This is ROS workspace running on docker ros:ros-noetic-core image for raspberry pi zero 2W communicate with Flight controller using Multiwii Serial Protocal How to use: This package has been catkin_make_isolated already, but to use it, you need to follow these steps
- download the package to PC that has VScode
- replace all files that contain the old folder /pi_multiwii_ws with the correct folder pi_multiwii_ws on the machine that you going to run.
- download the changed pi_multiwii_ws that you have changed to the machine you want to run
- sudo apt install -y --no-install-recommends ninja-build libasio-dev
- sudo apt install ros-noetic-mavros* -y
- source setup.bash
How to build: For rebuild on raspberry pi zero 2W
- clone this package to raspberry pi zero 2W ros container
- source
- sudo apt install -y --no-install-recommends ninja-build libasio-dev
- cd pi_multiwii_ws
- catkin_make_isolated