Alpine image with angular-cli installed
Current build has the following versions:
- node version: v6.2.0
- npm version: 3.10.9
- angular-cli version: 1.0.0-beta.18
User inside container is: uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user)
There is an entrypoint script (/ which runs npm install
every time you initiate the container with the default command and then run ng serve --host
- Simply run the container mounting your files inside the it (at /home/user/src):
me@host$ cd /my/project/folder
me@host$ docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/home/user/src" -p 4200:4200 -p 49153:49153 pitervergara/alpine_angular-cli
- Access http://localhost:4200/
If you do not have an angular-cli project yet and the folder you mount into the container is empty, them the entrypoint script will create a project for you, so
- run the following command to have a brand new project
me@host$ cd /empty/folder
me@host$ docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/home/user/src" -p 4200:4200 -p 49153:49153 pitervergara/alpine_angular-cli
- Access http://localhost:4200/
If you want more control over project initialization, run a shell inside the container and once inside it, use ng command at your will:
me@host$ cd /empty/folder
me@host$ docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/home/user/src" pitervergara/alpine_angular-cli /bin/sh
user@container $ ng
Usage: ng <command (Default: help)>
Available commands in angular-cli: