step 5):
1. Make a docker image and push it to DockerHub (the image should be public)
docker image build -t {docker image name}:{tag} .
docker push {docker image name}
2. Fill your environment information for kubernetes and docker into "kube/sample.yaml"
- {number of replicas}: How many containers do you want to run on a node
- {docker image name}: your docker container name in DockerHub
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: test-break
app: test-break
replicas: **{number of replicas}**
name: test-break
app: test-break
- name: test-break
image: **{docker image name}**
imagePullPolicy: Always
- "sh"
- "-c"
- "cd /usr/work/ \
&& sh scripts/sh/**{shell script file name}**.sh"
3. Create the following two files and copy-paste the contents of sample file.
4. Replace {shell script file name} with the name of the yaml file.
For example,
- run_both.yaml: sh scripts/sh/run_both.sh
- analyze.yaml : sh scripts/sh/analyze.sh
5. Run Programs
5.1. Execute init.sh to add commits and refactorings data to database and select a number from the list of projects shown in your console.
sh scripts/sh/init.sh
5.2. Run build and test
- On Kubernetes
kubectl apply -f kube/run_both.yaml
- On local
sh scripts/sh/run_both.sh
5-3. Run impact analysis
- On Kubernetes
kubectl apply -f kube/analyze.yaml
- On local
sh scripts/sh/analyze.sh
5-4. Calculate results for RQ1 and RQ2
sh scripts/sh/test-breaks.sh
sh scripts/sh/modified-lines.sh
5-5. You can download the results in csv file from database These result will be shown in ./outputs/{project name}.csv
sh scripts/sh/get-results.sh