This is another library compilation / distribution template. It works in command line, all is require is bash and maven (and a JDK obviously), so it works directly on OSX and Linux. You can get command line tools for Windows with the Cygwin project.
You can also import in Netbeans, and possible Eclipse, or any other IDE that can read Maven projects.
You can either clone the reposity or download the latest archive in the Release section.
The example comes with an example source file, so it should work out of the box. To compile you need : Maven, a JDK (Java Development Kit) that's it !
Go to the library folder (cloned or unzipped). To compile, use the script, or just type
mvn install
mvn javadoc:javadoc
You must edit your library information in the pom.xml and files.
At least you must set the name of the library, and you should also set groupID and artifactID in the pom following the Maven rules.
The library is for Processing 3.0b4, and it will follow the latest version of Processing. To create libraries for Processing 2.2.1 (stable) go in pom.xml and replace
Use the deployment script :
You will obtain a file name LibraryName.tgz that can be shared to the community.