sbt-keychain provides support for fetching repository credentials from the system keychain, rather than including them in plaintext in a local credentials file.
The plugin currently provides basic support for credential lookup via git credential helpers,
including git-credential-osxkeychain
for Mac OS X, and git-credential-winstore
on Windows.
In the future, we'll investigate adding direct support for querying the system keychain APIs, including:
- Keychain Services for Mac OS X.
- Credentials Management on Windows.
- Gnome Keyring on Linux.
Contributions of keychain storage backends are most welcome.
Add the following to your ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/gpg.sbt
file (you may need to create the directory):
// Required until we can submit the plugin to Maven Central
resolvers += "Plausible OSS" at ""
addSbtPlugin("coop.plausible" %% "sbt-keychain" % "1.0.1")
Configure the set of accounts to be fetched from the keychain in ~/.sbt/0.13/global.sbt
import coop.plausible.sbt.keychain.{KeychainAccount, KeychainPlugin}
keychainAccounts ++= Seq(
KeychainAccount("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "", Some("my-username"))
credentials <++= KeychainPlugin.keychainCredentials
Credentials for the listed accounts will be automatically fetched from the keychain by KeychainPlugin.keychainCredentials
If username
is left unspecified (eg, None
), the keychain plugin will try to derive the account name from the keychain.