Here you can find lists of stations in Berlin which are operated by Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) or S-Bahn Berlin GmbH. The files are in JSON format.
In these file are all stations operated by BVG (Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe) or S-Bahn Berlin GmbH.
"900000100003", // 12 digit VBB id
"S+U Alexanderplatz Bhf (Berlin)", // name of the station
["1", "796"] // array with id's of the operators (agency_id)
The agency's are:
id: '796',
name: 'Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe',
url: '',
timezone: 'Europe/Berlin',
language: 'de',
phone: null
id: '1',
name: 'S-Bahn Berlin GmbH',
url: '',
timezone: 'Europe/Berlin',
language: 'de',
phone: null
"009023302", // 9 digit VBB id
"U Adenauerplatz (Berlin)", // name of the station
"Adenauerplatz" // clean name of the station
like operated-by-bvg.json
Name | opens |
Museumsinsel | expected 2019 |
Rotes Rathaus | expected 2019 |
Unter den Linden | expected 2019 |
Name | opens |
Flughafen Berlin-Brandenburg | ๐ |
Perleberger Brรผcke | ? |
Waรmannsdorf | ? |
If you find an error feel free to create a pull request.
- Wikipedia/Liste der Berliner U-Bahnhรถfe
- Wikipedia/Liste der Stationen der S-Bahn Berlin
- VBB-Fahrplandaten (GTFS-Format)