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Component Builder

A component builder suitable for building, testing and deploying services in a single repo.

Getting Started

  1. Install component-builder from pypi:

    $ pip install component_builder

  2. Create a repository with isolated components, each with its own directory

     $ ls services
     avatars    billing    notifications   user-api
  3. Create a builder.ini file defining which components you'd like to auto build.

Place it in the root of your repository

 $ cat services/builder.ini



  1. Run commands! (or actually, modify your circle/travis/jenkins scripts to use the library)

Component Definition

Any component defined in builder.ini will be treated as a first class citizen.


    path to the component (in which a Makefile should be found)
    If present docker|custom. If docker, compbuild will expect to find an
    image built locally (during the build phase) that it can push at the
    release point to a docker registry
    A comma separated list of components that, if built, should trigger
    a build for this component. Useful for integration tests for


`make version`
    Should echo a string defining this version of the component. This is
    used to tag the repo, to tag docker images for this component and should
    be used if making libraries.

    BUILD_IDENTIFIER is a useful environment variable passed in to this
    call which should be used to ensure a unique version on every
    releasable build

`make build`
    Should do everything that is required so that testing and releasing can
    be performed.

`make test`
    Run tests, syntax checkers etc.

`make release` (optional)
    If `release-process` is defined as "custom", this will be called during
    `compbuild release`. Examples of things this might do:
        - Zip up package, place in known location for later step on build
          server to ship somewhere.
        - Release your library to pypi/npm

Typical Flow

$ compbuild declare
$ compbuild build
$ compbuild test
$ compbuild label 'stable'
$ compbuild tag
$ compbuild release

Given the above repository, where a PR was made with changes to user-api and notifications, this would do the following:

- Run `make build` on each changed component (user-api and notifications only)
- Run `make test` on changed components
- Create/Update a branch on github named stable-user-api to point to this commit
- Create/Update a branch on github named stable-notifications to point to this commit
- Create a tag of notifications-${version} and user-api-${version}
- Run `make release` on notifications
- Push a docker image on behalf of user-api
- Create/Update branches for both named released-notifications and released-user-api


  • github issue labels of component:notifications and component:user-api appear on the pull request
  • Commit statuses for the build + test phases of each component are added

Alternative Flow

For more fine grained control, you can call any command with the names of the components you want to perform that action on.


Environment Variables

The build system is responsible for providing env variables to configure component-builder

BUILD_IDENTIFIER Unique identifier of the current build

CENTRAL_REPORT_LOCATION A local directory that per component reports should be written to.

ENVIRONMENT (local|CI|etc..) The environment we are running in. Used to provide env variable overrides from a file in {component-name}/envs/{ENVIRONMENT}


REMOTE_DOCKER_PATH Where to push images to. eg.$GCLOUD_PROJECTID

DOCKER_CMD_AUTHED How to execute authenticated docker commands eg. docker [default] ~/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud docker --


INTERACT_WITH_GITHUB If set, the build will attempt to post commit updates on per-component stages, and add component labels if this is for a PR.

PULL_REQUEST_NAMES The name of the pull requests this commit is in

BUILD_SHA The sha of the built commit

BUILD_URL A URL that points to the build job (used in commit status')

GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN Token for accessing github with. Only used if INTERACT_WITH_GITHUB is set

GITHUB_PROJECT_USERNAME Username to access (eg for this would be example)

GITHUB_PROJECT_REPONAME Project to access (eg for this would be foo)

GITHUB_URL (optional) If you use Github Enterprise, set this to your correct Github URL. Else, compbuild will default to use

GIT_TAGGER_EMAIL The email address to assign the author of tags to.


Command line interface

$ compbuild --help
Intelligent builder for working with component-based repositories

  compbuild discover [--with-versions] [--vs-branch=BRANCH] [--all] [--filter=SELECTOR ...] [--conf=FILE]
  compbuild declare [<component>...] [--all] [--filter=SELECTOR ...] [--conf=FILE]
  compbuild build [<component>...] [--all] [--filter=SELECTOR ...] [--conf=FILE]
  compbuild test [<component>...] [--all] [--filter=SELECTOR ...] [--conf=FILE]
  compbuild label <label> [<component>...] [--all] [--filter=SELECTOR ...] [--conf=FILE]
  compbuild tag [<component>...] [--all] [--filter=SELECTOR ...] [--conf=FILE]
  compbuild release [<component>...] [--all] [--filter=SELECTOR ...] [--conf=FILE]
  compbuild get <attr> [<component>...] [--all] [--filter=SELECTOR ...] [--conf=FILE]
  compbuild env [<component>...] [--all] [--filter=SELECTOR ...] [--conf=FILE]
  compbuild -h | --help
  compbuild --version

  -h --help            Show this screen.
  --all                Do all the components
  --filter=SELECTOR    Filter components based on selector
                       (e.g. --filter=relase-process=docker)
  --version            Show version.
  --conf=FILE          Configuration file location [default: builder.ini]
  --with-versions      Print out all items of interest, with versions
  --vs-branch=BRANCH   Discover changes made compared to BRANCH. If not set,
                       comparison will be to latest staging branch for each


$ echo "0.1" > component-builder/VERSION.txt $ pip install -e component-builder

Now you can play with it!


builder.ini, found in the working directory from which you run compbuild build holds configuration for the build process.

Each component that needs building, testing and releasing should be defined there.