Asgard RC2
The second Asgard release candidate, upgraded with some new features:
- Fixed some minor bugs and moved to new archiso version
- Built with Linux 3.16 kernel
- A full-featured terminal emulator (Tilda with custom config) is now available via F12 key
- Added
dwb command to play C-style bytebeat expressions - Nano editor got syntax highlighting support
- Added SoX sound editing utility
- Added MPlayer as the planned replacement for mpg123 as
dwb command backend - Added
virtual terminal manager - Added
(Tiny C Compiler by Fabrice Bellard) :tweak-asgard-style
dwb command is now deprecated and will be removed in the next RC
md5sum of gzipped image (asgard-RC2.iso.gz): 13579775134c9ce324654ad6e1459aae