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introduce polymorphic schemas
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frenchy64 committed Aug 13, 2022
1 parent e242dc7 commit 918e2d9
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Showing 6 changed files with 398 additions and 30 deletions.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -290,6 +290,41 @@ You can also write sequence schemas that expect particular values in specific po
;; (not (instance? java.lang.Number "4"))]

### Polymorphic schemas

Macros such as `s/defn` can define functions with polymorphic schemas. At runtime, they will be checked
by expanding polymorphic variables to their most general values. For example, at runtime `identity-mono`
and `identity-poly` are instrumented in the same way:

(s/defn identity-mono :- s/Any
[x :- s/Any]

(s/defn :all [T]
identity-poly :- T
[x :- T]

The actual value chosen as the "most general" depends on the schema variables kind and should not be
relied on. In the future, schema variables may be instantiated with other values.

Dotted variables have an internal "most general" value which represents a homogeneous sequence of
generalized templates (ie., generalizing variables to the left of the `:..`).
The following two functions are instrumented in the same way.

(s/defn :all [T :..]
rest-args-poly :- T
[& xs :- {:a T} :.. T]

(s/defn rest-args-mono :- s/Any
[& xs :- [{:a s/Any}]]

### Other schema types

[`schema.core`]( provides many more utilities for building schemas, including `maybe`, `eq`, `enum`, `pred`, `conditional`, `cond-pre`, `constrained`, and more. Here are a few of our favorites:
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141 changes: 122 additions & 19 deletions src/clj/schema/macros.clj
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(defn extract-arrow-schematized-element
"Take a nonempty seq, which may start like [a ...] or [a :- schema ...], and return
a list of [first-element-with-schema-attached rest-elements]"
[env s]
(assert (seq s))
(let [[f & more] s]
(if (= :- (first more))
[(normalized-metadata env f (second more)) (drop 2 more)]
[(normalized-metadata env f nil) more])))
([env s] (extract-arrow-schematized-element env s false))
([env s rest-arg?]
(assert (seq s))
(let [[f & more] s
[arg more] (if (= :- (first more))
(let [[arg more] [(normalized-metadata env f (second more)) (drop 2 more)]
[arg more] (if (and rest-arg? (= 2 (count more)))
(if (= :.. (first more))
(let [dvar (second more)]
(assert! (and (symbol? dvar)
(not (namespace dvar)))
(str "Bad '&' binding: dotted variable must be simple symbol: " (pr-str dvar)))
[(vary-meta arg update :schema
(fn [template]
`(let [template# (fn [~dvar] ~template)]
(instance? schema.core.AnyDotted ~dvar)
(template# (:schema ~dvar))

(vector? ~dvar)
[(apply s/cond-pre ~dvar)]

:else (throw (ex-info (str ~(format "Unknown value for dotted variable %s: " dvar)
(drop 2 more)]))
[arg more])]
[arg more])
[(normalized-metadata env f nil) more])]
(when rest-arg?
(assert! (empty? more) (str "Extra elements after rest argument: " (pr-str more))))
[arg more])))

(defn process-arrow-schematized-args
"Take an arg vector, in which each argument is followed by an optional :- schema,
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(loop [in args out []]
(if (empty? in)
(let [[arg more] (extract-arrow-schematized-element env in)]
(recur more (conj out arg))))))
(if (= '& (first in))
(let [[arg more] (extract-arrow-schematized-element env (next in) true)]
(recur more (conj out (first in) arg)))
(let [[arg more] (extract-arrow-schematized-element env in)]
(recur more (conj out arg)))))))

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(assert! (or (symbol? rest-arg)
(and (vector? rest-arg)
(not-any? #{'&} rest-arg)))
"Bad & binding form: currently only bare symbols and vectors supported" (vec post-&))
"Bad '&' binding form: currently only bare symbols and vectors supported" (vec post-&))

[(vec pre-&)
(if (vector? rest-arg)
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(if (vector? arg)
(simple-arglist-schema-form true arg)
(do (assert! (vector? s) "Expected seq schema for rest args, got %s" s)
`(let [s# ~s]
(assert! (vector? s#) "Expected seq schema for rest args, got %s" s#)

(defn input-schema-form [regular-args rest-arg]
(let [base (simple-arglist-schema-form false regular-args)]
(if rest-arg
(vec (concat base (rest-arg-schema-form rest-arg)))
`(into ~base ~(rest-arg-schema-form rest-arg))

(defn apply-prepost-conditions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,12 +340,43 @@
(cons (into regular-args (when rest-arg ['& rest-arg]))

(defn parse-poly-binder [binder]
(loop [binder binder
out []]
(if (empty? binder)
(let [[sym & binder] binder
_ (assert (and (symbol? sym)
(not (namespace sym)))
(str "Expected simple symbol in polymorphic binder: " sym))
[opts binder] (loop [binder binder
opts {:kind :schema}]
(if (not (keyword? (first binder)))
[opts binder]
(= :- (first binder)) (let [[_ kind & binder] binder]
(recur binder (assoc opts :kind kind)))
(= :.. (first binder)) (recur (next binder) (assoc opts :kind :..))
:else (throw (ex-info (str "Unknown keyword in polymorphic binder: " (first binder))
(recur binder (conj out [sym opts]))))))

(defn poly-binder-outer-bindings [binder]
(into [] (mapcat (fn [[sym {:keys [kind]}]]
[sym (case kind
:schema `schema.core/Any
:.. `(schema.core/->AnyDotted schema.core/Any)
(throw (ex-info (str "Unknown kind: " kind)
(parse-poly-binder binder)))

(defn process-fn-
"Process the fn args into a final tag proposal, schema form, schema bindings, and fn form"
[env name fn-body]
(let [compile-validation (compile-fn-validation? env name)
output-schema (extract-schema-form name)
output-schema-sym (gensym "output-schema")
poly-binder (-> name meta ::binder)
bind-meta (or (when-let [t (:tag (meta name))]
(when (primitive-sym? t)
{:tag t}))
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schema-bindings (map :schema-binding processed-arities)
fn-forms (map :arity-form processed-arities)]
{:outer-bindings (vec (concat
(poly-binder-outer-bindings poly-binder)
(when compile-validation
`[~(with-meta ufv-sym {:tag 'java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference}) schema.utils/use-fn-validation])
[output-schema-sym output-schema]
(apply concat schema-bindings)
(mapcat :more-bindings processed-arities)))
:arglists (map :arglist processed-arities)
:raw-arglists (map :raw-arglist processed-arities)
:schema-form (if (= 1 (count processed-arities))
`(schema.core/->FnSchema ~output-schema-sym ~[(ffirst schema-bindings)])
`(schema.core/make-fn-schema ~output-schema-sym ~(mapv first schema-bindings)))
:schema-form (if poly-binder
;; can't reuse output-schema-sym or schema-bindings as type variables are instantiated via poly-binder-outer-bindings
`(schema.core/all ~poly-binder
~(if (= 1 (count processed-arities))
`(schema.core/->FnSchema ~output-schema ~[(-> schema-bindings first second)])
`(schema.core/make-fn-schema ~output-schema ~(mapv second schema-bindings))))
(if (= 1 (count processed-arities))
`(schema.core/->FnSchema ~output-schema-sym ~[(ffirst schema-bindings)])
`(schema.core/make-fn-schema ~output-schema-sym ~(mapv first schema-bindings))))
:fn-body fn-forms}))

(defn parse-arity-spec
"Helper for schema.core/=>*."
(assert! (vector? spec) "An arity spec must be a vector")
(let [[init more] ((juxt take-while drop-while) #(not= '& %) spec)
fixed (mapv (fn [i s] `(schema.core/one ~s '~(symbol (str "arg" i)))) (range) init)]
fixed (mapv (fn [i s] `(schema.core/one ~s '~(symbol (str "arg" i)))) (range) init)
start-dotted-idx (count fixed)]
(if (empty? more)
(do (assert! (and (= (count more) 2) (vector? (second more)))
(if (= (count more) 4)
(let [[_ template dots dvar] more]
(assert! (and (= :.. dots)
(symbol? dvar)
(not (namespace dvar)))
"An arity with & must be followed by a single sequence schema or dotted variable: %s"
(pr-str more))
`(into ~fixed (let [dvar# ~dvar
template# (fn [~dvar] ~template)]
(instance? schema.core.AnyDotted dvar#)
[(template# (:schema dvar#))]

(vector? dvar#)
(into [] (map-indexed (fn [i# s#] (schema.core/one
(template# s#)
(symbol (str "arg" (+ i# ~start-dotted-idx))))))
:else (throw (ex-info (str ~(format "Unknown value for dotted variable %s: " dvar)
(do (assert! (and (= (count more) 2) (vector? (second more)))
"An arity with & must be followed by a single sequence schema")
(into fixed (second more))))))
(into fixed (second more)))))))

(defn emit-defrecord
[defrecord-constructor-sym env name field-schema & more-args]
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;;; Public: helpers for schematized functions

(defn extract-leading-fn-kv-pairs
"Split list into a map of keys allowed at the beginning
of a schema fn macro (eg., :all), and the rest."
(loop [[k & [v & next-macro-args :as v-provided] :as macro-args] macro-args
leading-opts {}]
(if (= :all k)
(do (assert! v-provided (str "Missing value for key " k))
(recur next-macro-args (assoc leading-opts k v)))
[leading-opts macro-args])))

(defn normalized-defn-args
"Helper for defining defn-like macros with schemas. Env is &env
from the macro body. Reads optional docstring, return type and
attribute-map and normalizes them into the metadata of the name,
returning the normalized arglist. Based on"
[env macro-args]
(let [[name macro-args] (extract-arrow-schematized-element env macro-args)
(let [[leading-opts macro-args] (extract-leading-fn-kv-pairs macro-args)
[name macro-args] (extract-arrow-schematized-element env macro-args)
[maybe-docstring macro-args] (maybe-split-first string? macro-args)
[maybe-attr-map macro-args] (maybe-split-first map? macro-args)]
(cons (vary-meta name merge
(or maybe-attr-map {})
(when (:all leading-opts) {::binder (:all leading-opts)})
(when maybe-docstring {:doc maybe-docstring}))

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