Reversi ⚫️⚪️ is an A/B testing framework written in Swift.
Read more about the motivation on my blog.
- Why Reversi?
- How does it work?
- Usage
- Installation
- Example
- Installation
- State of the project
- Contributing
- Feature flags and A/B testing tools are designed for Product Marketers and Managers and forgot to be developer friendly. Adding A/B testing or feature flag should be as easy as setting up any properties.
- Choose your service, keep your data. Reversi doesn't handle data, it should be designed to work with bundled file as well as remote services. You'll only inject your configuration at launch, Reversi will handle when to run UI variations.
Apptimize before Reversi
if (Apptimize.isFeatureFlagOn("new_feature_flag_variable")) {
// ON
} else {
// OFF
Apptimize with Reversi
myObject.addFeatureFlag("new_feature_flag_variable") { object in
Read more about how to implement Reversi for Apptimze
Firebase before Reversi
var welcomeMessage = remoteConfig[welcomeMessageConfigKey].stringValue
Firebase with Reversi
var welcomeMessage = "Welcome"
welcomeMessage.addVariation(welcomeMessageConfigKey, for: String.self) { welcomeMessage, newText in
welcomeMessage = newText
Read more about how to implement Reversi for Firebase
Optimizely before Reversi
// Activate an A/B test
let variation = client?.activate("app_redesign", userId:"12122")
if (variation?.variationKey == "control") {
// Execute code for "control" variation
} else if (variation?.variationKey == "treatment") {
// Execute code for "treatment" variation
} else {
// Execute code for users who don't qualify for the experiment
Optimizely with Reversi
// Activate an A/B test
.addVariation("app_redesign", for: Void.self, options: ["variable_key": "control"]) { myObject, _ in
.addVariation("app_redesign", for: Void.self, options: ["variable_key": "treatment"]) { myObject, _ in
Read more about how to implement Reversi for Optimizely
Reversi includes variations and will execute only the one included in the running experiments. The key designed the unique identifier to that experiment.
// feed your configuration to the service from local json or remote service
ReversiService.shared.configure(with: configuration)
label.text = "Hello World"
label.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 15)
label.textColor = .darkGray
// block will be executed only if "text_variation" experiment is up and running
label.addVariation("text_variation", for: String.self) { label, value in
label.text = value // "Hello Variation World"
There is no limit to the number of variations and their access
label.addVariation("text_variation", for: String.self) { label, value in
label.text = variationText
.addFeatureFlag("font_variation") { label in
label.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14)
// button color
button.addFeatureFlag("button_variation") { button in
button.backgroundColor = .orange
// combined elements
self.addFeatureFlag("combined_variation") { viewController in
viewController.label.textColor = .lightGray
viewController.button.setTitleColor(.lightGray, for: .normal)
Since each experiment directly affects UI elements, variations are only executed on main thread.
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.1.0")
Reversi is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Reversi'
Reversi is also available through Carthage.
github 'popei69/Reversi' ~> 1.0
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- Create a configuration file for bundled experiments
- Ability to support variation in value: Void, Bool, Int, String.
- Ability to support remote configuration: Apptimize, Firebase, Optimizely.
- Unit tests for stability.
- Ability to support amount of users affected per experiment
Contact me on Twitter
This project is still exploratory. I'm happy for anybody to create an issue for suggestions and improvements.
Reversi is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.