Repository for terraform workshop given by Anuj Jain @ajain-ee.
- Run terraform version on the command line and verify it is 0.12.16.
- Get your AWS account access key and access secret ready.
- Fork repository .
- Checkout branch “step-1”.
- Replace aws key and aws secret variable
- Run terraform init
- Run terraform plan
- Commit your changes on branch step-1.
- Merge step-1 branch into master
Checkout branch "step-2" and rebase with master.
Extract hardcode access_key into variables like this:
variable "aws_access_key" { default = "" } access_key = var.aws_access_key
Replace all other hardcoded values as well with variables.
Set ami value to appropriate ami available in choice of region. I am setting public ubuntu available in eu-east-1 "ami-04b9e92b5572fa0d1"
Set keyname and public_key value is your any open-ssh formatted public key. Using this key you can ssh into ec2 box.
Set subnet id from default vpc in your aws region.
Run terraform plan
Run terraform apply
Verify ec2 instance by doing ssh into ec2-instance using command.
ssh -i <path-to-private-key> ubuntu@public-ip-address-of-ec2-instance
Commit and Merge step-2 branch into master.
Checkout branch "step-3" and rebase with master.
Create a bucket "terraform-workshop" in you account.
Set the following variables in terraform backend configuration
backend "s3" { bucket = "terraform-workshop" region = "" key = "workshopstate/terraform.tfstate" }
Run terraform init, terraform will prompt your for state migration from local to remote location. press yes for migration.
Run terraform plan
Run terraform apply
Commit and Merge step-3 branch into master.
- Checkout branch "step-4" and rebase with master.
- Run terraform destroy and approve the destruction and start fresh.
- update the key value pairs with your openssh public key, this will be used to ssh into ec2 instance launch in public subnet.
- Run terraform plan
- Run terraform apply
- Go to AWS Console and verify your vpc and subnets are created.
- Go EC2 service and verify 2 instance are running.
- SSH into public ec2 instance with ssh key.
- Commit and Merge step-4 branch into master.
- Checkout branch "step-5" and rebase with master.
- Check the install-apache.tpl and see it usage in ec2 instance first instance user data.
- Run terraform plan
- Run terraform apply
- Get the public ip and terrform output and open ip in browser. You should greeting message from install apache file in browser.
- Commit and Merge step-5 branch into master.