Extremely flexible tool for managing groups of docker containers.
- Provides commands which operate on collection of containers.
- Uses predefined description of containers from readable configuration file.
- Can use any
docker run
option that is provided by your docker version. - The order of starting containers is defined in configuration file.
- The order of stopping containers is the reverse of the order of starting.
- Easy to install, it's just bash script. It doesn't require any execution environment or other libraries.
- Allows to use bash functions (or external scripts) as hooks for many crowdr commands.
Become root (for example with sudo -i
) and execute:
# curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/polonskiy/crowdr/master/crowdr > /usr/local/bin/crowdr
# curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/polonskiy/crowdr/master/completion > /etc/bash_completion.d/crowdr
Yes, that's all. No need for additional libraries or execution environments.
The following example runs simple but complete Wordpress installation on Docker which contains:
- user defined network
used by all containers, - container for Wordpress MySQL database
, - named volume
for Wordpress database data, - container for Apache server which runs Wordpress web application
, - named volume
for Wordpress html data.
It uses only official docker containers, so it can be used easily to play with crowdr.
Create empty directory and cd into it.
file (crowdr configuration file) with following content.
wordpress_db_host=$(crowdr_fullname wordpress-db)
# Wordpress MySQL database.
wordpress-db image mysql:5.7.10
wordpress-db before.run create_network
wordpress-db net ${net_name}
wordpress-db volume $(crowdr_fullname wordpress-db):/var/lib/mysql
wordpress-db env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${mysql_root_password}
wordpress-db env MYSQL_DATABASE=${wordpress_db_name}
wordpress-db env MYSQL_USER=${wordpress_db_user}
wordpress-db env MYSQL_PASSWORD=${wordpress_db_password}
# Wordpress web application on Apache webserver.
wordpress-web image wordpress:4.3.1
wordpress-web net ${net_name}
wordpress-web volume $(crowdr_fullname wordpress-web):/var/www/html
wordpress-web env WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=${wordpress_db_host}
wordpress-web env WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=${wordpress_db_name}
wordpress-web env WORDPRESS_DB_USER=${wordpress_db_user}
wordpress-web env WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=${wordpress_db_password}
wordpress-web publish ${wordpress_port}:80
create_network() {
docker network create ${net_name} &> /dev/null
NOTE: Please replace the passwords with stronger ones if you are going to use this example for something more serious than exploration of crowdr capabilities.
The format of configuration file is explained in Configuration section.
Create and start all containers with
crowdr run
. -
Open your browser and go to localhost:8080 to check if it works.
Stop containers with
crowdr stop
. -
Start containers again with
crowdr start
. -
Check other commands.
If you want to remove this example entirely from your host OS, execute:
crowdr stop
- to stop all containers used in this examplecrowdr rm
- to remove all containers used in this examplecrowdr rmi
- to remove all images used by this exampledocker volume rm example01-wordpress-db
- to remove named volume with database datadocker volume rm example01-wordpress-web
- to remove named volume with Wordpress html datadocker network rm example01
- to remove user defined network
Crowdr configuration file is bash script. Crowdr require to provide three variables:
- name which is typically used as prefix for name of every container -
- printf format used to combine ${crowdr_project} and container name from ${crowdr_config} into final name of container -
- configuration of containers
The crowdr_config
value is multi-line string. Blank lines and lines starting with #
are ignored. Every other lines should have following format:
container_name option_name option_value
is arbitrary name of containerNote that final name of container is determined by crowdr using
as combination of container name and value ofcrowdr_project
. -
is name of crowdr option or run option.Values of options
are crowdr option used by various crowdr commands. All other values are run options, they are not interpreted in any way but are blindly passed todocker run
. Please consult the Docker run reference to know what can be used as run option. -
is the value of option
As an example consider following crowdr configuration:
postgresql image postgres:9.4.5
postgresql env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret-pass
postgresql volume $(crowdr_fullname postgresql-data):/var/lib/postgresql/data
After executing crowdr run
the following command will be run:
docker run -td \
--name example02-postgresql \
--env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secretpass \
--volume postgresql-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
- If
variable was exported before running crowdr then the value of this variable will be used as filename of crowdr configuration. - Otherwise if the current directory contains
folder then.crowdr/config.sh
is used as configuration file. - Otherwise
from current directory is used.
Path to a directory containing a Dockerfile. This path is used during execution of
crowdr build
. -
This is image name crowdr use to create container. If it is not provided then container name is used as image name.
Value of this option overrides CMD from Dockerfile/image.
(container hooks)Name of hook bash function runned before/after execution of specified command for given container. Container hooks can be used for following crowdr commands: run, build, start, stop, kill, rm and rmi.
In the below example, after starting redis container, crowdr waits for opening 6379 port.
#!/bin/bash crowdr_project="example03" crowdr_name_format="%s_%s" redis image redis:3.0.6 redis after.start wait_port redis 6379 wait_port() { ip=$(docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' $(crowdr_fullname $1)) echo "Waiting for $1" while ! nc -q 1 $ip $2 </dev/null &>/dev/null; do echo -n . sleep 1; done echo }
The commands operates only on containers and images specified in configuration.
crowdr run
Creates and starts all containers. They are started in the order specified in configuration file.
NOTE: If any of the containers already exist then they are removed with --force option.
crowdr start
Starts all containers. They are started in the order specified in configuration file.
crowdr stop
Stops all containers. They are stopped in the order reversed to specified in configuration file. Command supports docker options, e.g.:
crowdr stop --time=5
). -
crowdr restart
crowdr stop
and thencrowdr start
. -
crowdr ps
Shows running containers (supports docker options, e.g.:
crowdr ps -a -q
). -
crowdr ip
Shows IP addresses of running containers.
crowdr stats
Shows stats (supports docker options, e.g.:
crowdr stats --no-stream
). -
crowdr shell foo
Starts bash shell inside
container. -
crowdr build
- builds all imagesBuilds all containers which have specified dockerfile path with
crowdr option. -
crowdr kill
Kills all containers (supports docker options, e.g.:
crowdr kill --signal="KILL"
) -
crowdr rm
Removes all containers (supports docker options, e.g.:
crowdr rm -f
). -
crowdr rmi
Removes all not used images (supports docker options, e.g.:
crowdr rmi -f
). -
crowdr exec foo ls
container. -
echo 111 | crowdr pipe foo tr 1 2
Pipe data to
tr 1 2
command insidefoo
container -
crowdr version
Prints current crowdr version.
To enable debug mode set
variable.CROWDR_TRACE=1 crowdr run |& lessTo review planned commands without executing them set
variable.CROWDR_DRY=1 crowdr |& less
Every crowdr command can be extended.
Lets say you want to pull in some Dockerfiles from remote repositories before running crowdr build
$ mkdir .crowdr/hooks
$ echo 'echo pulling repos' > .crowdr/hooks/before.build
$ echo 'git clone http://github.com/someuser/docker.redis' >> .crowdr/hooks/before.build
$ echo 'git clone http://github.com/someuser/docker.proxy' >> .crowdr/hooks/before.build
$ chmod 755 .crowdr/hooks/*
$ crowdr build
pulling repos
Crowdr detects both before.*
and after.*
hooks of each crowdr command.
Crowdr supports also hooks executed only for specified containers. See before.*
and after.*
in crowdr options.