Build: Java SDK > 8.x Run: Java RE > 8.x
./gradlew build
or if you have gradle installed
The final fat jar will be in build/libs/pivio.jar
In the simplest case you would just use java -jar build/libs/pivio.jar
Without parameters it will look for a pivio.yaml
in the current directory.
Pivio has some options to configure its use.
usage: pivio
-config <arg> Defines the config for all parameters. This
is a properties file with some the switches
listed here. Default location is
-defaultconfigname <arg> Defines the name of your yaml metadata. The
suffix '.yaml' will be always appended.
Defaults to 'pivio'.
-dry Do a dry run, do not submit anything but
output it to stdout.
-file <arg> Full path to a file containing the data in
yaml format. Does not have to be named
pivio.yaml. This overwrites the -source
switch and only information in this file will
be collected.
-generatejsonschema Outputs the json schema for validation to the
current processed yaml file.
-gitremote <arg> Uses the given argument as origin for Git VCS
remote detection (default: origin). This is
useful if you have multiple remotes
configured and/or differently named.
-help This Help.
-manualdependencies <arg> Defines the file which holds manual defined
dependencies. Defaults to:
-out <arg> Output the generated json to this file.
-outattributes <arg> Only output these top level attributes to the
outfile, e.g. name,id,runtime.
-piviofilenotfoundexit0 Fail with Exit(0) when a pivio document was
not found in the source directory. Default is
1 in such as case.
-serviceurl <arg> The URL of the pivio service. If this switch
is not supplied, no upload will happen.
Needs to end with `/document`.
-source <arg> The directory containing the pivio.yaml file.
Should be the root directory of the project.
-sourcecode <arg> Defines the directory (or comma-separated
directories) your source code with the build
file is located in. If it is relative path,
it is relative to the pivio.yaml file. This
switch can also be defined with the
'PIVIO_SOURCECODE' environment variable.
-uploadfailexit1 Fail with Exit(1) when document can not be
uploaded. Default is 0 in such a case.
-verbose Prints more information.
-yamldir <arg> All *.yaml files in this directory will be
read and each file is treated as self
contained definition of an artefact.
Usage: java -jar ./pivio.jar -source /home/ci/source/customerservice
You can define certain defaults in a properties file which will be used if it exists. The default location for this is
(can be configured via -config switch).
You can configure the following values:
- source
- gitremote
- serviceurl
- file
- defaultfile
- yamldir
- manualdependencies
The format is key:value as in Java properties files.
If a Yaml file is not a valid yaml file the client will exit with code 1.
The format is defined in At the moment this client only supports a definition in a single file and not a single definition splitted over multiple files.