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refactor(vanilla, react): change exported functions to 'function declarations' and non-exported ones to 'arrow functions' #3314

refactor(vanilla, react): change exported functions to 'function declarations' and non-exported ones to 'arrow functions'

refactor(vanilla, react): change exported functions to 'function declarations' and non-exported ones to 'arrow functions' #3314

name: Test Old TypeScript
branches: [main]
types: [opened, synchronize]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
- 5.7.3
- 5.6.3
- 5.5.4
- 5.4.5
- 5.3.3
- 5.2.2
- 5.1.6
- 5.0.4
- 4.9.5
- 4.8.4
- 4.7.4
- 4.6.4
- 4.5.5
- 4.4.4
- 4.3.5
- 4.2.3
- 4.1.5
- 4.0.5
- 3.9.7
- 3.8.3
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: pnpm/action-setup@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 'lts/*'
cache: 'pnpm'
- run: pnpm install
- run: pnpm run build
- name: Patch for all TS
run: |
sed -i~ 's/"isolatedDeclarations": true,//' tsconfig.json
- name: Patch for v4/v3 TS
if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.typescript, '4.') || startsWith(matrix.typescript, '3.') }}
run: |
sed -i~ 's/"verbatimModuleSyntax": true,//' tsconfig.json
- name: Patch for Newer TS
if: ${{ matrix.typescript == '4.9.5' || matrix.typescript == '4.8.4' }}
run: |
sed -i~ 's/"moduleResolution": "bundler",/"moduleResolution": "node",/' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"allowImportingTsExtensions": true,//' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"jotai": \["\.\/src\/index\.ts"\],/"jotai": [".\/dist\/index.d.ts"],/' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"jotai\/\*": \["\.\/src\/\*\.ts"\]/"jotai\/*": [".\/dist\/*.d.ts"]/' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"include": .*/"include": ["src\/types.d.ts", "dist\/**\/*", "tests\/**\/*"],/' tsconfig.json
- name: Patch for Old TS
if: ${{ matrix.typescript == '4.7.4' || matrix.typescript == '4.6.4' || matrix.typescript == '4.5.5' || matrix.typescript == '4.4.4' || matrix.typescript == '4.3.5' || matrix.typescript == '4.2.3' || matrix.typescript == '4.1.5' || matrix.typescript == '4.0.5' || startsWith(matrix.typescript, '3.') }}
run: |
sed -i~ 's/\/\/ @ts-expect-error.*\[LATEST-TS-ONLY\]//' tests/*/*.tsx tests/*/*/*.tsx
sed -i~ 's/"target":/"skipLibCheck":true,"target":/' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"exactOptionalPropertyTypes": true,//' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"moduleResolution": "bundler",/"moduleResolution": "node",/' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"allowImportingTsExtensions": true,//' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"jotai": \["\.\/src\/index\.ts"\],/"jotai": [".\/dist\/ts3.8\/index.d.ts"],/' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"jotai\/\*": \["\.\/src\/\*\.ts"\]/"jotai\/*": [".\/dist\/ts3.8\/*.d.ts"]/' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"include": .*/"include": ["src\/types.d.ts", "dist\/**\/*", "tests\/**\/*"],/' tsconfig.json
pnpm add -D @testing-library/[email protected] @types/[email protected]
- name: Patch for Older TS
if: ${{ matrix.typescript == '4.2.3' || matrix.typescript == '4.1.5' || matrix.typescript == '4.0.5' || startsWith(matrix.typescript, '3.') }}
run: |
sed -i~ 's/import\.meta\.env/(import.meta.env as any)/' tests/*/*.tsx tests/*/*/*.tsx
sed -i~ '1s/^/\/\/\/ <reference types="react\/experimental" \/>\nimport React from "react";/' tests/*/*.tsx tests/*/*/*.tsx
sed -i~ 's/"jsx": "react-jsx",/"jsx": "react",/' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/"noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true,//' tsconfig.json
sed -i~ 's/^import type /import /' tests/*/*.tsx tests/*/*/*.tsx
pnpm json -I -f package.json -e "this.resolutions={}; this.resolutions['@types/prettier']='2.4.2'; this.resolutions['@types/node']='18.11.18'; this.resolutions['@types/react']='18.2.56';"
pnpm add -D @types/[email protected] @types/[email protected] @types/[email protected] @types/[email protected] @types/[email protected]
rm -r tests/react/vanilla-utils/atomWithObservable.*
- name: Install old TypeScript
run: pnpm add -D typescript@${{ matrix.typescript }}
- name: Patch testing setup for Old TS
if: ${{ matrix.typescript == '4.4.4' || matrix.typescript == '4.3.5' || matrix.typescript == '4.2.3' || matrix.typescript == '4.1.5' || matrix.typescript == '4.0.5' || startsWith(matrix.typescript, '3.') }}
run: |
pnpm add -D [email protected] @vitest/[email protected] @vitest/[email protected]
pnpm add -D @testing-library/jest-dom@5 @types/testing-library__jest-dom@5
pnpm add -D @types/[email protected]
sed -i~ 's/"@testing-library\/jest-dom"/"@types\/testing-library__jest-dom"/' tsconfig.json
- name: Patch testing setup for older TS
if: ${{ matrix.typescript == '4.0.5' || startsWith(matrix.typescript, '3.') }}
run: |
pnpm add -D @testing-library/[email protected] @testing-library/[email protected] @types/[email protected]
rm node_modules/vitest/dist/*.d.ts
echo "declare module 'vitest'" >> ./src/types.d.ts
- name: Test ${{ matrix.typescript }}
run: |
rm -r node_modules/@types/babel__core/node_modules
sed -i~ 's/">=4.2": {/">=4.1": {/' node_modules/rxjs/package.json
pnpm run test:types