Simple functions to compute 1D-Ferris equations from sinusoidal periodic signal propagation in a porous medium.
To install the current version:
git clone
cd hdtsa
Make sure to install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
As a test, you can run the provided
python [-s]
Conceptually, a tidal signal is defined by a periodic signal that propagates in a relatively homogeneous medium : the seawater. Reaching the costline (M) the tidal signal continues to spread in the coastal aquifer. Nevertheless, the costal aquifer is a more complex medium that contains 2 phasis: solid (rock) and liquid/fluide (water).
Therefore, the signal will be affected by 2 phenomenons:
- Attenuation
$\alpha$ - Phase shift
By extracting the sea levels at the costline (M) thank's to tide gauges records and analyzing the water table records of a given observation well (P) x
meters away from the costline during the same time window, it is possible to access the values of the attenuation and phase shift:
Parameter | Variable | Unit | Method | Equation |
Attenuation | [-] | Quadratic Norms Ratio | ||
Phase shift | [T] | Peak matching |
Finally, the 1D propagation equation of a sinusoidal periodic signal in porous media proposed by Ferris,1952 links the calculated
# ---- Import modules
import numpy as np
from ferris import attenuation2hd, shift2hd
# ---- Set some observation values
alpha, phi, xc, T = [0.493, 0.333, 371, 1.2e-3]
# ---- Compute hydraulic diffusivities
hd_alpha = attenuation2hd(alpha=alpha, x=xc, T=T)
hd_phi = shift2hd(phi=phi, x=xc, T=T)
# ---- Compute `slope factor` criteria
slope_factor = np.sqrt(hd_alpha/hd_phi)
print(f"Slope factor = {round(slope_factor, 3)}")
Bug reports, code contributions, or improvements to the documentation are welcome from the community.
Feel free to suggest improvements by working with your own fork version of hdtsa
. Go to the project page and hit the Fork button.
You will want to clone your fork to your machine:
git clone <url_hdtsa> <hdtsa-yourname>
cd hdtsa-yourname
- Determining aquifer characteristics by the tidal method.
- Cyclic fluctuations of water level as a basis for determining aquifer transmissibility
- Hydrogéologie des milieux volcaniques insulaires: apports d'une étude intégrée aux îles Galapagos
➡️This project was created to evaluate git
management skills of the owner (@pmatran) by his professor at M2-IASchool (Bordeaux, FRANCE).
➡️However, remember that the provided data are not totally fake and comes from a previous student work proposed by @apryet at ENSEGID school (Bordeaux, FRANCE).