This tool is meant to facilitate working with OpenShift templates.
Initially, the tool is able to combine multiple templates into a single unified template.
It can be used in a workflow in which you maintain several small templates for individual components and then automatically generate an all-in-one template to describe a more complex application.
It can also be used as a way to pretty-print templates in a given API version.
See the next sections for details on how to build, test and use the tool.
You will need Go 1.5 or later. If using Go 1.5, set the environment variable
. Later versions don't need that environment variable
and have vendoring support enabled by default.
go get
Clone this project into a path defined in your GOPATH
environment variable.
From the project root where this
is located, build using the
standard go
cd $GOPATH/src/
go install
Run tests using the standard go
go test ./template/
It's suggested to add $GOPATH/bin
to your PATH
environment variable, to make
it easier to call the tool by it's name.
That can be accomplished by adding this to your ~/.bashrc
# Include every ./bin directory from GOPATHs into PATH
export PATH=${GOPATH//://bin:}/bin:$PATH
Then, the tool is available as a regular command:
openshift-template-tool --help
openshift-template-tool merge base-template.json \
component-1.json \
component-2.json \
... \
> merged-template.json
The output of openshift-template-tool merge
is a template object that inherits
the metadata from the base template, the first command line argument. The lists
of objects and parameters from each of the subsequent templates are appended to
that of the base template and duplicates are removed.
To ensure the tool can still be built, all tests pass and Go files are properly formatted, run this command:
- Modify VERSION file and commit all changes
git commit -a -m"Version bump"
git push upstream master
- Execute build script
- Create release in github and attach executables from dist folder.
This tool depends heavily on openshift/origin. Origin itself depends on several other packages. Some of those packages have patches that don't exist upstream, code that lives only vendored within the Origin code base.
None of the more popular vendoring tools in the Go ecosystem can handle re-vendoring the packages vendored in Origin. We tried using godep and glide, solved error after error, but arrived at no satisfying result.
In essence, what we need is a way to copy all transitive dependencies into a
subdirectory. With that in mind, we have a script to automate the
To update the vendored dependencies:
- Start from a clean state. Use
git status
to ensure you have a clean working tree. - If you want to base the dependencies on a different version of Origin, edit
script and set the value ofORIGIN_TAG
to point to the appropriate tag/branch/commit. - Run
. - Use
git status
to verify what changes were made. - Make sure you can still build the code with
go install
. - Once you are happy with the changes, run
git add scripts/copy-dependencies vendor
to add the changes to the index, thengit commit
The OpenShift template tool is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.