NOTE: if you are targeting wasm32-unknown-unknown
on aarch64
(Macbook M1/M2), remember
to ensure rust isn't installed via homebrew, use rustup. I've had so many errors via
the homebrew install for wasm32 targets.
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install --locked wasm-bindgen-cli
# First, install cargo dependencies (if you don't have them).
cargo install trunk
# Then start the trunk server for the example file
cd examples/simple
trunk serve
Add to your cargo.toml
leptos-ethereum-provider = { git = "" }
Use the provider as a component like so:
use leptos::*;
use leptos_ethereum_provider::{
chain, AccountLabel, ConnectButton, EthereumContextProvider, SwitchNetworkButton,
pub fn App(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
view! { cx,
<SwitchNetworkButton chain=chain::ethereum()/>
<SwitchNetworkButton chain=chain::avalanche_testnet()/>
fn main() {
mount_to_body(|cx| view! { cx, <App/> })