An ursina-inspired 2d framework for the web/mobile.
Sunsnake is a Python inspired language for the web.
- Runs in the browser.
- Transpiles into JavaScript.
- Indentation significant, no more {}-brackets :)
- Significantly faster than Python.
- Supports macros.
If you don't want to use Sunsnake, you can still use Taptapir with JavaScript.
Make a folder for your project
Clone Taptapir
git clone --depth=1
- Make a .html file like this:
<script src="/taptapir/taptapir.js"></script>
<script type="text/sunsnake">
# code here
</script><script src="/taptapir/sunsnake_compiler.js"></script></html>
- Open the file in a browser.
<script src="../../taptapir.js"></script>
<script type="text/sunsnake">
score = 0
text = Text(text='00', text_origin=[0,0], scale=1, y=.2, text_size=8)
b = Button(text='Click me!', color=hsv(160,1,.6), scale=[.3,.15], text_color=color.white)
b.on_click = def():
score += 1
text.text = `${score}`
b.scale = [e*1.25 for e in [.3,.15]]
b.animate('scale_x', .3, duration=.1)
b.animate('scale_y', .15, duration=.1)
</script><script src="../../sunsnake_compiler.js"></script></html>
Try here: