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Wombat Forensics

Wombat Forensics is a new Forensic Analysis tool built entirely in C and C++. The GUI is built using the FOX-Toolkit, so it may one day work on Windows, Linux and Macintosh systems. The current design is Linux specific, but if there ever is a need I can eventually implement various IF's to make it work on the Windows and Mac. The application is designed to be user friendly, fast, and always maintain GUI responsiveness. Having used AD Lab, X-Ways, Encase, Axiom, and Autopsy, I found various things that would bother me or were slow and unresponsive. I decided for a resource intensive application, using C/C++ was important.

Repository Change

  • I am no longer building code on github. I have moved my code to the website and am hosting my repositories on a vps using fossil for the repositories rather than git. I decided to stop using github due to all the AI crap and scraping code. My code isn't fancy or great, and it is free, but I just don't like the idea of scraping without my ok and since github is free, that is part of the price for free access. So I am leaving the historical bits of my repositories, but moving them all to fossil repositories. Feel free to check them out, they aren't as fancy or featureful as github, but it fits my needs.

In the Works Features

  • I currently building mobile extraction support. It will load a zip or ufd/ufdx and display the root directory and let you navigate the directories. It is very rudimentary and more features will come. There is no waiting hours to navigate the directory of a phone extraction. That is the design behind it same as a forensic image.
  • I can read/parse squashfs forensic images, as well as my custom wombat forensic image, which i changed the format and am using walafus code to implement.

Current Features

  • The goal is to implement all these features in the redone fox-toolkit version prior to the next release (v0.5), this will take a while, but I'll get it there in the end.

  • Tagging - You can Tag (bookmark) files by simply right clicking on a file and selecting the tag to apply. (v0.2)

  • Report Preview - This feature generates the report in a preview window as you add evidence or tag files to different sections. If thumbnailing has been done, then thumbnails will display properly in the preview report. (v0.2+)

  • Publish Report - Publish a report and export/link files to the HTML Report. Places the report in the reporting directory set by the user from the settings dialog and in a unique sub folder based on date/time. (v0.2+)

  • Manual Carving - You can manually carve sections from the hex and tag them to your report. (v0.1+)

  • Image/Video Thumbnailing Viewer is a separate window, and once loaded has no lag when scrolling. You can go as fast as you want. (v0.2+)

  • If running a large ingest or just need a break, you can launch xchomp (pacman clone). (v0.2+)

  • Any post processing (digging deeper) is done in the background on other threads, so you can continue to review the evidence without any lag. (v0.1+)

  • Filtering will gray out non-matches, rather than hide the files in case you still want to look at them. (v0.1+)

  • You can have multiple "File Properties", "File Hex", "Viewer Windows", etc. open for different files for comparative analysis. (v0.2+)

  • File signature analysis is done at ingest. (v0.1+)

  • Hashing files when "Digging Deeper" (cause Wombat's dig). (Blake3). (v0.3+)

  • Semi-Smart Carving for JPG's, GIF's, PNG's, PDF's, MPG1/2's, as well as the ability for the end user to enter carving information for simple header/footer file size carving. The semi-smart carving uses block information for other carved headers to restrict the file's. It isn't the best carver, but it is better than basic and is a good start. (v0.3+)

  • $I30 Parser, Lnk Parser, PreFetch Parser, Recycle Bin (INFO2, $I) Artifact Parser, Zip Archive Parser (v0.3+)

  • Zip File Extraction added to "Digging Deeper" capability (v0.3+)

Current Viewers

  • The goal is to implement all these viewers in the redone fox-toolkit version prior to the next release (v0.5), which will take a while, but I'll get it there in the end.
  • Image (v0.1+)
  • Video (v0.1+)
  • Text (v0.1+)
  • HTML (v0.1+)
  • PDF (v0.3+)
  • External Viewer feature where you can specify external programs (v0.1+)
  • Registry Viewer (v0.3+)

Comparison with Other Forensic Suites

  • Coming Soon...


I wanted to improve my general forensic knowledge and understanding of what the existing tools are doing as well as learn more about specific artifacts. One way to do that is to build a forensic tool. This will give me better knowledge of how the black box tools are working. I didn't want to reinvent the wheel, so I am making use of as many open source libraries and tools as possible, to include the libsmraw, libewf, liblnk, libmagick, and so on.

Why is user friendly so important?

When I started this project, there were no GUI forensic tools for linux, and so I would be working with the major GUI forensic tools in Windows. I don't like Windows at all, and all the existing GUI forensic tools have issues that bothered me. They would experience GUI freezes or GUI tearing and redrawing issues which is annoying and interrupts my workflow and train of thought. Some of the tools have too many ways to do the same thing or options that are very confusing and not explained very well or intuitive as to their meaning. I shouldn't have 3 ways to do the same thing, it is overkill and poor design. A program can be robust, but provide a sensible set of features/options to a user.

Wombat Forensics is user oriented in its design. You can select an item or check multiple items. The program is multithreaded. The GUI is always responsive because resource intensive tasks are done on different threads. Large files will not slow down the application. The hex viewer was designed to load portions of a file at a time, therefore it is always fast to view and does not eat up RAM.

I find it a waste of real estate to have a treeview in one frame and a table listing in another frame. Therefore I have combined the file structure treeview and the file information table into one view with a toolbar. Rather than expand the tree so it gets so wide you can't view anything other than the file names, as you double click items, the child contents of that parent will load in the treeview and the parent will go into the path toolbar. Each parent folder/file is a toolbar button so you can click backwards and back through the tree from the evidence images to the currently selected file/folder. The columns sort of autoresize when data is loaded but then they don't autoresize so the user can control the resizing of the views. Also, the user can show/hide columns by right mouse clicking on any column header and selected the column from the subsequent right click menu.

I run timezone data in UTC for all features. I always prefer to work in UTC and then there is an option to automatically convert to a preferred timezone when generating the report. This timezone selection is in the settings dialog. If you change the timezone, the preview report will update the dates and times accordingly, as well as the timezone listed in the report. It will not update an already generated "Published Report", you will have to generate a new report to show the new timezone.

Why open source?

Closed source tools are a black box. Wombat Forensics is open source and integrates open source libraries such as the libaff and libewf, enabling an examiner to review code to find out how the tool yields results and verify that the results are what they should be.

When will it be ready?

Operating systems, file systems and software programs are constantly changing, so digital forensics must also constantly change. So it will never be finished, but hopefully in a polished state for some kind of usage by v1.0. With all that said and done, I am a single developer who has a full time job and spends about 3 hours/day for 3 days/week (avg) working on this project. Plus to ensure it is the most efficient and most user friendly interface, I have no issues reworking entire portions to fix issues.