A python command line tool to inspect "Synsets" in meta.mat of ILSVRC2012's devkit
Download ILSVRC2012_devkit_t12.tar.gz from http://www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2012/nonpub-downloads. Extract meta.mat and put it in the same folder as pySynsets.py
pySynsets.py -h
usage: pySynsets.py [-h]
(-verbose | -table | -showField SHOWFIELD | -expand EXPAND)
[-ILSVRC2012_ID ILSVRC2012_ID] [-WNID WNID] [-words WORDS]
[-gloss GLOSS] [-listChildren]
A tool to inspect Synsets of ILSVRC2012
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-verbose display everything
-table display in a table
-showField SHOWFIELD display selected field only
-expand EXPAND expand children (display selected field only)
'ILSVRC2012_ID' is an integer ID assigned to each
synset. All the low level synsets are assigned to an
ID between 1 and 1000. All the high level synsets have
ID higher than 1000.
-WNID WNID WNID' is the WordNet ID of a synset. It is used to
uniquely identify a synset in ImageNet or WordNet. The
tar files for training images are named using WNID.
Also it is used in naming individual training images.
-words WORDS Search given text in 'words'
-gloss GLOSS Search given text in 'gloss'
-listChildren list children instead the item
- List all items that cantain string "cat" in field "words" in a table
pySynsets.py -words cat -table
- Get verbose information about WNID "n02509815"
pySynsets.py -WNID n02509815 -verbose
- Expand WNID 'n02121620' (cat) into a hierarchy tree
pySynsets.py -WNID n02121620 -expand words
- List childern of WNID 'n02121620' (cat) in table
pySynsets.py -WNID n02121620 -listChildren -table