This local plugin defines some external functions and uses these and some core external functions in a webservice for the Support Chat Prototype
(DevCamp @MoodleMootDACH 2024).
plugin to accept data as json (since I did not try the new Moodle 4.5 webservices).- Activate webservices
- Activate restful protocol
- Create user for webservices
- Create role for webservice user and assign this role the cap
- Assign this new role to the webservice user at context level
- Enable the webservice "Support Companion" of this plugin for the created user
- Generate a token for the user
- Use the token in the application to be able to call the externa functions provided by this webservice.
Create a course for a user in a given course category. Required parameters: userid, and course array with fields fullname, shortname, course category id.
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: {token}' \
-d'{"userid":"4", "course": {"fullname": "test course", "shortname": "test course short", "categoryid": "2"}}' \
Make it possible for the application to lookup the userid given the username.
To use this function, add these capabilities to the role webservice user:
- moodle/user:viewdetails
- moodle/user:viewhiddendetails
- moodle/course:useremail
- moodle/user:update
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: {token}' \
-d'{"field": "username", "values": ["<username>"]}' \