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Releases: pommicket/ted

ted v. 2.2

24 Mar 00:55
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for a while now, i've had to switch back to vim every once in a while because of its very good macro support. well now ted has macros!
other than that, in this release:

  • typing text now scrolls to the cursor (i think this was broken in a recent release but it's fixed now)
  • glsl is highlighted correctly again (it was being highlighted as html due to a typo)
  • :increment-number/:decrement-number (default: Ctrl+0 / Ctrl+9) to change numbers — useful with macros!
  • :previous-position no longer crashes when no buffer is active
  • jumping-to-build-errors (Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+]) now includes rust cross-file references (e.g. :::
  • arguments to commands can now be bigger than 262 — you can go all the way from −263 to 263 now! i dont know why you would, but you can!

ted v. 2.1

08 Mar 00:09
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this release has a bunch of "things i;ve been meaning to get around to"

  • themes
  • better interaction between path-specific and language-specific settings
  • better handling of backspace/delete with indent-with-spaces = yes
  • CSS syntax highlighting
  • :previous-position command (default key binding: ctrl+p) to return to the previous cursor position
  • ctrl+scroll to adjust text size
  • you can now control how ctrl+/ makes comments by setting comment-start and comment-end in ted.cfg
  • fixed ted.cfg syntax highlighting for multiline " strings
  • ted config files can now %include other files
  • fix bug (only applicable to linux) where file permissions were reset on save (e.g. saving a file with execute permission would make it no longer executable)
  • keys used to show LSP highlight/hover information is now configurable
  • different colors for "read" and "write" LSP highlights
  • if regenerate-tags-if-not-found = yes, tags are now also regenerated when there are no completion results

ted v. 2.0

13 Jan 04:31
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this is the biggest ted release since 1.0!
here's what's new in ted v. 2.0:

  • it took over a month but ted now has support for LSP servers! (autocomplete, go-to-definition/declaration/type-definition, signature help, hover, highlight, references)
  • autocomplete for tags is also better now! it looks nicer too!
  • "phantom" completions
  • go-to-error will now strip ../ from file names in build errors if it can't find the file (e.g. ha! this problem was easy to fix for me!! i only needed to make a whole text editor...)
  • syntax highlighting for GLSL, XML, JSON, and TypeScript — if you are upgrading from an earlier version of ted, you will probably need to remove the [extensions] section from your local ted.cfg or copy it from the global /usr/share/ted/ted.cfg to get GLSL/XML highlighting to work since your [extensions] section probably includes C = ..., .glsl, ... which overrides the GLSL = .glsl setting (i now see that it was a mistake to do that)
  • framerate-cap setting (you can now run ted at >60FPS if you want)
  • build-command setting for overriding ted's inferred build command if you have Cargo.toml/Makefile/etc.
  • :go-to-definition-at-cursor command
  • :up-blank-line and :down-blank-line commands for moving up/down to previous/next blank line. these are now the default for Ctrl+up/Ctrl+down but you will need to remove the Ctrl+Up = 10 :up etc. from your local ted.cfg if you are upgrading from an older version of ted
  • ted now fixes problems with orphaned nodes (buffers which are open but you can't see them). i'm still not sure what was causing that problem and i can't reproduce it but it should at least be less annoying now if it does happen.
  • switched from scancodes to keycodes for keyboard commands (i realized that almost all applications use keycodes). if you are using a non-QWERTY keyboard layout you might have to rejig your keyboard shortcuts. i'm sorry i should have used keycodes from the beginning.
  • tags files with escaped slashes are now handled correctly (this used to cause some "tag not found" errors)
  • if the command-line argument to ted doesn't exist, it now creates a buffer with that path instead of an untitled buffer
  • matching < and > are now highlighted in HTML and XML
  • ted.cfg strings can now be delimited with `
  • fixed highlighting of # in multiline strings in ted.cfg
  • ted now first writes to <path>.ted-tmp then renames to <path> when saving files so that you don't lose all the file contents if the power goes out mid-write or something
  • build commands with non-ASCII characters should now be supported on windows
  • there is now a "Text" language so you can write settings which should be applied when no programming language is active

ted v. 1.3 revision 2

08 Dec 01:40
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  • turns out glFinish() busy loops on some devices. that's gone now. i dont even remember why i called it.
  • switched to // for C comments. if you are a c89 evangelist or something, too bad.

ted v. 1.3 revision 1

04 Nov 21:16
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  • fixed rust/python syntax highlighting of certain keywords

ted v. 1.3

04 Nov 01:06
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a bunch of cool stuff in this release!

new features:

  • path-specific settings e.g. [/my/special/project//core] or [C:\Users\Me\Documents//Javascript.keyboard]
  • custom background shader!! see ted.cfg for an example
  • :insert-text command, multi-line strings in ted.cfg

small fixes:

  • fixed rust char literal highlighting
  • byte literals + byte string literals in rust have better highlighting
  • in rust, .into() no longer highlights the "." as a number
  • byte/raw/f strings in python have better highlighting

ted v. 1.2 revision 2

30 Sep 23:35
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new improvements and bugfixes:

  • fixed go-to-error when running build command not in current directory
  • shift+pageup/pagedown (:select-page-up, :select-page-down)
  • .rs, .go files are now scanned for ctags
  • rust raw identifiers (e.g. r#if) are now highlighted correctly
  • rust attributes (e.g. #[repr(C)]) are now highlighted

ted v. 1.2 revision 1

19 Aug 21:46
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  • Fixed a very major bug: ted no longer crashes shortly after pressing the mouse X1/X2 buttons.
  • Also, you can now create commands for mouse X1/X2.
  • The event queue is now cleared at startup because ted was getting events meant for the WM on my computer.

ted v. 1.2

29 Jul 21:08
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Lots of bug fixes including:

  • non-ASCII paths now work on Windows
  • ctrl+q no longer behaves weirdly if pressed twice when there are unsaved changes
  • ctrl+/ (comment selection) now works in Go
  • extremely long lines and lines containing certain unicode characters (e.g. zero-width space) don't mess up the cursor position anymore
  • javascript regex literals are now highlighted
  • other small syntax highlighting fixes

Also new features:

  • you can now set settings for individual languages, e.g. [HTML.core], [Java.keyboard]
  • indent-with-spaces option
  • config is now automatically reloaded when saved

ted v. 1.1

22 Jul 19:18
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  • syntax highlighting for JavaScript, Java, and Go
  • :goto-line (ctrl+g) now clamps line numbers <1 and >nlines instead of rejecting them
  • fixed syntax highlighting right after :save-as
  • other minor bugfixes