PNXTech Game Engine
Built on top of PixiJS 4.8.5
Also uses the Howler sound engine:
Use Audio sprites:
First install ffmpeg:
$ brew install ffmpeg --with-theora --with-libvorbis
Note: brew install step seems to take a while to install...
Then install audiosprite:
$ npm install -g audiosprite
Build sounds in static folder using:
$ audiosprite --output sounds *.wav
AudioSprites talk
Then define auduio sprites using:
- Texture format: PNG-8 (indexed)
- Pixel format: RGBA8888
- Dithering: PngQuant Low
- Algorithm: Basic
- Max size 2048
- Trim mode: none
- Export format: Sparrow / Starling
After publishing font files, load the .png file into Photoshop and export it as an 8bit file. That will create a PNG color index which will reduce the png file by over half of its original size.
Tiling background support:
"type": "tile",
"name": "background",
"file": "tile01.jpg",
"flip": true,
"tint4": "0x808080",
"tint3": "0xE0E0E0",
"tint2": "0xC0C0C0",
"tint1": "0xB0B0B0",
"tint0": "0xA0A0A0",
"tint": "0xE8E8E8"
XML and JSON files are minified using the included script which is utlized by npm package.json file.
Requires these tools:
$ npm install -g muxml-cli