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Menu Sidebar

Henner S edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 1 revision

Remove Admin Menu

H::remove_menu( $titles );


$titles (array) - Array of the menu titles (case sensitive).


H::remove_menu( array('Comments', 'Tools') );

Add Admin Menu

H::add_menu( $title, $args );


$title (string) - The text that appear in the Menu.

$args (array) - Available list are:

  • slug (string) - The URL that comes after

  • icon (string) - Icon names are listed here.

  • position (string) - Relative position of this menu. The keyword is below / above followed by an existing menu title. For example: "below Pages".

  • submenu (array) - List of links under this menu. The format is title => slug.

  • counter (function) - Function that returns an integer. It is shown as circled number besides the menu title.


Create a shortcut to edit your main pages:

H::add_menu('Home', array(
  'slug' => 'post.php?post=10&action=edit', // direct link to a specific Edit page.
  'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-home',
  'position' => 'below Posts',
  'submenu' => array(
    'About' => 'post.php?post=12&action=edit',
    'Contact Us' => 'post.php?post=14&action=edit'
  'counter' => function() {
    return 5; // doesn't have any meaning, for showcase only

Edje WordPress - Customize Admin Menu Sidebar

Add Admin Submenu

H::add_submenu( $parent_title, $menu_items );


$parent_title (string) - The title of the parent (case sensitive).

$menu_items (array) - Key-value pair for Title and Permalink.


Combine the shortcut with the original "Pages"

H::add_submenu('Pages', array(
  'About' => 'post.php?post=12&action=edit',
  'Contact Us' => 'post.php?post=14&action=edit'

Edje WordPress - Customize Admin Submenu

Add Admin Menu Counter

H::add_menu_counter( $parent_title, $function );


$parent_title (string) - The title to place this counter.

$function (callable) - Calculate the number and should return integer.


Add number of posts that are still in "Draft".

H::add_menu_counter( 'Posts', 'count_draft_posts' );

function count_draft_posts() {
  $posts = Timber::get_posts(array(
    'post_type' => 'post',
    'post_status' => 'draft'
  return count( $posts );

Edje WordPress - Add Number counter on Admin Menu