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A simulator that provides endpoints to mimic the functionality of Azure Event Grid topics and subscribers and is compatible with the Azure.Messaging.EventGrid client library.


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Azure Event Grid Simulator

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A simulator that provides endpoints to mimic the functionality of Azure Event Grid topics and subscribers and is compatible with the Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid client library. NOTE: Currently only the EventGrid event schema is supported. Support for the CloudEvent schema may be added at a future date.


Topics and their subscribers are configured in the appsettings.json file.

You can add multiple topics. Each topic must have a unique port. Each topic can have multiple subscribers. An example of one topic with one subscriber is shown below.

  "topics": [
      "name": "MyAwesomeTopic",
      "port": 60101,
      "key": "TheLocal+DevelopmentKey=",
      "subscribers": [
          "name": "LocalAzureFunctionSubscription",
          "endpoint": "http://localhost:7071/runtime/webhooks/EventGrid?functionName=PersistEventToDb",
          "disableValidation": true

Topic Settings

  • name: The name of the topic. It can only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.
  • port: The port to use for the topic endpoint. The topic will listen on{port}/.
  • key: The key that will be used to validate the aeg-sas-key or aeg-sas-token header in each request. If this is not supplied then no key validation will take place.
  • subscribers: The subscriptions for this topic.

Subscriber Settings

  • name: The name of the subscriber. It can only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.
  • endpoint: The subscription endpoint url. Events received by topic will be sent to this address.
  • disableValidation:
    • false (the default) subscription validation will be attempted each time the simulator starts.
    • true to disable subscription validation.

App Settings

  • dangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator: Set to true to accept any server certificate. This is useful when testing with self signed certificates.

Subscription Validation

When a subscription is added to Azure Event Grid it first sends a validation event to the subscription endpoint. The validation event contains a validationCode which the subscription endpoint must echo back. If this does not occur then Azure Event Grid will not enable the subscription.

More information about subscription validation can be found at

The Azure Event Grid Simualator will mimick this validation behaviour at start up but it can be disabled using the disableValidation setting (above).

Filtering Events

Event filtering is configurable on each subscriber using the filter model defined here: This page provides a full guide to the configuration options available and all parts of this guide are currently supported. For ease of transition, explicit limitations have also been adhered to. The restrictions mentioned have been further modified ( and these new less restrictive filtering limits have been observed.

Extending the example above to include a basic filter which will only deliver events to the subscription if they are of a specific type is illustrated below.

  "topics": [
      "name": "MyAwesomeTopic",
      "port": 60101,
      "key": "TheLocal+DevelopmentKey=",
      "subscribers": [
          "name": "LocalAzureFunctionSubscription",
          "endpoint": "http://localhost:7071/runtime/webhooks/EventGrid?functionName=PersistEventToDb",
          "filter": {
            "includedEventTypes": ["my.eventType"]

This can be extended to allow subject filtering:

"filter": {
  "subjectBeginsWith": "/blobServices/default/containers/mycontainer/log",
  "subjectEndsWith": ".jpg",
  "isSubjectCaseSensitive": true

or advanced filtering:

"filter": {
  "advancedFilters": [
      "operatorType": "NumberGreaterThanOrEquals",
      "key": "Data.Key1",
      "value": 5
      "operatorType": "StringContains",
      "key": "Subject",
      "values": ["container1", "container2"]

Note: you can also specify the configuration file to use by setting the ConfigFile command line argument, e.g.

AzureEventGridSimulator.exe --ConfigFile=/path/to/config.json


There's a published image available on the ↗ Docker hub called pmcilreavy/azureeventgridsimulator:latest. The image is not configured with any topics or subscribers. The configuration can be passed in via command line environment variables (as below) or via a json file.

Docker Run

Here's an example of running a container based on that image and passing in the configuration via environment variables to create 1 topic with 2 subscribers. In this example the folder C:\src\AzureEventGridSimulator\docker on the host is being shared with the container. Note: see the notes section further below on how to create a certificate file.

docker run `
        --detach `
        --publish 60101:60101 `
        -v C:\src\AzureEventGridSimulator\docker:/aegs `
        -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development `
        -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/aegs/azureEventGridSimulator.pfx `
        -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password=Y0urSup3rCrypt1cPa55w0rd! `
        -e TZ=Australia/Brisbane `
        -e AEGS_Topics__0__name=ExampleTopic `
        -e AEGS_Topics__0__port=60101 `
        -e AEGS_Topics__0__key=TheLocal+DevelopmentKey= `
        -e AEGS_Topics__0__subscribers__0__name=RequestCatcherSubscription `
        -e AEGS_Topics__0__subscribers__0__endpoint= `
        -e AEGS_Topics__0__subscribers__0__disableValidation=true `
        -e AEGS_Topics__0__subscribers__1__name=AzureFunctionSubscription `
        -e AEGS_Topics__0__subscribers__1__endpoint=http://host.docker.internal:7071/runtime/webhooks/EventGrid?functionName=ExampleFunction `
        -e AEGS_Topics__0__subscribers__1__disableValidation=true `
        -e AEGS_Serilog__MinimumLevel__Default=Verbose `

Docker Compose

There is a docker-compose.yml file in the src folder that you can use (or modify) to build your own Docker image.

docker-compose up   --build `
                    --force-recreate `
                    --remove-orphans `

Using the Simulator

Once configured and running, requests are posted to a topic endpoint. The endpoint of a topic will be in the form: https://localhost:<configured-port>/api/events?api-version=2018-01-01.

cURL Example

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "aeg-sas-key: TheLocal+DevelopmentKey=" -X POST "https://localhost:60101/api/events?api-version=2018-01-01" -d @Data.json


    "id": "8727823",
    "subject": "/example/subject",
    "data": {
      "MyProperty": "This is my awesome data!"
    "eventType": "Example.DataType",
    "eventTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "dataVersion": "1"


An example request that you can import into Postman can be found in the AzureEventGridSimulator repo here


var client = new EventGridClient(new TopicCredentials("TheLocal+DevelopmentKey="));
await client.PublishEventsWithHttpMessagesAsync(
    topicHostname: "localhost:60101",
    events: new List<EventGridEvent> { <your event> });



Azure Event Grid only accepts connections over https and so the simulator only supports https too.

The simulator will attempt to use the dotnet development certificate to secure each topic port. You can ensure that this certificate is installed and trusted by running the following command.

dotnet dev-certs https --trust

You can also generate a certificate file (suitable for using with a Docker container) like so.

dotnet dev-certs https --export-path ./docker/azureEventGridSimulator.pfx --password Y0urSup3rCrypt1cPa55w0rd!


A topic can have 0 to n subscribers. When a request is received for a topic, the events will be forwarded to each of the subscribers with the addition of an aeg-event-type: Notification header. If the message contains multiple events, they will be sent to each subscriber one at a time inline with the Azure Event Grid behaviour. "Event Grid sends the events to subscribers in an array that has a single event. This behavior may change in the future."

Key Validation

The simulator supports both: aeg-sas-key or aeg-sas-token request headers. Using aeg-sas-key is the simplest way. Just set the value of the aeg-sas-key to the same key value configured for the topic. Using an aeg-sas-token is more secure as the key is hashed but it's a bit trickier to set up. More information on sas token can be found here

If the incoming request contains either an aeg-sas-token or an aeg-sas-key header and there is a Key configured for the topic then the simulator will validate the key and reject the request if the value in the header is not valid. If you want to skip the validation then set the Key to null in appsettings.json.

Size Validation

Azure Event Grid imposes certain size limits to the overall message body and to the each individual event. The overall message body must be <= 1Mb and each individual event must be <= 64Kb. These are the advertised size limits. My testing has shown that the actual limits are 1.5Mb and 65Kb.

Message Validation

Ensures that the properties of each event meets the minimum requirements.

Field Description
Id Must be a string. Not null or whitespace.
Subject Must be a string. Not null or whitespace.
EventType Must be a string. Not null or whitespace.
EventTime Must be a valid date/time.
MetadataVersion Must be null or 1.
Topic Leave null or empty. Event Grid will populate this field.
DataVersion Optional. e.g. 1.
Data Optional. Any custom object.


There are a couple of similar projects out there. What I found though is that they don't adequately simulate an actual Event Grid Topic endpoint.

Azure Event Grid only excepts connections over https and the Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid client only sends requests over https. If you're posting events to an Event Grid topic using custom code then maybe this isn't an issue. If you are using the client library though then any test endpoint must be https.

Typically an event grid topic endpoint url is like so: Note that all the information needed to post to a topic is contained in the host part. The Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid client will essentially reduce the url you give it down to just the host part and prefix it with https (regardless of the original scheme).

It posts the payload to https://host:port and drops the query uri. All of the existing simulator/ emulator projects I found don't support https and use a the query uri to distinguish between the topics. This isn't compatible with the Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid client.

Future Development

Some features that could be added if there was a need for them: -


A simulator that provides endpoints to mimic the functionality of Azure Event Grid topics and subscribers and is compatible with the Azure.Messaging.EventGrid client library.







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