Version adds following enhancements to the texture plugin for OJS 3.3
- Create galley from XML files for JATS XML files
- By galley creation all dependent files are copied to the galley
- By user selection following metada blocks are added or updated to the jats metadata section
- Journal metadata
- Publication history (recieved, accepted and published date )
- published date can be either taken over or modified in the create galley modal
- First page and last page of the article in a volume
<journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">JPKJPK</journal-id>
<issn pub-type="epub">0378-5955</issn>
<publisher-name>Public Knowledge Project</publisher-name>
<date type="received" iso-8601-date="2022-09-07">
<date type="accepted" iso-8601-date="2022-09-12">
<date type="published" iso-8601-date="2022-12-11">
<pub-date pub-type="epub">
- Create the cc-by license block inserted in the journal. Additionally, If a ported cc-by url is added it will be mapped accordingly.
e.g. will be mapped to the following block by using the counry codes in OJS.
<copyright-statement>© 2022 The Author(s)</copyright-statement>
<license license-type="open-access"
xlink:href="" xml:lang="en">
/>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany License (CC BY 3.0 DE).</license-p>